PRO scc_daily_pretties,yyyymmdd,cam0,sc0, PNG_ONLY=png_only, nopop=nopop, imlist=imlist, $ minus30=minus30, USE_P0=use_p0, histars=histars, SOURCE=source, $ ANAGLYPH=ANAGLYPH, DOALL=DOALL, NORDIFF=nordiff, _EXTRA=_extra ; ;+ ; $Id:,v 1.65 2022/06/10 22:17:28 secchia Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO SECCHI ; ; Name : SCC_DAILY_PRETTIES ; ; Purpose : This procedure converts raw SECCHI images into "pretty" images. This routine is not ; for everyone! People should generally use SECCHI prep for this. The intention for this ; routine is that it will run daily to generate a full set of 'pretty" pictures ready for ; the web, etc. ; ; Explanation: ; ; Use : IDL> scc_daily_pretties,'YYYYMMDD','CAM','SC' ; ; Inputs :CAM0 = cor1, cor2, hi1, hi2, euvi ; SC0 = 'A', 'B' ; YYYYMMDD = date to be processed ; ; Outputs : JPG24 and PNG files in /net/earth/data3/secchi/images ; ; Keywords : ; /USE_P0 Do ONLY computed total brightness images for cor2; by default BOTH pTBr and dbTB are done. ; /PNG_ONLY Skip jpegs. ; /NOPOP -- Don't pop up a "preview' window for each image ; IMLIST=list STRARR of FITS files to be done ; SOURCE='lz','pb' or 'rt' ; default is lz ; /doall creates daily prettie for all fits file not just the missing pretties ; /minus30 = changes do date to date-30 days ; /histars = create hi star daily pretties. ; /NORDIFF DO NOT do running-difference images ; ; Calls from LASCO : gif2jpeg24 ; ; Common : ; ; Restrictions: Need appropriate permissions to write images to disk ; ; Side effects: ; ; Category : DAILY ; ; Prev. Hist. : None. ; ; Written : Karl Battams, NRL/I2, MAR 2007 ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.65 2022/06/10 22:17:28 secchia ; removed cronus from mail statements ; ; Revision 1.64 2017/08/15 16:07:50 nathan ; put cor2 p0 in separate directory ; ; Revision 1.63 2017/08/10 21:52:27 nathan ; do not do rdiff if /use_p0 ; ; Revision 1.62 2015/12/03 14:14:21 secchia ; handles yearly directory for COR2 P0 images ; ; Revision 1.61 2015/08/03 18:34:22 hutting ; added yearly directories ; ; Revision 1.60 2014/09/22 18:27:13 secchia ; added usesw to work with one file in during sidelobe ops ; ; Revision 1.59 2014/09/03 19:13:59 hutting ; added all SW check for sidelobe operations ; ; Revision 1.58 2013/11/25 17:02:51 secchia ; nr - pass source to scc_daily_rdiff so does pb ; ; Revision 1.57 2012/10/16 20:49:53 nathan ; implement SECCHIP_JPG and check for skipping in SECCHI_PNG not SECCHIP_PNG ; ; Revision 1.56 2012/08/23 15:40:21 secchia ; nr - comment ; ; Revision 1.55 2012/05/23 12:31:11 secchia ; defines use_p0 if keyword not set ; ; Revision 1.54 2012/05/03 14:45:50 nathan ; use SECCHIP_PNG instead of SECCHI_PNG ; ; Revision 1.53 2012/04/13 16:57:04 mcnutt ; corrected call to message ; ; Revision 1.52 2012/04/11 22:02:44 secchib ; nr - fix case where sum2 is null ; ; Revision 1.51 2012/04/11 16:39:29 nathan ; Do not chdir; by default do all COR2 double AND TotBrightness from SECCHI_P0 ; ; Revision 1.50 2011/10/13 19:15:29 nathan ; use scc_suffix() for output filenames ; ; Revision 1.49 2011/09/01 20:53:14 secchib ; always set yloc to 0 ; ; Revision 1.48 2011/08/15 21:51:57 nathan ; fix SFILES= for >1 telescope; donot do loadct; move wdel,/all ; ; Revision 1.47 2011/08/09 20:24:10 secchib ; nr - logic error ; ; Revision 1.46 2011/08/09 20:13:31 nathan ; simplify code; use filetime instead of outfilen ; ; Revision 1.45 2011/08/08 19:06:11 nathan ; add /nordiff option ; ; Revision 1.44 2011/08/08 19:01:21 mcnutt ; do not run daily_rdiff if histars ; ; Revision 1.43 2011/08/08 18:46:30 mcnutt ; do not run daily_rdiff if minus30 ; ; Revision 1.42 2011/07/21 20:09:32 secchia ; nr - wait before rdiff ; ; Revision 1.41 2011/07/21 19:53:00 secchib ; nr - limit cor2 double to 2/hour ; ; Revision 1.40 2011/07/20 21:59:08 secchib ; oops ; ; Revision 1.39 2011/07/20 21:07:10 secchib ; nr - fix cor2 db/tb naming ; ; Revision 1.38 2011/07/20 15:46:03 nathan ; make /USE_DOUBLE the default for COR2; add /USE_P0 as option ; ; Revision 1.37 2011/07/20 15:30:12 nathan ; change DOUBLE string to match monthly images ; ; Revision 1.36 2011/07/19 18:26:51 secchia ; nr - fix names for cor2 double ; ; Revision 1.35 2011/05/18 22:02:25 nathan ; for cor1 do daily_rdiff and return ; ; Revision 1.34 2011/05/17 20:19:50 secchia ; loadct,0 before rdiffs ; ; Revision 1.33 2011/05/13 18:50:20 nathan ; call scc_daily_rdiff with /USE_DOUBLE ; ; Revision 1.32 2011/05/13 18:44:28 nathan ; always do scc_daily_rdiff ; ; Revision 1.31 2010/02/08 20:08:38 secchib ; nr - check for files exist if /minus30 ; ; Revision 1.30 2009/06/24 18:18:21 mcnutt ; sets cam_str for histars before file check and sets doall to 1 if minus30 keyword_set ; ; Revision 1.29 2009/06/12 13:32:01 secchia ; corrected final print statment if all images had allready been created ; ; Revision 1.28 2009/06/12 12:39:30 mcnutt ; added skipping variale to set yloc for scc_mkimage ; ; Revision 1.27 2009/06/12 12:20:20 mcnutt ; if daily pretty exists it will be skipped unless keyword_Set DOALL ; ; Revision 1.26 2009/05/06 20:14:21 secchib ; use SOURCE= to define what pipeline to use ; ; Revision 1.25 2009/05/06 19:12:33 nathan ; use $SECCHI for finding FITS files, not $secchi ; ; Revision 1.24 2009/04/06 21:52:44 nathan ; left in stub for /anaglyph option ; ; Revision 1.23 2009/03/30 11:50:13 mcnutt ; changed size for 256 times ; ; Revision 1.22 2009/03/24 12:12:34 mcnutt ; remove images from summary which are from the previous day ; ; Revision 1.21 2008/11/03 16:44:16 mcnutt ; removed test directory ; ; Revision 1.20 2008/11/03 16:27:33 mcnutt ; change keyword hienhance to histars to default to enhanced images ; ; Revision 1.19 2008/11/03 15:36:12 mcnutt ; added histars keyword will only write png files for enhanced hi images ; ; Revision 1.18 2008/09/25 15:45:00 nathan ; Added /USE_DOUBLE; times=3 for using scc_add_datetime; do wdel AFTER for-loop ; ; Revision 1.17 2008/09/15 20:20:11 secchia ; nr -removed /verbose from mk_image call ; ; Revision 1.16 2008/04/28 13:16:58 mcnutt ; added minus30 keyword to redo daily pretties for cor2 and HIs ; ; Revision 1.15 2008/03/31 20:08:21 nathan ; took /nologo out of mk_image call (behavior actually unchanged because /nologo had not been implemented in scc_mk_image) ; ; Revision 1.14 2008/02/27 16:42:51 mcnutt ; defines ftimes and send to scc_mk_image ; ; Revision 1.13 2008/02/15 11:44:20 mcnutt ; added startind and yloc to work with scc_mk_image as a wrapper to scc_mkframe ; ; Revision 1.12 2008/01/30 15:08:41 secchia ; nr - do not redefine inputs ; ; Revision 1.11 2008/01/23 17:44:16 secchib ; added imlist keyword ; ; Revision 1.10 2008/01/16 21:34:56 secchib ; nr - skip to next file if not found ; ; Revision 1.9 2008/01/14 19:40:57 nathan ; put timestamp on small images (bug 276) ; ; Revision 1.8 2007/11/14 14:42:05 reduce ; Add nopop k/w to stop popup windows, if desired. Karl. ; ; Revision 1.7 2007/11/13 16:05:52 nathan ; print destination filename ; ; Revision 1.6 2007/10/26 22:17:45 nathan ; added /PNG_ONLY and -p to mkdir ; ; Revision 1.5 2007/10/18 19:54:15 nathan ; fixed some more returns with cd back to orig ; ; Revision 1.4 2007/09/28 18:26:13 reduce ; EUVI bug fix. Karl ; ; Revision 1.3 2007/09/24 18:11:09 reduce ; Various changes made. Calls scc_mk_image now. Works nicely for Cor2(a). Karl ; ; Revision 1.2 2007/04/16 21:52:52 nathan ; swap secchi_prep args; rearrange summary query ; ; Revision 1.1 2007/03/28 19:12:21 reduce ; Initial Release -- Karl B ; ;- ; **************************************************************************************************************************** ; **************************************************************************************************************************** ; ******************************** FIRST WE DO ALL THE PREP AND GENERATE A FILE LIST... ************************************** ; **************************************************************************************************************************** ; **************************************************************************************************************************** stime=systime(1) if keyword_set(imlist) then $ files=imlist $ ELSE BEGIN date=yyyymmdd ;date get changed of minus30 keyword set ; initial setup IF (datatype(date) NE 'STR') THEN BEGIN PRINT,'Input date must be a string E.G. 20061223' RETURN ENDIF if getenv('SECCHIP_PNG') EQ '' THEN BEGIN PRINT,'' PRINT,'ERROR!! $SECCHIP_PNG environment variable is not set! PRINT,'' return endif if getenv('SECCHIP_JPG') EQ '' THEN BEGIN PRINT,'' PRINT,'ERROR!! $SECCHIP_JPG environment variable is not set! PRINT,'' return endif IF keyword_set(SOURCE) THEN src=strlowcase(source) ELSE src='lz' cam=strlowcase(cam0) sc=strcompress(strlowcase(sc0),/remove_all) tdir='img' wave='tb' CASE cam OF 'cor1': BEGIN scc_daily_rdiff,date,cam0,sc0 return s=getenv('secchi')+'/'+src+'/L0/'+sc+'/seq/cor1/' cor_flag=0 tdir='seq' ; PRINT,'Pretty picture processing is not yet implemented for COR1. Sorry...' END 'cor2': BEGIN s=getenv('secchi')+'/'+src+'/L0/'+sc+'/img/cor2/' IF keyword_set(USE_P0) THEN BEGIN s=GETENV('SECCHI_P0')+'/'+sc+'/cor2/' tdir='pol' use_p0=1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN use_p0=0 wave='db' ENDELSE loadct,1 END 'hi1': BEGIN s=getenv('secchi')+'/'+src+'/L0/'+sc+'/img/hi_1/' loadct,3 END 'hi2': BEGIN s=getenv('secchi')+'/'+src+'/L0/'+sc+'/img/hi_2/' loadct,1 END 'euvi': BEGIN s=getenv('secchi')+'/'+src+'/L0/'+sc+'/img/euvi/' END ELSE: BEGIN PRINT,'Unrecognized telescope code: '+cam RETURN END ENDCASE ; change date to date-30 if keyword_set(minus30)then begin ut30=anytim2utc(date) ut30.mjd=ut30.mjd-30 date=utc2yymmdd(ut30,/yyyy) doall=1 endif ; Check files exist PRINT,'' PRINT,'###### SEACHING FOR DATA... ###### PRINT,'' ;CD,s,curr=orig if keyword_set(use_p0) then f=file_search(s+strmid(date,0,4)+'/'+date+'/*fts') else f=file_search(s+'/'+date+'/*fts') sz=size(f) IF (sz(0) EQ 0) THEN BEGIN PRINT,'' PRINT,'No directory for '+cam+' telescope on '+date PRINT,'Did you use the correct date format? (YYYYMMDD)' PRINT,'' ;CD,orig RETURN ENDIF ; Use this date format for scc_read_summary dt2=strmid(date,0,4)+'-'+strmid(date,4,2)+'-'+strmid(date,6,2) if keyword_set(use_p0) then use_p0=use_p0 else use_p0=0 ; generate file list PRINT,'' PRINT,'###### READING SUMMARY FILE... ###### PRINT,'' summary=scc_read_summary(DATE=dt2,SPACECRAFT=sc,TELESCOPE=cam,TOTALB=use_p0, TYPE=tdir, SOURCE=source, _EXTRA=_extra) z=where(strpos(summary.filename,'_0B4c2') gt -1 or strpos(summary.filename,'_0p4c2') gt -1,cnt) if cnt gt 0 then sndate=s+strmid(date,0,4)+'/'+date+'/' else sndate=s+date+'/' files=sndate+summary.filename IF ~use_p0 and cam EQ 'cor2' THEN BEGIN sum2=scc_read_summary(DATE=dt2,SPACECRAFT=sc,TELESCOPE=cam,/TOTALB, TYPE='pol', SOURCE=source, _EXTRA=_extra) help,summary,sum2 ; IF n_elements(sum2) GT 1 THEN BEGIN ; summary=[summary,sum2] ; files2=GETENV('SECCHI_P0')+'/'+sc+'/cor2/'+strmid(date,0,4)+'/'+date+'/'+sum2.filename ; files=[files,files2] ; ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; message,'No COR2 B0 files for '+dt2,/info ; wait,60 ; ENDELSE ENDIF ;summary=summary[sort(summary.filename)] ;files=files[sort(summary.filename)] IF datatype(summary) NE 'INT' THEN BEGIN ;remove images form previous day with date obs on current day. (needed for EUVIB (2008-01-08 - 2008-01-25) dates=long(strmid(summary.filename,0,8)) dodate=long(strmid(dt2,0,4)+strmid(dt2,5,2)+strmid(dt2,8,2)) tdo=where(dates eq dodate) summary=summary(tdo) ENDIF PRINT,'Found a total of ',strcompress(n_elements(summary)),' files for the day.' IF datatype(summary) EQ 'INT' THEN BEGIN ;CD,orig RETURN ENDIF ; summary file query PRINT,'' PRINT,'###### COMPILING FILE LIST... ###### PRINT,'' IF (cam EQ 'euvi') THEN $ good = where(summary.DEST EQ 'SSR1' and (summary.compr EQ 'ICER5' or summary.compr EQ 'ICER6' or summary.compr EQ 'ICER4') and summary.XSIZE GE 1024) $ ELSE IF ((cam EQ 'hi1') OR (cam EQ 'hi2')) THEN $ good = where(summary.DEST EQ 'SSR1' and summary.XSIZE EQ 1024 and summary.YSIZE EQ 1024) $ ELSE IF (cam EQ 'cor1') THEN $ good = where(summary.DEST EQ 'SSR1' and summary.osnum EQ 1476 and summary.value EQ 0) $ ELSE $ good = where(summary.VALUE EQ 1001 and summary.XSIZE GE 1024 and summary.YSIZE GE 1024 and summary.PROG NE 'Dark' and $ ; exclude 0p4c2 (summary.exptime GT 3 or summary.exptime LT 0)) ; exclude 2sec Evtdet test image but include 0B4c2 tmp=where(summary.DEST ne 'SW',cnt) ;select images all during sidelobe operations usesw=0 if cnt lt 1 then begin good =where(summary.DEST eq 'SW') usesw=1 endif if n_elements(good) EQ 1 and usesw eq 0 then begin print,'ERROR: Could not find any/enough good images for the day...' ;cd,orig return endif else files=files[good] IF cam EQ 'cor2' THEN BEGIN ;; for DOUBLE, limit to 2/hour; ;gd=where(strmid(files,11,2) NE '39' and strmid(files,11,2) NE '08') ;files=files[gd] ENDIF n=n_elements(files) PRINT,'Found a total of ',strcompress(n),' appropriate files for the day.' wait,2 ;CD,path ;stop datedir=date ENDELSE ; ~keyword_set(imlist) ; **************************************************************************************************************************** ; **************************************************************************************************************************** ; ******************************* HERE'S WHERE WE ACTUALLY MAKE THE PRETTY IMAGES... **************************************** ; **************************************************************************************************************************** ; **************************************************************************************************************************** n=n_elements(files) first = 1 types=['.jpg','.png'] if (rstrmid(files[0],0,1) NE 's') then files=files+'s' ;set for mkframe startind = 0 ; ftimes=strarr(n) skipping=0 FOR i=0,n-1 DO BEGIN print,i yloc=i filei=files[i] help,filei break_file,filei,di,pa,ro,suf tt= strlowcase(rstrmid(ro,1,2)) sc= strlowcase(rstrmid(ro,0,1)) datedir=strmid(ro,0,8) if i gt 0 then if (datedir ne imgdir) then first=1 ; if this date is same as last date, we do not need to make directories later imgdir=datedir filetime=strmid(ro,0,15) ;----- ; This section is here so imfiles can have different telescopes in it ; wave='tb' CASE tt OF 'c1': BEGIN cor_flag=0 cam_str='cor1' PRINT,'Pretty picture processing is not yet implemented for COR1. Sorry...' goto, nextfile END 'c2': BEGIN IF rstrmid(ro,4,1) EQ 'd' THEN wave='db' cam_str='cor2' IF keyword_set(USE_P0) THEN cam_str='cor2_tbr' END 'h1': cam_str='hi' 'h2': cam_str='hi' 'eu': cam_str='euvi' ELSE: BEGIN PRINT,'Unrecognized telescope code: '+tt goto, nextfile END ENDCASE if keyword_set(histars) and cam_str EQ 'hi' then cam_str=cam_str+'_stars' ; ;----- check=file_search(getenv('SECCHI_PNG') + '/' + sc + '/' + cam_str + '/' + strmid(datedir,0,4)+ '/' + datedir+'/512/'+filetime+'*') if skipping eq 1 then yloc=0 if check(0) ne '' and ~keyword_set(doall) then skipping=1 else skipping=0 if (skipping) then goto, nextfile ;if first eq 1 or cam_str eq 'euvi' then yloc=0 yloc=0 ; Just print statement stuff... f1=strcompress(string(i+1),/remove_all) ff=strcompress(string(n),/remove_all) PRINT,'' PRINT,'###### PROCESSING FILE ',f1,' OF ',ff,'... ###### PRINT,'' ;if not cor_flag then secchi_prep,files[i],hdr,im,outsize=1024,/color_on,/smask_on,/calimg_off,/rotate_on,/precommcorrect else begin ; dat=sccreadfits(files[i],hdr) ; im=scc_mk_image_cor(dat,hdr,/domask) ;endelse IF keyword_set(ANAGLYPH) THEN BEGIN ; only make 1024x1024 if cam_str NE 'euvi' then BEGIN message,'Anaglyphs for EUVI only; exitting.',/info ;cd,orig return ENDIF ELSE BEGIN fileb=filei strput,fileb,'B',strpos(filei,'A') afile=sccfindfits(filei) bfile=sccfindfits(fileb) IF afile ne '' and bfile ne '' then begin ; get A-B pair and call im=scc_stereopair( afile, bfile ,/ANAGLYPH,/secchiprep,outsize=1024,smask_on=1,/automax) dummy = sccreadfits(afile, outhdr, /nodata) wave=outhdr.WAVELNTH wave=strmid(strcompress(wave,/remove_all),0,2) ; Compile and check the directory structure path = getenv('SECCHIP_PNG') + '/anaglyph/' + cam_str +'/1024/' + datedir +'/' ; make the directories we want to use... ;if first then begin if not file_exist(path) then begin PRINT,'Making directory...' cmd='mkdir -p '+path spawn,cmd endif ;endif ; now get filenames... fn=filetime+wave+'AB.png' outfile=path+fn write_png,outfile,im ENDIF ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN nopop=1 im=scc_mk_image(filei,yloc,startind,ftimes,outsize=1024,/nodatetime,outhdr=outhdr,nopop=nopop,/full,histars=histars,_EXTRA=_extra) IF im[0] LT 0 THEN goto, nextfile PRINT,'' PRINT,'###### REFORMATTING IMAGE DATA... ###### PRINT,'' im256=rebin(im,256,256) im256=scc_add_datetime(im256,outhdr,color=255, /ADDCAM,MVI=1) im=scc_add_datetime(im,outhdr,color=255, /ADDCAM,MVI=3) im512=rebin(im,512,512) ; get color table tvlct,r,g,b,/get if keyword_set(histars) then png_only=1 IF keyword_set(PNG_ONLY) THEN pngonly=1 ELSE BEGIN pngonly=0 ; make jpeg24 images GIF2JPG24,im,r,g,b,jpgimg GIF2JPG24,im512,r,g,b,jpgimg512 GIF2JPG24,im256,r,g,b,jpgimg256 ENDELSE if cam_str EQ 'euvi' then wave=strmid(trim(outhdr.WAVELNTH),0,2) ;stop FOR k=pngonly,1 DO BEGIN ; we'll loop twice; once for jpeg, once for png ; Compile and check the directory structure if k EQ 0 then $ path = getenv('SECCHIP_JPG') + '/' + sc + '/' + cam_str + '/' + strmid(datedir,0,4)+ '/' + datedir else $ path = getenv('SECCHIP_PNG') + '/' + sc + '/' + cam_str + '/' + strmid(datedir,0,4)+ '/' + datedir fn=filetime+scc_suffix(outhdr)+types[k] ; make the directories we want to use... if first then begin if not file_exist(path) then begin PRINT,'Making directories...' cmd='mkdir -p '+path spawn,cmd cmd='mkdir -p '+path+'/256' spawn,cmd cmd='mkdir -p '+path+'/512' spawn,cmd cmd='mkdir -p '+path+'/1024' spawn,cmd endif endif if k EQ 0 THEN BEGIN ; DO JPEGS PRINT,'' PRINT,'###### WRITING JPEGs... ###### PRINT,path,'/*/',fn outfile=path+'/256/'+fn WRITE_JPEG, outfile,jpgimg256,TRUE=3 outfile=path+'/512/'+fn WRITE_JPEG, outfile,jpgimg512,TRUE=3 outfile=path+'/1024/'+fn WRITE_JPEG, outfile,jpgimg,TRUE=3 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; DO PNGS PRINT,'' PRINT,'###### WRITING PNGs... ###### PRINT,path,'/*/',fn outfile=path+'/256/'+fn write_png,outfile,im256,r,g,b outfile=path+'/512/'+fn write_png,outfile,im512,r,g,b outfile=path+'/1024/'+fn write_png,outfile,im,r,g,b ENDELSE ENDFOR ; end the 'k' loop ENDELSE ; NOT anaglyph first=0 ; don't need to mkdir's any more nextfile: ENDFOR ;if ~keyword_set(imlist)then cd,orig ftime=systime(1) tot_time=strcompress(string((ftime-stime)/60),/remove_all) if datatype(ff) ne 'UND' then begin PRINT,'' PRINT,'######################################################### PRINT,'TOTAL PROCESSING TIME FOR ',ff,' FILES: ',tot_time,' MINS.' PRINT,'######################################################### PRINT,'' ENDIF ELSE begin PRINT,'' PRINT,'##################################################################################### PRINT,'ALL FILES EXIST TO REDO DAILY PRETTIES CALL SCC_DAILY_PRETTIES WITH KEYWORD /DOALL' PRINT,'##################################################################################### PRINT,'' ENDELSE print,'ctrl-c now to skip daily_rdiff' wait,3 loadct,0 if not keyword_set(minus30) and $ not keyword_set(histars) and $ not keyword_SET(IMLIST) and $ not keyword_SET(USE_P0) and $ not keyword_set(NORDIFF) then scc_daily_rdiff,date,cam0,sc0,/USE_DOUBLE,DOALL=doall, source=source wdel, /ALL ; DELETES ALL OPEN WINDOWS!!! (including pixmaps) END