;+ ; $Id: deep_field_v3.pro,v 1.2 2023/06/05 14:16:34 secchia Exp $ ; :Description: ; Background processing ; ; ; :Inputs: ; The inputs are: ; processed_date like '230325' ; ; :Keywords: ; - ; ; :Example: ; ; :Author: ; This code made by Evangelos Paouris (Apr. 2023). ; GMU and APL/JHU. ; ; :History: ; May 31, 2023: There is a possibility of some 36-second exposures being missing. To ensure accurate calculations, ; we have implemented a process that identifies the missing FITS files. The calculations are then ; performed using the available files. Please note that it is essential to check the log file for ; information on the number of missing files and the corresponding dates. ;- PRO Deep_Field_v3, processed_date ;---Give the date to be processed: ; processed_date = '2023-03-25' input yymmdd to be compatable with pipeline year_in = '20'+STRMID(processed_date, 0, 2) print, year_in month_in = STRMID(processed_date, 2, 2) print, month_in day_in = STRMID(processed_date, 4, 2) print, day_in file_out = STRARR(27) index = FLTARR(27) FOR j = -13.0, 13.0 DO BEGIN Print, '13+j: ', 13+j ;---We find 13 days before this date: B1 = JULDAY(month_in, day_in, year_in, 00, 00, 00) CALDAT, (DOUBLE(B1+j)), Month1, Day1, Year1, Hour1, Minute1, Second1 Print, Month1, Day1, Year1 before_date = STRING(Year1, FORMAT='(I04)')+"-"+STRING(Month1, FORMAT='(I02)')+"-"+STRING(Day1, FORMAT='(I02)') Print, before_date ;---We find 12 days before this date: B1 = JULDAY(month_in, day_in, year_in, 00, 00, 00) CALDAT, (DOUBLE(B1+(j+1.0))), Month1, Day1, Year1, Hour1, Minute1, Second1 Print, Month1, Day1, Year1 before_date2 = STRING(Year1, FORMAT='(I04)')+"-"+STRING(Month1, FORMAT='(I02)')+"-"+STRING(Day1, FORMAT='(I02)') Print, before_date2 ;--- ;---Define the start and end dates: starttime = STRING(before_date, FORMAT='(A10)');'2023-02-01';'Feb-1-2023';'2023-01-22'; starttime2 = STRING(before_date2, FORMAT='(A10)') ; endtime = STRING(after_date, FORMAT='(A10)');'2023-02-20';'Feb-20-2023';'2023-02-18'; Print, ' ' ;---Get all the files between two dates: l = SCC_READ_SUMMARY(DATE=[starttime,starttime2],TEL='COR2',SPACE='A') Print, 'Files for the period ' + starttime + ' and ' + starttime2 Print, 'scc_read_summary finished' Print, ' ' ;help, l, /str Print, N_ELEMENTS(l) if datatype(l) ne 'STC' then goto,nofiles ;---Get the files with a specific exposure time: i = WHERE(l.EXPTIME EQ 36.0, count) Print, i Print, STRING(count, FORMAT='(I3)') + ' file(s) were found!' IF i[0] EQ -1 THEN BEGIN Print, 'No file found - i=-1' file_out[13+j] = STRING(Year1, FORMAT='(I04)')+STRING(Month1, FORMAT='(I02)')+STRING(Day1, FORMAT='(I02)') + '_999999_d4c2A.fts' Print, 'new name for "ghost" file: ', file_out[13+j] index[13+j] = -1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN index[13+j] = 1 Print, 'Filenames: ' Print, l[i[0]].filename Print, ' ' file_out[13+j] = l[i[0]].filename ENDELSE Print, '---' ENDFOR ;FOR i = 0, N_ELEMENTS(index)-1 DO BEGIN ; Print, i, ' ', index[i] ;ENDFOR ii = WHERE(index NE -1, countii) if ii[0] eq (-1) then goto,nofiles Print, ii ;if ii ne (-1) then REMOVE, ii, file_out file_out=file_out[ii] FOR i = 0, N_ELEMENTS(file_out)-1 DO BEGIN Print, i, ' ', file_out[i] ENDFOR ;---Get the full path + name for each file: Files_in = SCCFINDFITS(file_out) FOR i = 0, N_ELEMENTS(file_out)-1 DO BEGIN Print, i, Files_in[i] Print, ' ' ENDFOR ;---Now run the scc_monthly_min for the "Files_in" list defined before: ;SCC_MONTHLY_MIN_EP,'cor2','A','Feb-21-2023','dbl',NDAYS=8,OUTDIR='/Users/paoure1/',FILES=Files_in ;SCC_MONTHLY_MIN_EP,'cor2','A','Feb-7-2023','dbl',OUTDIR='/Users/paoure1/',FILES=Files_in SCC_MONTHLY_MIN,'cor2','A',processed_date,'df',FILES=Files_in nofiles: print,'All Done' END ; ; $Log: deep_field_v3.pro,v $ ; Revision 1.2 2023/06/05 14:16:34 secchia ; corrected DF file names when sending in file name ; ; Revision 1.1 2023/06/02 17:40:42 secchia ; made name lowercase and if statment befroe remove ; ; Revision 1.2 2023/06/02 16:03:03 nathan ; add DF option to scc_monthly_min based on scc_monthly_min_ep.pro from Evangelos Paouris ; ; Revision 1.1 2023/06/02 15:52:24 nathan ; from Evangelos ;