PRO scc_rd_catalog, catalog, full=full, vmagmax=vmagmax ;+ ; NAME: ; SCC_RD_CATALOG ; ; PURPOSE: ; Read SECCHI star catalogs for any of the SECCHI instruments into a useful structure. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Astrometry ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; scc_rd_catalog,catalog,[/full] ; ; INPUTS: ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; FULL: Read in full (35,000 stars!) catalog. Default is 6,000 star ; sub-catalog of vmag < 7.0 stars. ; VMAGMAX = maximum visual magnitude in the final list ; ; OUTPUTS: ; catalog: structure containing fields in catalog file. ; ; PROCEDURE: ; ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by Karl Battams. June 2006 ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.4 2008/03/18 17:19:55 nathan ; fixed loss of revision 1.2 ; ; Revision 1.3 2008/03/17 20:42:14 avourlid ; Added vmagmax keyword to allow return of stars up to maximum visual magnitude ; ; Revision 1.2 2008/03/10 15:41:24 nathan ; update infile path for SSW ; ; Revision 1.1 2008/03/10 14:59:30 nathan ; moved from dev/astrometry ; ; Revision 1.5 2008/03/07 15:04:48 reduce ; Reads new star catalogs. Karl B. ; ; Revision 1.4 2008/02/06 19:08:46 reduce ; Fixed a formatting bug and a path issue. KarlB ; ; Revision 1.3 2006/09/06 16:05:28 reduce ; Add /full kw for reading full secchi star catalog ; ; Revision 1.2 2006/09/06 14:17:14 reduce ; Change path to catalog file. Karl B. ; ;- IF keyword_set(full) then infile0 = 'secchi_catalog_full.dat' else infile0 = 'secchi_catalog.dat' infile=concat_dir(concat_dir(getenv('SCC_DATA'),'astrometry'),infile0) openr,lun,infile,/get_lun nlines=file_lines(infile) inline = {hicat, $ Hic:0l, $ ; Hipparcos Number Alpha:0.0d, $ ; Right Ascension (degrees) Delta:0.0d, $ ; Declination (degrees) Lon:0., $ ; Longitude (degrees) Lat:0., $ ; Latitude (degrees) Vmag:0., $ ; Visual Magnitude Dvmag:0., $ ; Error on visual magnitude Bvmag:0., $ ; BV Magnitude Dbvmag:0., $ ; Error on BV Magnitude Spectype:'', $ ; Spectral Type Hd:0l, $ ; HD catalog number Sao:0l } ; SAO catalog number catalog = replicate({hicat}, nlines) for i = 0L, nlines-1 do begin readf, lun, inline, format = $ '(i6,x,f10.6,x,f10.6,x,f6.2,x, f5.3,2x, f6.3,x, f5.2,x, f6.3,x, f5.3,3x, a11,x, i6,3x, i6,x)' catalog(i) = inline endfor if keyword_set(vmagmax) then begin idx=where(catalog.vmag le vmagmax,cnt) if (cnt gt 0) then catalog=catalog(idx) else begin & print,'No stars found below Vmag=',vmagmax print,'Catalog was not modified!' endelse endif ; free_lun, lun return end