PRO PLANET,target,date ; date in the form '7-May-2007' ; $Id:,v 1.1 2008/03/10 14:59:30 nathan Exp $ ; ; Calculates the angle (ang) between the the telescope ; axis (for A or B) and the target of interest. Because A ; has a half fov of 35 deg, the target will be visible ; in A only if ang < 35 deg. Likewise, the target will ; be visible in B only if ang < 10 deg. ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.1 2008/03/10 14:59:30 nathan ; moved from dev/astrometry ; ; Revision 1.2 2007/11/16 21:24:24 nathan ; removed stop and s ; ; ; modified 09/05/07 by NRS from Bill Thompson's 12/15/06 ; message to Simon Plunkett. utc = anytim2utc(date,/ext) nn = 2881 ; 1440 minutes per day -> 2 days utc=replicate(utc,nn) utc.minute = utc.minute + lindgen(nn) check_ext_time, utc theta=13.28*!dtor & hi1=[cos(theta),0,-sin(theta)] theta=53.36*!dtor & hi2=[cos(theta),0,-sin(theta)] ma = get_stereo_coord(utc,'ahead',system='sci',target=target,/novel) mb = get_stereo_coord(utc,'behind',system='sci',target=target,/novel) ; hi1a = fltarr(nn) hi2a = fltarr(nn) hi1b = fltarr(nn) hi2b = fltarr(nn) for i=0,nn-1 do begin hi1a[i] = cspice_vsep(hi1,ma[*,i]) hi2a[i] = cspice_vsep(hi2,ma[*,i]) hi1b[i] = cspice_vsep(hi1,mb[*,i]) hi2b[i] = cspice_vsep(hi2,mb[*,i]) endfor hi1a = hi1a*!radeg hi2a = hi2a*!radeg hi1b = hi1b*!radeg hi2b = hi2b*!radeg linecolor, 1, 'red' linecolor, 2, 'blue' utplot, utc, hi1a, xstyle=1, yrange=[0,90], color=1, line=2 outplot, utc, hi2a, color=1 outplot, utc, hi1b, color=2, line=2 outplot, utc, hi2b, color=2 oplot, !x.crange, [10, 10], line=2 oplot, !x.crange, [35, 35] ; ; hi2a & hi1a = red (solid & dotted) ; hi2b & hi1b = blue (solid & dotted) ; end