function pix2coord, hdr0, pix, DEBUG=debug, SYSTEM=system, SPACECRAFT=spacecraft, SPHERICAL=spherical, $ SOLAR_RADII=solar_radii ;+ ; $Id:,v 1.10 2009/10/01 20:05:59 nathan Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO SECCHI ; ; Name : pix2coord ; ; Purpose : return coordinate of pixel(s) of a SECCHI image header in chosen system ; ; Explanation : This routine converts the native solar coordinates of a FITS ; file using the World Coordinate System into another solar ; coordinate system. The supported coordinate systems are: ; ; GEI Geocentric Equatorial Inertial = RA/Dec ; GEO Geographic ; GSE Geocentric Solar Ecliptic ; MAG Geomagnetic ; GSM Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric ; ; Helioprojective-Cartesian (HPC) ; Helioprojective-Radial (HPR) ; Heliocentric-Cartesian (HCC) ; Heliocentric-Radial (HCR) ; Stonyhurst-Heliographic (HG) ; Carrington-Heliographic (CAR) ; Heliocentric Aries Ecliptic (HAE) ; HAE Spherical (HAE, /SPHER) ; ; The helioprojective coordinates are angular position as seen by ; the observer, while heliocentric coordinates are the ; equivalents in spatial units (e.g. kilometers). Spherical coordinates ; are computed assuming a constant radius, specified as a multiple of ; the mean solar radius. ; ; Use : IDL> result= pix2coord( hdr, [34,123.3]) ; ; Inputs : ; hdr FITS header structure OR WCS structure ; ; OPtional inputs: ; pix FLTARR [2,n1,n2] array of IDL pixel coordinates; if not present, coordinates ; of entire array for input header will be returned. ; ; Outputs : ; coords DBLARR dimension depends on SYSTEM: ; projective/spherical: [[pos angle, elongation] or [longitude, latitude],nx,ny] ; cartesian: [[x,y,z],nx,ny] ; ; Keywords : ; SYSTEM= STRING designation of desired system; if not specified, returns ; helio-projective radial (HPR) ; /DEBUG Print pixel location of sun center for input image and some other info ; SPACECRAFT= String specifying STEREO-A or B. Required for HAE cartesian and input is not a FITS header. ; /SPHERICAL For HAE, return spherical coordinates at SOLAR_RADII distance from sun center ; SOLAR_RADII= Specify solar radii to compute HAE spherical coordinate; ; Currently works only for 1. ; ; Calls : FITSHEAD2WCS, WCS_GET_COORD, WCS_CONV_FIND_DSUN, WCS_CONVERT_FROM_COORD, ; CONVERT_STEREO_COORD ; ; Common : ; ; Restrictions: HAE coordinates require use ofthe Icy/CSPICE package; see ; ; Side effects: ; ; Category : Astrometry, coordinates, wcs ; ; Written : N.Rich, I2, 6/2008 ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.10 2009/10/01 20:05:59 nathan ; add geocentric systems (only tested gei) ; ; Revision 1.9 2009/09/29 17:25:45 nathan ; if SOHO, load_soho_spice ; ; Revision 1.8 2009/09/22 18:37:23 nathan ; fix typo in input ; ; Revision 1.7 2009/09/09 21:37:18 nathan ; minor changes to accomodate non-secchi headers and strarr headers ; ; Revision 1.6 2009/08/14 19:25:13 nathan ; change computation of HAE /spherical as recommended by W.Thompson ; ; Revision 1.5 2009/08/12 21:12:00 nathan ; update keyword info ; ; Revision 1.4 2009/08/12 20:58:57 nathan ; Complete re-write to accomodate multiple coordinate systems; utilizes ; WCS routines instead of local ; ; Revision 1.3 2008/06/25 18:23:45 nathan ; use ; ; Revision 1.2 2008/06/24 15:17:56 nathan ; fix comments ; ; Revision 1.1 2008/06/23 17:27:30 nathan ; computes r-theta of input ; ;- IF keyword_set(SOLAR_RADII) THEN BEGIN IF solar_radii NE 1. THEN BEGIN message,'Currently only SOLAR_RADII=1. is allowed; continuing...',/info wait,5 ENDIF ENDIF sc='' IF datatype(hdr0) NE 'STC' THEN hdr=fitshead2struct(hdr0) ELSE hdr=hdr0 IF tag_exist(hdr,'COORD_TYPE') THEN wcs=hdr ELSE BEGIN wcs=fitshead2wcs(hdr) ENDELSE IF keyword_set(SPACECRAFT) THEN sc=strupcase(spacecraft) ELSE $ IF tag_exist(hdr,'OBSRVTRY') THEN sc=hdr.obsrvtry ELSE $ IF tag_exist(hdr,'TELESCOP') THEN sc=hdr.telescop ELSE sc='' IF tag_exist(wcs.time,'OBSERV_AVG') THEN dobs=wcs.time.observ_avg ELSE dobs=wcs.time.observ_date darr=0 final='' ; set this if there is an intermediary step between HPC and final system docarr=0 doradial=0 IF keyword_set(DEBUG) THEN debugon=1 ELSE debugon=0 ; rpix=rsec/wcs.cdelt[0] ; IF cunit EQ 'deg' THEN unitf=3600. ELSE unitf=1. cunit=wcs.cunit[0] xy=wcs_get_coord(wcs,pix) ; HPC coordinates ;coords = hpc2hpr(xy, DEGREES=(cunit EQ 'deg')) WCS_CONV_FIND_DSUN, DSUN, dRSUN, WCS=WCS IF (debugon) THEN BEGIN help,xy,dsun,drsun ; get sun center cxy=wcs_get_pixel(wcs,[0,0]) cx=cxy[0] cy=cxy[1] print,'Sun center should be:',cx,cy,' pixels' ENDIF IF keyword_set(SYSTEM) THEN BEGIN sysout=strupcase(strmid(system,0,3)) ;--First check for earth-centric systems and do them w=where(sysout EQ ['GEI','GEO','GSE','MAG','GSM'],isearthcentered) IF (isearthcentered) THEN BEGIN IF sc EQ '' THEN BEGIN message,'SPACECRAFT= must be set for '+sysout+' coordinate system.',/info return,-1 ENDIF if cunit EQ 'arcsec' THEN divi=3600. ELSE divi=1. coords=xy/divi message,'Calling SPICE/convert_stereo_lonlat',/info IF sc EQ 'SOHO' THEN load_soho_spice convert_stereo_lonlat,dobs,coords,'HPC',sysout,/degrees,/pos_long,spacecraft=sc return,coords ENDIF CASE sysout OF 'HAE' : BEGIN IF keyword_set(SPHERICAL) THEN sysout='HG' ELSE sysout='HCC' final='HAE' END 'HPR' : 'HCR' : 'HPC' : return,xy 'HCC' : 'HG' : 'CAR' : BEGIN sysout='HG' docarr=1 END else: message, 'Coordinate type ' + sysout + ' not supported' endcase ENDIF ELSE BEGIN sysout='HPR' ; default message,'Returning HPR coordinates.',/info ENDELSE WCS_CONVERT_FROM_COORD,wcs,xy,sysout,x,y,z ,/zero_center, /pos_long, $ arcseconds=(wcs.cunit[0] eq 'arcsec'), CARRINGTON=docarr IF sysout EQ 'HG' THEN undefine,z IF debugon THEN help,sysout,x,y,z,xy sz=size(xy) ; xy is arr[2] or arr[2,i,j] IF sz[0] EQ 1 AND datatype(z) EQ 'UND' THEN coords=[x,y] IF sz[0] EQ 1 AND datatype(z) NE 'UND' THEN coords=[x,y,z] IF sz[0] EQ 3 and datatype(z) EQ 'UND' THEN BEGIN coords=dblarr(2,sz[2],sz[3]) coords[0,*,*]=x coords[1,*,*]=y ENDIF IF sz[0] EQ 3 and datatype(z) NE 'UND' THEN BEGIN coords=dblarr(3,sz[2],sz[3]) coords[0,*,*]=x coords[1,*,*]=y coords[2,*,*]=z ENDIF IF final NE '' THEN BEGIN ; need to convert coordinates using SPICE with HAE IF keyword_set(SPHERICAL) THEN Begin convert_stereo_lonlat,dobs,coords,'HEEQ', 'HAE',/degrees,/pos_long,spacecraft=sc Endif ELSE BEGIN IF sc EQ '' THEN BEGIN message,'SPACECRAFT= must be set for '+final+' coordinate system.',/info return,-1 ENDIF message,'Calling SPICE/convert_stereo_coord',/info ;--I don't think this is ever called if Z is undefined! coords[0,*,*]=z coords[1,*,*]=x coords[2,*,*]=y IF sc EQ 'SOHO' THEN load_soho_spice convert_stereo_coord, dobs,coords,'HGRTN',final,spacecraft=sc ENDELSE ; (STUB) IF (0) THEN BEGIN message,'Now converting from cartesian to spherical coordinates.',/info x=reform(coords[0,*,*]) y=reform(coords[1,*,*]) z=reform(coords[2,*,*]) rho=1. S=sqrt(x^2+y^2) lat=90.-(180./!pi)*acos(z/drsun) xltz=where(x LT 0) xgez=where(X GE 0) lon=theta lon[xltz]=(180./!pi)*asin(y[xltz]/S[xltz]) lon[xgez]=180.-(180./!pi)*asin(y[xgez]/S[xgez]) lon=lon+90. pltz=where(lon lt 0,npltz) IF npltz GT 0 THEN lon[pltz]=lon[pltz]+360. coords=dblarr(2,sz[2],sz[3]) coords[0,*,*]=lat coords[1,*,*]=lon ; lon=phi, lat=theta ENDIF ENDIF return,coords END