function future_wcshdr,sc,tel,dateobs,timeobs ;+ ; $Id:,v 1.1 2009/10/06 18:55:58 mcnutt Exp $ ; ; NAME: future_wcshdr ; ; PURPOSE: ; make future wcshdr from existing fits header by ajdusting times ; ; CATEGORY: header, fits, wcs ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; INPUTS: ; sc= 'a' or 'b' ,tel ='hi_1' hi_2','cor2','cor1' or 'euvi' ,dateobs='yyyy-mm-dd' ,timeob='hh:mm:ss' ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; ; OUTPUTS: ; fwcsh ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; ; PROCEDURE: ; ; EXAMPLE: ;- ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; ; WRITEN: Lynn Simpson 2009-08-28 ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.1 2009/10/06 18:55:58 mcnutt ; creates a wcs header for some time in the future ; ; if strlowcase(tel) eq 'hi_1' then file='20090824_080901_s4h1'+strupcase(sc)+'.fts' if strlowcase(tel) eq 'hi_2' then file='20090824_080921_s4h2'+strupcase(sc)+'.fts' if strlowcase(tel) eq 'cor2' then file='20090824_000800_d4c2'+strupcase(sc)+'.fts' if strlowcase(tel) eq 'cor1' then file='20090824_000500_s4c1'+strupcase(sc)+'.fts' if strlowcase(tel) eq 'euvi' then file='20090824_000530_n4eu'+strupcase(sc)+'.fts' fname = sccfindfits(file) jk=sccreadfits(fname,scch,/nodata) scch.date_obs=dateobs+'T'+timeobs scch.DATE_CMD=dateobs+'T'+timeobs scch.DATE_AVG=dateobs+'T'+timeobs scch.DATE_END=dateobs+'T'+timeobs hee_d=get_stereo_lonlat(scch.date_obs,strmid(scch.obsrvtry,7,1), /meters, system='HEE',_extra=_extra) scch.RSUN=(6.95508e8 * 648d3 / !dpi ) / hee_d(0) t=getscccrpix(scch,/UPDATE, FAST=fast, _EXTRA=_extra) yprhpc=getsccpointing(scch,/updateheader, TOLERANCE=60, YPRSC=scp, FAST=fast, FOUND=ff, _EXTRA=_extra) IF (scch.detector ne 'EUVI') THEN BEGIN scch.CRVAL1 =yprhpc[0] scch.CRVAL2 =yprhpc[1] ENDIF ; for EUVI contained in CRPIX and CRVAL=0 scch.CROTA =yprhpc[2] dr=!DPI/180.d scch.PC1_1= cos(yprhpc[2]*dr) scch.PC1_2=-sin(yprhpc[2]*dr) ;*(scch.CDELT1/scch.CDELT2) ;may be added later scch.PC2_1= sin(yprhpc[2]*dr) ;*(scch.CDELT1/scch.CDELT2) scch.PC2_2= cos(yprhpc[2]*dr) if scch.detector eq 'EUVI' then begin carlonlat=get_stereo_lonlat(scch.date_obs,strmid(scch.obsrvtry,7,1),/au, /degrees, system='Carrington') scch.CRLN_OBS=carlonlat(1) scch.CRLT_OBS=carlonlat(2) heeq=get_stereo_lonlat(scch.date_obs,strmid(scch.obsrvtry,7,1), /degrees, system='HEEQ',_extra=_extra) scch.HGLN_OBS=heeq(1) scch.HGLT_OBS=heeq(2) hee_d=get_stereo_lonlat(scch.date_obs,strmid(scch.obsrvtry,7,1), /meters, system='HEE',_extra=_extra) scch.DSUN_OBS=hee_d(0) endif fwcsh=fitshead2wcs(scch) return, fwcsh END