$Revision: 1.29 $, $Date: 2012/11/28 17:59:14 $
Contact mvi at nrl.navy.mil
Web Movie Tools/Products: View SECCHI movies via the SECCHI website
JPL Web Movie Tools: JPL's Solar Muse website
SCC_PLAYMOVIE: Run MVI files with numerous options
ANNOTATE_IMAGE: Add text or arrows to image or MVI frames
WSCC_MKMOVIE: Generate MVI or standard format frames for SECCHI, LASCO, EIT, or AIAEUV options!
MK_EUVI_MOVIE: Shortcut for making EUVI movies
SCC_PLAYMOVIEM: SCC_PLAYMOVIE plus cursor coordinate display and height-time plottingH-T Options!
SXPLOT_HT: Display height-time data from SCC_PLAYMOVIEM
WCS_COMBINE_MVI: Combine MVIS for any combination of SECCHI/LASCO/AIA telescopes
GENERIC_MOVIE: Generate MVI from data cube or standard format image filesInput Options!
MVI2CARRMAP: Generate Carrington maps from MVI frames
SREM_MOVIE: Create HI movies using cross-correlation to remove stellar background
[W]SCC_PNGPLAY:Now works remotely with NRL or SSC Beacon images! Quickest way to view desired movie
EUVI-171,195,284,304A images are log-scaled
COR2 TBr and HI images are ratios with monthly_min background
1-36 hours on a given day: http://secchi.nrl.navy.mil/index.php?p=js_secchi
1-days; plus HI-2 SREM: http://secchi.nrl.navy.mil/index.php?p=js_secchi_day
1 telescope/wavelength only
Size options: 1024, 512, 256
Created by DW
A-B side-by-side at 512x512 resolution
Uses already-created browse images
Length varies by number of images taken per day: EUVI: 1 week; COR2 and HI1: 2 weeks; HI2: 4 weeks
Currently updated monthly
Generated by dev/bin/mk_scc_mpg.sh, written by KB (utilizes linux tools convert and ffmpeg)
Links to JPL's Solar Muse Web Sites with Daily Quicktime Movies for Museums
Can be downloaded and edited with Quicktime pro ~($30)
Working - EUVI only 512by 512 and 1K by 1K Quicktimes
Beta Test - All telescopes... 512 by 512 Quicktimes
Contact: Paulett.Liewer (at) jpl.nasa.gov
Displays movie from pixmaps, MVI file, or individual frame plus HDR file.
GUI, menu-based options with simplified motion control (Step forward/backward, Continuous)
Save as MVI format (uncompressed, with header info), GIF or PNG frames, or MPEG (using mpeg_encode, if available).
Uses scroll bars if frame larger than screen.
IDL> scc_playmovie [, 'filename.mvi']
[Movie Control]
SKIP=1 ;* to skip every other frame
START=100 ;* frame 100 becomes 1st frame of movie
LENGTH=60 ;* to load frames (start) to (start +)59
/TIMES ;* (re)display date/time from header on each frame in lower left corner
SAVE='path/name.mvi' ;* save and exit (for batch mode)
/DIFF ;* subtract first frame from all other frames
/TRUECOLOR ;* treat images as true color images (3 x Xsize x Ysize)
/NOXCOLORS ;* disable ability to change color tables and some other tools; saves RAM
Add text or arrows to individual image or frames of MVI.
IDL> annotate_image [, 'image.png'] or [, 'movie.mvi']
/TRUECOLOR use true color format
IMG= to pass image(s) in from other programs
/TEMPLATE creates textframe stored in WSCC_MKMOVIE_COMMON used to add text when creating a movie
AHDRS= array of header structures from MVI or FITS file
/DEBUG print debug messages
Based on LASCO wmkmovie.pro, this routine provides enhanced options for processing SECCHI/LASCO/EIT/AIA FITS data into an animation.
SECCHI Images are processed using SECCHI_PREP. LASCO/EIT are processed using MK_IMG.
List of FITS files, with path, from one spacecraft (see below for Both S/C Options) and one polar/wavelength. May be a single file. Design is for input of level-0.5, but files may be pre-processed, as long as the 17th char of filename is [0..9].
With no input argument, calls scclister().
For none-SECCHI applications, the user is required to obtain the input list separately. For LASCO use wlister.pro or las_read_summary.pro.
Displays animation (or single frame) by calling SCC_PLAYMOVIE, from which SCC_PLAYMOVIEM may be called if you want to view coordinates.
MVI format definition available at $SSW_SECCHI/doc/mvihdrdefn.htm
Preferable to call with list of files:
IDL> file_list=scclister()
IDL> wscc_mkmovie,file_list
The [TEST MOVIE] button will generate a 3-frame movie; click on the [Movie Control] button in the PLAYMOVIE widget to bring up the control widget; quit SCC_PLAYMOVIE (File->Quit) before trying again. The [CREATE MOVIE] button will exit the WSCC_MKMOVIE widget and create the movie with each file in the input (depending on options) before calling SCC_PLAYMOVIE.
/DEBUG ; Print details.
/RESET ; Return to default values in widget.
MARGIN= ; Keep minimum of input pixels on edge of widget.
pB Series Options: Select from list to combine polarization triplets into Total Brightness, Polarized Brightness, Polarization Angle, or Percent Polarized output (only 1 of triplet used in input).
Image Scaling:
Type of Movie:
Other Options: Timestamp, Logo, Divide by EXPTIME (for HI includes de-smear), Sort by filename, Calibration (flat field/vignetting), Calibration (physical units), rotate to solar north up, draw limb of sun, mask outer (non-image) field, label any planets or other STEREO S/C if in FOV, run point_filter on frames.
Subfield: either specify in FFV coordinates, or select subfield interactively (uses box_cursor2.pro). Size of window for subfield choice depends on FFV size and screen size. The second subfield option is for scaling values in each frame based on median of given subfield (image normalization).
Subfield (EUV only): Select the [Use Carrington subfield] button and a new widget will appear giving options to select subfield by Carrington coordinates. You may input the bounding box by Carrington Latitude and Longitude, or you may select a box interactively and the coordinates will transfer to the other telescopes. If you select [Use Center Coord], the CRLN1/CRLT1 values are used as the subfield centroid. By default, the values are mapped to an equirectangular projection; click the [Do not project...] button to turn this off. Enter desired (Carrington) degrees per pixel, or size of box. If [Do not project...] and coordinates are behind the limb, subfield will center on limb.
Use instead of WSCC_MKMOVIE for simplified interface for EUVI movies; uses predefined settings.
IDL> mk_euvi_movie,'2007-04-25 23',2,304,/BOTH
Makes a movie from 2 hours of EUVI-A and EUVI-B 304A data beginning at 23:00 on 4/25/07. User is prompted to select subfield.
/SSR1_ONLY ; Do not retrieve SSR2 images, if any
/USE_AHEAD ; Generate list of images from ahead, not Behind (default)
/SKIP_MISSING ; Skip frames without a corresponding image from other spacecraft
/AHEAD, /BEHIND, /BOTH ; Which spacecraft to query
/PNG ; Save each frame as a PNG file in current directory and then call generic_movie
Displays coordinate info based on cursor position for STEREO/SOHO/SDO image frames:
LASCO/EIT and SDO/AIA compatible.
Display coordinates for BOTH Ahead and Behind in same frame (SECCHI SCIP only).
Share coordinate information with TOOL2A.PRO (Jmaps)
Display cursor position in Elongation (Distance from Sun Center in Degrees or Rsun), Position Angle (relative to Solar North) or Cartesian coordinates
Works with Polar Equidistant Cylindrical (R-Theta) MVIs
Coordinates are corrected for distortion and spherical projection (a factor for HI and COR2)
For EUV, displays Carrington lon/lat inside limb
Replaces LASCO wrunmoviem.pro and scc_wrunmoviem.pro; utilizes common elements with SCC_PLAYMOVIE.PRO.
.mvi file or .hdr file (for set of individual frames); output of WCS_COMBINE_MVI also ok.
Height-Time file and/or plot
Track Spot file (see SCC_PLAYMOVIE)
$HOME/syncjmapwithmovie.dat to share coordinate with TOOL2A.PRO
Units/coordinate displayed: Select with drop down menu.
Click on image to print cursor position information in terminal window.
[Tools] Menu
Height-time: Generate height-time file and
plots. User may track up to 9 features simultaneously, and then
plot any or all of them together: Select [Start HT] and follow instructions. When done with points select [Stop HT] Display plot(s) with sxplot_ht.pro by selecting [Plot HT]. Options include Auto-frame-advance and Annotate frames to indicate which points were selected.
[Movie Control]
[ Import Sync ] Display location of point on currently loaded movie from Jmaps that was selected in TOOL2A.PRO
[ Remove Sync ] Remove sync location indicator.
[Reverse Sync ] Invert the colors of the location indicator
Send Location to TOOL2A: To write a location to $HOME/syncjmapwithmovie.dat, click the Middle Mouse Button
/NOFITS ; By default the program tries to find the original FITS files for complete coordinate information. Use this option to use estimated values (usually adequate).
START= Frame number to start display with (default=0)
LENGTH= Number of frames including START to display
AVERAGE_FRAMES= Average these many frames together
SMOOTH_BOX= Apply smooth() with this box size to each frame
/EDIT ; Allow color table adjustment with XCOLORS.PRO (slower)
/DEBUG ; Print debug messages
/CROSSHAIR ; Use crosshair for cursor instead of arrow
/BIGFONT ; Use Triplex Roman size=2 for annotation instead of default hardware font
NAMES= STRARR title for each frame
HDRS= Image or frame header structures
SUNXCEN=, SUNYCEN= pixel coordinate of sun center
SEC_PIX= arcsec/pixel of frames
/PREVIOUS ; play last loaded movie
/ROLL_PER_FRAME ; Compute roll for each frame (SOHO only)
HI_FIX_POINTING.PRO added on 2009/07/14; without this correction, HI2 values can have an error on the order of 0.3 deg.
For best results, original FITS files are needed to read in original header information. For HI also utilizes calibration files in $SCC_DATA.
This program is called in SCC_PLAYMOVIEM to display a saved Height-Time file (positions in helioprojective radial coordinates). It also may be called from the command line. When the user reads in an HT file, all of the points are plotted on a Height (distance from solar surface) vs. Time graph. Distance units are always linear (not angular). Using the STEREO SPICE routines, the program computes a propagation vector based on the time and elongation of the first data point and projects it back to a source region on the solar surface; these values are displayed and may be modified.
IDL> sxplot_ht [, 'filefromscc_playmoviem.ht']
Combines frames from existing .mvi/.hdr files for combination of telescopes (SECCHI, LASCO, EIT, SDO) into single frames at the correct relative platescale and orientation. (Note: For most purposes this routine supercedes WSCC_COMBINE_MVI.PRO.)
List of .mvi and/or .hdr files. If no input, then a widget appears prompting for you to select multiple movies to combine.
Single .mvi file, or directory with individual frames and a .hdr file
Preview movie is created with default settings. After making any changes, click [Preview] to delete the currently running movie and see first, middle, and last frame of the new movie.
[Color]: Select Truecolor to retain colors of inputs.
[Time Stamps]: Time stamps for each telescope are displayed in a black strip at bottom of image.
Mask: Upper boundary of each telescope in Rsun or Degrees (Select). Enter 0 (zero) for none.
Movie Type: Sun Centered (default), Polar (Polar Equidistant Cylindrical = R-Theta), or Polar with Log(Elongation) axis.
Crop: Enter Left/Right/Bottom/Top crop coordinates (HPC Degrees). -OR- Select interactively: With the cursor select lower left and upper right corner of desired subfield in combined movie frame. Click on frame to recenter subfield. In either case, X/Ysize will increase/decrease accordingly and platescale is preserved. (Hint: To make square movie, make sure x/y crop ranges are the same.)
Zoom: Enter desired Platescale value or use slider (X/Ysize will increase/decrease accordingly) OR enter desired Xsize in pixels (Ysize input is ignored). Min/max of slider represent min/max of input MVIs.
Color: Switch between TrueColor (use color tables of inputs) and Grayscale (use single color table).
Background: Choose color of outer mask, if any.
Timestamp: Enter CHARSIZE= value, or 0 to get rid of the black strip at bottom.
Hint: For faster response, stop preview from running when making selections.
Note: Right now WCS_COMBINE_MVI will only generate frames with a single sun center. For multiple sun centers it is necessary to use WSCC_COMBINE_MVI, which has similar options.
IDL> wcs_combine_mvi,['cor2a.mvi','cor1a.mvi']
Flexible tool to display individual frames/files as animation
Located in $SSW/packages/nrl
STRARR List of files: FITS, GIF, PICT, TIFF, PNG, JPEG; If input list has dimensions [n,c,r], then images will be combined into n frames which have c columns and r rows. If filename is of format YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_TELE.sfx, then this is used to put times, and tele in MVI header, with assumed sun center.
-or- Datacube
FITS input allows using keywords in FITS header to fill in MVI headers.
Optional: min, max to use for scaling display
If input are URLs, images are retrieved using sock_get.pro.
IDL> list=file_search('./*.png')
IDL> generic_movie,list
HDRS= Array of header structures, such as from secchi_prep, for use in populating frame headers of MVI file
PAN= Size reduction factor
LABEL= STRARR of labels to put on each frame lower left corner
/RDIFF ; Subtract previous frame from current frame
/TIMES ; Put timestamp on each frame (FITS only)
LCOLOR= [0-255] specify color of frame label or times
/DEBUG ; print processing/header details
/DOBIAS ; subtract BIASMEAN in FITS header before scaling
/SXT ; Data is YOHKOH/SXT FITS files.
/MK3 ; Data is Mauna-Loa Mark3 Coronagraph rpb files
/PICT ; Data are PICT files
/DOXCOLORS ; Allow color table adjustment (uses more RAM)
CHARSIZE= specify charsize of Label or Time annotation
MPEGNAME= generate MPEG output bypassing scc_playmovie.pro
SAVE= 'path/name.mvi' ;* save and exit (for batch mode)
Creates Carrington maps from MVI movies
Mvis : STRARR of SECCHI, LASCO, or EIT MVI file names as returned from select_car_mvi_files or file_search
radius : FLOAT radius of the circle in pix
dr : FLOAT radial number of steps
dtheta : FLOAT size of angular step : 1. gives 360 samples (1 sample/degree)
crn : INT carrington rotation number
East and west limb Carrington map fits files
IDL> mvi2carrmap, mvis, 1.10, 10, .25 ,1984, dirout='$HOME/output'
/DISPLAY ; show the carrington map
DIROUT= defines the output directory else the current directory will be used
/DIFF ; will create a carrington map subtracting the previous movie frame
Uses cross-correlation between images (rdif_hi.pro) to minimize signal from stars and create a running difference movie
Developed by A. Herbst, NS and GS
Does not use hi_prep (However, hi_fix_pointing.pro is called when read into scc_playmoviem.pro.)
Now in SolarSoft!
List of (HI) images, or date string, or array of two date strings (start and end)
IDL> srem_movie,filelist
IDL> srem_movie,'2008-02-01',tel='hi1',side='ab'
IDL> srem_movie,['2007-12-01','2007-12-05'],tel='hi2',side='a'
Displays movie with GENERIC_MOVIE.PRO
PNG files of movie frames
BMIN=, BMAX= Min/Max to use for movie or PNGs; defaults to -1000,1000 (images not divided by EXPTIME)
TEL= 'hi1' or 'hi2' (use if input is date)
SIDE= 'a' or 'b' or 'ab' (use if input is date)
PAN= Zoom factor of result (default is 0.5)
/USE_DAILY ; Use daily median for background instead of monthly min
USEDATE= Date for which to retrieve monthly_min image
MODEL= Image to use as background to subtract
/NOSNOW ; Run point_filter on +/- signal peaks of result
DIFF= Skip DIFF-1 frames to do diffs and correlation
/WRITE_PNG ; Save frames as PNG files
/SAVE_FRAMES ; Do not delete Diff FITS and PNG files
DIR= Subdirectory to save temporary Diff FITS files and/or PNG files
/NOMOVIE ; Just write Diff FITS and/or PNG files
BOX= [x1,x2,y1,y2] Box to use for cross-correlation (defaults to area near center of fov offset toward sun) based on 512x512 FFV (rdif_hi)
POS= [x1,y1,x2,y2] show subfield only (requires BOX be set to fit in this subfield) (rdif_hi)
SCL= Factor by which to re-scale image before shifting and subtracting (rdif_hi)
MFILT= Do a median filter *7 of result (rdif_hi)
Widget interface to SCC_PNGPLAY.pro allows user to construct movies from browse images using any combination of telescopes (see 'camera' below) as a Tiled frame, as a Combined movie with common sun center and platescale, or Combined Polar Equidistant Cylindrical (R-Theta). Includes following options: Start/End time, Cadence, Final output size. Choose your desired options, and space for ROWS x COLUMNS telescopes will appear at the bottom. Click on the [ * ] buttons to select each telescope.
Uses already-created browse images for SECCHI, LASCO, or SDO data (48-84 hours delay) to display movie in SCC_PLAYMOVIE in any combination of telescopes:
SECCHI Beacon images from SSC via HTTP
SECCHI or LASCO Daily browse images from NRL via HTTP
AIA browse images from GSFC via HTTP
EUVI-171,195,284,304A images are log-scaled
COR1 TBr are from GSFC
COR2 TBr or Double are ratios with monthly_min background
HI are ratios with monthly_min background and a median filter applied
Star_rem images for HI1 and HI2
Running difference images for EUVI-195, COR1, COR2
Wavelet images for EUVI
AIA-171,304,211,193A are 512x512 at 1 hour cadence starting 2011/01/01 (contact mvi@cronus for more)
LASCO C2 and C3 are 1024x1024 starting 2011/01/01 (contact mvi@cronus for more)
SCC_PLAYMOVIEM may be called to do measurements on loaded images.
Start date/time (any string format)
End date/time (OPTIONAL)
Camera: STRING or STRARR; one or more of:
cor1, cor2, hi1, hi2, euvi_171, euvi_195, euvi_284, euvi_304, aia_171, aia_193, aia_211, aia_304, lasco (or c2c3 or c23), c2, c3
Optionally append one of the following characters: [a,b,s,d,w,t,*] then [R or L] where:
a: Ahead
b: Behind
s: HI Stars (=/STARS)
d: Running difference frames (=/RDIFF)
w: EUVI Wavelet images (=/WAVELET)
t: Total Brightness only (cor2)
*: Double and Total Brightness (cor2)
R: Right half of image (=HALF='R')
L: Left half of image (=HALF='L')
Spacecraft: 'a' or 'b' (or appended to camera input)
/SPWX ; Use images from stereo-ssc.nascom.nasa.gov.
IMGSIZE= Size of (individual detector) movie frame: 256 or 1024; default is 512
LENGTH= Number of frames; default is whole day
/RDIFF ; Running difference frames
SKIP= Number of images to skip between frames
/ANAGLYPH ; Retrieve stereo anaglyph images, currently only 1Mar - 30Jun 2007
/JPG ; Displays the archived jpegs instead of pngs. (COR1 is always jpeg)
/STARS ; Use hi_stars HI images instead of edge-enhanced HI images
/ALL ; Displays 8 SECCHI coronagraphs and 8 EUVI wavelengths: imgsize=256, output is 1024x1024
/EUVI_ALL ; Displays all 4 euvi wavelengths for both a and b: imgsize=256, output is 1024x512
/EUVIA ; Displays all 4 euvi wavelengths for a: imgsize=512, output is 1024x1024
/EUVIB ; Displays all 4 euvi wavelengths for b: imgsize=512, output is 1024x1024
/COR ; Displays both COR1 and COR2 for a and b: imgsize=512, output is 1024x1024
/HI ; Displays both HI1 and HI2 for a and b: imgsize=512, output is 1024x1024
CADENCE= Minimum time between images in minutes
PAN= Fraction by which to resize input in generic_movie.pro
/SREM : Use hi_srem HI2 images (equivalent to tel='h2sr[a]')
/WAVELETS : Will read in wavelets pngs (hdrs should be defined using hdr keyword due to changes in the file name formats)
/EVENTS : Will read in wavelet event pngs when used with the /WAVELETS keyword
HALF= STRARR of 'R' or 'L' to indicate which side of image to use; must be same dimension as cam string array (or set by adding L or R to the end of cam)
/AIA : Retrieve 4 wavelengths of AIA: 304, 211, 193, 171 (2x2)
/EUVI_PLUS : Displays EUVI-A, AIA, EUVI-B (4x3)
/COMBINE : Saves movies of individual telescopes and calls WSCC_COMBINE_MVI
/SYNOPTIC : Display Carrington maps; use with EUVI cam
/STONYHURST : Display Stonyhurst maps; use with EUVI cam
IDL> scc_pngplay, '20070501','20070502','cor2', 'a', imgsize=1024, skip=2 IDL> scc_pngplay,'2009-06-01 14:00','2009-06-01 18:00',/euvi_all, pan=0.5Use an array as camera input to view more then one detector at a time:
One row: cam=['hi2a','hi1a','cor2a','cor2b','hi1b','hi2b'] Two rows: cam=[['euvi_171a','euvi_304a','euvi_171b','euvi_304b'], ['euvi_284a','euvi_195a','euvi_284b','euvi_195b']] Row 1: euvi_171a, euvi_304a, euvi_171b, euvi_304b Row 2: euvi_284a, euvi_195a, euvi_284b, euvi_195b(Note that with this option the cadence is determined by the camera with the highest frequency, so using SKIP=10 is recommended if EUVI is one of the inputs.)