;+ ;$Id: set_plan_lp_info.pro,v 1.4 2005/01/24 17:56:36 esfand Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO - SECCHI ; ; Name : SET_PLAN_LP_INFO ; ; Purpose : Set details for the given SEB Program. ; ; Explanation : This routine will set the details (tele,table, etc) ; for the current SEB Program being scheduled (plan_lp) ; in the LP_..._SHARE common block from the input variables. ; ; Use : SET_PLAN_LP_INFO, lp, tele, exptable, camtable, iptable, fw, pw, lamp, lp_num_images, ; ex_table, inccd, inip, inocc_blocks,inroi_blocks, sub, start, cadence, fps ; ; Inputs : lp, tele, exptable, camtable, iptable, fw, pw, lamp, lp_num_images, ex_table, ; inccd, inip, inocc_blocks,inroi_blocks, sub, start, cadence, fps ; These parameters are used to set the details of the SEB program. ; ; Opt. Inputs : None. ; ; Outputs : None. ; ; Opt. Outputs: None. ; ; Keywords : None. ; ; Restrictions: None. ; ; Side effects: None. ; ; Category : Planning, Scheduling. ; ; Prev. Hist. : Based on SOHO/LASCO planning tool. ; ; Written by : Ed Esfandiari, NRL, May 2004 - First Version. ; ; Modification History: ; Ed Esfandiari 07/13/04 - Using 4 ROI tables (they can't be editted so no ; need to re-assign them. Also correct header comments. ; Ed Esfandiari 09/30/04 - Removed sync. ; ; $Log: set_plan_lp_info.pro,v $ ; Revision 1.4 2005/01/24 17:56:36 esfand ; checkin changes since SCIP_A_TVAC ; ; Revision 1.2 2004/09/01 15:40:48 esfand ; commit new version for Nathan. ; ; Revision 2004/07/01 21:19:11 esfand ; first checkin ; ; Revision 2004/06/02 19:42:36 esfand ; first checkin ; ; ;- ;__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ; PRO SET_PLAN_LP_INFO, lp, tele, exptable, camtable, iptable, fw, pw, lamp, lp_num_images, ex_table, $ inccd, inip, inocc_blocks,inroi_blocks, sub, start, cadence, fps COMMON OS_INIT_SHARE COMMON OS_SHARE COMMON OS_ALL_SHARE COMMON LP_NORMAL_IMAGE_SHARE COMMON LP_DARK_IMAGE_SHARE COMMON LP_SEQ_PW_FW_SHARE COMMON LP_HI_SEQ_SHARE COMMON LP_CAL_LAMP_SHARE COMMON LP_CONT_IMAGE_SHARE ; AEE - 05/19/03 COMMON LP_DOUBLE_IMAGE_SHARE, lpdoubv ; AEE - 10/01/03 ;** depending on lp this routine sets the rest of the above ;** variables in the correct COMMON LP_... caller = {caller, id:0L} ccd(tele,camtable) = inccd(tele,camtable) ip(iptable) = inip(iptable) ;indm = WHERE(ip(iptable).steps EQ 27) ;IF (indm(0) LT 0) THEN occ_blocks(tele) = inocc_blocks(tele) ;indm = WHERE(ip(iptable).steps EQ 25) ;IF (indm(0) LT 0) THEN roi_blocks(tele) = inroi_blocks(tele) ;occ_blocks = inocc_blocks ;roi_blocks = inroi_blocks CASE (lp(0)) OF ; AEE 10/6/03 added to handle HI-Seq when both HI1 and HI2 are selected. 0 : BEGIN ;** Double Sky Image LP - AEE 9/30/03 IF ((SIZE(lpdoubv))(1) EQ 0) THEN BEGIN ;** not defined yet, call routine tmp = CALL_FUNCTION( osv.op_pro(lp), caller) WIDGET_CONTROL, lpdoubv.base, /DESTROY plan_lp = -2 ; AEE 9/30/03 ENDIF lpdoubv.tele = tele lpdoubv.exptable = exptable lpdoubv.camtable = camtable lpdoubv.fps = fps lpdoubv.iptable = iptable lpdoubv.fw = fw lpdoubv.pw = pw(0) lpdoubv.pw2= pw(1) ex(tele,exptable,fw,pw(0)) = ex_table(tele,exptable,fw,pw(0)) ex(tele,exptable,fw,pw(1)) = ex_table(tele,exptable,fw,pw(1)) END 1 : BEGIN ;** Normal Image LP IF ((SIZE(lpnormv))(1) EQ 0) THEN BEGIN ;** not defined yet, call routine ;tmp = CALL_FUNCTION( osv.op_pro(lp-1), caller) tmp = CALL_FUNCTION( osv.op_pro(lp), caller) ; AEE 9/30/03 WIDGET_CONTROL, lpnormv.base, /DESTROY plan_lp = -2 ; AEE 9/30/03 ENDIF lpnormv.tele = tele lpnormv.exptable = exptable lpnormv.camtable = camtable lpnormv.fps = fps lpnormv.iptable = iptable lpnormv.fw = fw lpnormv.pw = pw(0) ex(tele,exptable,fw,pw(0)) = ex_table(tele,exptable,fw,pw(0)) END 2 : BEGIN ;** Dark Image LP IF ((SIZE(lpdarkv))(1) EQ 0) THEN BEGIN ;** not defined yet, call routine ;tmp = CALL_FUNCTION( osv.op_pro(lp-1), caller) tmp = CALL_FUNCTION( osv.op_pro(lp), caller) ; AEE 9/30/03 WIDGET_CONTROL, lpdarkv.base, /DESTROY plan_lp = -2 ; AEE 9/30/03 ENDIF lpdarkv.tele = tele lpdarkv.camtable = camtable lpdarkv.fps = fps lpdarkv.iptable = iptable lpdarkv.expt = ex_table(tele,exptable,0,0) END 3 : BEGIN ;** Cal Lamp LP IF ((SIZE(lpcalv))(1) EQ 0) THEN BEGIN ;** not defined yet, call routine tmp = CALL_FUNCTION( osv.op_pro(lp), caller) ; AEE 9/30/03 WIDGET_CONTROL, lpcalv.base, /DESTROY plan_lp = -2 ; AEE 9/30/03 ENDIF lpcalv.tele = tele lpcalv.camtable = camtable lpcalv.fps = fps lpcalv.iptable = iptable lpcalv.fw = fw lpcalv.pw = pw(0) lpcalv.lamp = lamp lpcalv.pulse= ex_table(tele,exptable,fw,pw(0)) ;AEE 1/14/04 - exptable for dark, led, and cont. is always 0. END 4 : BEGIN ;** Continous Image LP IF ((SIZE(lpcont))(1) EQ 0) THEN BEGIN ;** not defined yet, call routine tmp = CALL_FUNCTION( osv.op_pro(lp), caller) ; AEE 9/30/03 WIDGET_CONTROL, lpcont.base, /DESTROY plan_lp = -2 ; AEE 9/30/03 ENDIF lpcont.tele = tele lpcont.camtable = camtable lpcont.fps = fps lpcont.iptable = iptable lpcont.fw = fw lpcont.pw = pw(0) ex(tele,exptable,fw,pw(0)) = ex_table(tele,exptable,fw,pw(0)) ; AEE 1/14/04 - exptable is always 0 and ex is ; never used. END 5 : BEGIN ;** Seq PW FW LP IF ((SIZE(lpseqpwv))(1) EQ 0) THEN BEGIN ;** not defined yet, call routine tmp = CALL_FUNCTION( osv.op_pro(lp), caller) ; AEE 9/30/03 WIDGET_CONTROL, lpseqpwv.base, /DESTROY plan_lp = -2 ; AEE 9/30/03 ENDIF lpseqpwv.tele = tele lpseqpwv.exptable = exptable lpseqpwv.camtable = camtable lpseqpwv.fps = fps lpseqpwv.iptable = iptable lpseqpwv.fw = fw lpseqpwv.pw = pw lpseqpwv.cadence= cadence lpseqpwv.num = lp_num_images ex(tele,exptable,fw,*) = ex_table(tele,exptable,fw,*) END 6 : BEGIN ;** HI Seq IF ((SIZE(lpseqhi))(1) EQ 0) THEN BEGIN ;** not defined yet, call routine tmp = CALL_FUNCTION( osv.op_pro(lp(0)), caller) ; AEE 9/30/03 WIDGET_CONTROL, lpseqhi.base, /DESTROY plan_lp = -2 ; AEE 9/30/03 ENDIF lpseqhi.fps = fps(0) FOR t= 0, N_ELEMENTS(tele)-1 DO BEGIN CASE (tele(t)) OF 3: BEGIN lpseqhi.hi1_exptable= exptable(t) lpseqhi.hi1_camtable= camtable(t) lpseqhi.hi1_iptable = iptable(t) lpseqhi.hi1_images= lp_num_images(t) lpseqhi.hi1_cadence= cadence(t) END 4: BEGIN lpseqhi.hi2_exptable= exptable(t) lpseqhi.hi2_camtable= camtable(t) lpseqhi.hi2_iptable = iptable(t) lpseqhi.hi2_images= lp_num_images(t) lpseqhi.hi2_cadence= cadence(t) END ENDCASE ENDFOR ex= ex_table sz= SIZE(ex_table) IF (sz(0) EQ 5) THEN BEGIN ; both HI1 and HI2 in the same seq (otherwise sz(0) = 4): ex(3,*,*,*,0)= ex_table(3,*,*,*,0) ; HI1 exp. values ex(4,*,*,*,0)= ex_table(4,*,*,*,1) ; Hi2 exp. values ex= ex(*,*,*,*,0) ; change from sz(0) = 5 to sz(0) = 4 ;occ_blocks(3,*,0)= occ_blocks(3,*,0) ; HI1 occ. blocks ;occ_blocks(4,*,0)= occ_blocks(4,*,1) ; HI2 occ. blocks ;occ_blocks= occ_blocks(*,*,0) ;roi_blocks(3,*,0)= roi_blocks(3,*,0) ; HI1 roi. blocks ;roi_blocks(4,*,0)= roi_blocks(4,*,1) ; HI2 roi. blocks ;roi_blocks= roi_blocks(*,*,0) ENDIF END 7 : BEGIN ;** Block Seq IF ((SIZE(lpcmdv))(1) EQ 0) THEN BEGIN ;** not defined yet, call routine tmp = CALL_FUNCTION( osv.op_pro(lp), caller) ; AEE 9/30/03 WIDGET_CONTROL, lpcmdv.base, /DESTROY plan_lp = -2 ; AEE 9/30/03 ENDIF lpcmdv.start = start lpcmdv.stop = lp_num_images END ELSE : BEGIN WIDGET_CONTROL, osv.info_text, SET_VALUE='No LP currently being scheduled.' RETURN END ENDCASE RETURN END