;+ ;$Id: schedule_read_ipt.pro,v 1.13 2011/06/30 20:42:18 nathan Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO - SECCHI ; ; Name : SCHEDULE_READ_IPT ; ; Purpose : SCHEDULE_READ_IPT, ipt_name, sched_start, /SILENT, /PROMPT_SHIFT, /SET ; ; Use : This routine reads in a InstrumentPlanningTool (.IPT) file and adds its ; content to the schedule while schedule is up and running. The .IPT ; file is selected from a widget. ; ; Inputs : ipt_name String containing the .IPT filename. ; sched_start Start time of schedule (used to shift .IPT scheule times). ; ; Opt. Inputs : None ; ; Outputs : None ; ; Opt. Outputs: None ; ; Keywords : SILENT If set, prints out diagnostic messages. ; PROMPT_SHIFT If set, prompt user if .IPT schedule should be shifted. ; SET If set, use schedv SpaceCraft to assign ; ; Prev. Hist. : Adapted from SOHO/LASCO planning tool. ; ; Written by : Ed Esfandiari, NRL, May 2004 - First Version. ; ; Modification History: ; Ed Esfandiari 06/09/04 - Added cadence to duplicate os check list. ; Ed Esfandiari 06/15/04 - Moved defining os_struct to define_os_struct function. ; Ed Esfandiari 06/16/04 - Added setup time. ; Ed Esfandiari 07/02/04 - recalculate sizes in case new ip table use other apids. ; Ed Esfandiari 07/14/04 - Use one of 4 ROI tables (used to have only 1 ROI table). ; Ed Esfandiari 09/22/04 - Added spacecraft (sc) assignment. ; Ed Esfandiari 09/30/04 - Removed sync. ; Ed Esfandiari 10/04/04 - Add /SET keyword for calls from plan_set. If /SET is ; set, assigns real set_id to set_id, otherwise, set set_id=0. ; Also if /SET is set, use current SpaceCraft selection to ; assign os.sc, otherwise, use sc from IPT file. ; Ed Esfandiari 10/15/04 - Added SC A/B bsf_id field. ; Ed Esfandiari 02/02/05 - Added call to ADD_IPT_INIT_TL to read Init Timelines. ; Ed Esfandiari 05/03/05 - Added call to ADD_IPT_RUN_SCRIPT to read Run Script sections. ; Ed Esfandiari 08/19/05 - Fixed HI seq update checks. ; Ed Esfandiari 01/23/07 - Added code to also shift new GT-dumps. ; ; $Log: schedule_read_ipt.pro,v $ ; Revision 1.13 2011/06/30 20:42:18 nathan ; write temp ipt file in PTOUT ; ; Revision 1.12 2009/09/11 20:28:24 esfand ; use 3-digit decimals to display volumes ; ; Revision 1.8 2005/10/17 19:02:10 esfand ; Added Icer+Mission Sim call. roll Synoptic 20060724000 ; ; Revision 1.7 2005/05/26 20:00:59 esfand ; PT version used to create SEC20050525005 TVAC schedule ; ; Revision 1.6 2005/03/10 16:52:45 esfand ; changes since Jan24-05 to Mar10-05 ; ; Revision 1.5 2005/01/24 17:56:36 esfand ; checkin changes since SCIP_A_TVAC ; ; Revision 1.3 2004/09/01 15:40:47 esfand ; commit new version for Nathan. ; ; Revision 1.2 2004/07/02 15:47:10 esfand ; calculate sizes in case new ip table contain new apids ; ; Revision 2004/07/01 21:19:10 esfand ; first checkin ; ; Revision 2004/06/02 19:42:36 esfand ; first checkin ; ; ;- ; ; PRO SCHEDULE_READ_IPT, ipt_file_name, sched_start, SILENT=silent, PROMPT_SHIFT=prompt_shift, $ SET=set COMMON OS_SCHEDULED, os_struct, os_arr, tm_arr, load_camtable, load_wlexptable, do_candc, move_fp COMMON OS_DEFINED, defined_os_arr, os_instance COMMON OS_ALL_SHARE, ccd, ip, ipd, ex, exd, occ_blocks, roi_blocks, fpwl, fpwld COMMON DIALOG, mdiag,font COMMON CMD_SEQ_SCHEDULED ; AEE - 5/23/03 COMMON SCIP_DOORS_SHARE ; AEE - 6/10/03 COMMON GT_DUMPS_SHARE ; AEE - 7/25/03 COMMON APIDS, multi_apid ; AEE - 7/25/03 COMMON SCHED_SHARE, schedv ;USEDEFAULTS = 0 ; => Use table parameters in .IPT (maybe different if tables have been changed). USEDEFAULTS = 1 ;=> use table numbers in .IPT to get parameters from current tables read by os_init ; and also recalculate image size and durations. new_os_num = -1 os_struct = DEFINE_OS_STRUCT() IF (DATATYPE(os_instance) EQ 'UND') THEN OS_INIT IF (DATATYPE(os_arr) EQ 'UND') THEN os_arr = -1 ; keep track of existing GT-dumps, if any. (exapnd_ipt is called later. It calls add_blk_seq_ipt that also ; adds GT-dumps to common block variables): prev_dump_cnt= 0 IF (DATATYPE(stime_gt) EQ 'DOU') THEN BEGIN prev_stime_gt= stime_gt prev_etime_gt= etime_gt prev_dump_cnt= N_ELEMENTS(stime_gt) ENDIF ; AEE - 5/21/03 See if ipt file has lp = 7 (block seq) section(s) and if so expand the secion(s): old_cmdseq_entries= 0 ; AEE 1/8/04 IF (DATATYPE(sched_cmdseq) EQ 'STC') THEN old_cmdseq_entries= n_ELEMENTS(sched_cmdseq) ; AEE 1/8/04 expanded_ipt_name= EXPAND_IPT(ipt_file_name) ; AEE 5/21/03 ; AEE - 1/6/03 - If shift is needed, create a tmp IPT file with the needed shift first and use it. ; This way, we don't shift existing observations, doors, gt, etc. (if any) by mistake: IF (expanded_ipt_name NE '') THEN $ dates= GET_IPT_OBS_DATES(expanded_ipt_name) $ ELSE $ dates= GET_IPT_OBS_DATES(ipt_file_name) dates= IPT_DATES2ECS(dates) ; Also include new GT-dumps when shifting schedules: dump_cnt= prev_dump_cnt IF (DATATYPE(stime_gt) EQ 'DOU') THEN BEGIN dump_cnt= N_ELEMENTS(stime_gt) IF (dump_cnt GT prev_dump_cnt) THEN BEGIN dates= [dates,TAI2UTC(stime_gt(prev_dump_cnt:dump_cnt-1),/ECS)] ENDIF ENDIF IF (DATATYPE(sched_cmdseq) EQ 'STC') THEN dates= [dates,sched_cmdseq.start_time] dates= dates(SORT(dates)) dates= UTC2TAI(STR2UTC(dates)) ; ignore dates of 2000 and 2500 (used for door close/open commands that are outside of schedule): ok_dts= WHERE(dates GT 1.4e+09 AND dates LT 1.4e+10, dcnt) IF (dcnt GT 0) THEN dates= dates(ok_dts) shift_tai = SHIFT_IPT1(dates(0),dates(N_ELEMENTS(dates)-1),sched_start) ;iptdir= GETENV('PT')+'/IO/IPT/' iptdir='' delta_tai= 0.0D IF (shift_tai GT 0) AND (shift_tai NE dates(0)) THEN BEGIN delta_tai= shift_tai - dates(0) ; make sure tmp file is writable break_file,ipt_file_name,di,pa,ro,su tmp_ipt_name= getenv_slash('PTOUT')+ro+su+'_tmp' IF (expanded_ipt_name NE '') THEN $ MAKE_SHIFTED_IPT,expanded_ipt_name, tmp_ipt_name, delta_tai, /delete $ ;delete expanded ipt file when done ELSE $ MAKE_SHIFTED_IPT, ipt_file_name, tmp_ipt_name, delta_tai OPENR, ipt_file, iptdir+tmp_ipt_name,/GET_LUN, /DELETE ;remove shifted ipt file when done ; Also shift new GT-dumps, if any: IF (dump_cnt GT prev_dump_cnt) THEN BEGIN stime_gt(prev_dump_cnt:dump_cnt-1)= stime_gt(prev_dump_cnt:dump_cnt-1)+ delta_tai etime_gt(prev_dump_cnt:dump_cnt-1)= etime_gt(prev_dump_cnt:dump_cnt-1)+ delta_tai ENDIF ; AEE 1/8/03 - also shift the new entries, if any, in sched_cmdseq: IF (DATATYPE(sched_cmdseq) EQ 'STC') THEN BEGIN FOR i= old_cmdseq_entries, N_ELEMENTS(sched_cmdseq)-1 DO BEGIN stime= sched_cmdseq(i).start_time sched_cmdseq(i).start_time= TAI2UTC(UTC2TAI(STR2UTC(stime))+delta_tai,/ECS) ostimes= STR_SEP(sched_cmdseq(i).os_time,',') ostimes= TAI2UTC(UTC2TAI(STR2UTC(ostimes))+delta_tai,/ECS) os_times= ostimes(0) FOR j= 1, N_ELEMENTS(ostimes)-1 DO os_times= os_times + ','+ostimes(j) sched_cmdseq(i).os_time= os_times ENDFOR ENDIF ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; No shift required IF (expanded_ipt_name NE '') THEN $ OPENR, ipt_file, iptdir+expanded_ipt_name, /GET_LUN, /DELETE $ ; remove the expanded ipt file when done ELSE $ OPENR, ipt_file, iptdir+ipt_file_name, /GET_LUN ENDELSE WIDGET_CONTROL,mdiag,SET_VALUE='READING IPT FILE: '+ipt_file_name PRINT, '**************************************' PRINT, 'READING IPT FILE: ', ipt_file_name PRINT, '**************************************' str = '' all_commands = '' ;** find first occurance of PT_OS_NUM WHILE ( NOT(EOF(ipt_file)) AND (STRMID(str,0,9) NE "PT_OS_NUM") ) DO BEGIN READF, ipt_file, str str = STRTRIM(str, 2) ENDWHILE ;************************************************* ;** loop over each OS ;** next_sec: WHILE (NOT(EOF(ipt_file))) DO BEGIN curr_str_arr = str str = '' ;** find everything up to the next occurance of PT_OS_NUM WHILE ( NOT(EOF(ipt_file)) AND (STRMID(str,0,9) NE "PT_OS_NUM") ) DO BEGIN READF, ipt_file, str str = STRTRIM(str, 2) ;** throw out comments and blank lines now IF ( (STRMID(str,0,1) NE ';') AND (str NE '') ) THEN curr_str_arr = [curr_str_arr, str] ENDWHILE ;** if str is "PT_OS_NUM" it is for the next OS loop IF NOT(EOF(ipt_file)) THEN curr_str_arr = curr_str_arr(0:N_ELEMENTS(curr_str_arr)-2) ;** curr_str_arr contains all parameters for this OS ;** convert this to an array of keyword/value structures key_val_arr = STR_ARR2KEY_VAL(curr_str_arr) ; AEE 06/10/03 - check IPT file for door close (lp=8) and open (lp=9) commands: IF (key_val_arr(0).val EQ '0001') THEN BEGIN ; door section ADD_IPT_DOORS,key_val_arr GOTO, next_sec ENDIF ; AEE 07/25/03 - check IPT file for GT-dump (lp=10) commands: IF (key_val_arr(0).val EQ '0002') THEN BEGIN ; GT-dump section ADD_IPT_GT,key_val_arr GOTO, next_sec ENDIF ; Check IPT file for Initialize Timeline (lp=11) commands: IF (key_val_arr(0).val EQ '0003') THEN BEGIN ; Init Timeline section ADD_IPT_INIT_TL,key_val_arr GOTO, next_sec ENDIF ; Check IPT file for Run Script (lp=12) commands: IF (key_val_arr(0).val EQ '0004') THEN BEGIN ; Run Script section ADD_IPT_RUN_SCRIPT,key_val_arr GOTO, next_sec ENDIF ;** keep track of which parameters we have used used = BYTARR(N_ELEMENTS(curr_str_arr)) ;** now initialize an OS structure and fill it in os = FILL_IN_OS(key_val_arr, used) ;** now initialize an LP structure for this particular LP and fill it in lp = FILL_IN_LP(os.lp_num, key_val_arr, used) IF (USEDEFAULTS EQ 1) THEN BEGIN os.os_size= 0 ; To force calculating the statistics. lp.ip = ip(lp.ip_tab_num).steps lp.occ = occ_blocks(lp.tele,*) ;lp.roi = roi_blocks(lp.tele,*) roi_table= WHICH_ROI_TABLE(ip,lp.ip_tab_num) IF (roi_table EQ -1) THEN roi_table= 0 ; use the first ROI table as defualt when none present. lp.roi = roi_blocks(lp.tele,*,roi_table) lp.ccd = ccd(lp.tele,lp.camt-1) IF (os.lp_num LT 2 OR os.lp_num GT 3) THEN lp.exptime(0)= exd(lp.tele,lp.expt-1,lp.fw,lp.pw(0)) IF (os.lp_num EQ 0) THEN lp.exptime(1)= exd(lp.tele,lp.expt-1,lp.fw,lp.pw(1)) IF (os.lp_num EQ 5 OR os.lp_num EQ 6) THEN BEGIN n = N_ELEMENTS(lp.pw) FOR i=0,n-1 DO lp.exptime(i)= exd(lp.tele,lp.expt-1,lp.fw,lp.pw(i)) ENDIF ENDIF IF NOT(KEYWORD_SET(SILENT)) THEN BEGIN print & print ;print, key_val_arr(where(used EQ 1)), format='(a)' ;print & print print, 'Unused parameter/values:' print, key_val_arr(where(used NE 1)), format='(a)' print & print ENDIF ;** FILL IN AN OS_INSTANCE new_entry = os_instance ;** os_instance defined in OS_DEFINED COMMON new_entry.ex = exd new_entry.os_num = os.os_num new_entry.cadence= os.os_cad new_entry.pre_proc_time= os.os_ppt IF (os.lp_num LT 0) THEN BEGIN ; AEE 9/25/03 WIDGET_CONTROL,mdiag,SET_VALUE='%%SCHEDULE_READ_IPT Error: Unknown LP '+STRN(os.lp_num) PRINT, '%%SCHEDULE_READ_IPT Error: Unknown LP', os.lp_num END new_entry.lp = os.lp_num CASE (new_entry.lp) OF 0 : BEGIN ;** Sky Double Image LP - AEE 9/25/03 new_entry.tele = lp.tele new_entry.num_images = 1 new_entry.exptable = lp.expt - 1 ; AEE 1/19/04 new_entry.camtable = lp.camt - 1 ; AEE 1/19/04 new_entry.fps = lp.fps ; AEE 1/19/04 new_entry.iptable = lp.ip_tab_num new_entry.fw = lp.fw new_entry.pw(0:1) = lp.pw(0:1) new_entry.ccd(new_entry.tele,new_entry.camtable) = lp.ccd new_entry.ip(new_entry.iptable).steps = lp.ip new_entry.occ_blocks(new_entry.tele, *) = lp.occ new_entry.roi_blocks(new_entry.tele, *) = lp.roi new_entry.ex(new_entry.tele, new_entry.exptable, new_entry.fw, new_entry.pw(0))= lp.exptime(0) new_entry.ex(new_entry.tele, new_entry.exptable, new_entry.fw, new_entry.pw(1))= lp.exptime(1) END 1 : BEGIN ;** Sky Normal Image LP new_entry.tele = lp.tele new_entry.num_images = 1 new_entry.exptable = lp.expt - 1 ; AEE 1/19/04 new_entry.camtable = lp.camt - 1 ; AEE 1/19/04 new_entry.fps = lp.fps ; AEE 1/19/04 new_entry.iptable = lp.ip_tab_num new_entry.fw = lp.fw new_entry.pw(0) = lp.pw new_entry.ccd(new_entry.tele,new_entry.camtable) = lp.ccd new_entry.ip(new_entry.iptable).steps = lp.ip new_entry.occ_blocks(new_entry.tele, *) = lp.occ new_entry.ex(new_entry.tele, new_entry.exptable, new_entry.fw, new_entry.pw(0)) = lp.exptime new_entry.roi_blocks(new_entry.tele, *) = lp.roi END 2 : BEGIN ;** Dark Image LP new_entry.tele = lp.tele new_entry.num_images = 1 new_entry.exptable = lp.expt - 1 ; AEE 1/19/04 new_entry.camtable = lp.camt - 1 ; AEE 1/19/04 new_entry.fps = lp.fps ; AEE 1/19/04 new_entry.iptable = lp.ip_tab_num new_entry.ccd(new_entry.tele,new_entry.camtable) = lp.ccd new_entry.ip(new_entry.iptable).steps = lp.ip new_entry.occ_blocks(new_entry.tele, *) = lp.occ new_entry.ex(new_entry.tele, new_entry.exptable, 0, 0) = lp.exptime new_entry.roi_blocks(new_entry.tele, *) = lp.roi END 3 : BEGIN ;** Cal Lamp LP new_entry.tele = lp.tele ;new_entry.table = lp.dpt - 1 ; AEE 1/19/04 new_entry.exptable = lp.expt - 1 ; AEE 1/19/04 new_entry.camtable = lp.camt - 1 ; AEE 1/19/04 new_entry.fps = lp.fps ; AEE 1/19/04 new_entry.iptable = lp.ip_tab_num new_entry.fw = lp.fw new_entry.pw(0) = lp.pw new_entry.num_images = 1 new_entry.lamp = lp.lamp new_entry.ccd(new_entry.tele,new_entry.camtable) = lp.ccd new_entry.ip(new_entry.iptable).steps = lp.ip new_entry.occ_blocks(new_entry.tele, *) = lp.occ new_entry.ex(new_entry.tele, new_entry.exptable, new_entry.fw, new_entry.pw(0)) = lp.exptime new_entry.roi_blocks(new_entry.tele, *) = lp.roi END 4 : BEGIN ;** Cont. Image LP new_entry.tele = lp.tele new_entry.num_images = 1 new_entry.exptable = lp.expt - 1 ; AEE 1/19/04 new_entry.camtable = lp.camt - 1 ; AEE 1/19/04 new_entry.fps = lp.fps ; AEE 1/19/04 new_entry.iptable = lp.ip_tab_num new_entry.fw = lp.fw new_entry.pw(0) = lp.pw new_entry.ccd(new_entry.tele,new_entry.camtable) = lp.ccd new_entry.ip(new_entry.iptable).steps = lp.ip new_entry.occ_blocks(new_entry.tele, *) = lp.occ new_entry.ex(new_entry.tele, new_entry.exptable, new_entry.fw, new_entry.pw(0)) = lp.exptime new_entry.roi_blocks(new_entry.tele, *) = lp.roi END 5 : BEGIN ;** Seq PW FW LP new_entry.tele = lp.tele new_entry.exptable = lp.expt - 1 ; AEE 1/19/04 new_entry.camtable = lp.camt - 1 ; AEE 1/19/04 new_entry.fps = lp.fps ; AEE 1/19/04 new_entry.iptable = lp.ip_tab_num new_entry.fw = lp.fw n = N_ELEMENTS(lp.pw) new_entry.num_images = n ; AEE - Dec 10, 02 new_entry.pw(0:n-1) = lp.pw new_entry.cadence= os.os_cad ; AEE 01/27/03 new_entry.ccd(new_entry.tele,new_entry.camtable) = lp.ccd new_entry.ip(new_entry.iptable).steps = lp.ip new_entry.occ_blocks(new_entry.tele, *) = lp.occ FOR i=0,n-1 DO $ new_entry.ex(new_entry.tele, new_entry.exptable, new_entry.fw, new_entry.pw(i)) = lp.exptime(i) new_entry.roi_blocks(new_entry.tele, *) = lp.roi END 6 : BEGIN ; HI Seq new_entry.tele = lp.tele new_entry.exptable = lp.expt - 1 ; AEE 1/19/04 new_entry.camtable = lp.camt - 1 ; AEE 1/19/04 new_entry.fps = lp.fps ; AEE 1/19/04 new_entry.iptable = lp.ip_tab_num new_entry.fw = lp.fw n = N_ELEMENTS(lp.pw) new_entry.num_images = n ; AEE - Dec 10, 02 new_entry.pw(0) = lp.pw(0) new_entry.cadence= os.os_cad ; AEE 01/27/03 new_entry.ccd(new_entry.tele,new_entry.camtable) = lp.ccd new_entry.ip(new_entry.iptable).steps = lp.ip new_entry.occ_blocks(new_entry.tele, *) = lp.occ FOR i=0,n-1 DO $ new_entry.ex(new_entry.tele, new_entry.exptable, new_entry.fw, new_entry.pw(0)) = lp.exptime(i) new_entry.roi_blocks(new_entry.tele, *) = lp.roi END 7 : BEGIN ;** Block Seq stop,'SCHEDULE_READ_IPT: Should not gotten here; LP = 7 should have been expanded to other LPs.' END ELSE : BEGIN print,"****" print,"LP= ",new_entry.lp print,"In schedule_read_ipt.pro, LP= ",new_entry.lp," no found." print,"****" END ENDCASE IF (DATATYPE(defined_os_arr) NE 'STC') THEN BEGIN ;** first os scheduled ; AEE 2/17/04 IF (new_entry.os_num EQ 0) THEN new_entry.os_num = GET_OS_NUM() defined_os_arr_save = new_entry defined_os_arr = new_entry ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;** only add if new ind = WHERE(defined_os_arr.os_num EQ new_entry.os_num) IF (ind(0) EQ -1) THEN BEGIN ;** then it is new ;** save os definitions from this IPT so that we only allocate new os_num ;** for truly new definitions IF (DATATYPE(defined_os_arr_save) NE 'STC') THEN BEGIN ; AEE 2/17/04 IF (new_entry.os_num EQ 0) THEN new_entry.os_num = GET_OS_NUM() defined_os_arr_save = new_entry defined_os_arr = [defined_os_arr, new_entry] ;** append to end of defined array ENDIF ELSE BEGIN found = 0 n = 0 len = N_ELEMENTS(defined_os_arr_save) WHILE ( (found NE 1) AND (n LT len) ) DO BEGIN t_os = defined_os_arr_save(n) IF ( (new_entry.lp EQ t_os.lp) AND $ (new_entry.tele EQ t_os.tele) AND $ (new_entry.camtable EQ t_os.camtable) AND $ ; AEE 1/19/04 (new_entry.exptable EQ t_os.exptable) AND $ ; AEE 1/19/04 (new_entry.fps EQ t_os.fps) AND $ ; AEE 1/19/04 (new_entry.cadence EQ t_os.cadence) AND $ (new_entry.iptable EQ t_os.iptable) AND $ (new_entry.fw EQ t_os.fw) AND $ MIN(new_entry.pw EQ t_os.pw) AND $ (new_entry.lamp EQ t_os.lamp) AND $ (new_entry.num_images EQ t_os.num_images) AND $ (new_entry.start EQ t_os.start) AND $ MIN(new_entry.ex EQ t_os.ex) AND $ MIN(new_entry.occ_blocks EQ t_os.occ_blocks) AND $ MIN(new_entry.roi_blocks EQ t_os.roi_blocks) ) THEN found = 1 IF (found EQ 1) THEN BEGIN ;** compare all tags in structure st = new_entry.ccd(new_entry.tele,new_entry.camtable) st2 = t_os.ccd(new_entry.tele,new_entry.camtable) nt = N_TAGS(st) res = BYTARR(nt) FOR t=0, nt-1 DO $ res(t) = MIN(st.(t) EQ st2.(t)) st = new_entry.ip(new_entry.iptable) st2 = t_os.ip(new_entry.iptable) nt = N_TAGS(st) res2 = BYTARR(nt) FOR t=0, nt-1 DO $ res2(t) = MIN(st.(t) EQ st2.(t)) IF ((MIN(res) < MIN(res2)) EQ 1) THEN found = 1 ELSE found = 0 ENDIF n = n + 1 ENDWHILE IF (found EQ 0) THEN BEGIN ;** this is new IF (new_entry.os_num EQ 0) THEN new_entry.os_num = GET_OS_NUM() defined_os_arr_save = [defined_os_arr_save, new_entry] defined_os_arr = [defined_os_arr, new_entry] ;** append to end of defined array ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;** this was already defined new_entry.os_num = t_os.os_num ENDELSE ENDELSE ENDIF ENDELSE ; AEE - 7/25/03 IF (USEDEFAULTS NE 1) THEN BEGIN aind= WHERE( key_val_arr.key EQ 'PT_OS_SIZES', acnt) IF (acnt GT 0) THEN BEGIN IF (DATATYPE(multi_apid) EQ 'UND') THEN BEGIN multi_apid= {multi_apid,os_num:os.os_num, sizes: key_val_arr(aind).val} ENDIF ELSE BEGIN mind= WHERE(multi_apid.os_num EQ os.os_num, scnt) IF (scnt EQ 0) THEN $ multi_apid= [multi_apid,{multi_apid,os_num:os.os_num, sizes: key_val_arr(aind).val}] ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF (os.os_size GT 0) THEN BEGIN PRINT,'' PRINT,'WARNING: Each OS in .IPT file should have either a valid PT_OS_SIZES or PT_OS_SIZE = 0' PRINT,'' STOP ENDIF ENDELSE ENDIF ;** ;** IF stats are not in IPT file the calculate them IF ( (os.os_size EQ 0) ) THEN BEGIN GET_OS_DB_STATS, new_entry, os_size, os_duration, os_pre_proc_time, os_ro_time, $ os_proc_time, os_setup_time, os_cadence os.os_ppt= os_pre_proc_time os.os_rot= os_ro_time os.os_size = os_size os.os_dur = os_duration os.os_proct= os_proc_time os.os_setup= os_setup_time os.os_cad= os_cadence ;ndef= N_ELEMENTS(defined_os_arr)-1 ;last= WHERE(defined_os_arr.os_num EQ new_entry.os_num, lcnt) last= WHERE(defined_os_arr.os_num EQ new_entry.os_num AND $ defined_os_arr.tele EQ new_entry.tele, lcnt) IF (lcnt GT 0) THEN BEGIN ;IF (last(0) NE ndef) THEN BEGIN IF (defined_os_arr(last).cadence NE os_cadence) THEN $ defined_os_arr(last).cadence= os_cadence IF (defined_os_arr(last).pre_proc_time NE os_pre_proc_time) THEN $ defined_os_arr(last).pre_proc_time= os_pre_proc_time ;ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ;** loop over each scheduled start time and add to os_arr FOR s_index = 0, N_ELEMENTS(os.lp_start)-1 DO BEGIN tai = UTC2TAI(os.lp_start(s_index)) add_os = os_struct add_os.os_num = new_entry.os_num add_os.os_duration = os.os_dur add_os.os_size = os.os_size add_os.os_pre_proc_time= os.os_ppt ; AEE 01/27/03 add_os.os_ro_time= os.os_rot ; AEE 01/27/03 add_os.os_setup_time= os.os_setup add_os.os_tele= new_entry.tele add_os.os_lp= new_entry.lp add_os.os_images= new_entry.num_images add_os.os_cadence= os.os_cad ; AEE 01/27/03 add_os.os_proc_time= os.os_proct add_os.os_start = tai add_os.os_stop = add_os.os_start + add_os.os_duration ;** calc stop time ;add_os.set_id = os.set_id ; AEE 2/11/04 - Added IF (KEYWORD_SET(SET)) THEN BEGIN add_os.set_id= os.set_id(s_index) IF (schedv.sc EQ 1) THEN add_os.sc= 'A' IF (schedv.sc EQ 2) THEN add_os.sc= 'B' IF (schedv.sc EQ 0) THEN BEGIN WIDGET_CONTROL,mdiag,SET_VALUE='ERROR - Can not Use SETS when S/C AB is selected - Stopped.' PRINT,'ERROR - Can not Use SETS When S/C AB is selected - Stopped.' STOP ENDIF ENDIF ELSE BEGIN add_os.set_id= 0 add_os.sc= os.lp_sc(s_index) IF (schedv.sc EQ 1) THEN add_os.sc= 'A' IF (schedv.sc EQ 2) THEN add_os.sc= 'B' ENDELSE add_os.bsf= os.bsf_id IF (DATATYPE(os_arr) EQ 'INT') THEN os_arr = add_os ELSE $ os_arr = [os_arr, add_os] ;** add to current schedule ;*************************** ;** ADD CAMERA TABLE LOADS IF (os.lp_load_cam(s_index) EQ 1) THEN BEGIN cam_stc = {cam_stc, os_num:0L, os_start:0.0D} cam_stc.os_num = add_os.os_num cam_stc.os_start = add_os.os_start IF (DATATYPE(load_camtable) NE 'STC') THEN BEGIN ;** first entry load_camtable = cam_stc ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ind = WHERE((load_camtable.os_num EQ add_os.os_num) AND (load_camtable.os_start EQ add_os.os_start)) IF (ind(0) EQ -1) THEN BEGIN load_camtable = [load_camtable,cam_stc] ENDIF ENDELSE ENDIF ;*************************** ;** ADD WAVELENGTH/EXP TABLE LOADS IF (os.lp_load_wlexp(s_index) EQ 1) THEN BEGIN cam_stc = {cam_stc, os_num:0L, os_start:0.0D} cam_stc.os_num = add_os.os_num cam_stc.os_start = add_os.os_start IF (DATATYPE(load_wlexptable) NE 'STC') THEN BEGIN ;** first entry load_wlexptable = cam_stc ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ind = WHERE((load_wlexptable.os_num EQ add_os.os_num) AND (load_wlexptable.os_start EQ add_os.os_start)) IF (ind(0) EQ -1) THEN BEGIN load_wlexptable = [load_wlexptable,cam_stc] ENDIF ENDELSE ENDIF ENDFOR ;** end looping on start times for this lp IF (new_os_num(0) EQ -1) THEN $ new_os_num = new_entry.os_num $ ELSE $ new_os_num = [new_os_num,new_entry.os_num] ENDWHILE CLOSE, ipt_file FREE_LUN, ipt_file WIDGET_CONTROL,mdiag,SET_VALUE='DONE READING IPT FILE ' PRINT, '**************************************' PRINT, 'DONE READING IPT FILE ' PRINT, '**************************************' ; AEE - 6/11/03 - to make sure we have same # of open and close doors for each SCIP telescope CHK_NUM_DOORS, cdoor_euvi, odoor_euvi CHK_NUM_DOORS, cdoor_cor1, odoor_cor1 CHK_NUM_DOORS, cdoor_cor2, odoor_cor2 IF (DATATYPE(os_arr) NE 'STC') THEN RETURN ind = SORT(os_arr.os_start) ; AEE - 02/05/03 - for LP=6 (HI-seq) if both HI1 and HI2 are used in the same sequence, the HI1 and ; HI2 images are identified by os_num and -os_num in the IPT file. Once the IPT is ; read and finished (at this point), change the minus os_num(s) to os_num using ; ABS, if any exists: os_arr.os_num= ABS(os_arr.os_num) defined_os_arr.os_num= ABS(defined_os_arr.os_num) RETURN END