;+ ;$Id: schedule.pro,v 1.15 2013/01/09 13:33:23 mcnutt Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO - SECCHI ; ; Name : SCHEDULE ; ; Purpose : Widget tool to schedule a SECCHI Observing Sequence. ; ; Explanation : This is the top level tool for defining the SECCHI ; observing schedule. From this tool you can define and ; schedule OP's and OS's. A graphical representation of ; the schedule is displayed including the expected ; LEB telemetry buffer usage. ; ; Use : SCHEDULE, ops ; ; Inputs : None ; ; Opt. Inputs : ops - A *.IPT (*.InstrumentPlanningTool) schedule. ; ; Outputs : None. ; ; Opt. Outputs: None. ; ; Keywords : None. ; ; Prev. Hist. : Adapted from SOHO/LASCO planning tool. ; ; Written By : Ed Esfandiari, NRL, May 2004 - First Version. ; ; Modification History: ; Ed Esfandiari 06/07/04 - Label changes. ; Ed Esfandiari 06/16/04 - Added setup and exp. times to the display. ; Ed Esfandiari 06/17/04 - Added Image size and time formats. ; Ed Esfandiari 09/22/04 - Added Select SpaceCraft icon. ; Ed Esfandiari 09/30/04 - Added SpaceCraft A and B scheduling capabilities. ; Ed Esfandiari 10/15/04 - Added SC A/B blockseqeunce counters. ; Ed Esfandiari 10/25/04 - Re-arranged Tlm load section. ; Ed Esfandiari 11/02/04 - Added "Display Mode" options. ; 11/05/04 - Added code to generate BSF files. ; Ed Esfandiari 11/30/04 - Added device, decomposed=0 statement. ; Ed Esfandiari 02/02/05 - Added Add/Remove Initialize timeline icon. ; Ed Esfandiari 03/10/05 - Added FSW schedule reading time delay message. ; Ed Esfandiari 05/03/05 - Added schedule run script (A) command. ; Ed Esfandiari 05/11/05 - Allow multiple I and A commands. ; Ed Esfandiari 05/26/05 - Added code to allow actual or a 24hr playback. ; Ed Esfandiari 04/20/06 - Added SSR2 percentage playback. ; Ed Esfandiari 05/19/06 - Added S/C A and B starting perecntage and SSR2 playback independency. ; Ed Esfandiari 06/22/06 - Added data_rate selection. ; Ed Esfandiari 09/01/06 - Added rate_gt to GT_DUMPS_SHARE. ; Ed Esfandiari 09/02/06 - Added nominal 3.26 kbps HK rate (secchi flight software, etc. - NOT Spacecraft) ; to SSR1 and RT. ; Ed Esfandiari 11/27/06 - Added Phasing Orbit rates. ; Ed Esfandiari 12/28/06 - Added bsf_gt to common block. ; Ed Esfandiari 03/13/07 - Added 1 and 2 min schedule span. ; Ed Esfandiari 06/20/07 - Added toggle option to display data volume/downloadable ratio or volume in MB. ; Ed Esfandiari 07/08/08 - Added .reset_session option (for idl 5.3+) to remove_common_block section. ; Ed Esfandiari 09/02/09 - changed data volume display from .1 to .3 decimal places. ; Ed Esfandiari 03/06/10 - Changed default data rate (drate) from 720 to 240 kbps. ; Ed Esfandiari 03/06/10 - Changed drate seletion automatic according to the today's date. ; ; ; $Log: schedule.pro,v $ ; Revision 1.15 2013/01/09 13:33:23 mcnutt ; changed made when generating new block sched 20130108 ; ; Revision 1.14 2013/01/07 19:37:07 nathan ; have one button to save all files ; ; Revision 1.13 2011/06/30 20:38:44 nathan ; bunch of widget adjustments ; ; Revision 1.12 2011/06/15 22:55:20 nathan ; Allow input of OSID; note that changed num_text from string with prefix to ; just a 4-digit number. Possibly output is affected. ; Also changed default state to ST-A instead of both, and automatically ; computes tlm volumes. ; ; Revision 1.11 2010/06/25 18:15:36 esfand ; automatic telemetry rate selection ; ; Revision 1.10 2009/09/11 20:28:22 esfand ; use 3-digit decimals to display volumes ; ; Revision 1.6 2005/05/26 20:00:59 esfand ; PT version used to create SEC20050525005 TVAC schedule ; ; Revision 1.5 2005/04/27 20:38:39 esfand ; these were used for 4/21/05 synoptics ; ; Revision 1.4 2005/03/10 16:52:17 esfand ; changes since Jan24-05 to Mar10-05 ; ; Revision 1.3 2005/01/24 17:56:35 esfand ; checkin changes since SCIP_A_TVAC ; ; Revision 2004/07/01 21:19:09 esfand ; first checkin ; ; Revision 2004/06/02 19:42:36 esfand ; first checkin ; ; ;- ;__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ; PRO SCHEDULE, ops COMMON SCHEDULE_BASE, sched_base COMMON DIALOG, mdiag,font COMMON CMD_SEQ_SCHEDULED, sched_cmdseq ; AEE - 5/20/03 COMMON SCIP_DOORS_SHARE, doors, cdoor_euvi, odoor_euvi, cdoor_cor1, odoor_cor1, cdoor_cor2, odoor_cor2,$ sc_maneuvers, start_sched, stop_sched, sc_euvi, sc_cor1, sc_cor2 ;COMMON GT_DUMPS_SHARE, stime_gt, etime_gt, apid_gt, beg_sched, end_sched, sc_gt ; AEE - 7/24/03 COMMON GT_DUMPS_SHARE, stime_gt, etime_gt, apid_gt, beg_sched, end_sched, sc_gt, rate_gt, bsf_gt ; AEE - 09/01/06 COMMON SCHED_SHARE, schedv COMMON SCHED_CONF, all_conflicts ; AEE - 10/21/03 COMMON SCA_NAMES, sca_fname, scb_fname COMMON KAP_INPUT, kap_nrt_reserved_arr, kap_resource_arr, kap_iie_arr COMMON BSF_CNT, a_bsf_cnt, b_bsf_cnt COMMON INIT_TL, ic COMMON RUN_SCRIPT, rsc COMMON TM_DATA, sb_usage, sb_total_bits_avail, s1_usage, s1_total_bits_avail, $ s2_usage, s2_total_bits_avail, rt_usage, rt_total_bits_avail, rt_usage_avail, $ sw_usage, sw_total_bits_avail, sbuf_use, ssr1_use, ssr2_use, rt_use, sw_use device, decomposed=0 ; to use 8 bits for color (for 24 bit systems) - IDL limitation. s1_usage= FLTARR(7,2) & s1_total_bits_avail= 0 & s2_usage= FLTARR(5,2) & s2_total_bits_avail= 0.0 rt_usage= FLTARR(7,2) & rt_total_bits_avail= 0 & sw_usage= FLTARR(5,2) & sw_total_bits_avail= 0.0 sb_usage= FLTARR(5,2) & sb_total_bits_avail= 0 & rt_usage_avail= FLTARR(7,2) sbuf_use='' & ssr1_use='' & ssr2_use='' & rt_use='' & sw_use='' a_bsf_cnt= 0 b_bsf_cnt= 0 ; set bsf=-1 for first init command structure to indicate it is a dummy one ; and should not be used. Vaild bsf values are: ; 0: stand alone init command ; 1,2,3,..: init command belongs to a .bsf file read ic= {sc:'-',dt:0.0D,bsf:-1} rsc= {sc:'-',dt:0.0D,fn:'',bsf:-1} all_conflicts= '' ssr_rt_mode= READ_SSR_RT_MODE('SSR_realtime.dat') ; AEE - 6/13/03 IF(ssr_rt_mode EQ '') THEN BEGIN PRINT PRINT,'===========================================================' PRINT,'ERROR: SSR_realtime.dat file does not indicate which one of' PRINT,' BOTH, SPACEWEATHER, REALTIME, or NONE' PRINT,' modes to be used. Edit the file and try again.' PRINT,'===========================================================' PRINT RETURN END IF ((SIZE(sched_base))(1) NE 0) THEN BEGIN ; defined, remove common blocks before runing this routine. PRINT,'' PRINT,'*********************************' PRINT,'Old Common Block Data Is Detected. PRINT,'Must issue a' PRINT,' @remove_common_blocks' PRINT,' Or starting with IDL v5.3' PRINT,' .reset_session' PRINT,'command, first.' PRINT,'*********************************' PRINT,'' RETURN END ; ; The variable STARTDIS is used throughout the code. It is the first time point ; displayed in the draw window and is in TAI form. Likewise, ENDDIS ; is the last displayed time point. ; read_ipt_flag = '' IF N_ELEMENTS(ops) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN ; no time entered, use default GET_UTC, stime ; get system time stime.mjd = stime.mjd + 1 ; add a day stime.time = 0 ; only want date startdis = UTC2TAI(stime) ; seconds since 1 jan 1958 (TAI) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN pos = STRPOS(ops, '.IPT') IF (pos GT 0) THEN BEGIN ;** read in input IPT ; AEE - 6/11/03 - Make sure .IPT file exist before trying to open it. IF (STRPOS(ops,'/IO/IPT/') LT 0) THEN $ fipt= FINDFILE(GETENV('PT')+'/IO/IPT/'+ops) $ ELSE $ fipt= FINDFILE(ops) IF (STRLEN(fipt(0)) EQ 0) THEN BEGIN PRINT & PRINT PRINT,'Sorry, '+ops+' file does not exist.' PRINT RETURN ENDIF read_ipt_flag = ops SCHEDULE_READ_IPT_FST, fipt(0), /SILENT, startdis=startdis, /PROMPT_SHIFT ENDIF ELSE $ startdis = UTC2TAI(ops) ; Hopefully, the user entered a valid time string so get in TAI ENDELSE baseop = startdis ; Remember input operational day (TAI), ; STARTDIS will be changing. duration = 86400d ; Default display span in seconds enddis = startdis + duration ; The last displayed time point (TAI) ; ; Initialize some VALUEs ; study_start = startdis ; STUDY_START: VALUE to go in start text widget study_stop = enddis ; STUDY_STOP : VALUE to go in stop text widget mode = 0 ; Initialize to display mode ; mode = 0 is display mode ; mode = 1 is edit mode ; ; ; Create the widget interface ; ; DEVICE, GET_SCREEN_SIZE = scr ; Create base and divide as columns. Use 1st column for buttons + draw window (cols) and 2nd column for (mdiag): ; ---------------------------------- ; | 1st (cols) | ; ---------------------------------- ; | 2nd (mdiag) | ; --------------------------------- wsizes=define_widget_sizes() yscroffsets=wsizes.dsktop+wsizes.winhdr+wsizes.border+wsizes.scrbar xscroffsets=wsizes.scrbar base = WIDGET_BASE(TITLE='SECCHI Scheduling Tool / ' + $ 'Operational Day ' + TAI2UTC(baseop, /ECS), $ ;SPACE=5, XPAD=3, YPAD=-5, /COL,/SCROLL,X_SCROLL_SIZE=scr(0)-95,Y_SCROLL_SIZE=scr(1)-80) ;SPACE=5, XPAD=3, YPAD=-5, /COL,/SCROLL,X_SCROLL_SIZE=scr(0)-60,Y_SCROLL_SIZE=scr(1)-70) ;SPACE=5, XPAD=3, YPAD=-5, /COL,/SCROLL,X_SCROLL_SIZE=scr(0)-165,Y_SCROLL_SIZE=scr(1)-130) ;SPACE=5, XPAD=3, YPAD=-5, /COL,/SCROLL,X_SCROLL_SIZE=scr(0)-165,Y_SCROLL_SIZE=scr(1)-80) ;mahanadi ;SPACE=5, XPAD=3, YPAD=-5, /COL,/SCROLL,X_SCROLL_SIZE=scr(0)-120,Y_SCROLL_SIZE=scr(1)-80) ;solar6 ;SPACE=5, XPAD=3, YPAD=-5, /COL,/SCROLL,X_SCROLL_SIZE=scr(0)-300,Y_SCROLL_SIZE=scr(1)-100) ;SPACE=5, XPAD=3, YPAD=-5, /COL,/SCROLL,X_SCROLL_SIZE=scr(0)-390,Y_SCROLL_SIZE=scr(1)-100) ;secchig SPACE=5, XPAD=3, YPAD=-5, /COL,/SCROLL,X_SCROLL_SIZE=scr(0)-xscroffsets,Y_SCROLL_SIZE=scr(1)-yscroffsets-200) ; lasco7 ; ; The COLUMN of button, text, and list widgets to the left of the DRAW window ; ; Take first column of base and divide into rows (call it cols) one for leftside buttons (A) and one for drawing plan (B): ; ---------------------------------- ; | A | B | ; ---------------------------------- ; | mdiag | ; --------------------------------- cols = WIDGET_BASE(base, SPACE=10,/ROW) col1 = WIDGET_BASE(cols, SPACE=10,/COLUMN) ; ; The row of buttons at the top of the left side COLUMN ; controls = WIDGET_BASE(col1, /ROW) ;quit = WIDGET_BUTTON(controls, VALUE='QUIT', UVALUE='QUIT') help = WIDGET_BUTTON(controls, VALUE='Help', UVALUE='HELP') lab = WIDGET_LABEL(controls, VALUE='') gen = WIDGET_BUTTON(controls, VALUE='Verify Schedule', UVALUE='VERIFY') ; ; To add more time spans, add the VALUEs below and provide an appropiate ; case statement in the event handler (PLAN_EV) ; ;span_list= ['5 min span', $ span_list= ['1 min span', $ '2 min span', $ '5 min span', $ '10 min span', $ '30 min span', $ '1 hour span', $ '2 hour span', $ '3 hour span', $ '4 hour span', $ '6 hour span', $ '9 hour span', $ '12 hour span', $ '18 hour span', $ '1 day span', $ '1.25 day span', $ '1.5 day span', $ '2 day span', $ '3 day span', $ '7 day span'] drop_span = widget_droplist(controls, uvalue='TIMESPAN', value= span_list) ; NOTE: SPAN_SEC must coorrespond to text in DROP_SPAN in second ;span_sec = [ [300d, 600d, 1800d, 3600d, 7200d], $ ; minutes span_sec = [ [60d,120d,300d, 600d, 1800d, 3600d, 7200d], $ ; minutes [.125d, (4d/24d), .25d, .375d, .5d, .75d, $ ; hours 1d, 1.25d, 1.5d, 2d, 3d, 7d] * 86400d] ; days size_fmt = '(d18.3)' time_fmt1 = '(d12.1)' time_fmt2 = '(d8.3)' ; ; Below the control button row, these are buttons to call outside programs. ; refer = WIDGET_BASE(col1, SPACE=2, /FRAME, /COLUMN, YPAD=-1) prog = WIDGET_BASE(refer, SPACE=5, /COLUMN, XPAD=10, YPAD=5) ; prog = WIDGET_BASE(refer, SPACE=2, /COLUMN, XPAD=-1, YPAD=-1) sched_set = WIDGET_BUTTON(prog, VALUE='Plan & Describe An Observing Set', EVENT_PRO='PLAN_SET') def_os = WIDGET_BUTTON(prog, VALUE='Define Observing Sequence (OS)', UVALUE='DEFINE_OS') ;sched_bs = WIDGET_BUTTON(prog, VALUE='Schedule Block Sequence (BS)', UVALUE='SCHEDULE_BS') sched_bs = WIDGET_BUTTON(prog, VALUE='Load BSF', UVALUE='SCHEDULE_BS') sdoor = WIDGET_BUTTON(prog, VALUE='Schedule SCIP Door Commands',UVALUE='SCHEDULE_DOORS') sgt = WIDGET_BUTTON(prog, VALUE='Schedule GT Dumps',UVALUE='GT_DUMPS') sca = WIDGET_BUTTON(prog, VALUE=' Read SCA File ', UVALUE='INPUT_KAP') ;AEE 4/6/04 ript = WIDGET_BUTTON(prog, VALUE=" Read IPT File ", UVALUE='INPUT_IPT') refer = WIDGET_BASE(col1, SPACE=2, /FRAME, /COLUMN, YPAD=-1) prog = WIDGET_BASE(refer, SPACE=5, /COLUMN, XPAD=10, YPAD=5) ;prog = WIDGET_BASE(refer, SPACE=2, /COLUMN, XPAD=-1, YPAD=-1) store = WIDGET_BUTTON(prog, VALUE=' Store Current Schedule ', UVALUE='STORE') ;gipt = WIDGET_BUTTON(prog, VALUE=' Generate IPT File ', UVALUE='OUTPUT_IPT') ; AEE 1/15/04 ;conf = WIDGET_BUTTON(prog, VALUE=' Generate Conflict File ', UVALUE='conf_out') ; AEE 11/17/03 ;csf= WIDGET_BUTTON(prog, VALUE='Generate BSF File', UVALUE='OUT_BSF') gall = WIDGET_BUTTON(prog, VALUE='Save as Files', UVALUE='OUTPUT_PLAN') ; ; AEE 11/17/03 ;sca = WIDGET_BUTTON(prog, VALUE=' Read SCA File ', UVALUE='INPUT_KAP') ;AEE 4/6/04 ;ript = WIDGET_BUTTON(prog, VALUE=" Read IPT File ", UVALUE='INPUT_IPT') intime= WIDGET_BASE(col1, SPACE=1, /COLUMN, /FRAME, XPAD=-1, YPAD=-1) ;intl= WIDGET_BUTTON(intime, VALUE=" Initialize Timeline ", UVALUE='INIT_TL') intl= WIDGET_BUTTON(intime, VALUE=" Add/Remove ISTIMELINE INIT ", UVALUE='INIT_TL') rstime= WIDGET_BASE(col1, SPACE=1, /COLUMN, /FRAME, XPAD=-1, YPAD=-1) sched_rs = WIDGET_BUTTON(rstime, VALUE=' Schedule/Remove Run Script File ', UVALUE='SCHEDULE_RS') ; ; Below the outside call buttons, there are 2 text window for entering ; start and stop times and a list widget that displays study names. ; edit = WIDGET_BASE(col1, SPACE=2, /COLUMN, /FRAME, XPAD=-1, YPAD=-1) ; In order to line up text widgets, pair the label in a COLUMN ; and the text windows in a COLUMN. font='-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--14-140-75-75-p-77-iso8859-1' row = WIDGET_BASE(edit, /ROW,XPAD=-1, YPAD=-1) get_os_op = CW_PDMENU(row, [ '1\Select OS', '0\From Currently Loaded'], UVALUE="GET_OS_OP") num_text = CW_FIELD(row, VALUE='0000', title=' OBS_ID:', FONT=font, uvalue='GET_OS_OP', /return_events, xsize=4) ;lab = WIDGET_LABEL(row, VALUE=' ') ;help = WIDGET_BUTTON(row, VALUE='Help', UVALUE='HELP') times_input = WIDGET_BASE(edit, /ROW) ;lab_times = WIDGET_BASE(times_input, /COLUMN, SPACE=12,XPAD=-1, YPAD=-1) ;lab_times = WIDGET_BASE(times_input, /COLUMN, SPACE=10,XPAD=-1, YPAD=-1) ;lab_times = WIDGET_BASE(times_input, SPACE=12, YPAD=8, /COLUMN) ;lab_times = WIDGET_BASE(times_input, SPACE=12, YPAD=8, /COLUMN) lab_times = WIDGET_BASE(times_input, SPACE=18, YPAD=8, /COLUMN) lab = WIDGET_LABEL(lab_times, VALUE='START') lab = WIDGET_LABEL(lab_times, VALUE='Count') ; lab = WIDGET_LABEL(lab_times, VALUE=' ') ; lab = WIDGET_LABEL(lab_times, VALUE='DELTA') lab = WIDGET_LABEL(lab_times, VALUE='Delta (hh:mm:ss)') lab = WIDGET_LABEL(lab_times, VALUE='STOP') tex_times = WIDGET_BASE(times_input,/COLUMN,XPAD=-1, YPAD=-1) ;start_text = WIDGET_TEXT(tex_times, XSIZE=22, /EDITABLE, $ start_text = WIDGET_TEXT(tex_times, XSIZE=19, /EDITABLE, $ UVALUE='TEXTSTART') count_text = WIDGET_TEXT(tex_times, XSIZE=5, /EDITABLE, UVALUE='COUNT') ;delta format is: hh:mm:ss.ms ;AEE - May 2002: allowed +hh:mm:ss.ms (forward and same as hh:mm:ss.ms) and ; -hh:mm:ss.ms (backward) changes in time. ; lab= WIDGET_LABEL(tex_times, VALUE='delta (hh:mm:ss)') delta_text = WIDGET_TEXT(tex_times, XSIZE=11, /EDITABLE, UVALUE='DELTA') ; trow = WIDGET_BASE(times_input,/COLUMN) ; lab= WIDGET_LABEL(trow, VALUE='') ; lab= WIDGET_LABEL(trow, VALUE='') ; lab = WIDGET_LABEL(trow, VALUE='hh:mm:ss') ;stop_text = WIDGET_TEXT(tex_times, XSIZE=22, /EDITABLE, $ stop_text = WIDGET_TEXT(tex_times, XSIZE=19, /EDITABLE, $ UVALUE='TEXTSTOP') ; lab = WIDGET_LABEL(times_input, VALUE='') os_label = WIDGET_BASE(edit, /ROW) ;col = WIDGET_BASE(os_label, /COLUMN, SPACE=12) ;col = WIDGET_BASE(os_label, /COLUMN, SPACE=14, YPAD=14) col = WIDGET_BASE(os_label, /COLUMN, SPACE=17, YPAD=10) lab = WIDGET_LABEL(col, VALUE='SIZE') lab = WIDGET_LABEL(col, VALUE='DURATION') lab = WIDGET_LABEL(col, VALUE='PROC_TIME') lab = WIDGET_LABEL(col, VALUE='CCD_TIME') lab = WIDGET_LABEL(col, VALUE='EXP_TIME') lab = WIDGET_LABEL(col, VALUE='SETUP_TIME') col = WIDGET_BASE(os_label, /COLUMN, SPACE=4, YPAD=4) new_value = 0D os_size_text = WIDGET_TEXT(col, XSIZE=11, /EDITABLE, VALUE=STRTRIM(STRING(new_value,size_fmt),2)+' ', $ UVALUE='OS_SIZE') os_dur_text = WIDGET_TEXT(col, XSIZE=11, /EDITABLE, VALUE=STRTRIM(STRING(new_value,time_fmt1),2)+' ', $ UVALUE='OS_DUR') os_proc_text = WIDGET_TEXT(col, XSIZE=11, /EDITABLE, VALUE=STRTRIM(STRING(new_value,time_fmt1),2)+' ', $ UVALUE='OS_PROC') ; lab = WIDGET_LABEL(col, VALUE='') os_rot_text = WIDGET_TEXT(col, XSIZE=11, /EDITABLE, VALUE=STRTRIM(STRING(new_value,time_fmt2),2)+' ', $ UVALUE='OS_ROT') os_exp_text= WIDGET_TEXT(col, XSIZE=11, VALUE=STRTRIM(STRING(new_value,time_fmt2),2), UVALUE= "OS_EXP") os_setup_text = WIDGET_TEXT(col, XSIZE=11, /EDITABLE, VALUE=STRTRIM(STRING(new_value,time_fmt2),2)+' ', $ UVALUE='OS_SETUP') ; lab = WIDGET_LABEL(col, VALUE='') col = WIDGET_BASE(os_label, /COLUMN,SPACE=5, YPAD=8) bits_bytes = CW_BSELECTOR2(col, ["bits ","bytes","% SBUF Cap","% SSR1 Cap","% SSR2 Cap","% RT Capac","% SW Capac"], SET_VALUE=0, UVALUE="BITS_BYTES") secs_mins = CW_BSELECTOR2(col, ["secs ","mins "], SET_VALUE=0, UVALUE="SECS_MINS") ; lab = WIDGET_LABEL(col, VALUE=' ') ; lab = WIDGET_LABEL(col, VALUE=' ') ; lab = WIDGET_LABEL(col, VALUE='Exp.Time') ; os_exp_text= WIDGET_TEXT(col, XSIZE=7, VALUE=STRTRIM(STRING(new_value,time_fmt2),2), UVALUE= "OS_EXP") ; ; Near the bottom of the left side are some editing control buttons. ; edit_study = WIDGET_BASE(edit, /COL); XPAD=10, SPACE=10) ;edit_study = WIDGET_BASE(edit, /COL, XPAD=-2, SPACE=5, YPAD= -3) row = WIDGET_BASE(edit_study, /ROW); XPAD=10, SPACE=10) ;row = WIDGET_BASE(edit_study, /ROW); XPAD=5, YPAD= 1, SPACE=5) ;tmp = WIDGET_BUTTON(row, VALUE='ADD', UVALUE='ADD') tmp = WIDGET_BUTTON(row, VALUE='ADD', UVALUE='ADD') tmp= WIDGET_LABEL(row, VALUE=' ') tmp = WIDGET_BUTTON(row, VALUE='MOVE', UVALUE='MOVE_OS') ; AEE - 7/30/03 tmp= WIDGET_LABEL(row, VALUE=' ') tmp = WIDGET_BUTTON(row, VALUE='DELETE', UVALUE='DELETE') tmp= WIDGET_LABEL(row, VALUE=' ') tmp = WIDGET_BUTTON(row, VALUE="DEL MULT OS's", UVALUE='DELETE_OSs') ;row = WIDGET_BASE(edit_study, /ROW); XPAD=10, SPACE=10) row = WIDGET_BASE(edit_study, /ROW); XPAD=10, SPACE=10) tmp= WIDGET_LABEL(row, VALUE='') tmp = WIDGET_BUTTON(row, VALUE='QUICK SUMMARY', UVALUE='SUMMARY') tmp= WIDGET_LABEL(row, VALUE=' ') tmp = WIDGET_BUTTON(row, VALUE='DETAILS', UVALUE='DETAILS') tmp= WIDGET_LABEL(row, VALUE=' ') sconf = WIDGET_BUTTON(row, VALUE='CONFLICTS', UVALUE='CONFLICTS') ; ; On the right-hand side of the interface is the display window. ; plan = WIDGET_BASE(cols, /COLUMN, XPAD= -1) sc_display= 1 ; at start, default display to spacecraft A p1= WIDGET_BASE(plan,/ROW) ;sc_arr= ['SpaceCraft - A and B','SpaceCraft - A','SpaceCraft - B'] sc_arr= ['SpaceCrafts A and B Schedule','SpaceCraft A Schedule','SpaceCraft B Schedule'] ;label= ' ' ;sc_sel= CW_BSELECTOR2(plan, sc_arr, UVALUE='SpaceCraft', LABEL_LEFT= label) label= ' ' sc_sel= CW_BSELECTOR2(p1, sc_arr, UVALUE='SpaceCraft', LABEL_LEFT= ' ', set_value=1) ; default 1 = ST-A modes= ['Full','Partial'] ;lab= WIDGET_LABEL(p1, VALUE='Display Mode: ') ;lab =WIDGET_LABEL(p1, VALUE=' ') dmodes= CW_BSELECTOR2(p1, modes, UVALUE='DISP_MODE',LABEL_LEFT= 'Display Mode:') smode= 0 ; 'Full' ;lab =WIDGET_LABEL(p1, VALUE=' ') ;data_rates= ['High (0-14)','Med (14-18)','Low (18-24)'] ;data_rates= ['High (0-14)','Med (14-18)','Low (18-24)','Phasing Orbit'] data_rates= ['720 kbps (Jan 2007 A and B)','480 kbps (Oct 2008 A, Sep 2008 B)','360 kbps (May 2009 A, Jun 2009 B)',$ '240 kbps (Apr 2010 A, Dec 2009 B)','160 kbps (Sep 2010 A, Sep 2010 B)','120 kbps (Apr 2011 A, Nov 2010 B)',$ '96 kbps (Sep 2011 A, Sep 2011 B)','30 kbps (Aug 2012 A, Aug 2012 B)'] ;drates= CW_BSELECTOR2(p1, data_rates, UVALUE='DATA_RATES',LABEL_LEFT= 'SSR Data Rate:') ;drate= 0 ; 'High' ;drate= 0 ; '720' ;drate= 3 ; '240' ;drates= CW_BSELECTOR2(p1, data_rates, UVALUE='DATA_RATES', SET_VALUE= drate, LABEL_LEFT= 'SSR Data Rate:') mjd_switch_dates= [54710, $ ; Sep 1 2008, 480 kbps (used earliest of A or B switch dates) 54952, $ ; May 1 2009, 360 kbps 55166, $ ; Dec 1 2009, 240 kbps 55440, $ ; Sep 1 2010, 160 kbps 55501, $ ; Nov 1 2010, 120 kbps 55805, $ ; Sep 1 2011, 96 kbps 56140] ; Aug 1 2012, 30 kbps GET_UTC, utc_today mjd_today= utc_today.mjd case 1 of mjd_today lt mjd_switch_dates(0): drate= 0 ; 720 kbps mjd_today lt mjd_switch_dates(1): drate= 1 ; 480 kbps mjd_today lt mjd_switch_dates(2): drate= 2 ; 360 kbps mjd_today lt mjd_switch_dates(3): drate= 3 ; 240 kbps mjd_today lt mjd_switch_dates(4): drate= 4 ; 160 kbps mjd_today lt mjd_switch_dates(5): drate= 5 ; 120 kbps mjd_today lt mjd_switch_dates(6): drate= 6 ; 96 kbps else: drate= 7 ; 30 kbps endcase drates= CW_BSELECTOR2(p1, data_rates, UVALUE='DATA_RATES', SET_VALUE= drate, LABEL_LEFT= 'SSR Data Rate:') ;lab =WIDGET_LABEL(p1, VALUE=' ') ;lab = WIDGET_LABEL(p1, VALUE=' ') ;lab = WIDGET_LABEL(p1, VALUE=' ') quit = WIDGET_BUTTON(p1, VALUE='QUIT', UVALUE='QUIT') ;mrow= WIDGET_BASE(plan, /ROW) ;blanks=' ' blanks=' ' ;blanks= blanks+blanks+blanks blanks= blanks+blanks+blanks+blanks mdiag= WIDGET_LABEL(plan,FONT=font,VALUE='Starting up...',/frame,xsize=1150) ; ; The draw widget shows the studies from STARTDIS to ENDDIS ; ; Note; If drawable size is changed, also change the TVRD parameters in schedule_event for ; creating the .gif file. ;draw = WIDGET_DRAW(plan, XSIZE=700, YSIZE=512*2, /BUTTON_EVENT, /SCROLL, Y_SCROLL_SIZE=512, $ ;draw = WIDGET_DRAW(plan, XSIZE=700, YSIZE=512*2, /BUTTON_EVENT, /SCROLL, Y_SCROLL_SIZE=535, $ ; X_SCROLL_SIZE=700, RETAIN=2, /FRAME, UVALUE='DRAW') draw = WIDGET_DRAW(plan, XSIZE=1200, YSIZE=705*2, /BUTTON_EVENT, /SCROLL, Y_SCROLL_SIZE=735, $ x_scroll_size=1202, RETAIN=2, /FRAME, UVALUE='DRAW') ; ; Below the draw window are the time buttons. ; In display mode, they modify the STARTDIS VALUE by the specified time ; In edit mode, they modity the times in the start and stop text window. ; ;jump = WIDGET_BASE(plan, /ROW, /FRAME) ;jump = WIDGET_BASE(plan, /ROW, XPAD= 85) jump = WIDGET_BASE(plan, /ROW, XPAD= 190) ;jump = WIDGET_BASE(jump,/ROW, /FRAME) jump = WIDGET_BASE(jump,/ROW, XPAD=55, /FRAME) sarr= ['sec','2s','5s','10s','20s','30s'] secarr= [1,2,5,10,20,30] marr= ['min','2m','5m','10m','20m','30m'] minarr= [1,2,5,10,20,30] harr = ['hr','2h','3h','4h','5h','6h','12h'] hrarr= [1,2,3,4,5,6,12] darr= ['day','2d','3d','4d','5d','10d','15d'] dayarr= [1,2,3,4,5,10,15] ;jump1 = WIDGET_BASE(jump, /ROW,YPAD=-2,XPAD=-2) ;jj1 = WIDGET_BASE(jump, /ROW,YPAD=-2,XPAD=-2) jj1 = WIDGET_BASE(jump, /ROW) jump1 = WIDGET_BASE(jj1, /ROW) ;bck5 = WIDGET_BUTTON(jump1, VALUE='', SET_VALUE=0, UVALUE='FORSEC') for2 = CW_BSELECTOR2(jump2, marr+'>', SET_VALUE=0, UVALUE='FORMIN') for3 = CW_BSELECTOR2(jump2, harr+'>', SET_VALUE=0, UVALUE='FORHR') for4 = CW_BSELECTOR2(jump2, darr+'>', SET_VALUE=0, UVALUE='FORDAY') ;for5 = WIDGET_BUTTON(jump2, VALUE='mo>', UVALUE='FORMON') for5 = WIDGET_BUTTON(jump2, VALUE='month>', UVALUE='FORMON') ;rrow = WIDGET_BASE(plan, /ROW) ;rrow = WIDGET_BASE(plan, /ROW, XPAD= 90, ypad= 10) ;rrow = WIDGET_BASE(plan, /ROW, XPAD= 90, ypad= 5) rrow = WIDGET_BASE(plan, /ROW, XPAD= 0, ypad= 5) ; below this is buffer statistics ;buffstats = WIDGET_BASE(rrow, SPACE=5, /COLUMN, /FRAME, YPAD= -3) ;buffstats = WIDGET_BASE(rrow, SPACE=0, /COLUMN, /FRAME, YPAD= -2) buffstats = WIDGET_BASE(rrow, SPACE=0, /COLUMN, /FRAME, YPAD= 0, /align_left) date_str = UTC2STR(TAI2UTC(startdis), /ECS, /TRUNCATE) + ' to ' + $ UTC2STR(TAI2UTC(enddis), /ECS, /TRUNCATE) ;pctlab= "Telemetry (To Be Downlinked / Downlinkable) Percentages For The Period Of" pctlab= "Telemetry Volume (MB) for The Period Of" pctlab= ["Telemetry (To Be Downlinked / Downlinkable) Percentages For The Period Of", $ "Telemetry Volume (MB) for The Period Of"] pct_stats= 1 ; corresponding to pctlab[pct_stats] ;pctid= CW_BSELECTOR2(buffstats, pctlab, UVALUE='PCTSTATS') pct= WIDGET_BASE(buffstats, /ROW) ;lab = WIDGET_LABEL(pct,VALUE=' ') pctid= CW_BSELECTOR2(pct, pctlab, UVALUE='PCTSTATS', set_value=1) fakepb= 0 ; False ;fpb = WIDGET_BASE(plan, SPACE=0, /ROW, YPAD= 0) txt= WIDGET_LABEL(pct, VALUE= ' ') fake= CW_BSELECTOR2(pct, ['Use Actual PlayBacks','Fake a 24hr PlayBack'], UVALUE= 'FAKE_PB') ;plab = WIDGET_LABEL(buffstats, VALUE= pctlab, FONT=font) usage_dates = WIDGET_LABEL(buffstats, VALUE= date_str, FONT=font) ;lab = WIDGET_LABEL(buffstats, VALUE='Total EUVI COR1 COR2 HI1 HI2 ',/ALIGN_RIGHT) labuf= WIDGET_BASE(buffstats, /ROW) ;spaces=' ' spaces=' ' lab= WIDGET_LABEL(labuf, VALUE=spaces,/ALIGN_RIGHT) ;lab= WIDGET_LABEL(labuf, VALUE=' Total',/ALIGN_RIGHT,FONT=font) lab= WIDGET_LABEL(labuf, VALUE=' Total',/ALIGN_RIGHT,FONT=font) lab= WIDGET_LABEL(labuf, VALUE=' EUVI',/ALIGN_RIGHT,FONT=font) lab= WIDGET_LABEL(labuf, VALUE=' COR1',/ALIGN_RIGHT,FONT=font) lab= WIDGET_LABEL(labuf, VALUE=' COR2',/ALIGN_RIGHT,FONT=font) lab= WIDGET_LABEL(labuf, VALUE=' HI1',/ALIGN_RIGHT,FONT=font) lab= WIDGET_LABEL(labuf, VALUE=' HI2',/ALIGN_RIGHT,FONT=font) lab= WIDGET_LABEL(labuf, VALUE=' HK',/ALIGN_RIGHT,FONT=font) lab= WIDGET_LABEL(labuf, VALUE=' GT',/ALIGN_RIGHT,FONT=font) lab= WIDGET_LABEL(labuf, VALUE=' ') tuse= 0.0 & teuvi= 0.0 & tcor1= 0.0 & tcor2= 0.0 & thi1= 0.0 & thi2= 0.0 ;use_str= STRING(tuse,'(f12.1)')+'%'+STRING(teuvi,'(f13.1)')+'%'+STRING(tcor1,'(f9.1)')+'%'+ $ ; STRING(tcor2,'(f11.1)')+'%'+STRING(thi1,'(f12.1)')+'%'+STRING(thi2,'(f11.1)')+'%'+' ' ;use_str= STRING(tuse,'(f12.1)')+' '+STRING(teuvi,'(f13.1)')+' '+STRING(tcor1,'(f9.1)')+' '+ $ ; STRING(tcor2,'(f11.1)')+' '+STRING(thi1,'(f12.1)')+' '+STRING(thi2,'(f11.1)')+' '+' ' use_str= STRING(tuse,'(f12.3)')+' '+STRING(teuvi,'(f13.3)')+' '+STRING(tcor1,'(f9.3)')+' '+ $ STRING(tcor2,'(f11.3)')+' '+STRING(thi1,'(f12.3)')+' '+STRING(thi2,'(f11.3)')+' '+' ' ;buffstats0= WIDGET_BASE(buffstats, /COLUMN, YPAD= -2) buffstats0= WIDGET_BASE(buffstats, /COLUMN, YPAD= -1) sec_buf= WIDGET_BASE(buffstats0, /ROW, YPAD= -2) ;spaces=' ' sbuf_stats = WIDGET_LABEL(sec_buf, VALUE= spaces,/ALIGN_RIGHT, FONT=font) sb_tot= WIDGET_LABEL(sec_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f16.1)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) sb_eu= WIDGET_LABEL(sec_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f14.1)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) sb_c1= WIDGET_LABEL(sec_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f14.1)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) sb_c2= WIDGET_LABEL(sec_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f15.1)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) sb_h1= WIDGET_LABEL(sec_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f13.1)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) sb_h2= WIDGET_LABEL(sec_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f13.1)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) ;buffstats1 = WIDGET_BASE(buffstats, /COLUMN, YPAD= -2) buffstats1 = WIDGET_BASE(buffstats, /COLUMN, YPAD= 0) ssr1_buf= WIDGET_BASE(buffstats1, /ROW, YPAD= -2) ssr1_stats= WIDGET_LABEL(ssr1_buf, VALUE= spaces,/ALIGN_RIGHT, FONT=font) s1_tot= WIDGET_LABEL(ssr1_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f16.3)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) s1_eu= WIDGET_LABEL(ssr1_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f14.3)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) s1_c1= WIDGET_LABEL(ssr1_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f14.3)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) s1_c2= WIDGET_LABEL(ssr1_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f15.3)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) s1_h1= WIDGET_LABEL(ssr1_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f13.3)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) s1_h2= WIDGET_LABEL(ssr1_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f13.3)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) s1_hk= WIDGET_LABEL(ssr1_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f13.3)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) s1_gt= WIDGET_LABEL(ssr1_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f13.3)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) ;buffstats2 = WIDGET_BASE(buffstats, /COLUMN, YPAD= -2) buffstats2 = WIDGET_BASE(buffstats, /COLUMN, YPAD= 0) ssr2_buf= WIDGET_BASE(buffstats2, /ROW, YPAD= -2) ssr2_stats= WIDGET_LABEL(ssr2_buf, VALUE= spaces,/ALIGN_RIGHT, FONT=font) s2_tot= WIDGET_LABEL(ssr2_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f16.3)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) s2_eu= WIDGET_LABEL(ssr2_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f14.3)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) s2_c1= WIDGET_LABEL(ssr2_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f14.3)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) s2_c2= WIDGET_LABEL(ssr2_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f15.3)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) s2_h1= WIDGET_LABEL(ssr2_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f13.3)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) s2_h2= WIDGET_LABEL(ssr2_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f13.3)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) ;buffstats3 = WIDGET_BASE(buffstats, /COLUMN, YPAD= -2) buffstats3 = WIDGET_BASE(buffstats, /COLUMN, YPAD= 0) rt_buf= WIDGET_BASE(buffstats3, /ROW, YPAD= -2) rt_stats= WIDGET_LABEL(rt_buf, VALUE= spaces,/ALIGN_RIGHT, FONT=font) rt_tot= WIDGET_LABEL(rt_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f16.3)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) rt_eu= WIDGET_LABEL(rt_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f14.3)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) rt_c1= WIDGET_LABEL(rt_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f14.3)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) rt_c2= WIDGET_LABEL(rt_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f15.3)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) rt_h1= WIDGET_LABEL(rt_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f13.3)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) rt_h2= WIDGET_LABEL(rt_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f13.3)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) rt_hk= WIDGET_LABEL(rt_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f13.3)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) rt_gt= WIDGET_LABEL(rt_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f13.3)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) ;buffstats4 = WIDGET_BASE(buffstats, /COLUMN, YPAD= -2) buffstats4 = WIDGET_BASE(buffstats, /COLUMN, YPAD= 0) sw_buf = WIDGET_BASE(buffstats4, /ROW, YPAD= -2) ;sw_stats = WIDGET_LABEL(sw_buf, VALUE= ' SWch ',/ALIGN_RIGHT, FONT=font) sw_stats= WIDGET_LABEL(sw_buf, VALUE= spaces,/ALIGN_RIGHT, FONT=font) sw_tot= WIDGET_LABEL(sw_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f16.3)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) sw_eu= WIDGET_LABEL(sw_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f14.3)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) sw_c1= WIDGET_LABEL(sw_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f14.3)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) sw_c2= WIDGET_LABEL(sw_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f15.3)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) sw_h1= WIDGET_LABEL(sw_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f13.3)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) sw_h2= WIDGET_LABEL(sw_buf, VALUE= STRING(0,'(f13.3)'),/ALIGN_RIGHT) WIDGET_CONTROL, base, /REALIZE ; bring widget to life WIDGET_CONTROL, /HOUR ;WIDGET_CONTROL,mdiag,SET_VALUE='Tool Start Up.....' ; ; Set some initial widget conditions ; WIDGET_CONTROL, sbuf_stats, SET_VALUE= 'SBUF ' WIDGET_CONTROL, ssr1_stats, SET_VALUE= 'SSR1 ' WIDGET_CONTROL, ssr2_stats, SET_VALUE= 'SSR2 ' WIDGET_CONTROL, rt_stats, SET_VALUE= 'RTch ' WIDGET_CONTROL, sw_stats, SET_VALUE= 'SWch ' WIDGET_CONTROL, start_text, SET_VALUE=TAI2UTC(startdis, /ECS) ; write current WIDGET_CONTROL, stop_text, SET_VALUE=TAI2UTC(enddis, /ECS); time range ;widget_control, drop_span, set_droplist_select = 11 ; "1 day span" widget_control, drop_span, set_droplist_select = 13 ; "1 day span" WIDGET_CONTROL, start_text, /INPUT_FOCUS ; input focus at start time WIDGET_CONTROL, arr_span, /SET_BUTTON ; initially in display mode WIDGET_CONTROL, edit_study, SENSITIVE=0 ; display mode has no editting WIDGET_CONTROL, os_label, SENSITIVE=0 ; start out in OP mode ; WIDGET_CONTROL, mlab, SENSITIVE=0 ; AEE 4/6/04 ; WIDGET_CONTROL, ctmp, SENSITIVE=0 ; AEE 4/6/04 ; WIDGET_CONTROL, etmp, SENSITIVE=0 ; AEE 4/6/04 ; WIDGET_CONTROL, ltmp, SENSITIVE=0 ; AEE 4/6/04 ; WIDGET_CONTROL, dtmp, SENSITIVE=0 ; AEE 4/6/04 WIDGET_CONTROL, sc_sel WIDGET_CONTROL, dmodes, SENSITIVE=0 WIDGET_CONTROL, draw, GET_VALUE=win_index ; find out window's index no. WIDGET_CONTROL, draw, SET_DRAW_VIEW=[0,0] ; set viewport to bottom left WSET, win_index ; set out to display window XYOUTS,50,400,'The FSW normally reads in a schedule at midnight. Depending on the length of schedule,',/dev,charsize=1.5 xyouts,50,360,'allow an appropriate delay time for reading the schedule before start of first observation.',/dev,charsize=1.5 xyouts,50,320,'For example, assuming a delay time of 35 seconds, start the first observation from at least',/dev,charsize=1.5 xyouts,50,280,'00:00:35, to avoid losing one or more of starting observations.',/dev,charsize=1.5 ;wait,2 ;** set up color table LOADCT, 0 TVLCT, 255,0,0, 1 ;** load red into entry 1 TVLCT, 0,255,0, 2 ;** load green into entry 2 TVLCT, 142,229,238, 3 ;** load blue into entry 3 TVLCT, 255,255,0,4 ;** load yellow into entry 4 TVLCT, 204,117,89, 5 ;** load brown into entry 5 ;AEE changed here and in mask.pro and mask_old.pro TVLCT, 200,0,0, 6 ;** load dull red into entry 6 TVLCT, 0,200,0, 7 ;** load dull green into entry 7 TVLCT, 0,206,237, 8 ;** load dull blue into entry 8 TVLCT, 200,200,0, 9 ;** load dull yellow into entry 9 TVLCT, 180,95,85, 10 ;** load dull dark brown into entry 10 TVLCT, 142,229,238, 11 ;** load light blue into entry 11 - used by mask.pro ; ; Draw all instruments' plans for the input operational day ; FAKE_OP, startdis ; AEE 2/13/04 - either keep this or remove common blocks defined in it from schedule_plot, etc. FAKE_SET IF (read_ipt_flag EQ '') THEN FAKE_OS, startdis ; Note: don't read in SCA file(s) for AB scheule. Read them later when only S/C A or ; SC/ B is selected. ;READ_SCA, 1, startdis, enddis, /DEFAULT ; read SpaceCraft-A default activity file. ;READ_SCA, 2, startdis, enddis, /DEFAULT ; read SpaceCraft-B default activity file. SCA_INIT sca_fname= GETENV('PT')+'/IN/SCA/SC_A/DEFAULT.SCA' scb_fname= GETENV('PT')+'/IN/SCA/SC_B/DEFAULT.SCA' charsize=1.2 ;pct_start = 10 ; AEE - Dec 20, 02 filename= GETENV('PT')+'/IN/OTHER/'+'pct_full_starts.sav' RESTORE, filename ; => pct_full struture {sbuf,ssr1,ssr2,rt,sw} ; AEE 12/05/03 sbuf_pct_start_a = pct_full.sbuf_a ; AEE - 12/05/03 ssr1_pct_start_a = pct_full.ssr1_a ; AEE - 12/05/03 ssr2_pct_start_a = pct_full.ssr2_a ; AEE - 12/05/03 rt_pct_start_a = pct_full.rt_a ; AEE - 12/05/03 sw_pct_start_a = pct_full.sw_a ; AEE - 12/05/03 ssr2_pct_pb_a = pct_full.ssr2_pb_a ; AEE - 04/20/06 sbuf_pct_start_b = pct_full.sbuf_b ssr1_pct_start_b = pct_full.ssr1_b ssr2_pct_start_b = pct_full.ssr2_b rt_pct_start_b = pct_full.rt_b sw_pct_start_b = pct_full.sw_b ssr2_pct_pb_b = pct_full.ssr2_pb_b ; ; Create a structure that will be carried around as the UVALUE of the main base (BASE) ; schedv = { $ base:base, $ ; widget ID for the base widget arr_span:arr_span, $ ; widget ID for the DISPLAY MODE button arr_edit:arr_edit, $ ; widget ID for the PLAN MODE button win_index:win_index, $ ; window number for the draw window x:!x, $ ; !X system var for schedule plot window y:!y, $ ; !Y system var for schedule plot window p:!p, $ ; !P system var for schedule plot window baseop:baseop, $ ; the user entered ops day (TAI) startdis:startdis, $ ; Time of first display data pt. (TAI) enddis:enddis, $ ; Last display point time (TAI) span_list:span_list, $ ; AEE - 3/24/04 - added. span_sec:span_sec, $ ; seconds represented by span droplist duration:duration, $ ; How many seconds to display proc_time:0D, $ ; Pre processing time (including CCD readout but not image processing) ro_time:4.0D, $ ; CCD readout time in seconds charsize:charsize, $ ; charsize num_text:num_text, $ ; widget ID for the OS_NUM or OP_NUM label start_text:start_text, $ ; widget ID for the start time text stop_text:stop_text, $ ; widget ID for the stop time text last_text:stop_text, $ ; widget ID for last time count_text:count_text, $ ; widget ID for the count text delta_text:delta_text, $ ; widget ID for the delta time text edit_study:edit_study, $ ; widget ID for the parent of the SCHEDULE & READY buttons mode:mode, $ ; the current mode (display or edit) study_start:study_start, $ ; start time of a study in plan mode study_stop:study_stop, $ ; end time of a study in plan mode os_label:os_label, $ ; widget ID for the parent of the OS_DURATION & OS_SIZE labels os_size_text:os_size_text, $ ; widget ID for the OS_SIZE label os_dur_text:os_dur_text, $ ; widget ID for the OS_DURATION label os_proc_text:os_proc_text, $ ; widget ID for the OS_PROC (processing time) label os_rot_text:os_rot_text, $ ; widget ID for the OS_ROT (CCD read out time) label os_setup_text:os_setup_text,$ os_exp_text:os_exp_text,$ os_size_units:0, $ ; for converting os_size bits to desired units (default bits) os_dur_factor:1.0D, $ ; factor for converting os_dur secs to desired units (default secs) bits_bytes:bits_bytes, $ ; widget ID for the bits_bytes button secs_mins:secs_mins, $ ; widget ID for the secs_mins button size_fmt:size_fmt, $ time_fmt1:time_fmt1, $ time_fmt2:time_fmt2, $ ;pct_start:pct_start, $ ; percentage of buffer at start of schedule sbuf_pct_start_a:sbuf_pct_start_a, $ ; percentage of buffer at start of schedule FOR A ssr1_pct_start_a:ssr1_pct_start_a, $ ; percentage of ssr1 at start of schedule ssr2_pct_start_a:ssr2_pct_start_a, $ ; percentage of ssr2 at start of schedule ssr2_pct_pb_a:ssr2_pct_pb_a, $ ; percentage of ssr2 to be played back rt_pct_start_a:rt_pct_start_a, $ ; percentage of RT at start of schedule sw_pct_start_a:sw_pct_start_a, $ ; percentage of SW at start of schedule sbuf_pct_start_b:sbuf_pct_start_b, $ ; percentage of buffer at start of schedule for B ssr1_pct_start_b:ssr1_pct_start_b, $ ; percentage of ssr1 at start of schedule ssr2_pct_start_b:ssr2_pct_start_b, $ ; percentage of ssr2 at start of schedule ssr2_pct_pb_b:ssr2_pct_pb_b, $ ; percentage of ssr2 to be played back rt_pct_start_b:rt_pct_start_b, $ ; percentage of RT at start of schedule sw_pct_start_b:sw_pct_start_b, $ ; percentage of SW at start of schedule usage_dates:usage_dates, $ ; widget ID for the buffer usage date label ;usage_stats:usage_stats, $ ; widget ID for the buffer usage stats label ;lusage_stats:lusage_stats $ ; widget ID for the LEB usage stats label sbuf_stats:sbuf_stats, $ sb_tot: sb_tot, $ sb_eu:sb_eu, $ sb_c1:sb_c1, $ sb_c2:sb_c2, $ sb_h1:sb_h1, $ sb_h2:sb_h2, $ ssr1_stats:ssr1_stats, $ s1_tot: s1_tot, $ s1_eu: s1_eu, $ s1_c1: s1_c1, $ s1_c2: s1_c2, $ s1_h1: s1_h1, $ s1_h2: s1_h2, $ s1_hk: s1_hk, $ s1_gt: s1_gt, $ ssr2_stats:ssr2_stats, $ s2_tot: s2_tot, $ s2_eu: s2_eu, $ s2_c1: s2_c1, $ s2_c2: s2_c2, $ s2_h1: s2_h1, $ s2_h2: s2_h2, $ rt_stats:rt_stats, $ rt_tot: rt_tot, $ rt_eu: rt_eu, $ rt_c1: rt_c1, $ rt_c2: rt_c2, $ rt_h1: rt_h1, $ rt_h2: rt_h2, $ rt_hk: rt_hk, $ rt_gt: rt_gt, $ sw_stats:sw_stats, $ sw_tot: sw_tot, $ sw_eu: sw_eu, $ sw_c1: sw_c1, $ sw_c2: sw_c2, $ sw_h1: sw_h1, $ sw_h2: sw_h2, $ ; gipt:gipt, $ ; AEE 1/15/04 gall:gall, $ ; AEE 1/15/04 ; conf:conf, $ sconf:sconf, $ sca:sca, $ sched_set:sched_set, $ sdoor:sdoor, $ sched_bs:sched_bs, $ secarr: secarr, $ minarr: minarr, $ ; AEE 7/29/03 hrarr: hrarr, $ ; AEE 7/29/03 dayarr: dayarr, $ ; AEE 7/29/03 up_stats: up_stats, $ ; AEE 7/30/02 pct_stats: pct_stats, $ pctid: pctid, $ quit: quit, $ def_os: def_os, $ sgt: sgt, $ store: store, $ ript: ript, $ get_os_op: get_os_op, $ help: help, $ prog: prog, $ col1: col1, $ sc_sel: sc_sel, $ gen: gen, $ drop_span: drop_span, $ jump: jump, $ jump1: jump1, $ arrow: arrow, $ jump2: jump2, $ dmodes: dmodes, $ smode: smode, $ drate: drate, $ ; csf: csf, $ fakepb: fakepb, $ sc: sc_display $ } SCHEDULE_PLOT, schedv ; ; Load the structure into the main base's UVALUE for one way trip to handler ; ; WIDGET_CONTROL,mdiag,SET_VALUE='Tool Startup Done.' WIDGET_CONTROL,mdiag,SET_VALUE='Tool Startup Done' WIDGET_CONTROL, base, SET_UVALUE=schedv sched_base = base ;De-activate Sets and BlockSeq and Doors for AB schedule: IF (schedv.sc EQ 0) THEN BEGIN WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.sched_set, SENSITIVE=0 WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.sched_bs, SENSITIVE=0 WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.sca, SENSITIVE=0 WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.sdoor, SENSITIVE=0 ENDIF ; ; Call the XMANAGER to take control until there is an event ; XMANAGER, 'SCHEDULE', base, EVENT_HANDLER='SCHEDULE_EVENT' RETURN END