;+ ;$Id: read_ssr_rt_mode.pro,v 2004/07/01 21:19:08 esfand Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO - SECCHI ; ; Name : READ_SSR_RT_MODE ; ; Purpose : This function reads the SSR_realtime.dat file and returns wether both ; SPACEWEATHER, and REATIME channel data, either one, or none will be ; added to the SSR1. ; ; Use : mode = READ_SSR_RT_MODE(fname) ; ; Inputs : fname File 'SSR_realtime.dat' should exist in '../IN/OTHER/' directory. ; ; Opt. Inputs : None ; ; Outputs : mode String of one of "BOTH", "SPACEWEATHER", "REATIME", "NONE", or "". ; ; Opt. Outputs: None ; ; Keywords : None ; ; Written by : Ed Esfandiari, NRL, May 2004 - First Version. ; ; Modification History: ; ; $Log: read_ssr_rt_mode.pro,v $ ; Revision 2004/07/01 21:19:08 esfand ; first checkin ; ; Revision 2004/06/02 19:42:36 esfand ; first checkin ; ; ;- FUNCTION READ_SSR_RT_MODE,fname OPENR, lu, GETENV('PT')+'/IN/OTHER/'+fname, /GET_LUN found= 0 ;false str='' WHILE NOT(EOF(lu)) AND NOT found DO BEGIN READF, lu, str ;print,str str= STRUPCASE(STRTRIM(str,2)) IF (STRLEN(str) GT 0 AND STRPOS(str,';') NE 0) THEN BEGIN IF (str EQ "BOTH" OR str EQ "SPACEWEATHER" or str EQ "REALTIME" OR str EQ "NONE") THEN found=1 ENDIF ENDWHILE CLOSE, lu FREE_LUN, lu IF (NOT found) THEN str= '' RETURN, str END