;+ ;$Id: read_camera_tables.pro,v 1.9 2009/09/11 20:28:19 esfand Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO - SECCHI ; ; Name : READ_CAMERA_TABLES ; ; Purpose : Read FSW camera setup tables. ; ; Explanation : The flight camera table contains camera setup information for each of 5 telescopes ; in Hex format (see comments in the file). It contains 35 lines (tables) of data ; or 7 table per telescope. Every 5 lines has a COR2, COR1, EUVI, HI2, and HI1 ; info so the first 5 lines represent the 1st table for each telescope, the ; 2nd set of 5 lines represent the 2nd table for each telescope, etc.. ; Telescopes are numbered in this file using 1=EUVI, 2=COR1, 3=COR2, 4=HI1, 5=HI2 ; instead of 0-4 used in PT. ; The header for this file also contains 5 comment lines, one per camera, listing the ; camera readout and clear *.img files containing, among other things, the camera readout ; and clear times. These .img files are used to set the cl_time and ro_time of each ; of 35 CCD tables. The clr_id and rdout_id from each camera setup table is used as ; an index to one of eight sections of a *.img file to get the clear and readout times. ; This routine reads in each line/table, coverts the data to base10 and stores them ; in PT CCD structure, ccd(5,7) for 5 cameras, and 7 tables. ; Each ccd structure/table contains the following 15 fields: ; pform, camera, clr_id, rdout_id, x1, y1, x2, y2, xsum,ysum, offset, gain, and gmode. ; cl_time, and ro_time. ; ; Use : READ_CAMERA_TABLES,fn, ccd ; ; Inputs : fn In flight camera tables filename (i.e. '../TABLES/camera_tables.dat'). ; ; Opt. Inputs : None ; ; Outputs : ccd A (5,7) CCD structure for 5 cameras and 7 tables provided as a parameter ; on input and populated on ouput. ; ; Opt. Outputs: None ; ; Keywords : None ; ; Written by : Ed Esfandiari, NRL, May 2004 - First Version. ; ; Modification History: ; Ed Esfandiari - 07/15/04 - Read in appropriate *.img file for each telescope, ; pickup CCD readout and clear times, and add to CCD. ; Ed Esfandiari - 07/19/04 - Read in using new data format of 2z2 and 11z4. ; Ed Esfandiari - 07/21/04 - use tables pointed by an env-variable and fsw table names. ; Ed Esfandiari - 12/17/04 - added rotbtb*.img table checking. ; Ed Esfandiari - 04/18/05 - Changed from 5 tables per camera to 7 tables pre camera ; in the comment lines. ; Ed Esfandiari - 04/12/06 - Added code to use default rotbtb1a.img table if those ; mentioned in setup table hdr are not found. ; ; $Log: read_camera_tables.pro,v $ ; Revision 1.9 2009/09/11 20:28:19 esfand ; use 3-digit decimals to display volumes ; ; Revision 1.5 2005/04/27 20:38:39 esfand ; these were used for 4/21/05 synoptics ; ; Revision 1.4 2005/01/24 17:56:35 esfand ; checkin changes since SCIP_A_TVAC ; ; Revision 1.2 2004/09/01 15:40:46 esfand ; commit new version for Nathan. ; ; Revision 2004/07/01 21:19:07 esfand ; first checkin ; ; Revision 2004/06/02 19:42:36 esfand ; first checkin ; ; ;- FUNCTION PICK_RO_CL_TIMES, str times_arr= FLTARR(8) ; 8 sections/times per file. ;f= FINDFILE(GETENV('PT')+'/TABLES/'+STRMID(str,STRPOS(str,'.img')-8,12)) f= FINDFILE(GETENV_SLASH('TABLES')+STRMID(str,STRPOS(str,'.img')-8,12)) IF (f(0) EQ '') THEN BEGIN PRINT,"WARNING: Can't loacte "+GETENV_SLASH('TABLES')+STRMID(str,STRPOS(str,'.img')-8,12) PRINT,"Will use deafult rotbtb1a.img table." f= FINDFILE(GETENV_SLASH('TABLES')+'rotbtb1a.img') IF (f(0) EQ '') THEN BEGIN PRINT,"" PRINT,"Didn't find '+GETENV_SLASH('TABLES')+'rotbtb1a.img, either.' PRINT," IF .c is enterd, 0.0 seconds will be used for CCD clear and readout times." STOP RETURN, times_arr ENDIF ENDIF OPENR, lun1, f(0), /GET_LUN tmp= '' scnt= -1 val= FLTARR(1) WHILE NOT EOF(lun1) DO BEGIN READF, lun1, tmp tmp= STRCOMPRESS(tmp,/REMOVE_ALL) ; remove all blanks. IF (STRMID(tmp,0,1) EQ 'X' AND STRLEN(tmp) EQ 9) THEN BEGIN scnt= scnt+1 READS, tmp, val, FORMAT='(1x,1z4)' ; pickup 2nd,3rd,4th,5th bytes. it is time in msec times_arr(scnt)= val/1000.0 ; change to seconds. ENDIF ENDWHILE CLOSE,lun1 FREE_LUN,lun1 RETURN, times_arr END PRO READ_CAMERA_TABLES,fn, ccd ro_cl_times= FLTARR(5,8) ; 5 telescope and 8 readout/clear times per telescope. OPENR,lun, fn, /GET_LUN line= '' cnt= 0 table= 0 WHILE NOT EOF(lun) DO BEGIN READF, lun, line line= STRTRIM(line,2) IF (STRMID(line,0,1) EQ 'X') THEN BEGIN ;print,line line= STRCOMPRESS(STRMID(line,1,500),/REMOVE_ALL) ; remove X and all blanks. data= FLTARR(13) ; each table has 13 set of data. ;READS, line, data, format='(13z4)' READS, line, data, format='(2z2,11z4)' cam= data(1)-1 ccd(cam,table).pform= data(0) ccd(cam,table).camera= data(1) ccd(cam,table).clr_id= data(2) ccd(cam,table).rdout_id= data(3) ccd(cam,table).x1= data(4) ccd(cam,table).y1= data(5) ccd(cam,table).x2= data(6) ccd(cam,table).y2= data(7) ccd(cam,table).xsum= data(8) ccd(cam,table).ysum= data(9) ccd(cam,table).offset= data(10) ccd(cam,table).gain= data(11) ccd(cam,table).gmode= data(12) ccd(cam,table).cl_time= ro_cl_times(cam,ccd(cam,table).clr_id) ccd(cam,table).ro_time= ro_cl_times(cam,ccd(cam,table).rdout_id) cnt= cnt+1 IF (cnt EQ 5) THEN BEGIN table= table+1 cnt= 0 ;PRINT,'' ;PRINT,'End of 5 camera tables '+STRTRIM(table,2) ;PRINT,'' ENDIF ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; Pickup CCD readout and clear times for each telescope and table ; using *.img file names specified at the top of this (camera setup) ; file. This appear before the acutal CCD info starting with X's: IF (STRPOS(line,'EUVI') GT 0 AND STRPOS(line,'.img') GT 0) THEN $ ro_cl_times(0,*) = PICK_RO_CL_TIMES(line) IF (STRPOS(line,'COR1') GT 0 AND STRPOS(line,'.img') GT 0) THEN $ ro_cl_times(1,*) = PICK_RO_CL_TIMES(line) IF (STRPOS(line,'COR2') GT 0 AND STRPOS(line,'.img') GT 0) THEN $ ro_cl_times(2,*) = PICK_RO_CL_TIMES(line) IF (STRPOS(line,'HI1') GT 0 AND STRPOS(line,'.img') GT 0) THEN $ ro_cl_times(3,*) = PICK_RO_CL_TIMES(line) IF (STRPOS(line,'HI2') GT 0 AND STRPOS(line,'.img') GT 0) THEN $ ro_cl_times(4,*) = PICK_RO_CL_TIMES(line) ENDELSE ENDWHILE CLOSE,lun FREE_LUN,lun bad= WHERE(ro_cl_times EQ 0.0,bcnt) IF (bcnt GT 0) THEN BEGIN PRINT,'**** WARNING ****' PRINT,'Camera setup table ('+ fn + ')' PRINT,'does not have rottb*.img comment lines for each telescope.' PRINT,'Fix and run again.' STOP ENDIF RETURN END