;+ ;$Id: plot_rt_channel.pro,v 1.8 2009/09/11 20:28:17 esfand Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO - SECCHI ; ; Name : PLOT_RT_CHANNEL ; ; Purpose : Plots one-second snapshot of RT channel for the displayed schedule. ; ; Use : PLOT_RT_CHANNEL, schedv, expanded, prev_hr, rt_rate, size, tdump, ; ybot, ytop, ylimit, xarr, secs, startdis, enddis, gt_data ; ; Inputs : schedv Structure containing widgets information. ; expanded Structure containing info for each image destained for RT-Channel. ; prev_hr Hours prior to the start of schedule (one) to calculate statistics. ; rt_rate RT channel telemetry rate(s) during playback periods(s) ; size Capacity of RT channel (1 packet but not used). ; tdump Schedule of telemetry Playbacks (from .SCT file). ; ybot, ytop Scale to plot window, ytop-ybot is the RT-window range. ; ylimit Scale to plot window, ylimit-ybot is the max. RT-window range. ; xarr Plot-range in seconds (including the prev_hr). ; secs Number of seconds in the plot-range (including the prev_hr). ; startdis Start time of the schedule. ; enddis End time of the schedule. ; gt_data Structure containg GT data-dumps info. ; ; ; Opt. Inputs : None ; ; Outputs : None ; ; Opt. Outputs: None ; ; Keywords : None ; ; Written by : Ed Esfandiari, NRL, May 2004 - First Version. ; ; Modification History: ; Ed Esfandiari 10/25/04 - Re-arranged Tlm load section. ; Ed Esfandiari 05/26/06 - modified warning test. ; Ed Esfandiari 06/23/06 - use exact s1 and s2. ; Ed Esfandiari 08/30/06 - Added rates from SCA and allow multiple playbacks/rates. ; Ed Esfandiari 09/02/06 - Added nominal 3.26 kbps HK rate to SSR1 and RT. ; Ed Esfandiari 09/06/06 - Added GT dumps. ; Ed Esfandiari 06/20/07 - Added toggle option to display data volume/downloadable ratio or volume in MB. ; Ed Esfandiari 01/22/09 - Changed HK rate from maximum 3.26 to reduced 2.00 pbks (~21 MB/day) - NR suggested. ; Ed Esfandiari 09/02/09 - changed data volume display from .1 to .3 decimal places. ; ; $Log: plot_rt_channel.pro,v $ ; Revision 1.8 2009/09/11 20:28:17 esfand ; use 3-digit decimals to display volumes ; ; Revision 1.3 2005/01/24 17:56:34 esfand ; checkin changes since SCIP_A_TVAC ; ; Revision 2004/07/01 21:19:06 esfand ; first checkin ; ; Revision 2004/06/02 19:42:36 esfand ; first checkin ; ; ;- ; ; PRO PLOT_RT_CHANNEL, schedv, expanded, prev_hr, rt_rate, size, tdump, ybot, ytop, ylimit, $ xarr, secs, startdis, enddis, gt_data COMMON RT_CHANNEL, rt_rates COMMON TM_DATA ; AEE 4/8/04: ; Note: rt_rate at this point is the number of packets/second (not bits/sec) which should be changed ; to bits/sec. Also size on input is number of packets that RT-channel can hold at a time ; (normally 1-packet). But since the resolution of display plot is in seconds, I use ; the rt_rate (i.e. 50 packets/sec) as the size instead. ; March 05, 04 - AEE ; Notes: ; For the RT-channel, we can assume a varabile packets/sec rate that can be changed on a daily ; basis. So, I can assume a rate of X (# of packets per second) somehow will be provided to PT ; once per day to be used here (X is an integer, such as 50, and can change only once per day). ; ; There are 272 bytes per packet. We can figure out how many packets per image (use the image ; size after compression, etc.) and since RT-buffer can only hold one packet at a time, we ; should use the telemetry rate, X, to find out how many seconds it takes for an image to be ; transferred over RT-channel. ; ; The flight software does not know when a contact is made and keeps spitting out X number ; of packets (it knows X) per second. If some of these packets are before or after the ; contact times, they will be lost so I should hi-lite those packets so that the image's ; scheudle time can be modified or image is removed. ; NOTE: ; Also, images going to SSR1, SSR2, and SW at the same time or after the RT image, may need to ; be delayed because a RT image at rt_rate takes longer to be moved out of the secchi telemtry ; buffer but I use the much faster sb_rate as the time it takes for an image to go to SSR1, ; SSR2, and SW. IF MAX(rt_rate) EQ 0 THEN rt_rate= 3600 ; bps bufsize= MAX(rt_rate) ; use playback rate for highest of playback rates (bits). ; Since RT is only downlinked during certain contact times, create an array of downlinks for ; each second (set to zero) and only set the valid downlink periods to the actual downlink rate: ;arry= FLTARR(5,secs) ;** only contains os_size at os_stop for every scheduled image arry= FLTARR(7,secs) ;** to keep track of HK and GT data. ihk= 5 igt= 6 ;arry(ihk,*) = 3.26*1000 ; nominal HK data rate to RT ;arry(ihk,*) = 2.00*1000 ; reduced HK data rate to RT ; ADD GT-dumps data, if any: FOR g= 1, N_ELEMENTS(gt_data)-1 DO BEGIN ; first element is always empty IF (STRPOS(gt_data(g).apid,'RT') GE 0) THEN BEGIN g1= (gt_data(g).x1- (!X.CRANGE(0)-prev_hr))*3600D g2= (gt_data(g).x2- (!X.CRANGE(0)-prev_hr))*3600D arry(igt,g1:g2)= gt_data(g).rate ENDIF ENDFOR dlarry= fltarr(secs) FOR k = 0, N_ELEMENTS(tdump) - 1 DO BEGIN ; account for downlinks in the tape-dump period(s): x1 = LONG(tdump(k).x1) > 0 ;x2 = LONG(tdump(k).x2) < (secs-1) x2 = (LONG(tdump(k).x2) < (secs-1)) > 0 ;dlarry(x1:x2)= tsize ; only tsize bits can be downloaded per second on RT. dlarry(x1:x2)= tdump(k).rate(3) ; # of bits can be downloaded per second on RT during this playback. ;arry(ihk,x1:x2) = 3.26*1000 ; nominal HK data rate to RT (populate only for playbcak periods) arry(ihk,x1:x2) = 2.0*1000 ; reduced HK data rate to RT (populate only for playbcak periods) ENDFOR IF (DATATYPE(expanded) EQ 'STC') THEN BEGIN FOR i = 0, N_ELEMENTS(expanded)-1 DO BEGIN tstop = expanded(i).stop ; use all expanded images within the prev_hr before the start of plot display to the end of the ; plot display: IF ((tstop GE (!X.CRANGE(0)-prev_hr)) AND (tstop LT !X.CRANGE(1))) THEN BEGIN tstopind = (tstop - (!X.CRANGE(0)-prev_hr)) tele = expanded(i).tele ; Find start and stop seconds between which the image can be downloded at the provided rt_rate: s1 = LONG(tstopind*3600D - expanded(i).proc_time) this_rate= dlarry(s1) IF (this_rate EQ 0) THEN this_rate= MAX(rt_rate) nsec= LONG( expanded(i).size / this_rate + 0.99) IF (nsec LT 1.0) THEN nsec= 1.0 s2 = LONG(s1 + nsec -1) s1= s1 > 0 s2= s2 < LONG(secs-1) arry(tele,s1:s2) = arry(tele,s1:s2) + this_rate ENDIF ENDFOR ENDIF buffer = FLTARR(secs) ;** contains amt of data in buffer 1 entry every second tarry = TOTAL(arry,1) ; totats values of all cameras (0 to 4) for each entry (each second) and collapses ; arry(5,secs) to tarry(secs) buffer = (tarry - dlarry) > 0 ; At this point if any data is left in buffer will be lost so mark them as so: ; AEE 3/9/04 - only keep the data within the current displayed plot-range: ; Note: xarr, as it comes in, contains the plot_range in the display appended to the previous ; 24 hrs. It has 24*3600 + display-range in seconds + 1 elements. Element values are ; in hrs and the first 2 values, xarr(0:1), are -24.0, -23.999722 and gets down to 0.0 and ; (start of the plot display-range) and then up to the end of the plot display-range. plot_range= WHERE(xarr GE !x.crange(0) AND xarr LE !x.crange(1)) buffer= buffer(plot_range) arrx= xarr(plot_range) td= dlarry(plot_range) save_buffer = buffer buffer = buffer / bufsize ;** normalize to 1.0 = 100% full (buffer range = 0.0-1.0) buffer = buffer * (ytop-ybot) ;** scale to plot window, ytop-ybot is the window range-AEE 6/17/03 buffer = (buffer < (ylimit-ybot)) ;** ylimit-ybot is the max. window range ; AEE 6/17/03 lost= WHERE(buffer GT 0, lcnt) IF (lcnt GT 0) THEN BEGIN ; If lost data indexes are not continous, separate them before ployfilling so that ; each continous block of indexes are plotted separetey: slost= SHIFT(lost,1) nlost= WHERE(lost-slost GT 1, ncnt) IF (ncnt EQ 0) THEN $ nlost= [0,lcnt] $ ELSE $ nlost= [0,nlost,lcnt] FOR n= 0, N_ELEMENTS(nlost)-2 DO BEGIN l1= lost(nlost(n)) l2= lost(nlost(n+1)-1) pxval = arrx(l1:l2) lcnt= l2-l1+1 pxval = [pxval(0), pxval, pxval(lcnt-1)] ;POLYFILL, pxval, [ybot,ybot+buffer(l1:l2)-0.1, ybot], color=1 ; polyfill using red ;POLYFILL, pxval, [ybot+0.1,ybot+buffer(l1:l2)-0.1, ybot+0.1] < ytop-0.2, color=1 ; polyfill using red tmpb= buffer(l1:l2) IF (MAX(tmpb) LT ybot+0.5) THEN tmpb= tmpb+0.5 ; so we can see better when red line is hard to see. POLYFILL, pxval, [ybot+0.1,ybot+tmpb-0.1, ybot+0.1] < ytop-0.2, color=1 ; polyfill using red ;Display lost data, outside of tape-dump period(s) or too much in the dump area, in red: OPLOT, arrx(l1:l2), FINDGEN(lcnt)*0.0+ybot+0.1, PSYM=3, COLOR=1 ;OPLOT, arrx(l1:l1+1),[ybot+0.1,ytop-0.8], COLOR= 1 ;Also display a red bar because for a wide plot-display ;polyfill can't be seen. ENDFOR ENDIF ; Flag places within the tape-dump range(s) where the buffer is empty with green: tdind= WHERE(td GT 0, tdicnt) IF (tdicnt GT 0) THEN BEGIN zeros= WHERE(buffer(tdind) LE 0, zcnt) IF(zcnt GT 0) THEN $ OPLOT, arrx(tdind(zeros)), (ybot + FLTARR(zcnt)) , PSYM=3, COLOR=2 ; AEE - 6/17/03 - use Green ENDIF ;** Update buffer statistics in schedule widget ;** date_str = UTC2STR(TAI2UTC(startdis), /ECS, /TRUNCATE) + ' to ' + $ UTC2STR(TAI2UTC(enddis), /ECS, /TRUNCATE) ;WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.usage_dates, SET_VALUE="Data/Telemetry Loads For: "+date_str WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.usage_dates, SET_VALUE=date_str ;** calculate total bits available for SCI downlink over plotting range ;AEE - 3/9/04: ;total_bits_avail is total number of telemetry bits that can be downloaded during RT playback ;contacts within the displayed plot-range. So, if in a 24-hr plot-range there is a one-hour ;RT playback, number of bits that can be trasferred over that 1-hr period is the total_bits_avail. ;So, For RT, total_bits_avail is the tape-dump period(s) within the displayed plot-range NOT ;all of the plot-range. ; ; For RT, usage is the scheduled data bits only within the RT tape-dump period(s), if any, ; converted to % of buffer used. arry= arry(*,plot_range) pct_total= 0D ;pct_each= DBLARR(5) pct_each= DBLARR(7) rt_usage= arry(*,plot_range) rt_total_bits_avail= 0.0D rt_usage_avail= FLTARR(7,2) IF (tdicnt GT 0) THEN BEGIN rt_usage_avail= arry(*,tdind) ; only for images during playback period(s) rt_total_bits_avail= TOTAL(DOUBLE(td(tdind))) ENDIF IF (schedv.pct_stats EQ 1) THEN BEGIN pct_total = DOUBLE(TOTAL(rt_usage))/8000000.0 ; bits to MB pct_each = DOUBLE(TOTAL(rt_usage,2))/8000000.0 ; bits to MB WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.rt_tot, SET_VALUE= STRING(pct_total,'(f12.3)') +' ' WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.rt_eu, SET_VALUE= STRING(pct_each(0),'(f13.3)')+' ' WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.rt_c1, SET_VALUE= STRING(pct_each(1),'(f13.3)')+' ' WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.rt_c2, SET_VALUE= STRING(pct_each(2),'(f11.3)')+' ' WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.rt_h1, SET_VALUE= STRING(pct_each(3),'(f12.3)')+' ' WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.rt_h2, SET_VALUE= STRING(pct_each(4),'(f11.3)')+' ' WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.rt_hk, SET_VALUE= STRING(pct_each(ihk),'(f11.3)')+' ' WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.rt_gt, SET_VALUE= STRING(pct_each(igt),'(f11.3)')+' ' ;goto, skipdata ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF (tdicnt GT 0) THEN BEGIN bits_avail = DOUBLE(td(tdind)) usage = arry(*,tdind) ; only for images during playback period(s) total_bits_avail= TOTAL(bits_avail) pct_total = (DOUBLE(TOTAL(usage)) / total_bits_avail) * 100 pct_each = (DOUBLE(TOTAL(usage,2)) / total_bits_avail) * 100 ENDIF ;stats_str = STRING(pct_total,'(f12.3)') +'%'+ $ ; STRING(pct_each(0),'(f13.3)')+'%'+ $ ; STRING(pct_each(1),'(f9.3)') +'%'+ $ ; STRING(pct_each(2),'(f11.3)')+'%'+ $ ; STRING(pct_each(3),'(f12.3)')+'%'+ $ ; ;STRING(pct_each(4),'(f11.3)')+'%' ; STRING(pct_each(4),'(f11.3)')+'%'+ $ ; STRING(pct_each(ihk),'(f11.3)')+'%'+ $ ; STRING(pct_each(igt),'(f11.3)')+'%' ;WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.rt_stats, SET_VALUE='RTch '+stats_str WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.rt_tot, SET_VALUE= STRING(pct_total,'(f12.3)') +'%' WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.rt_eu, SET_VALUE= STRING(pct_each(0),'(f13.3)')+'%' WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.rt_c1, SET_VALUE= STRING(pct_each(1),'(f13.3)')+'%' WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.rt_c2, SET_VALUE= STRING(pct_each(2),'(f11.3)')+'%' WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.rt_h1, SET_VALUE= STRING(pct_each(3),'(f12.3)')+'%' WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.rt_h2, SET_VALUE= STRING(pct_each(4),'(f11.3)')+'%' WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.rt_hk, SET_VALUE= STRING(pct_each(ihk),'(f11.3)')+'%' WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.rt_gt, SET_VALUE= STRING(pct_each(igt),'(f11.3)')+'%' ENDELSE ;skipdata: RETURN END