;+ ;$Id: plot_ccd.pro,v 1.8 2011/01/21 18:48:17 mcnutt Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO - SECCHI ; ; Name : PLOT_CCD ; ; Purpose : This routine defines the area of the CCD readout ; for an image using a ccd setup table. ; ; Use : PLOT_CCD, win, tele, x1, x2, y1, y2, /BLOCKS ; ; Inputs : win Window number to plot the image layout on CCD. ; tele Telescope number. ; x1, x2 X-coordinates of the image layout on CCD. ; y1, y2 Y-coordinates of the image layout on CCD. ; ; Opt. Inputs : None ; ; Outputs : None ; ; Opt. Outputs: None ; ; Keywords : blocks - if set, shade the masked blocks, if any. ; ; Prev. Hist. : Adapted from SOHO/LASCO planning tool. ; ; Written by : Ed Esfandiari, NRL, May 2004 - First Version. ; ; Modification History: ; Ed Esfandiari 01/11/05 Corrected image coordinates in 272x272 ccd plot window. ; Ed Esfandiari 05/25/05 Adjusted center of FOV (xc,yc) using ccd coordinates and ; plot shaded area using idl coordinates. ; Ed Esfandiari 12/17/07 Corrected shading the mask blocks. ; Ed Esfandiari 01/08/08 Added images in CCD area display for all telescopes. ; ; $Log: plot_ccd.pro,v $ ; Revision 1.8 2011/01/21 18:48:17 mcnutt ; read in fits file from the secchi directory tree ; ; Revision 1.7 2009/09/11 20:28:17 esfand ; use 3-digit decimals to display volumes ; ; Revision 1.4 2005/05/26 20:00:58 esfand ; PT version used to create SEC20050525005 TVAC schedule ; ; Revision 1.3 2005/01/24 17:56:34 esfand ; checkin changes since SCIP_A_TVAC ; ; Revision 2004/07/01 21:19:06 esfand ; first checkin ; ; Revision 2004/06/02 19:42:36 esfand ; first checkin ; ; ;- PRO PLOT_CCD, win, tele, x1, x2, y1, y2, BLOCKS=blocks WSET, win ERASE uscan= 0 x1 = ((x1) / 8.0) ; devide by 8 to reduce 1-2176 to 1-272 (ccd draw window is 272x272). x2 = ((x2) / 8.0) y1 = ((y1) / 8.0) y2 = ((y2) / 8.0) RESTORE,GETENV('PT')+'/IN/OTHER/ccd_size.sav' ; => xyblks (34 blocks for a ccd size of 34*34=1156) IF (xyblks EQ 34) THEN BEGIN xs = 272 ys = 272 xc = 136 yc = 136 ENDIF ;** SHADE OUT ENTIRE CCD x = [0,1,1,0] y = [0,0,1,1] pat = BYTARR(2,2) pat(1,1) = 9 POLYFILL, x, y, PATTERN=pat, /NORMAL ; adjust center of field of view circles using x1,y1,x2,y2 of ccd area used? - AEE 05/24/05 xc= x1+(x2-x1)/2.0 yc= ys-(y1+(y2-y1)/2.0) ;help,xc,yc IF tele EQ 0 THEN BEGIN ; EUVI img= SCCREADFITS(GETENV('secchi')+'/lz/L0/a/img/euvi/20071127/20071127_000600_n4euA.fts',h) ;mg= 2048x2048 LOADCT, 0, /SILENT ;TVSCL,REBIN(img,256,256),8.5,30 TVSCL,REBIN(img,256,256),8.5,16 SETUP_PT_COLOR_TBL ENDIF IF tele EQ 1 THEN BEGIN ; COR1 img= SCCREADFITS(GETENV('secchi')+'/lz/L0/a/seq/cor1/20071127/20071127_000500_s4c1A.fts',h) ; img= 1024x1024 LOADCT, 0, /SILENT TVSCL,REBIN(img,256,256),8.5,16 SETUP_PT_COLOR_TBL ENDIF IF tele EQ 2 THEN BEGIN ; COR2 img= SCCREADFITS(GETENV('secchi')+'/lz/L0/a/img/cor2/20071127/20071127_000754_d4c2A.fts',h) ;mg= 2048x2048 LOADCT, 0, /SILENT TVSCL,REBIN(img,256,256),8.5,16 SETUP_PT_COLOR_TBL ENDIF IF tele EQ 3 THEN BEGIN ; HI-1 img= SCCREADFITS(GETENV('secchi')+'/lz/L0/a/img/hi_1/20071127/20071127_000901_s4h1A.fts',h) ; img= 1024x1024 LOADCT, 0, /SILENT TVSCL,REBIN(img,256,256),8.5,16 SETUP_PT_COLOR_TBL ENDIF IF tele EQ 4 THEN BEGIN ; HI-2 img= SCCREADFITS(GETENV('secchi')+'/lz/L0/a/img/hi_2/20071127/20071127_000921_s4h2A.fts',h) ; img= 1024x1024 LOADCT, 0, /SILENT TVSCL,REBIN(img,256,256),8.5,16 SETUP_PT_COLOR_TBL ENDIF ; ;** UN-SHADE READ OUT COORDS ; x = [x1,x2,x2,x1] ; y = [y1,y1,y2,y2] ; x = 272.0-x ; change to IDL coordinate 0= lower left corner ; y = 272.0-y ; change to IDL coordinate 0= loweR left corner ; POLYFILL, x, y, /DEVICE, COLOR=0 ;** SHADE outside of READ OUT COORDS: x = [x1,x2,x2,x1] y = [y1,y1,y2,y2] x = 272.0-x ; change to IDL coordinate 0= lower left corner y = 272.0-y ; change to IDL coordinate 0= loweR left corner POLYFILL, [x(0:1),x(1),x(0)],[y(0:1),272,272],PATTERN=pat,/DEVICE POLYFILL, [x(2:3),x(3),x(2)],[y(2:3),0,0],PATTERN=pat,/DEVICE ;** SHADE OUT MASKED BLOCKS IF PASSED IN bs = 8 ;** block size in pixels pat(1,1) = 4 IF KEYWORD_SET(BLOCKS) THEN BEGIN IF (blocks(0) NE -1) THEN BEGIN FOR i=0, N_ELEMENTS(blocks)-1 DO BEGIN x1 = (blocks(i) - blocks(i)/xyblks*xyblks)*bs x1 = x1 + uscan ;x1 = 264 - x1 IF tele LT 3 THEN x1 = 264 - x1 y1 = blocks(i)/xyblks*bs x2 = x1+bs-1 y2 = y1+bs-1 ; x1 = blocks(i)/xyblks*bs ; x1 = x1 + uscan ; x1 = 264 - x1 ; y1 = (blocks(i) - blocks(i)/xyblks*xyblks)*bs ; y1= 264 - y1 ; x2 = x1+bs-1 ; y2 = y1+bs-1 x = [x1,x2,x2,x1] y = [y1,y1,y2,y2] ;;POLYFILL, x, y, PATTERN=pat, /DEVICE ;POLYFILL, y, x, PATTERN=pat, /DEVICE IF tele LT 3 THEN $ POLYFILL, y, x, PATTERN=pat, /DEVICE $ ELSE $ POLYFILL, x, y, PATTERN=pat, /DEVICE ENDFOR ENDIF ENDIF ;** PLOT LINE SHOWING UNDERSCAN REGION IF (uscan GT 0) THEN PLOTS, [uscan-1,uscan-1], [0,ys-1], /DEVICE ;print,"Note:" ;print,"plot_ccd.pro is using underscan pixels of "+strtrim(uscan)+' from LASCO which may need to be changed.' ;print,"also make sure block size used to shade the ROI and OCC are correct.' ;print,"Remember to fix it for SECCHI" ;print,"" ;** PLOT FIELD OF VIEW AND SOLAR DISK IF (tele LE 4) THEN BEGIN ; All cameras ; AEE 12/16/03 fov = [ [0.0, 1.7], [1.25, 4.0], [2.0, 15.0], $ ;** FOV (in Rsun) for EUVI, COR1, COR2 - AEE 12/16/03 [0.0,75.0], [0.0,259.2]] ; HI FOV (HI1 actual center= 49.8 and HI2 actual center=200 not 0). sec_r = (16. * 60.) ;** arc sec per solar radius ; *** What are pixel sizes in arc seconds for EUVI, COR1, COR2? and for HI1 and HI2? pixel_size = [1.6,3.75,14.0,35.15,123.0] ;** pixel size in arc seconds for EUVI, COR1, COR2, HI1&2 pixel_size = pixel_size * 8.0 ;** we've shrunk from 2048 to 256 pix_Rsun = sec_r / pixel_size fov(0,*) = fov(0,*) * pix_Rsun ;** convert Rsun to pixels fov(1,*) = fov(1,*) * pix_Rsun ;** convert Rsun to pixels IF (tele LE 2) THEN BEGIN ; SCIP TVCIRCLE, fov(0,tele), xc+uscan, yc ;** plot inner fov TVCIRCLE, fov(1,tele), xc+uscan, yc,$ ;** plot outer fov CLIP=[uscan-1,0,xs-1,ys-1], NOCLIP=0 sp = [0.1,0.1,0.] IF (tele GT 0) THEN $ TVCIRCLE, 1.0*pix_Rsun(tele), xc+uscan, yc, /FILL,$ ;** plot Sun /LINE_FILL, SPACING=sp(tele) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; for HI divide fov by 2 so it fits in the draw window and no sun to plot. TVCIRCLE, fov(0,tele)/2.0, xc+uscan, yc ;** plot inner fov TVCIRCLE, fov(1,tele)/2.0, xc+uscan, yc,$ ;** plot outer fov CLIP=[uscan-1,0,xs-1,ys-1], NOCLIP=0 ENDELSE ENDIF xyouts,136,5,'S',/DEVICE,COLOR=2 xyouts,136,265,'N',/DEVICE,COLOR=2 xyouts,3,136,'E',/DEVICE,COLOR=2 xyouts,262,136,'W',/DEVICE,COLOR=2 END