;$Id: os_summary_text.pro,v 1.9 2009/09/11 20:28:16 esfand Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO - SECCHI ; ; Name : OS_SUMMARY_TEXT ; ; Purpose : This routine looks in the defined_os_arr and outputs ; an ascii summary of all OS's to the screen using ; keyword = value format. ; ; Use : OS_SUMMARY_TEXT ; ; Inputs : None ; ; Opt. Inputs : None ; ; Outputs : None ; ; Opt. Outputs: None ; ; Keywords : None ; ; Prev. Hist. : Adapted from SOHO/LASCO planning tool. ; ; Written by : Ed Esfandiari, NRL, May 2004 - First Version. ; ; Modification History: ; Ed Esfandiari 6/7/04 - print os_num using 4-digits. ; Ed Esfandiari 06/22/04 - Use lamp descriptions from a save set. ; Ed Esfandiari 07/14/04 - Use 4 ROI tables instead of 1. ; Ed Esfandiari 08/31/04 - Changed format of exptime reports. ; Ed Esfandiari 09/30/04 - Removed sync and added S/C. ; Ed Esfandiari 10/07/04 - Direct output to SC_A or SC_B. ; Ed Esfandiari 12/13/04 - Report non cal image exptimes corrected for CCD summing. ; Ed Esfandiari 01/10/05 - Added lowgain exptime correction. ; Ed Esfandiari 08/22/06 - Added new capacity and rates (channels). ; Ed Esfandiari 08/30/06 - use rtrate from common block. ; Ed Esfandiari 09/01/06 - Added GT rates. ; Ed Esfandiari 11/21/06 - Ignore ccd_sum and low gain exptime correction (FSW does not do it). ; ; $Log: os_summary_text.pro,v $ ; Revision 1.9 2009/09/11 20:28:16 esfand ; use 3-digit decimals to display volumes ; ; Revision 1.5 2005/12/16 14:58:52 esfand ; Commit as of 12/16/05 ; ; Revision 1.4 2005/01/24 17:56:34 esfand ; checkin changes since SCIP_A_TVAC ; ; Revision 1.2 2004/09/01 15:40:45 esfand ; commit new version for Nathan. ; ; Revision 2004/07/01 21:19:05 esfand ; first checkin ; ; Revision 2004/06/02 19:42:36 esfand ; first checkin ; ; ;- PRO ADD_DOOR_TEXT,times,tel,dlp,spacecraft,schedv_sc IF (DATATYPE(times) NE 'DOU') THEN RETURN dtimes= times sc= spacecraft ocnt= N_ELEMENTS(times) ok= INDGEN(ocnt) IF (schedv_sc EQ 1) THEN ok= WHERE(sc EQ 'A', ocnt) IF (schedv_sc EQ 2) THEN ok= WHERE(sc EQ 'B', ocnt) IF (ocnt GT 0) THEN BEGIN dtimes= dtimes(ok) sc = sc(ok) ENDIF ELSE dtimes= -1 IF (DATATYPE(dtimes) EQ 'DOU') THEN BEGIN ct= UTC2STR(TAI2UTC(dtimes),/ECS) IF (dlp EQ 8) THEN BEGIN ; closed doors kcd= WHERE(ct GT '2003/12/31', kcnt) slp=' LP = Close Door' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; open doors (dlp=9) kcd= WHERE(ct GT '2003/12/31' AND ct LT '2500/01/01', kcnt) slp=' LP = Open Door' ENDELSE IF(kcnt GT 0) THEN BEGIN PRINT & PRINT PRINT, 'OS_NUM = 0001' PRINT, slp PRINT, ' Telescope = '+STRTRIM(tel,2) PRINT, ' # Scheduled= '+STRTRIM(kcnt,2) cstart= ' Times = (' scid= 'SpaceCraft = (' FOR i= 0, kcnt-1 DO BEGIN cstart= cstart + STRMID(ct(kcd(i)),0,4)+STRMID(ct(kcd(i)),5,2)+STRMID(ct(kcd(i)),8,2)+'_'+ $ STRMID(ct(kcd(i)),11,2)+STRMID(ct(kcd(i)),14,2)+STRMID(ct(kcd(i)),17,2) scid= scid+sc(i) IF (i LT kcnt-1) THEN BEGIN cstart= cstart + ',' scid= scid + ',' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN cstart= cstart + ')' scid= scid + ')' ENDELSE END PRINT, cstart PRINT,scid ENDIF ENDIF RETURN END PRO ADD_GT_TEXT,stime,etime,apid,lp,gt_sc,sc,rate IF (DATATYPE(stime) EQ 'DOU') THEN BEGIN wcnt= N_ELEMENTS(gt_sc) w= INDGEN(wcnt) IF (sc EQ 1) THEN w= WHERE(gt_sc EQ 'A' OR gt_sc EQ 'AB', wcnt) IF (sc EQ 2) THEN w= WHERE(gt_sc EQ 'B' OR gt_sc EQ 'AB', wcnt) IF (wcnt GT 0) THEN BEGIN stm= UTC2STR(TAI2UTC(stime(w)),/ECS) etm= UTC2STR(TAI2UTC(etime(w)),/ECS) glp=' LP = Guide Telescope Data Dump' PRINT & PRINT PRINT, 'OS_NUM = 0002' PRINT, glp gcnt= N_ELEMENTS(stm) PRINT, ' # Scheduled= '+STRTRIM(gcnt,2) gstart= ' Start Times = (' gend= ' Stop Times = (' gapid= ' APIDs = (' grate= ' GT Rates = (' FOR i= 0, gcnt-1 DO BEGIN gstart= gstart + STRMID(stm(i),0,4)+STRMID(stm(i),5,2)+STRMID(stm(i),8,2)+'_'+ $ STRMID(stm(i),11,2)+STRMID(stm(i),14,2)+STRMID(stm(i),17,2) gend= gend + STRMID(etm(i),0,4)+STRMID(etm(i),5,2)+STRMID(etm(i),8,2)+'_'+ $ STRMID(etm(i),11,2)+STRMID(etm(i),14,2)+STRMID(etm(i),17,2) gapid= gapid + STRTRIM(apid(w(i)),2) grate= grate + STRTRIM(rate(w(i)),2) IF (i LT gcnt-1) THEN BEGIN gstart= gstart + ',' gend= gend + ',' gapid= gapid + ',' grate= grate + ',' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN gstart= gstart + ')' gend= gend + ')' gapid= gapid +')' grate= grate +')' ENDELSE END PRINT, gstart PRINT, gend PRINT, gapid PRINT,' S/C = ('+ARR2STR(gt_sc(w))+')' PRINT, grate ENDIF ENDIF RETURN END PRO OS_SUMMARY_TEXT COMMON OP_SCHEDULED COMMON OS_DEFINED COMMON OS_SCHEDULED COMMON OS_INIT_SHARE, op_types, tele_types, table_types, fw_types, pw_types, exit_types, proc_tab_types, $ ip_arr, plan_lp, lprow, cor1pw, cor2pw ;AEE - 12/29/03 COMMON DIALOG, mdiag,font COMMON SCIP_DOORS_SHARE ; AEE - 06/10/03 - add door close/open commands. COMMON GT_DUMPS_SHARE ; AEE - 07/25/03 COMMON LP_CAL_LAMP_SHARE, lpcalv ; AEE - 08/20/03 COMMON SCHED_SHARE, schedv COMMON RT_CHANNEL, rt_rates, rtrate ADD_DOOR_TEXT,cdoor_euvi,'EUVI',8,sc_euvi,schedv.sc ; 8=close-door ADD_DOOR_TEXT,odoor_euvi,'EUVI',9,sc_euvi,schedv.sc ; 9=open-door ADD_DOOR_TEXT,cdoor_cor1,'COR1',8,sc_cor1,schedv.sc ADD_DOOR_TEXT,odoor_cor1,'COR1',9,sc_cor1,schedv.sc ADD_DOOR_TEXT,cdoor_cor2,'COR2',8,sc_cor2,schedv.sc ADD_DOOR_TEXT,odoor_cor2,'COR2',9,sc_cor2,schedv.sc ;ADD_GT_TEXT,stime_gt,etime_gt,apid_gt,10,sc_gt,schedv.sc ; LP=10 is for GT-dumps ADD_GT_TEXT,stime_gt,etime_gt,apid_gt,10,sc_gt,schedv.sc,rate_gt ; LP=10 is for GT-dumps IF (DATATYPE(os_arr(0)) EQ 'INT') THEN BEGIN WIDGET_CONTROL,mdiag,SET_VALUE="%%OS_SUMMARY_TEXT: No OS's scheduled" PRINT, "%%OS_SUMMARY_TEXT: No OS's scheduled" RETURN ENDIF os_arr2 = os_arr(SORT([os_arr.os_num])) ;** sort on os_num uniq_os_arr2 = os_arr2(UNIQ([os_arr2.os_num])) num_os = N_ELEMENTS(uniq_os_arr2) IF (SEXIST(tele_types) EQ 0) THEN OS_INIT ;** define some variables FOR i = 0, num_os-1 DO BEGIN ;** for every unique os_num os_num = uniq_os_arr2(i).os_num ind1 = WHERE(defined_os_arr.os_num EQ os_num,ind1_cnt) ; AEE - 1/8/03 IF (ind1_cnt LT 0) THEN GOTO, CONT FOR ind1_loop= 0, ind1_cnt -1 DO BEGIN ind= ind1(ind1_loop) os = defined_os_arr(ind) lp = defined_os_arr(ind).lp tele = defined_os_arr(ind).tele fw = defined_os_arr(ind).fw pw = defined_os_arr(ind).pw exptable = defined_os_arr(ind).exptable ; AEE 1/14/04 camtable = defined_os_arr(ind).camtable ; AEE 1/14/04 fps = defined_os_arr(ind).fps ; AEE 1/14/04 iptable = defined_os_arr(ind).iptable lamp = defined_os_arr(ind).lamp start = defined_os_arr(ind).start num_images = defined_os_arr(ind).num_images ccd = defined_os_arr(ind).ccd ip = defined_os_arr(ind).ip ex = defined_os_arr(ind).ex occ_blks = REFORM(defined_os_arr(ind).occ_blocks(tele,*)) roi_blks = REFORM(defined_os_arr(ind).roi_blocks(tele,*)) indm = WHERE(ip(iptable).steps EQ 28) ; 28 = don't use occ mask table. IF (indm(0) GE 0) THEN useocc = 0 ELSE useocc = 1 ; Also see os_get_num_pixels.pro ; generate_ipt.pro ; generate_ipt_set.pro ; os_summary.pro ; os_summary_1line.pro ; os_summary_set.pro ; os_summary_text.pro ;indm = WHERE(ip(iptable).steps EQ 25) ;IF (indm(0) LT 0) THEN useroi = 0 ELSE useroi = 1 roi_table= WHICH_ROI_TABLE(ip,iptable) IF (roi_table EQ -1) THEN useroi = 0 ELSE useroi = 1 CASE (1) OF ((useocc EQ 1) AND (useroi EQ 0)) : BEGIN blocks = WHERE(occ_blks GT 0,num) blockstr = 'Occulter (' + STRTRIM(num,2) + ' blocks)' END ((useroi EQ 1) AND (useocc EQ 0)) : BEGIN blocks = WHERE(roi_blks GT 0,num) blockstr = 'ROI (' + STRTRIM(num,2) + ' blocks)' END ((useroi EQ 1) AND (useocc EQ 1)) : BEGIN blocks = WHERE((occ_blks+roi_blks) GT 0,num) blockstr = 'Occulter & ROI (' + STRTRIM(num,2) + ' blocks)' END ELSE : BEGIN blocks = -1 blockstr = 'None' END ENDCASE ind = 0 add = 92 ;str = STRTRIM(STRING(os_num),2) str = STRING(os_num,FORMAT='(I4.4)') PRINT & PRINT WIDGET_CONTROL,mdiag,SET_VALUE='OS_NUM = ' + str PRINT, 'OS_NUM = ' + str str = STRTRIM(op_types(lp),2) IF (num_images GT 1) THEN BEGIN IF (LP eq 6) THEN $ ; HI Seq str = str + ' ('+STRTRIM(num_images,2)+' Images)' $ ELSE $ ; SEQ PW str = str + ' ('+STRTRIM(num_images,2)+' Steps)' ENDIF lamp_used='' IF (lp EQ 3) THEN BEGIN ; AEE 8/20/03 RESTORE, FILENAME= GETENV('PT')+'/IN/OTHER/secchi_cal_leds.sav' ; => euvi_lamps, cor1_lamps, cor2_lamps, hi1_lamps, hi2_lamps CASE tele of 0: lamp_used= ' (' +euvi_lamps(lamp)+')' 1: lamp_used= ' (' +cor1_lamps(lamp)+')' 2: lamp_used= ' (' +cor2_lamps(lamp)+')' 3: lamp_used= ' (' +hi1_lamps(lamp)+')' 4: lamp_used= ' (' +hi2_lamps(lamp)+')' ENDCASE ENDIF IF (num_images EQ 1 AND LP EQ 6) THEN str = str + ' ('+STRTRIM(num_images,2)+' Image)' PRINT, ' LP = ' + str + lamp_used ; AEE 8/20/03 IF (lp EQ 7) THEN BEGIN ;** Block Seq ; AEE - Dec 10, 02 PRINT, 'START_INDEX = '+STRTRIM(STRING(start),2) PRINT, 'STOP_INDEX = '+STRTRIM(STRING(num_images),2) GOTO, CONT1 ENDIF str = STRMID(tele_types(tele),11,4) PRINT, ' Telescope = ' + str str = STRTRIM(exptable+1,2) ; AEE 1/14/04 PRINT, 'Exposur DPT = ' + str str = STRTRIM(camtable+1,2) ; AEE 1/14/04 PRINT, ' Camera DPT = ' + str str = STRTRIM(fps,2) ; AEE 1/14/04 PRINT, ' FPS = ' + str str = STRTRIM(iptable,2) PRINT, ' IP TABLE = ' + str ;str = STRTRIM(STRMID(fw_types(exptable,fw,tele),0,13), 2) ; AEE 4/5/04 str = STRING(FILTER2STR(fw_types,exptable,fw,tele), FORMAT='(a7)') PRINT, ' Filter = ' + str IF (tele EQ 0) THEN str0 = ' Sector = ' ELSE str0 = ' Polarizer = ' ; AEE - Dec 10, 02 str1 = '' str2 = '' ; For non cal images, report exptime that is corrected for CCD summing: ccdsum= 1 IF (lp NE 2 AND lp NE 3) THEN BEGIN xs = ccd(tele,camtable).xsum ys = ccd(tele,camtable).ysum ccdsum= ((xs > 1) * (ys > 1)) IF (ccd(tele,camtable).gmode EQ 1) THEN ccdsum= ccdsum/4.0 ; for low gain, amplify exptime by 4 ENDIF ccdsum=1 ; Ignore ccd_sum and low gain exptime correction (FSW does not do it). FOR n=0, num_images -1 DO BEGIN ;** for each pw position (for no seq-images, n=0 always) IF (tele LE 2) THEN BEGIN ;str1 = str1 + STRTRIM(STRMID(pw_types(exptable,pw(n),tele),0,10),2) + ' ' ; AEE 4/5/04 str1 = str1 + POLAR2STR(pw_types,exptable,pw(n),tele) + ' ' IF (lp EQ 4) THEN BEGIN str2 = str2 + STRTRIM(0,2) + ',' ; AEE 5/22/03 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN str2 = str2 + STRTRIM(STRING(ex(tele,exptable,fw,pw(n))/ccdsum,FORMAT='(I7)'),2) + ' ' ENDELSE IF (lp EQ 0) THEN BEGIN ; AEE - 9/24/03 ; For double sky images, add the second pw and exp.time (for these images n is always 0) ; and pw(1) indicates the second pw positions and exptime to be used. ;str1 = str1 + STRTRIM(STRMID(pw_types(exptable,pw(1),tele),0,10),2) + ' ' ; AEE 4/5/04 str1 = str1 + POLAR2STR(pw_types,exptable,pw(1),tele) + ' ' ; AEE 4/5/04 str2 = str2 + STRTRIM(STRING(ex(tele,exptable,fw,pw(1))/ccdsum,FORMAT='(I7)'),2) + ' ' ENDIF ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; AEE, 01/23/03 - HI does not have polar (and pw is only a 20 element array) ;Note: HI telescpes do not have a shtter, polarizer, or filter wheels so pw(0) is only used. ;str1 = str1 + STRTRIM(STRMID(pw_types(exptable,pw(0),tele),0,10),2) + ' ' ; AEE 4/5/04 str1 = str1 + POLAR2STR(pw_types,exptable,pw(0),tele) + ' ' ; AEE 4/5/04 IF (lp EQ 4) THEN BEGIN str2 = str2 + STRTRIM(0,2) + ',' ; AEE 5/22/03 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN str2 = str2 + STRTRIM(STRING(ex(tele,exptable,fw,pw(0))/ccdsum,FORMAT='(I7)'),2) + ' ' ENDELSE IF (lp EQ 0) THEN BEGIN ; For double sky images, add the second pw and exp.time (for these images n is always 0) ; and since it is a HI image, the second pw and, therefore, exp.time are the same as the ; first. ;str1 = str1 + STRTRIM(STRMID(pw_types(exptable,pw(0),tele),0,10),2) + ' ' ; AEE 4/5/04 str1 = str1 + POLAR2STR(pw_types,exptable,pw(0),tele) + ' ' ; AEE 4/5/04 str2 = str2 + STRTRIM(STRING(ex(tele,exptable,fw,pw(0))/ccdsum,FORMAT='(I7)'),2) + ' ' ENDIF ENDELSE ENDFOR ; For cal lamps, assign the pulse to the exptime: ; AEE 8/22/03 PRINT, str0+str1 CASE (lp) OF ; AEE 9/23/03 3: PRINT, ' Pulse = ' + str2 4: PRINT, ' Exptime = ' +'0 (N/A)' ELSE: PRINT, ' Exptime = ' + str2 ENDCASE ccd1 = ccd(tele,camtable) str1 = 'x1='+STRING(ccd1.x1, FORMAT='(i4)') + $ ' x2='+STRING(ccd1.x2, FORMAT='(i4)') + $ ' xsum='+STRING(ccd1.xsum, FORMAT='(i2)') str2 = 'y1='+STRING(ccd1.y1, FORMAT='(i4)') + $ ' y2='+STRING(ccd1.y2, FORMAT='(i4)') + $ ' ysum='+STRING(ccd1.ysum, FORMAT='(i2)') PRINT, ' CCD = ' + str1 PRINT, ' ' + str2 good = WHERE(ip(iptable).steps GT 0, nip) ; AEE - 02/04/03 - don't pickup anything if selected ; IP table is empty (which should not be). FOR n=0, nip-1 DO BEGIN IF (n EQ 0) THEN str0 = ' Image Proc = ' ELSE str0 = ' ' str = STRING(ip_arr(ip(iptable).steps(good(n))).ip_description,FORMAT='(a30)') ; AEE 5/5/04 PRINT, str0 + str ENDFOR ; AEE - 02/04/03 - Added compression string: str = GET_COMP_STR(os) PRINT,' Compression String = ' + str PRINT, ' Masking = ' + blockstr CONT1: ind2 = WHERE(os_arr.os_num EQ os_num AND os_arr.os_tele EQ tele) IF (ind2(0) GE 0) THEN BEGIN str = STRING(SCHEDULE_CONVERT_UNITS(os_arr(ind2(0)).os_size, 0, 2), FORMAT='(f5.1)') + ' % buffer' PRINT, ' OS_SIZE = ' + str num = N_ELEMENTS(ind2) str = STRTRIM(num, 2) PRINT, '# Scheduled = ' + str str= ARR2STR(os_arr(ind2).sc) PRINT, ' S/C = '+ str dest= WHERE(ip(iptable).steps(good) GE 39 AND ip(iptable).steps(good) LE 42, dcnt) ;RESTORE, GETENV('PT')+'/IN/OTHER/'+'secchi_downlink_channels.sav' channels= READ_SSR_INFO() ; RESTORE, GETENV('PT')+'/IN/OTHER/'+'rt_channel.sav' tsize= TOTAL(os_arr(ind2).os_size) FOR id=0, dcnt-1 DO BEGIN CASE ip(iptable).steps(good(dest(id))) OF 39: BEGIN ; SSR1RT str= [STRING(tsize / channels.ssr1_rate, FORMAT='(I7)')+' Secs over SSR1', $ ;STRING(tsize / (rt_rate*272.0*8.0), FORMAT='(I7)')+' Secs over RT'] STRING(tsize / rtrate, FORMAT='(I7)')+' Secs over RT'] END 40: str= STRING(tsize / channels.sw_rate, FORMAT='(I7)')+' Secs over SW' 41: str= STRING(tsize / channels.ssr1_rate, FORMAT='(I7)')+' Secs over SSR1' 42: str= STRING(tsize / channels.ssr2_rate, FORMAT='(I7)')+' Secs over SSR2' ENDCASE PRINT,' Download Time = ' + STRTRIM(str(0), 2) IF (ip(iptable).steps(good(dest(id))) EQ 39) THEN BEGIN PRINT,' Download Time = ' + STRTRIM(str(1), 2) ENDIF ENDFOR ENDIF ENDFOR ;ind1loop CONT: ENDFOR END ;________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ;