;+ ;$Id: os_init.pro,v 1.17 2011/06/15 22:47:44 nathan Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO - SECCHI ; ; Name : OS_INIT ; ; Purpose : Initialize vars used by the SECCHI Observation Definition tools. ; ; Explanation : This tool initializes the variables defined in the Commons below. ; ; Use : OS_INIT ; ; Inputs : None. ; ; Opt. Inputs : None. ; ; Outputs : None. ; ; Opt. Outputs: None. ; ; Keywords : None. ; ; Restrictions: None. ; ; Side effects: None. ; ; Category : Planning, Scheduling. ; ; Prev. Hist. : Adapted from SOHO/LASCO planning tool. ; ; Written By : Ed Esfandiari, NRL, May 2004 - First Version. ; ; Modification History: ; Ed Esfandiari 06/04/04 - Corrected fw and pw width and sizes. ; Ed Esfandiari 07/09/04 - Use 24 polar positions for COR1 & COR2 instead of 20. ; Ed Esfandiari 07/14/04 - added cl_time and ro_time to CCD setup structure. ; Ed Esfandiari 07/21/04 - use tables pointed by an env-variable and fsw table names. ; Ed Esfandiari 07/14/04 - changed IP table from 20 to 40. ; Ed Esfandiari 09/16/04 - Corrected order of EUVI filters. ; Ed Esfandiari 09/30/04 - Removed sync. ; Ed Esfandiari 12/15/04 - corrected HI-summing code. ; Ed Esfandiari 03/10/05 - added datatype check for plan_lp. ; Ed Esfandiari 03/11/05 - changed IP tables from 40 to 80. ; Ed Esfandiari 04/18/05 - changed # of IP tables from 80 to 100. ; Ed Esfandiari 05/23/05 - Added ccd depenedent orientaions for masks. ; Ed Esfandiari 09/11/05 - Added new IP steps 114 and 115 to figure out 1st ; table number of HI summing (114 and 115 can be used ; in place of 34 and 36). ; Ed Esfandiari 11/21/05 - For HI summed images, only keep and use steps of 3rd table. ; Ed Esfandiari 03/31/06 - Changed order of euvi_filt and euvi_sector to match those in ; latest exptables. ; Ed Esfandiari 11/27/06 - Added code to switch to SC-B tables when B is selected. ; Note: using different SC-A and SC-B table values for same ; image (same OS_NUM), may result in images that are different ; but are assumed to be the same (not ideal if synched?). It ; is best that tables on both spacecrafts are the same. ; ; Ed Esfandiari 11/29/06 - Switched EUVI filter wheel names around and changed 175 sector ; to 171. ; Ed Esfandiari 02/21/07 - Added code to handle HI summing HI/LO SSR1 images. ; Ed Esfandiari 08/14/09 Changed SPAWN Id to Id to avoid cvs cobfusion. ; Ed Esfandiari 08/14/09 Changed H-compress range from 5-17 to 5-14. ; Ed Esfandiari 08/18/09 Use only 1st Id of spawn commands (some header have multiple Id). ; Ed Esfandiari 08/26/09 Changed H-compress range from 5-17 to 5-15. Treat HISAM as no-compression. ; ; $Log: os_init.pro,v $ ; Revision 1.17 2011/06/15 22:47:44 nathan ; use getenv instead of $TABLES ; ; Revision 1.16 2009/09/11 20:28:14 esfand ; use 3-digit decimals to display volumes ; ; Revision 1.10 2005/12/16 14:58:52 esfand ; Commit as of 12/16/05 ; ; Revision 1.9 2005/05/26 20:00:58 esfand ; PT version used to create SEC20050525005 TVAC schedule ; ; Revision 1.8 2005/04/27 20:38:38 esfand ; these were used for 4/21/05 synoptics ; ; Revision 1.7 2005/03/10 16:46:59 esfand ; changes since Jan24-05 to Mar10-05 ; ; Revision 1.6 2005/01/24 17:56:34 esfand ; checkin changes since SCIP_A_TVAC ; ; Revision 1.4 2004/09/01 15:40:45 esfand ; commit new version for Nathan. ; ; Revision 1.3 2004/07/12 13:15:14 esfand ; now using 24 COR1 and COR2 polar positions ; ; Revision 1.2 2004/07/12 13:09:07 esfand ; now using 24 COR1 and COR2 polar positions ; ; Revision 2004/07/01 21:19:04 esfand ; first checkin ; ; Revision 2004/06/02 19:42:36 esfand ; first checkin ; ; ;- ;__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ; PRO OS_INIT COMMON OS_ALL_SHARE, ccd, ip, ipd, ex, exd, occ_blocks, roi_blocks, fpwl, fpwld COMMON OS_INIT_SHARE, op_types, tele_types, table_types, fw_types, pw_types, exit_types, proc_tab_types, $ ip_arr, plan_lp, lprow, cor1pw, cor2pw COMMON SCHED_SHARE, schedv COMMON TABLES_IN_USE, tables_used, tbAout,tbBout tbldir=getenv('TABLES') SPAWN,"grep -h 'Id:' "+tbldir+"/imagetbl.img",sca_tables sca_tables= sca_tables(0) scb_tables= sca_tables SPAWN,"grep -h 'Id:' "+tbldir+"/expostba.img",tbl sca_tables= [sca_tables,tbl(0)] SPAWN,"grep -h 'Id:' "+tbldir+"/occulta.img",tbl sca_tables= [sca_tables,tbl(0)] SPAWN,"grep -h 'Id:' "+tbldir+"/rotbtb1a.img",tbl sca_tables= [sca_tables,tbl(0)] SPAWN,"grep -h 'Id:' "+tbldir+"/setuptba.img",tbl sca_tables= [sca_tables,tbl(0)] SPAWN,"grep -h 'Id:' "+tbldir+"/wavetb1a.img",tbl sca_tables= [sca_tables,tbl(0)] SPAWN,"grep -h 'Id:' "+tbldir+"/expostbb.img",tbl scb_tables= [scb_tables,tbl(0)] SPAWN,"grep -h 'Id:' "+tbldir+"/occultb.img",tbl scb_tables= [scb_tables,tbl(0)] SPAWN,"grep -h 'Id:' "+tbldir+"/rotbtb1b.img",tbl scb_tables= [scb_tables,tbl(0)] SPAWN,"grep -h 'Id:' "+tbldir+"/setuptbb.img",tbl scb_tables= [scb_tables,tbl(0)] SPAWN,"grep -h 'Id:' "+tbldir+"/wavetb1b.img",tbl scb_tables= [scb_tables,tbl(0)] IF(DATATYPE(schedv) EQ 'UND') THEN BEGIN sc= 'A' ; for AB ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF (schedv.sc EQ 0) THEN sc= 'A' ; for AB IF (schedv.sc EQ 1) THEN sc= 'A' IF (schedv.sc EQ 2) THEN sc= 'B' ENDELSE PRINT,'' PRINT,'Preparing to use Tables for SC-'+sc+':' PRINT,'=================================' PRINT,'' ; get tables_used info and keep around (also done in os_tables.pro): ;SPAWN,"grep -h 'Id:' "+tbldir+"/imagetbl.img",tables_used CASE (sc) OF 'A': BEGIN ;SPAWN,"grep -h 'Id:' "+tbldir+"/*a.img",sca_tables ;tables_used= [tables_used,sca_tables] tables_used= sca_tables END 'B': BEGIN ;SPAWN,"grep -h 'Id:' "+tbldir+"/*b.img",scb_tables ;tables_used= [tables_used,scb_tables] tables_used= scb_tables END ELSE : BEGIN END ENDCASE tbAout= ';'+strmid(sca_tables,2,100) ; remove first $ (second char) from each string. tbBout= ';'+strmid(scb_tables,2,100) ; remove first $ (second char) from each string. FOR i=0, N_ELEMENTS(tables_used)-1 DO BEGIN toks= STR_SEP(tables_used(i),' ') toks= (toks(WHERE(toks NE ' ')))(1:2) ; Keep tablename_version tables_used(i)= toks(0)+toks(1) ENDFOR ; so now: ; tables_used(0)= IP table ; tables_used(1)= expcal table ; tables_used(2)= occult table ; tables_used(3)= rotbtb1 table ; tables_used(4)= setuptb table ; tables_used(5)= wavetb1 table ;** camera table contents ;IF ((SIZE(ccd))(1) EQ 0) THEN BEGIN ccdvars = {ccdvars, pform:1, camera:0, clr_id:0, rdout_id:0, x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:0, xsum:0, $ ysum:0, offset:0, gain:0, gmode:0, cl_time:0.0, ro_time:0.0} ; note cl_time and ro_time are not in camera setup table. Must get them from readout/clear table. ;ccd = REPLICATE(ccdvars,5,5) ;** 5 cameras; 5 tables ; AEE Nov 25 02 ccd = REPLICATE(ccdvars,5,7) ;** 5 cameras; 7 tables ; AEE Nov 25 02 ; AEE 3/30/04: ;READ_CAMERA_TABLES,GETENV('PT')+'/TABLES/'+'camera_tables.dat', ccd ;READ_CAMERA_TABLES,GETENV_SLASH('TABLES')+'setuptba.img', ccd IF (DATATYPE(sc) EQ 'UND') THEN BEGIN setup_tbl= GETENV_SLASH('TABLES')+'setuptba.img' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF (sc EQ 'A') THEN $ setup_tbl= GETENV_SLASH('TABLES')+'setuptba.img' $ ELSE $ setup_tbl= GETENV_SLASH('TABLES')+'setuptbb.img' ENDELSE PRINT,'Reading '+setup_tbl READ_CAMERA_TABLES,setup_tbl, ccd ;ENDIF ;** image processing table contents ;num_ip_tables= 40 ; Note: when anything in os_instance is changed, like num_ip_tables, must do: ; 1. make changes in os_init and run it by itself with an stop at the end ; from a fresh idl session. ; 2. set defined_os_arr= os_instance ; 3. rename ../IN/OTHER/os_arr.sav to something else in case it is needed later. ; 4. save,filename= '../IN/OTHER/os_arr.sav',defined_os_arr ; 5. remove stop from os_init and start the schedule. ; 6. add observations and do a store current schedule to extend the os_arr.sav ; with other data as well. num_ip_tables= 100 IF ((SIZE(ip))(1) EQ 0) THEN BEGIN steps = INTARR(26)-1 ;** 26 steps per table ipvars = {ipvars, steps:steps, mask:0, comp:0} ;ip = REPLICATE(ipvars,20) ;** 20 IP tables ip = REPLICATE(ipvars,num_ip_tables) IF (DATATYPE(ip_arr) EQ 'UND') THEN ip_arr = READ_IP_DAT() ; AEE 4/2/04: ;READ_IP_TABLES,GETENV('PT')+'/TABLES/'+'ip_tables.dat', ip PRINT,'Reading '+GETENV_SLASH('TABLES')+'imagetbl.img' READ_IP_TABLES,GETENV_SLASH('TABLES')+'imagetbl.img', ip ipdef= ip ; keep a default copy with orignal data as was read in. ipd= ip ; keep a default copy with HI summed-Seq tables & descriptions changed ; for display purposes. ; AEE - 4/2/04 - Note to self: ; Note: since the 20 IP tables can be used by any of the 5 instruments, ; I may want to check the steps in each table, at this point, and if any ; are telescope specific, don't let that table be used by other telescopes. ; AEE 5/6/04 - HI1 and HI2 Summing sequences use 3 tables each. The reason for ; 3 tables is that it is how FSW handles the summing and because ; the first image maybe processed differently than the rest of ; summed images. For instance, exp.time adjustment step may only be ; applied to first image but not to the rest (to save time) as ; long as that step does not effect the CCD readout time and size of ; the image. The first 2 steps of table 1 names the 2nd and 3rd tables ; that also has to be used. ; ; In PT, though, to avoid making many changes in different routines, ; I check to find out the first table for HI1 and/or HI2 summing (if ; used) and then add the steps from the following two tables to it ; just as if all steps were already in 1 table: ; ; Note: the 2nd and 3rd table of HI1 and HI2 summimg SHOULD not be used ; for taking any kind of images by themselves (as if they don't even exist). ; AEE 5/21/04: ; Pick up first table of the 3 used for HI1 or HI2 Summed-Sequences (it should ; contain Clear SB, Add to HI SB, and Header-Only functions). It's first and ; second elements specifies 2nd and 3rd IP tables to be used: ; (note: use ipd (ip default) to display the Image Processing Tables.) new_ip_arr_elem= ip_arr(0) FOR i=0, N_ELEMENTS(ip)-1 DO BEGIN hi1_ind= WHERE(ip(i).steps(2:*) EQ 33 OR ip(i).steps(2:*) EQ 34 OR ip(i).steps(2:*) EQ 5 OR ip(i).steps(2:*) EQ 114 , hi1cnt) hi2_ind= WHERE(ip(i).steps(2:*) EQ 35 OR ip(i).steps(2:*) EQ 36 OR ip(i).steps(2:*) EQ 5 OR ip(i).steps(2:*) EQ 115, hi2cnt) IF (hi1cnt EQ 3 OR hi2cnt EQ 3) THEN BEGIN ; Now that 1st table for a HI1 or HI2 summed-sequence is located, pickup 2nd and 3rd ; table numbers and add their steps to the 1st table. Also, remove duplicate steps, ; and header-only step: tab1_steps= ip(i).steps(WHERE(ip(i).steps NE -1)) tab1_steps= tab1_steps(2:*) ; remove first 2 entries (table2 and table3 numbers). tab2= ip(i).steps(0) tab2_steps= ip(tab2).steps(WHERE(ip(tab2).steps NE -1)) tab3= ip(i).steps(1) tab3_steps= ip(tab3).steps(WHERE(ip(tab3).steps NE -1)) combined_steps= [tab1_steps,tab2_steps,tab3_steps] combined_steps= combined_steps(UNIQ_NOSORT(combined_steps)) ; remove duplicate steps - keep order combined_steps= combined_steps(WHERE(combined_steps NE 5)) ; remove Header-Only steps (so we have ;help,combined_steps ;stop ; Now overwrite the steps in 1st table with combined steps from all 3 tables: ip(i).steps= combined_steps ip(i).steps(N_ELEMENTS(combined_steps):*)= -1 ; No - just keep 3rd table (for last image that is downlinked), Ignore 1st and 2nd tables: ;ip(i).steps= ip(tab3).steps ; IF HI/LO is used for SSR1 summed images, remove duplicate SSR1 and Comp. (usually Rice) combinations: ;t3uniq= tab3_steps(UNIQ_NOSORT(tab3_steps)) ;ip(i).steps(N_ELEMENTS(t3uniq):*)= -1 ;ip(i).steps= t3uniq ; If Rice, then keep the 2nd one (so there are no steps without dest-comp around them: rice= WHERE(tab3_steps EQ 7, rice_cnt) ;IF (rice_cnt GT 0) THEN tab3_steps= [tab3_steps(0:rice(0)-1),tab3_steps(rice(0)+1:*)] IF (rice_cnt GT 1) THEN tab3_steps= [tab3_steps(0:rice(0)-1),tab3_steps(rice(0)+1:*)] t3uniq= tab3_steps(UNIQ_NOSORT(tab3_steps)) ; If HI summed images goes to a second destination (like SW), add a summing step to it so that ; it also uses implicit summing: ;comp_ind = WHERE(t3uniq GE 5 AND t3uniq LE 17 OR t3uniq GE 90 AND t3uniq LE 101 OR $ ;comp_ind = WHERE(t3uniq GE 5 AND t3uniq LE 14 OR t3uniq GE 90 AND t3uniq LE 101 OR $ comp_ind = WHERE(t3uniq GE 5 AND t3uniq LE 15 OR t3uniq GE 90 AND t3uniq LE 101 OR $ t3uniq EQ 44, comp_cnt) IF (comp_cnt GT 1) THEN BEGIN usteps= t3uniq(0:comp_ind(0)) ind = WHERE(usteps EQ 34 OR usteps EQ 36 OR usteps EQ 37 OR steps EQ 38 OR $ usteps EQ 114 OR usteps EQ 115, hscnt) t3uniq= [t3uniq(0:N_ELEMENTS(t3uniq)-2),usteps(ind(0)),t3uniq(N_ELEMENTS(t3uniq)-1)] ENDIF ip(i).steps(N_ELEMENTS(t3uniq):*)= -1 ip(i).steps= t3uniq ;help,i,ip(i).steps ;print,ip(i).steps ;stop ; Also, use ipd for displaying contents of each IP table. But, for HI summed-images, ; the first 2 steps of 1st table represent table numbers not the steps numbers. For ; these, extend the description and change ipd steps to display "Use Table # ...." instead ; of two IP-functions that correspond to the step numbers: new_ip_arr_elem.ip_description= 'Use IP Table '+STRTRIM(ipd(i).steps(0),2) + $ ' (for middle summed images)' new_ip_arr_elem.ip_num= N_ELEMENTS(ip_arr) ipd(i).steps(0)= N_ELEMENTS(ip_arr) ip_arr= [ip_arr,new_ip_arr_elem] new_ip_arr_elem.ip_description= 'Use IP Table '+STRTRIM(ipd(i).steps(1),2) + $ ' (for last summed image)' new_ip_arr_elem.ip_num= N_ELEMENTS(ip_arr) ipd(i).steps(1)= N_ELEMENTS(ip_arr) ip_arr= [ip_arr,new_ip_arr_elem] ENDIF ENDFOR ; Note: the ip.mask and ip.comp don't seem to be used anywhere - just ip.steps are used. ENDIF ;** exposure durations default table contents (values are for no summing) ;READ_EXP_TABLES,GETENV('PT')+'/TABLES/'+'exp_tables.dat',expt,fw_pos, pw_pos ;READ_EXP_TABLES,GETENV_SLASH('TABLES')+'expostba.img',expt,fw_pos, pw_pos IF (DATATYPE(sc) EQ 'UND') THEN BEGIN expos_tbl= GETENV_SLASH('TABLES')+'expostba.img' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF (sc EQ 'A') THEN $ expos_tbl= GETENV_SLASH('TABLES')+'expostba.img' $ ELSE $ expos_tbl= GETENV_SLASH('TABLES')+'expostbb.img' ENDELSE PRINT,'Reading '+expos_tbl READ_EXP_TABLES,expos_tbl,expt,fw_pos, pw_pos ;** exposure durations table contents ;IF ((SIZE(ex))(1) EQ 0) THEN BEGIN ex= expt ;** 5 cameras; 7 tables; 4 fw; 24 pw exd= expt ;ENDIF ;** define mask tables ;IF ((SIZE(occ_blocks))(1) EQ 0) THEN BEGIN ; AEE 7/25/04: ;READ_MASK_TABLES,GETENV('PT')+'/TABLES/mask_tables.dat',roi_blocks,occ_blocks ; Note: sc is always undefined at this point (default schedule is for 'AB') so ; occulta.img is always read in. Stop and ask operator for input? IF (DATATYPE(sc) EQ 'UND') THEN BEGIN READ_MASK_TABLES,GETENV_SLASH('TABLES')+'occulta.img',roi_blocks,occ_blocks,'A' PRINT,'Reading '+GETENV_SLASH('TABLES')+'occulta.img' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF (sc EQ 'A') THEN BEGIN READ_MASK_TABLES,GETENV_SLASH('TABLES')+'occulta.img',roi_blocks,occ_blocks,'A' PRINT,'Reading '+GETENV_SLASH('TABLES')+'occulta.img' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN READ_MASK_TABLES,GETENV_SLASH('TABLES')+'occultb.img',roi_blocks,occ_blocks,'B' PRINT,'Reading '+GETENV_SLASH('TABLES')+'occultb.img' ENDELSE ENDELSE ;ENDIF COMMON LOCATION_SHARE, x, y, xx, yy, last_base ;** initialize location for first pop up window last_base = -1 x = 500 y = 0 DEVICE, GET_SCREEN_SIZE=ss xx = ss(0) yy = ss(1) ; Note: Order of op_types should match those of op_pro in define_os.pro: filename= GETENV('PT')+'/IN/OTHER/'+'op_types.sav' RESTORE,FILENAME= filename ; => op_types, above IF (DATATYPE(plan_lp) EQ 'UND') THEN BEGIN plan_lp = -2 ; AEE 9/30/03 - used plan_lp=0 for Sky Double Images. (-2 is the first negative ; false value before zero. ENDIF tele_types = [ "Telescope: EUVI ", $ "Telescope: COR1 ", $ "Telescope: COR2 ", $ "Telescope: HI1 ", $ "Telescope: HI2 "] table_types =[ "Table 1", $ "Table 2", $ "Table 3", $ "Table 4", $ "Table 5", $ "Table 6", $ "Table 7"] ; AEE - Aug 30, 2002 Since c0fw (EUVI) has maximum number of filters (5 for now) must set rest of them ; also to the same size (5) but set the extra ones to blanks. ; AEE - Nov 25, 02 - c0fw (EUVI) has 4 filters not 5. sze= SIZE(fw_pos) fw_types = STRARR(sze(1),sze(2),5) ; strarr(7,4,5) ; 7 tables, 4 filter(positins), 5 telescopes ; AEE 6/4/04 - follwing statement is needed for non euvi telescopes (they don't have filters): fw_types = fw_types+' ' ;euvi_filt= ['Clear','Al+1a','Al+1b','A1+2 '] ;euvi_filt= ['Al+2 (OPEN)','Clear (S1)','Al+1a (DBL)','Al+1b (S2)'] euvi_filt= ['Open (Al+2)','S1 (Clear)','Dbl (Al+1a)','S2 (Al+1b)'] FOR i= 0, sze(1)-1 DO fw_types(i,*,0)= euvi_filt sze= SIZE(pw_pos) pw_types = STRARR(sze(1),sze(2),5) ; strarr(7,24,5) ; 7 tables, 24 positions, 5 telescopes ; AEE 6/4/04 - follwing statement is needed for telescopes that don't have pw: pw_types = pw_types+' ' pw_types(*,0:3,0)= STRING(pw_pos(*,0:3,0),'(i3)') pw_types(*,*,1:2)= STRING(pw_pos(*,*,1:2),'(i3)') ; Add euvi sectors: ;euvi_sectors= ['171','195','284','304'] ;euvi_sectors= ['304','195','284','171'] ;euvi_sectors= ['195A','284A','175A','304A'] euvi_sectors= ['195A','284A','171A','304A'] FOR i= 0, sze(1)-1 DO pw_types(i,0:3,0)= pw_types(i,0:3,0) + ': ' + euvi_sectors all_pos= STRING(FINDGEN(144)*2.5,'(f5.1)') ; AEE 3/26/04 - max of 144 pw names (2.5 degrees apart). ; Now add COR1 and COR2 angles for the selected postions: FOR j= 1,2 DO BEGIN FOR i= 0, sze(1)-1 DO pw_types(i,*,j)= pw_types(i,*,j) + ': ' + all_pos(pw_pos(i,*,j)) ENDFOR exit_types = ['Iteration ', $ 'End at Time ', $ 'Duration '] ;proc_tab_types = "Img Proc Table " + STRMID(STRING(INDGEN(20)), 6, 2) + ' ' proc_tab_types = "Img Proc Table " + STRMID(STRING(INDGEN(num_ip_tables)), 6, 2) + ' ' COMMON OS_DEFINED, defined_os_arr, os_instance IF ((SIZE(os_instance))(1) EQ 0) THEN BEGIN RESTORE,GETENV('PT')+'/IN/OTHER/ccd_size.sav' ; => xyblks (34 blocks for a ccd size of 34*34=1156) os_instance = {os_instance, os_num:0L, lp:0, tele:0, exptable:0, camtable:0, iptable:0, fw:0, $ ; AEE 1/13/04 pw:INTARR(24), $;** up to 24 pos for SEQ PW LP lamp:0, num_images:0, $ fps: 0, $ ; AEE 1/13/04 pre_proc_time:0.0, $ ; AEE 6/14/04 cadence:0.0, $ ;** AEE - 01/15/03 - for SEQ. default=0=take images in ; a SEQ as close together as possible. sub:0, $ ;** use subregions for line scan start:0, $;** start index for line scan ;ccd:REPLICATE(ccdvars,5,5), $;** 5 cameras; 5 tables ;AEE Nov 25, 02 ccd:REPLICATE(ccdvars,5,7), $;** 5 cameras; 7 tables ;AEE Nov 25, 02 ;ip:REPLICATE(ipvars,20), $;** 20 IP tables ip:REPLICATE(ipvars,num_ip_tables), $ ;ex:LONARR(5,7,4,24), $;AEE 2/6/04 - changed to 7 tables. ex:FLTARR(5,7,4,24), $ ; AEE 08/16/04 - changed to flt. occ_blocks:BYTARR(5,xyblks*xyblks), $;** 5 cameras; 1156 blocks ;AEE roi_blocks:BYTARR(5,xyblks*xyblks)} ;** 5 cameras; 1156 blocks ;AEE ENDIF END ;__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ;