;+ ;$Id: os_get_num_pixels.pro,v 1.15 2013/01/09 13:33:23 mcnutt Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO - SECCHI ; ; Name : OS_GET_NUM_PIXELS ; ; Purpose : Return number of pixels in an image taking into accunt ; masked blocks and summings. ; ; Use : pixels = OS_GET_NUM_PIXELS(os) ; ; Inputs : os Observing sequence structure. ; ; Opt. Inputs : None ; ; Outputs : pixels Numer of pixels contained in the image. ; ; Opt. Outputs: None ; ; Keywords : ccd_ro_pixels, no_compress ; ; Prev. Hist. : Adapted from SOHO/LASCO planning tool. ; ; Written by : Ed Esfandiari, NRL, May 2004 - First Version. ; ; Modification History: ; Ed Esfandiari 07/12/04 - changed x,y range from 0-2175 to 1-2176 and also ; made changes to use 4 ROI tables instead of 1. ; 07/14/04 - Added new IP step, "Send Raw Image", and treat it ; as "No Ccompression" for PT purposes. ; Ed Esfandiari 12/06/04 - for HI 1 & 2 summed sequences, apply an implicit ; "Pixel Summing" (make it 1/4 or 1024x1024). ; Ed Esfandiari 01/27/05 - For any image going to a summing buffer, assume ; an implicit pixel summing. ; Ed Esfandiari 01/28/05 - Added ccd_ro_pixels keyword to return number of ; pixels when ccd is readout for calculating the ; Image Processing, IP, time. ; Ed Esfandiari 02/04/05 - Read compression factors from a file. ; Ed Esfandiari 04/18/05 - Added functions/steps 52 and 53 which contain pixel ; summing to pixel summing check. ; Ed Esfandiari 05/13/05 - Trim x-axis by 128 pixels if IP-Trim function present. ; Ed Esfandiari 05/19/05 - Modified code to apply only IP functions for summing ; and masking found before each compresstion function to ; image going to corresponding destination (comp_cnt). ; Ed Esfandiari 10/06/05 Added ICER compressions (IP functions 82 to 93). ; Ed Esfandiari 10/06/05 Added code so that for square root functions (step #2, 70, ; 71, or 96), a compression factor of 3.0 is applied. ; Ed Esfandiari 11/09/05 Square root functions (step #70,71,96) changed to ; 78,79,104. Also icer steps changed to 90 to 101. ; Ed Esfandiari 11/21/05 added checks for steps 114 and 115. ; Ed Esfandiari 05/04/06 Added no_compress keyword. If set pixels returned do not ; acount for comperssion. ; Ed Esfandiari 02/08/07 Use new comp_factor file with telescope specific comp. factors. ; Ed Esfandiari 02/16/07 Trimmed HI-summed images to 2048x2048, if greater, before summing. ; Ed Esfandiari 07/17/07 Added summing buffer, sb_cnt, to use summed cmpr. factor for HI ; summed images. ; Ed Esfandiari 08/14/09 Changed H-compress range from 5-17 to 5-14. ; Ed Esfandiari 08/14/09 Added checks for HI1SPW and HI2SPW (functions 16-17). Each counts ; as 2 pixel-sum. ; Ed Esfandiari 08/26/09 Changed H-compress range from 5-17 to 5-15. Treat HISAM as no-compression. ; Ed Esfandiari 09/02/09 Treat steps 16 and 17 as explict summing for HI-summed images. ; Ed Esfandiari 09/03/09 Corrected ROI use for mutil-apid image processing ertires (HI-summed). ; If COMMON OS_ALL_SHARE common block is added in the future, rename the ; ip to something else. ; ; ; ; $Log: os_get_num_pixels.pro,v $ ; Revision 1.15 2013/01/09 13:33:23 mcnutt ; changed made when generating new block sched 20130108 ; ; Revision 1.14 2009/09/11 20:28:14 esfand ; use 3-digit decimals to display volumes ; ; Revision 1.9 2005/12/16 14:58:52 esfand ; Commit as of 12/16/05 ; ; Revision 1.8 2005/10/17 19:02:10 esfand ; Added Icer+Mission Sim call. roll Synoptic 20060724000 ; ; Revision 1.7 2005/05/26 20:00:58 esfand ; PT version used to create SEC20050525005 TVAC schedule ; ; Revision 1.6 2005/04/27 20:38:38 esfand ; these were used for 4/21/05 synoptics ; ; Revision 1.5 2005/03/10 16:46:29 esfand ; changes since Jan24-05 to Mar10-05 ; ; Revision 1.4 2005/01/24 17:56:34 esfand ; checkin changes since SCIP_A_TVAC ; ; Revision 1.2 2004/09/01 15:40:44 esfand ; commit new version for Nathan. ; ; Revision 2004/07/01 21:19:04 esfand ; first checkin ; ; Revision 2004/06/02 19:42:36 esfand ; first checkin ; ; ;- ;FUNCTION GET_CCDSUM_MASK_PIXELS, os, ccd_ro_pixels= ccd_ro_pixels FUNCTION GET_CCDSUM_MASK_PIXELS, os, steps, ccd_ro_pixels= ccd_ro_pixels COMMON OS_SHARE, osv ccd = os.ccd tele = os.tele camtable = os.camtable ; AEE 1/14/04 iptable = os.iptable ip = os.ip ip(iptable).steps= -1 ip(iptable).steps= steps ; to take care of multi-apid steps occ_blocks = os.occ_blocks roi_blocks = os.roi_blocks RESTORE,GETENV('PT')+'/IN/OTHER/ccd_size.sav' ; => xyblks = 34 (blocks for a ccd size of 34*34=1156) ; => xyblkpix= 64 (a block is 64*64 pixels) ; => xypix = 2176 (num pixels in x or y direction) ; => xstart = 1 (in cam tables x-ragne = 1-2176) ; => ystart = 1 (in cam tables y-ragne = 1-2176) ; Jan 14, 2003: ; Note: Header-Only can be ignored for the purposes of planning tool telemetry buffer usage, etc.. ; It is only 20 bytes and image is taken anyway (usually used in combination with other IP ; functions such as sum-buffer, etc.). ;** GET SIZE OF IMAGE ON CHI ;** we shouldn't take into account summing until we see which blocks are masked ?? ; ((x2 - x1) +1) / xsum ; x and y range in camera table is 1-2176. Pick it up, get it within this range if not, and ; subtract 1 to make them 0-2175 needed by idl: IF (ccd(tele,camtable).x2 GE xstart) THEN BEGIN x1 = ( (ccd(tele,camtable).x1) > xstart < (xypix) ) -1 x2 = ( (ccd(tele,camtable).x2) > xstart < (xypix) ) -1 y1 = ( (ccd(tele,camtable).y1) > ystart < (xypix) ) -1 y2 = ( (ccd(tele,camtable).y2) > ystart < (xypix) ) -1 ; Now x1,x2,y1,y2 are within 0-2175 range. xs = x2 - x1 + 1 ys = y2 - y1 +1 ;** CALCULATE TOTAL PIXELS IN IMAGE BEFORE PROCESSING AND BEFORE SUMMING IF (KEYWORD_SET(ccd_ro_pixels)) THEN BEGIN ;** ACCOUNT FOR SUMMING (CCD summing): sumfactor = (ccd(tele,camtable).xsum > 1) * (ccd(tele,camtable).ysum > 1) numpixels_beforemask = LONG(xs)*ys numpixels_beforemask = numpixels_beforemask / sumfactor RETURN, numpixels_beforemask ENDIF ; See if IP-Trim function is present. IP-Trim removes 128 pixels from ; x-axis (50 underscan and 78 overscan pixels): ; Note: For SECCHI, number of columns, x, read from ccd camera table is ; always 1-2176 (0-2175) so xs is always 2176 and we trim it to 2048. ; For number of rows, y, trim it to 2048 only if orginal y from ; camera table > 2048: ;trim = WHERE(ip(iptable).steps EQ 68, trim_cnt) ; See if "IP-Trim" is selected ;trim = WHERE(steps EQ 68, trim_cnt) ; See if "IP-Trim" is selected trim = WHERE(steps EQ 76, trim_cnt) ; See if "IP-Trim" is selected IF (trim_cnt GT 0) THEN BEGIN xs= 2048 IF (ys GT 2048) THEN ys= 2048 END ; Also is image is a HI summed image, make sure it is not more than 2048x2048 ; since anything going to summing buffer is trimmed before being IPsummed to 1024x1024): ind = WHERE(steps EQ 34 OR steps EQ 36 OR steps EQ 37 OR steps EQ 38 OR $ ;steps EQ 114 OR steps EQ 115, hscnt) steps EQ 114 OR steps EQ 115 OR steps EQ 16 OR steps EQ 17, hscnt) IF (hscnt GT 0) THEN BEGIN xs= xs < 2048 ys= ys < 2048 ENDIF ; Note: is it required that final image has x and y sizes each be ; multiples of 64 pixels. Check them and pad to be multiples of 64 ; if needs be: IF ((xs MOD 64) GT 0) THEN xs= xs -(xs MOD 64) + 64 IF ((ys MOD 64) GT 0) THEN ys= ys -(ys MOD 64) + 64 ;** CALCULATE TOTAL PIXELS IN IMAGE BEFORE PROCESSING AND BEFORE SUMMING numpixels = LONG(xs)*ys ENDIF ELSE BEGIN PRINT,'ERROR: X2 < X_START ('+x2+' < '+x_start+').' STOP ENDELSE ;** ACCOUNT FOR BLOCKS MASKED OUT IN OCCULTER TABLE AND MASKING TABLE ;** If only underscan region or No Masking selected then skip this part ; AEE 5/5/04 - defuault for occ mask is to apply it: ;ind = WHERE(ip(iptable).steps EQ 28) ; 28 = don't use occ mask table. ind = WHERE(steps EQ 28) ; 28 = don't use occ mask table. IF (ind(0) GE 0) THEN useocc = 0 ELSE useocc = 1 ; Also see generate_ipt.pro ; generate_ipt.pro ; generate_ipt_set.pro ; os_summary.pro ; os_summary_1line.pro ; os_summary_set.pro ; os_summary_text.pro roi_table= WHICH_ROI_TABLE(ip,iptable) IF (roi_table EQ -1) THEN useroi = 0 ELSE useroi = 1 ;help,roi_table IF ((useocc EQ 1) OR (useroi EQ 1)) THEN BEGIN ; Note: for secchi, each block (super pixel) is 64x64 pixels. So, there ; are total of 1156 blocks per CCD for secchi: block1 = FIX(x1/xyblkpix)+FIX(y1/xyblkpix)*xyblks ;block for lower left corner of selected pixels block2 = FIX(x2/xyblkpix)+FIX(y2/xyblkpix)*xyblks ;block for upper right corner of selected pixels xs2 = x2 - x1 + 1 ; selected pixels in x-axis ys2 = y2 - y1 + 1 ; selected pixels in y-axis blocksx = ((xs2 + xyblkpix-1) / xyblkpix) < xyblks blocksy = ((ys2 + xyblkpix-1) / xyblkpix) < xyblks goodblocks = INDGEN(blocksx)+block1 FOR row=block1/xyblks+1, (block1/xyblks)+blocksy-1 DO $ goodblocks = [goodblocks,INDGEN(blocksx)+((row*xyblks)+(x1/xyblkpix))] ; AEE - 01/13/03: GOODBLOCKS INT = Array[1024] (0,1,2,.....,1022,1023) ; AEE - 05/24/04: GOODBLOCKS INT = Array[1156] (0,1,2,.....,1022,1155) allmasked_blocks = -1 CASE (1) OF ((useocc EQ 1) AND (useroi EQ 0)) : allmasked_blocks = WHERE(occ_blocks(tele,*) GT 0) ((useroi EQ 1) AND (useocc EQ 0)) : allmasked_blocks = WHERE(roi_blocks(tele,*) GT 0) ((useroi EQ 1) AND (useocc EQ 1)) : allmasked_blocks = WHERE((occ_blocks(tele,*)+ $ (roi_blocks(tele,*))) GT 0) ELSE : BEGIN WIDGET_CONTROL, info_text, SET_VALUE='Unknown Masking Type.' RETURN, -1 ENDELSE ENDCASE loc = WHERE(allmasked_blocks GE 0) IF (loc(0) GE 0) THEN BEGIN allmasked_blocks = allmasked_blocks(loc) ;** can't mask a block twice allmasked_blocks = allmasked_blocks(SORT([allmasked_blocks])) allmasked_blocks = allmasked_blocks(UNIQ([allmasked_blocks])) ; AEE - 01/13/03 - If "Invert Mask Tables" is selected, use it to determine actual numpixels ; used for determining image size: ; *** NOTE: in .IPT file, occ_blocks and/or roi_blocks are used (using FIND_DATA_RUNS) to ; get and print to the .IPT files the masked blocks used, if any. It also returns ; selected image_processing functions including a 29 for "Invert Mask Tables" in the ; PT_IP = line. If we want the .IPT file include the inverted-mask blocks instead of ; the masked blocks, then we should find the imask (as done below) in the generate_ipt.pro, ; as well. ;ind = WHERE(ip(iptable).steps EQ 29) ; See if "Invert Mask Tables" is selected ind = WHERE(steps EQ 29) ; See if "Invert Mask Tables" is selected IF (ind(0) GE 0) THEN BEGIN imask= INTARR(N_ELEMENTS(xyblks*xyblks)) ; 34*34 = 1156 = max # of blocks imask(allmasked_blocks)= 1 imask= WHERE(imask EQ 0, imcnt) IF (imcnt GT 0) THEN BEGIN imask=goodblocks(imask) no_invert_allmasked_blocks= allmasked_blocks allmasked_blocks= imask ENDIF ELSE allmasked_blocks= [-1] ENDIF collisions = 0 ;** number of valid blocks masked out FOR i=0, N_ELEMENTS(allmasked_blocks)-1 DO BEGIN tmp = WHERE(allmasked_blocks(i) EQ goodblocks) IF (tmp(0) GE 0) THEN collisions = collisions + N_ELEMENTS(tmp) ENDFOR IF (DATATYPE(osv) NE 'UND' AND DATATYPE(osv) NE 'STR') THEN $ ; AEE 10/03/03 - added to handle osv='' ; (set in define_os) when menus is closed. WIDGET_CONTROL,osv.info_text,SET_VALUE='Num Pixels Before Mask= '+STRN(numpixels)+ $ ', Masked Blocks (64x64 Pixels) = '+STRN(collisions) ;help,numpixels numpixels = numpixels - LONG(collisions)*xyblkpix*xyblkpix ;help,numpixels ;if roi_table gt 0 then stop ENDIF ENDIF ;** NOW ACCOUNT FOR SUMMING (CCD summing): sumfactor = (ccd(tele,camtable).xsum > 1) * (ccd(tele,camtable).ysum > 1) numpixels = numpixels / sumfactor RETURN, numpixels END FUNCTION GET_PIXSUM_COMP_PIXELS, pixels,steps, telescope, no_compress=no_compress numpixels = pixels ; input pixels is what we have got after the occulter/roi masking and ccd summimg. ; See if "Pixel Sum" (same as LEB Sum) is selected (can be requested multiple times). For each ; selection, apply a 2x2 summing: ; ind = WHERE(steps EQ 3, ps_cnt) ; See if "Pixel Sum" is selected. ind = WHERE(steps EQ 3 OR steps EQ 52 OR steps EQ 53, ps_cnt) ; See if "Pixel Sum" is selected. ;help,ps_cnt ind = WHERE(steps EQ 16 OR steps EQ 17, hisw_cnt) ; Each HI1SPW and HI2SPW = 2 pixelsum ;help,hisw_cnt ps_cnt= ps_cnt + 2*hisw_cnt ;help,ps_cnt ;stop FOR i= 0, ps_cnt -1 DO numpixels = numpixels / (2*2) ; Anytime a HI1 or HI2 summing buffer is used, we must assume an implicit "2x2 Pixel Summing" ; So, for HI 1 or 2 summed sequences or an image going to a summing buffer, must assume an ; implicit "Pixel Summing" (a full size image is summed to 1/4 (1024x1024): ;ind = WHERE(steps EQ 34 OR steps EQ 36 OR steps EQ 37 OR steps EQ 38, hscnt) ind = WHERE(steps EQ 34 OR steps EQ 36 OR steps EQ 37 OR steps EQ 38 OR $ ;steps EQ 114 OR steps EQ 115, hscnt) steps EQ 114 OR steps EQ 115 OR steps EQ 16 OR steps EQ 17, hscnt) IF (hscnt GT 0) THEN numpixels = numpixels / (2*2) IF NOT (KEYWORD_SET(no_compress)) THEN BEGIN ; Now account for compression: ; steps 7-17 are Rice plus 10 H-compress: ; AEE - 01/13/03: Following comp_fac values are subject to change. ; comp_fac= [2.3, $ ; Rice ; 3.32, $ ; H-compress - scale factor[0] ; 4.0, $ ; H-compress - scale factor[1] ; 4.17, $ ; H-compress - scale factor[2] ; 5.67, $ ; H-compress - scale factor[3] ; 6.0, $ ; H-compress - scale factor[4] ; 7.0, $ ; H-compress - scale factor[5] ; 8.0, $ ; H-compress - scale factor[6] ; 8.46, $ ; H-compress - scale factor[7] ; 9.59, $ ; H-compress - scale factor[8] ; 10.90] ; H-compress - scale factor[9] ; filename= GETENV('PT')+'/IN/OTHER/comp_factors.dat' ; => comp_fac with for rice and h-compresses ; OPENR, lu, filename, /GET_LUN ; str = '' ; comp_fac= [0.0] ; WHILE NOT(EOF(lu)) DO BEGIN ; READF, lu, str ; ; throw away comment (;) and blank lines. ; IF (STRMID(STRTRIM(str,2),0,1) NE ';' AND STRLEN(STRTRIM(str,2)) NE 0) THEN BEGIN ; toks= STRTRIM(STR_SEP(str,'='),2) ; comp_fac= [comp_fac,toks(1)] ; ENDIF ; ENDWHILE ; CLOSE, lu ; FREE_LUN, lu ; comp_fac= comp_fac(1:*) ; ;IF (N_ELEMENTS(comp_fac) LT 11) THEN BEGIN ; IF (N_ELEMENTS(comp_fac) LT 23) THEN BEGIN ; PRINT,'ERROR - Missing compression factor(s) in '+filename ; ;PRINT,' 11 (Rice+10Hcompress) factors are required.' ; PRINT,' 23 (Rice+10Hcompress+12Icer) factors are required.' ; STOP ; ENDIF ; ; comp_fac= [1.0,1.0,comp_fac] ; add "Header Only" and "NO Compression" value of 1.0 to the array. ; AEE 5/11/04 ; filename= GETENV('PT')+'/IN/OTHER/comp_factors.dat' ; => comp_fac with for rice and h-compresses make_cf_arr, filename, cf_full,cf_ipsum n= N_ELEMENTS(steps)-1 ; last step is the compression used. IF (steps(n) EQ 44) THEN steps(n)= 6 ; treat "Raw Image" (step #44), if any, as "No Compression" (step #6): ; Adjust Icer steps to correspond to elements of comp_fac array: ; IF (steps(n) GE 82 AND steps(n) LE 93) THEN steps(n)= steps(n) - 69 + 5 ; Icers are elements 13 to 24 of comp_fac ; add 5 since it is taken out next. ; Icers are elements13 to 24 of comp_fac. Add 5 since it is taken out next: IF (steps(n) GE 90 AND steps(n) LE 101) THEN steps(n)= steps(n) - 77 + 5 ;numpixels= numpixels / comp_fac(steps(n)-5) ; "Header Only" (first of all compressions) is step # 5 sb= WHERE(steps EQ 37 OR steps EQ 38, sb_cnt) ; See if summing-buffer is selected. ;IF (ps_cnt GT 0) THEN $ IF (ps_cnt GT 0 OR sb_cnt GT 0) THEN $ comp_fac= cf_ipsum(telescope,steps(n)-5) $ ELSE $ comp_fac= cf_full(telescope,steps(n)-5) numpixels= numpixels / comp_fac ENDIF ; no_compress keyword ; AEE 5/11/04: ; Note: For "Header Only" images, the image is taken and readout so we need to use the actual image ; size to display it and account for conflicts. But, the image is NOT downliked (only the header ; is) so we need to identify the Header Only images, later in schedule_plot, and do not add them to ; the specified channels (only header goes there and is very minumal and can be ignored). ; Assume a square root function (IP step # 2, 70, 71, or 96), if used, applies a compression factor of ; 3 to the image (says Dennis Wang - 10/05/05). it reduces numpixels which is used later to generate image ; size: ;sqind= WHERE(steps EQ 2 OR steps EQ 70 OR steps EQ 71 OR steps EQ 96, sqcnt) sqind= WHERE(steps EQ 2 OR steps EQ 78 OR steps EQ 79 OR steps EQ 104, sqcnt) IF (sqcnt GT 0) THEN numpixels= numpixels / (3.0^sqcnt) RETURN, numpixels END FUNCTION OS_GET_NUM_PIXELS, os, ccd_ro_pixels=ccd_ro_pixels, no_compress=no_compress COMMON APIDS, multi_apid ; AEE 7/11/03: ; Get the pixels after occulter/roi masking and ccd summing, if any. Assume if any of ; these are found, they are applied only once to all of images for more than one APID ; using all of the processing steps that were selected: (We may have to change this ; to use portions of steps for each APID - sort of like the compressions/APID pairs). iptable = os.iptable ip = os.ip IF (KEYWORD_SET(ccd_ro_pixels)) THEN BEGIN ;pixels= GET_CCDSUM_MASK_PIXELS(os,/ccd_ro_pixels) pixels= GET_CCDSUM_MASK_PIXELS(os,os.ip(iptable).steps,/ccd_ro_pixels) RETURN, pixels ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;pixels= GET_CCDSUM_MASK_PIXELS(os) ;comp_ind = WHERE(ip(iptable).steps GE 5 AND ip(iptable).steps LE 17 OR $ ;comp_ind = WHERE(ip(iptable).steps GE 5 AND ip(iptable).steps LE 14 OR $ comp_ind = WHERE(ip(iptable).steps GE 5 AND ip(iptable).steps LE 15 OR $ ip(iptable).steps GE 90 AND ip(iptable).steps LE 101 OR $ ip(iptable).steps EQ 44, comp_cnt) ;help,comp_ind ;stop ;print,'****' ;print,ip(iptable).steps ;print,os.ip(iptable).steps IF ( comp_cnt EQ 0) THEN BEGIN ; AEE 9/30/03 PRINT,'' PRINT,'ERROR: No one-to-one correspondance between APID and compression and/or APID' PRINT,' does NOT appear somewhere before the compression for each pair.' PRINT,' Also, compression must be the last step of the processing. PRINT,'' STOP ENDIF all_numpixels= LONARR(comp_cnt) j=0 FOR i= 0, comp_cnt-1 DO BEGIN steps= os.ip(iptable).steps(j:comp_ind(i)) j= comp_ind(i)+1 all_numpixels(i)= GET_CCDSUM_MASK_PIXELS(os,steps) ;help,comp_cnt,i ;print,os.os_num, os.iptable, steps ;print,all_numpixels ;print,'****' ;stop ENDFOR ENDELSE ; Now get the pixels after SEB (pixel) summing and the compressions BUT do it for ; each APID (and its corresponding compression) separately: ; Note: In os_tables.pro, I added code to make sure that for each APID there is a compression ; (atleast one pair). ;iptable = os.iptable ;ip = os.ip ; AEE 5/11/04 - Also treat "Header Only" as compression (actually no compression): ;comp_ind = WHERE(ip(iptable).steps GE 5 AND ip(iptable).steps LE 17, comp_cnt) ; also treat "Header Only" as compression. ; AEE 7/13/04 - treat the new function "Send RAW Image" also as a compression (actually no compression): ; comp_ind = WHERE(ip(iptable).steps GE 5 AND ip(iptable).steps LE 17 OR $ ; ip(iptable).steps EQ 44, comp_cnt) ; ; IF ( comp_cnt EQ 0) THEN BEGIN ; AEE 9/30/03 ; PRINT,'' ; PRINT,'ERROR: No one-to-one correspondance between APID and compression and/or APID' ; PRINT,' does NOT appear somewhere before the compression for each pair.' ; PRINT,' Also, compression must be the last step of the processing. ; PRINT,'' ; STOP ; ENDIF ; ; all_numpixels= LONARR(comp_cnt) j=0 FOR i= 0, comp_cnt-1 DO BEGIN steps= os.ip(iptable).steps(j:comp_ind(i)) j= comp_ind(i)+1 ;all_numpixels(i)= GET_PIXSUM_COMP_PIXELS(pixels,steps) ;all_numpixels(i)= GET_PIXSUM_COMP_PIXELS(all_numpixels(i),steps) IF (KEYWORD_SET(no_compress)) THEN BEGIN all_numpixels(i)= GET_PIXSUM_COMP_PIXELS(all_numpixels(i),steps,os.tele,/no_compress) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN all_numpixels(i)= GET_PIXSUM_COMP_PIXELS(all_numpixels(i),steps,os.tele) ENDELSE ENDFOR RETURN, all_numpixels END