;+ ;$Id: os_call_schedule.pro,v 1.10 2011/06/30 20:45:33 nathan Exp $ ; Project : STEREO - SECCHI ; ; Name : OS_CALL_SCHEDULE ; ; Purpose : Routine to interface SECCHI Planning and Scheduling Tools. ; ; Explanation : This routine is the interface between the Planning tool ; (DEFINE_OS) and the Scheduling Tool (SCHEDULE). It ; adds the current OS to the defined_os_arr. Then calculates ; the stats for this OS, starts SCHEDULE if needed, and ; updates the OS_NUM, and stats in SCHEDULE. ; ; Use : OS_CALL_SCHEDULE ; ; Inputs : None. ; ; Opt. Inputs : None. ; ; Outputs : None. ; ; Opt. Outputs: None. ; ; Keywords : None. ; ; Restrictions: None. ; ; Side effects: Starts SCHEDULE if needed. ; ; Category : Planning, Scheduling. ; ; Prev. Hist. : Adapted from SOHO/LASCO planning tool. ; ; Written by : Ed Esfandiari, NRL, May 2004 - First Version. ; ; Modification History: ; Ed Easfandiari 06/04/04 - Set start and stop times to display-range and clear delta ; and count for a newly defined OS: ; Ed Esfandiari 06/16/04 - Added setup and exp. times. ; Ed Esfandiari 07/14/04 - Using 4 ROI tables instead of 1. ; Ed Esfandiari 09/20/04 - Also used fps and sync as part of assinging OS numbers. ; Ed Esfandiari 09/30/04 - Removed sync. ; Ed Esfandiari 03/09/05 - Added checks for CCD and IP to chk_osnum_db and add_osnum2db. ; Ed Esfandiari 03/03/09 - Added check fow double PW positions. ; ; $Log: os_call_schedule.pro,v $ ; Revision 1.10 2011/06/30 20:45:33 nathan ; num_text no longer has OS_NUM in it ; ; Revision 1.9 2009/09/11 20:28:13 esfand ; use 3-digit decimals to display volumes ; ; Revision 1.5 2005/03/10 16:45:58 esfand ; changes since Jan24-05 to Mar10-05 ; ; Revision 1.4 2005/01/24 17:56:33 esfand ; checkin changes since SCIP_A_TVAC ; ; Revision 1.2 2004/09/01 15:40:44 esfand ; commit new version for Nathan. ; ; Revision 2004/07/01 21:19:04 esfand ; first checkin ; ; Revision 2004/06/02 19:42:36 esfand ; first checkin ; ; ;- ;__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ; PRO OS_CALL_SCHEDULE COMMON SCHEDULE_BASE, sched_base COMMON OS_SHARE COMMON OS_INIT_SHARE COMMON OS_ALL_SHARE COMMON OS_DEFINED COMMON OBS_PROG_DEF, op_id_struct, op_id_arr COMMON DIALOG, mdiag,font COMMON APIDS, multi_apid OS_STATS, dur_time, psize, pre_proc_time, ro_time, proc_time, setup_time, os_cadence, obs_mode_id IF XREGISTERED("SCHEDULE") THEN BEGIN WIDGET_CONTROL,mdiag,SET_VALUE='SCHEDULE is up' PRINT, 'SCHEDULE is up' ENDIF ELSE SCHEDULE WIDGET_CONTROL, sched_base, GET_UVALUE=schedv ; os_num = GET_OS_NUM() ; WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.num_text, SET_VALUE='OS_NUM: '+STRING(os_num,'(I4.4)') ; ; IF (DATATYPE(osv) NE 'UND') THEN $ ; AEE 10/15/03 - added ; WIDGET_CONTROL, osv.os_text , SET_VALUE=' OS_NUM: '+STRING(os_num,'(I4.4)') ; AEE 06/04/04 - set start and stop times to display range for a newly defined OS: WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.start_text, SET_VALUE= UTC2STR(TAI2UTC(schedv.startdis),/ECS) WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.stop_text, SET_VALUE= UTC2STR(TAI2UTC(schedv.enddis),/ECS) WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.count_text, SET_VALUE= '' WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.delta_text, SET_VALUE= '' ; AEE 7/7/03: ;zind=WHERE(multi_apid.os_num EQ 0, zcnt) ;IF(zcnt GT 0) THEN multi_apid(zind).os_num= os_num WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.os_label, /SENSITIVE WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.delta_text, /SENSITIVE WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.count_text, /SENSITIVE WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.bits_bytes, GET_VALUE=to ;** convert size to correct units new_value = SCHEDULE_CONVERT_UNITS(psize, 0, to) WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.os_size_text, SET_VALUE=STRTRIM(STRING(new_value,schedv.size_fmt),2)+' ' new_value = FLOAT(dur_time * schedv.os_dur_factor) ;** units secs or mins WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.os_dur_text, SET_VALUE=STRTRIM(STRING(new_value,schedv.time_fmt1),2)+' ' ; AEE - Dec 19, 02 - Added the proc and rot statements: ;new_value = FLOAT((dur_time - pre_proc_time - ro_time) * schedv.os_dur_factor) new_value = FLOAT(proc_time * schedv.os_dur_factor) WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.os_proc_text, SET_VALUE=STRTRIM(STRING(new_value,schedv.time_fmt1),2)+' ' new_value = FLOAT(ro_time * schedv.os_dur_factor) WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.os_rot_text, SET_VALUE=STRTRIM(STRING(new_value,schedv.time_fmt2),2)+' ' new_value = FLOAT(setup_time * schedv.os_dur_factor) WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.os_setup_text, SET_VALUE=STRTRIM(STRING(new_value,schedv.time_fmt2),2)+' ' new_value = FLOAT((pre_proc_time - setup_time) * schedv.os_dur_factor) WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.os_exp_text, SET_VALUE=STRTRIM(STRING(new_value,schedv.time_fmt2),2)+' ' WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.base, SHOW=1 ;** save the os to the defined_os_arr new_entry = os_instance ;** os_instance defined in OS_DEFINED COMMON ;new_entry.os_num = os_num new_entry.lp = plan_lp ;** GET VARS FOR GIVEN LP BEING SCHEDULED result = GET_PLAN_LP_INFO( tele, exptable, camtable, iptable, fw, pw, lamp, lp_num_images, ex_table, $ sub, start, cadence, fps) ; AEE 1/14/04 i= 0 ; FOR LP=0-5 and HI1-Seq l= 0 IF (plan_lp eq 0) THEN l= 1 ; Double PW pos. j= 0 ; FOR os_cadence IF (N_ELEMENTS(lp_num_images) EQ 2) THEN BEGIN ; a HI Seq IF (lp_num_images(1) GT 0) THEN i= 1 ; for HI2-Seq IF (N_ELEMENTS(os_cadence) EQ 2) THEN j = 1 ; IF both HI1 and HI2 in same HI seq ENDIF ;CHK_OSNUM_DB, tele(i), exptable(i), ex_table, fw(i), pw(i), lamp(i), cadence(i), lp_num_images(i), $ ; use os_cadence returned by os_stats.pro which may be different than cadence returned by get_plan_lp_info: CHK_OSNUM_DB, tele(i), exptable(i), ex_table, fw(i), pw(0:l), lamp(i), os_cadence(j), lp_num_images(i), $ plan_lp, psize, os_num, fps, iptable(i), camtable(i), ccd(tele(i), camtable(i)), $ ip(iptable(i)).steps IF (os_num EQ -1) THEN BEGIN os_num = GET_OS_NUM() ;ADD_OSNUM2DB, tele(i), exptable(i), ex_table, fw(i), pw(i), lamp(i), cadence(i), lp_num_images(i), $ ADD_OSNUM2DB, tele(i), exptable(i), ex_table, fw(i), pw(0:l), lamp(i), os_cadence(j), lp_num_images(i), $ plan_lp, psize, os_num, fps, iptable(i), camtable(i), ccd(tele(i), camtable(i)), $ ip(iptable(i)).steps ENDIF WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.num_text, SET_VALUE=STRING(os_num,'(I4.4)') IF (DATATYPE(osv) NE 'UND') THEN $ ; AEE 10/15/03 - added WIDGET_CONTROL, osv.os_text , SET_VALUE=' OS_NUM: '+STRING(os_num,'(I4.4)') IF (DATATYPE(defined_os_arr) NE 'UND') THEN BEGIN w= WHERE(defined_os_arr.os_num EQ os_num, cnt) IF (cnt GT 0) THEN BEGIN WIDGET_CONTROL, mdiag,SET_VALUE='This image setup (OS_'+STRING(os_num,'(I4.4)')+') is already defined. Use "ADD" to schedule.' PRINT,'This image setup (OS_'+STRING(os_num,'(I4.4)')+') Is Already defined. Use "ADD" to schedule.' RETURN ; This os_num is already defined and is in the defined_os_arr. ENDIF ENDIF ; AEE 7/7/03: zind=WHERE(multi_apid.os_num EQ 0, zcnt) IF(zcnt GT 0) THEN multi_apid(zind).os_num= os_num new_entry.os_num = os_num new_entry.tele = tele(0) ; AEE Dec 03, 2002 - added (0)s. new_entry.exptable = exptable(0) ; AEE 1/14/04 new_entry.camtable = camtable(0) ; AEE 1/14/04 new_entry.fps = fps ; AEE 1/14/04 new_entry.iptable = iptable(0) ;new_entry.cadence= cadence(0) new_entry.cadence= os_cadence(j) new_entry.pre_proc_time= pre_proc_time(j) new_entry.fw = fw(0) new_entry.pw = pw ; AEE - Dec 06, 02 new_entry.lamp = lamp(0) new_entry.sub = sub new_entry.start = start new_entry.num_images = lp_num_images(0) new_entry.ex = ex_table new_entry.ccd = ccd new_entry.ip = ip new_entry.occ_blocks = occ_blocks ;new_entry.roi_blocks = roi_blocks ; We need to keep one of the 4 input ROI tables (from OS_ALL_SHARE) as defined_os_arr.roi_blocks so ; check the IP steps and find out which one of four is to be used: roi_table= WHICH_ROI_TABLE(ip,iptable(0)) IF (roi_table EQ -1) THEN roi_table= 0 ; use the first ROI table as defualt when none present. new_entry.roi_blocks = roi_blocks(*,*,roi_table) IF (DATATYPE(defined_os_arr) NE 'STC') THEN $ ;** first os scheduled ; AEE 2/17/04 defined_os_arr = new_entry $ ELSE $ defined_os_arr = [defined_os_arr, new_entry] ;** append to end of scheduled array IF (plan_lp EQ 6) THEN BEGIN ; HI_Seq - AEE - Dec 03, 2002 - Add HI2 info new_entry.tele = tele(1) new_entry.exptable = exptable(1) ; AEE 1/14/04 new_entry.camtable = camtable(1) ; AEE 1/14/04 new_entry.fps = fps ; AEE 1/14/04 new_entry.iptable = iptable(1) ;new_entry.cadence = cadence(1) new_entry.cadence = os_cadence(j) new_entry.pre_proc_time= pre_proc_time(j) new_entry.fw = fw(1) new_entry.pw = new_entry.pw ; same as pw for Hi1 (0-19). Only 0=clear is used for both HI1 and HI2. new_entry.lamp = lamp(1) new_entry.num_images = lp_num_images(1) defined_os_arr = [defined_os_arr, new_entry] END RETURN END