;+ ;$Id: image_destination.pro,v 1.2 2006/04/06 15:27:19 esfand Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO - SECCHI ; ; Name : IMAGE_DESTINATION ; ; Purpose : This function figures out the downlink destination(s) for image(s) for each OS. ; ; Use : dest= IMAGE_DESTINATION(defined_os_arr) ; ; Inputs : defined_os_arr All scheduled OSes ; ; Opt. Inputs : None ; ; Outputs : dest Structure for destination(s) for each OS. ; ; Opt. Outputs: None ; ; Keywords : None ; ; Written by : Ed Esfandiari, NRL, May 2004 - First Version. ; ; Modification History: ; Ed Esfandiari 01/13/06 - Added steps 37 and 38 checks. ; ; $Log: image_destination.pro,v $ ; Revision 1.2 2006/04/06 15:27:19 esfand ; Added steps 37 and 38 checks ; ; Revision 2004/07/01 21:19:03 esfand ; first checkin ; ; Revision 2004/06/02 19:42:36 esfand ; first checkin ; ; ;- FUNCTION IMAGE_DESTINATION, defined_os_arr ; for each OS, indicate if the image is either droped to the floor (set to 0), or placed in SSR1, ; SSR2, RealTime, SpaceWeather, GroundTest, SSR1RT by setting the index to 1 to 6. ; ; Examples: ; ; dest(img_number,[SST1,SSR2,RT,SW,GT,S1RT]) ; ; dest(0,[2,0,0,1,0,0]) means that the images for first OS in the dest will go to the SpaceWeather ; and SSR1 channels, in that order, for downlink. Both of SW and SSR1 APIDs were ; specified via the IP functions in planning Tool and value of 1 assigned to ; SW means SW APID was choosen first and value of 2 for SSR1 means that SSR ; APID was choosen second. Also, it means the same image is processed twice ; and sequentially: ; 1. First, using SW APID a file is created and sent through the RAM-disk buffer ; to the 1553 bus and SW partition. ; 2. Second, using SSR1 APID a file is created and sent through the RAM-disk ; buffer to the 1553 bus and SSR1 partition. ; ; Or ; ; dest(1,[14,0,0,1,0,0]) means that the images for second OS in the dest will go to the SpaceWeather ; and SSR1 channels for downlink. Value of 1 for SW means SW APID was selected ; from the Planning Tool. Vaule of 14 (0+14) for SSR1 means that SSR1 APID was not ; selected from the planning tool but via the default mode the same SW image ; will go to the SSR1 by default (at the S/C side). So, the image is only ; processed once (but goes to two different place for downlink) ; and a filename using SW APID is created and sent through the RAM-disk buffer ; to the 1553 bus and SW partition. S/C will also place the same file on SSR1 ; but since PT knows about this, it should generate the right filename using ; SSR1 APID for the header. ; ; Or ; ; dest(2,[16,0,0,1,0,0]) means that the images for third OS in the dest will go to the SpaceWeather ; and SSR1 channels for downlink. Value of 1 for SW means SW APID was selected ; from the Planning Tool. Vaule of 16 (2+14) for SSR1 means that SSR1 APID was ; also selected from the Planning Tool (its APID appeared after SW APID) and ; the SW image will also go to SSR1 by default. ; Or ; ; dest(3,[0,0,0,0,0,0]) means that the images for the fourth OS in the os_des will be dropped to ; the ground (will not be downlinked). ; Or ; ; dest(4,[0,0,0,0,1,0]) means that the images for the fifth OS in the os_des will go to the Ground ; Test APID only. ; Or ; ; dest(4,[0,0,0,0,0,1]) means that the images for the fifth OS in the os_des will go to the S1RT APID ; only. ; note: currently, ip functions 1 to 58 for APIDs in cnvrt_ip.dat are (they may be changed?): ; note: currently, ip functions 1 to 59 for APIDs in cnvrt_ip.dat are (they may be changed?): ; note: currently, ip functions 1 to 60 for APIDs in cnvrt_ip.dat are (they may be changed?): ; ; 55 Use Real-Time APID ; 56 Use Space Weather APID ; 57 Use SSR1 APID ; 58 Use SSR2 APID ; 59 Use Ground Test APID ; 60 Use SSR1RT APID ; 5/3/04 - Note new APID step numbers: ; 39 Use SSR1RT APID ; 40 Use Space Weather APID ; 41 Use SSR1 APID ; 42 Use SSR2 APID ; 43 Use Ground Test APID ; mode can be either BOTH, SPACEWEATHER, REALTIME, or NONE. mode= READ_SSR_RT_MODE('SSR_realtime.dat') ; this is also called from schedule.pro and define_os.pro ; to make sure mode is defined. IF(mode EQ '') THEN BEGIN PRINT PRINT,'===========================================================' PRINT,'ERROR: SSR_realtime.dat file does not indicate which one of' PRINT,' BOTH, SPACEWEATHER, REALTIME, or NONE' PRINT,' modes to be used. Edit the file and try again.' PRINT,'===========================================================' PRINT STOP ,'Error in image_destination.pro' END ; A HI1 or HI2 seq. has two entries but only one is used; Throw away the one not used: uniques= WHERE(defined_os_arr.num_images GT 0, nos) os_dest= REPLICATE({os_num:0L, tele:0, lp:0, num_images:0, summed:0B, dest:INTARR(6)},nos) ; possible dest values are ; 0=no-downlink, or 1,6 to downlink SSR1,SSR2,RealTime,SpaceWeather,GroundTest,SSR1RT. ; But, for SSR1, possible values are 0 to 27. iptab= defined_os_arr(uniques).iptable ; keep order of APIDs for an image marked for more than one downlink. So, the first APID ; will get value of k=1, second APID gets k=2, third APID gets k=3, forth APID gets k=4, ; fifth APID gets k=5, and last APID gets k=6. If no APID is specified (image is dropped ; to the floor) the place-holders for the all possible 6 APIDs will contain zeros: FOR i= 0, nos-1 DO BEGIN ; Set summing for LP=6 (HI1 or HI2 sequences) OSes that have summing enabled (we may ; also include SCIP seqeunces, LP=5, in the future): os_dest(i).os_num= defined_os_arr(uniques(i)).os_num os_dest(i).tele = defined_os_arr(uniques(i)).tele os_dest(i).lp= defined_os_arr(uniques(i)).lp os_dest(i).num_images= defined_os_arr(uniques(i)).num_images IF (os_dest(i).lp EQ 6) THEN BEGIN summ= WHERE(defined_os_arr(uniques(i)).ip(iptab(i)).steps EQ 34 OR $ ; 34 = Add to HI1 Summing Buffer defined_os_arr(uniques(i)).ip(iptab(i)).steps EQ 37 OR $ defined_os_arr(uniques(i)).ip(iptab(i)).steps EQ 38 OR $ defined_os_arr(uniques(i)).ip(iptab(i)).steps EQ 36, scnt) ; 36 = Add to HI2 Summing Buffer IF (scnt GT 0) THEN os_dest(i).summed= 1B ENDIF ; Also, get the destination APIDs: ip_func= defined_os_arr(uniques(i)).ip.steps good= WHERE(ip_func(*,iptab(i)) GE 39 AND ip_func(*,iptab(i)) LE 43, cnt) ; AEE 5/3/04 IF(cnt GT 6) THEN BEGIN PRINT,'' PRINT,'Warning - More than 6 APIDs (SSR1,SSR2,RT,SW,GT,S1RT) are selected to process this image.' PRINT,' OS_NUM = ',STRING(defined_os_arr(uniques(i)).os_num) PRINT,' TELE = ',STRING(defined_os_arr(uniques(i)).tele) PRINT,'' STOP ,'Stopped in image_destination.pro' ENDIF k=0 FOR j= 0, cnt-1 DO BEGIN ; keep order of APIDs k= k+1 CASE ip_func(good(j),iptab(i)) OF 39: os_dest(i).dest(5)= k ; S1RT APID 40: os_dest(i).dest(3)= k ; SW APID 41: os_dest(i).dest(0)= k ; SSR1 APID 42: os_dest(i).dest(1)= k ; SSR2 APID 43: os_dest(i).dest(4)= k ; Ground Test APID ENDCASE ENDFOR ; Now see if images scheduled for downlink on Real-Time and/or Space Weather channels ; should also be added for downlink via the SSR1 by default: ssr1v= os_dest(i).dest(0) CASE (mode) OF 'BOTH' : BEGIN IF (os_dest(i).dest(2) GT 0 AND os_dest(i).dest(3) GT 0) THEN BEGIN ssr1v= ssr1v + 21 ;=> 21-27 (both RT & SW channels were selected) os_dest(i).dest(0)= ssr1v ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF (os_dest(i).dest(2) GT 0) THEN ssr1v= ssr1v + 7 ;=>7-13 (only RT channel was selected) IF (os_dest(i).dest(3) GT 0) THEN ssr1v= ssr1v +14 ;=> 14-20 (only SW channel was selected) os_dest(i).dest(0)= ssr1v ENDELSE END 'REALTIME' : BEGIN IF (os_dest(i).dest(2) GT 0) THEN os_dest(i).dest(0)= ssr1v + 7 ;=> 7-13 (RT was selected) END 'SPACEWEATHER' : BEGIN IF (os_dest(i).dest(3) GT 0) THEN os_dest(i).dest(0)= ssr1v + 14 ;=>14-20 (SW was selected) END ENDCASE ENDFOR RETURN, os_dest END