;+ ;$Id: get_sca_description.pro,v 1.3 2005/01/24 17:56:33 esfand Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO - SECCHI ; ; Name : GET_SCA_DESCRIPTION ; ; Purpose : Returns type of an entry (val) in the .SCT (SpaceCraftActivity) file. ; ; Explanation : If val is a number then return the descriptive string associated ; with that index from the SCT Descriptions table ( kap_descriptions). ; If val is a description string then return the index associated ; with that string from the SCT Descriptions table. If the string ; does not exist in the table then create a new entry and return ; the new index. ; ; Use : type = GET_SCA_DESCRIPTION(val) ; ; Inputs : val Either a number or a description string. ; ; Opt. Inputs : None ; ; Outputs : type Either a descriptive string or an index. ; ; Opt. Outputs: None ; ; Keywords : ; ; Written by : Ed Esfandiari, NRL, May 2004 - First Version. ; ; Modification History: ; ; $Log: get_sca_description.pro,v $ ; Revision 1.3 2005/01/24 17:56:33 esfand ; checkin changes since SCIP_A_TVAC ; ; Revision 2004/07/01 21:19:03 esfand ; first checkin ; ; Revision 2004/06/02 19:42:35 esfand ; first checkin ; ; ;- FUNCTION GET_SCA_DESCRIPTION, val COMMON KAP_INIT IF NOT(SEXIST(kap_descriptions)) THEN kap_descriptions = '' val_type = DATATYPE(val) IF (val_type EQ 'STR') THEN BEGIN ind = WHERE(kap_descriptions EQ val) IF (ind(0) GE 0) THEN BEGIN RETURN, ind(0) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN kap_descriptions = [kap_descriptions, val] RETURN, N_ELEMENTS(kap_descriptions)-1 ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ind = FIX(val) IF ( (ind GE 0) AND (ind LT N_ELEMENTS(kap_descriptions)) ) THEN $ RETURN, kap_descriptions(ind) $ ELSE RETURN, '' ENDELSE END