;+ ;$Id: get_os_db_stats.pro,v 1.13 2011/06/30 20:41:39 nathan Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO - SECCHI ; ; Name : GET_OS_DB_STATS ; ; Purpose : Get the size, and duration info for an image. ; ; Use : GET_OS_DB_STATS, os, os_size, os_duration, pre_proc_time,ro_time, proc_time, ; setup_time, cadence, DOORCLOSED=doorclosed ; ; Inputs : os Observation structure for the image. ; ; Opt. Inputs : None ; ; Outputs : os_size Size of the image (bits). ; os_duration Duration to take the image (secs). ; pre_proc_time Pre processing time (secs). ; ro_time CCD readout time (secs). ; proc_time Processing time (secs). ; cadence cadences (secs) used between images in a sequence. ; 0.0 = as close together as possible. ; setup_time Image setup time (pre_proc_time - exptime) (secs). ; ; Opt. Outputs: None ; ; Keywords : DOORCLOSED Set if door is closed for this image. ; ; Written by : Ed Esfandiari, NRL, May 2004 - First Version. ; ; Modification History: ; Ed Esfandiari 06/09/04 - Added proc_time for output. ; Ed Esfandiari 06/14/04 - added cadence parameter use it for duration. ; Ed Esfandiari 06/16/04 - added setup_time for output. ; Ed Esfandiari 07/17/04 - use filter/polar dependent setup times for ; SCIP seq images. ; Ed Esfandiari 01/28/05 - Added summing buffer comments and the way the ; proc_time is calculated. ; also Added code to calculate image processing times for HI summed ; seq images using real table steps for first, middle, and last images. ; Ed Esfandiari 10/24/05 - Added code to use lesser of calculated image ; size and icer_size for images that use an ; icer compression. ; Ed Esfandiari 11/07/05 - Added code to report the actual cadences used for SCIP and ; HI seqeueces in PT, instead of 0.0, in PT outputs including ; the upload files. ; Ed Esfandiari 11/09/05 - icer functions changed to steps #90 to 101 (from 82-93). ; Ed Esfandiari 06/22/06 - use greater size of calculated image size vs icer_size if difference less 2KB. ; Ed Esfandiari 11/29/06 - Corrected candence error messages. ; Ed Esfandiari 02/08/07 - Added 500 bytes for hdr&trailer and 12 bytes per packet to each image size. ; Also use 2% more for each ICER byte quota. ; Ed Esfandiari 02/09/07 - Don't use exposure time of last image in a SCIP sequence when figuring out ; how close images can be taken (it may have the longest exposure time). ; Ed Esfandiari 02/22/07 - Handle HI summed HI/LO images going to SSR1 and SW using new IP tables. ; Ed Esfandiari 02/23/07 - Talked to Dennis and decided to use pre-determined ICER sizes anythime ; ICER compression is used regardless of image size (don't use calcaulated ; image size using compression factors). ; Ed Esfandiari 08/14/09 Changed H-compress range from 5-17 to 5-14. ; Ed Esfandiari 08/26/09 Changed H-compress range from 5-17 to 5-15. Treat HISAM as no-compression. ; Also checked for HI LO word, HI word, HIsample, HI1SPW, and HI2SPW IP ; functions. ; Ed Esfandiari 09/03/09 HI1SPW and HI2SPW are now calculated (removed hard coded size). ; Ed Esfandiari 09/03/09 Use new values for icer9 and 11 (in icer_size_bytes.sav). ; ; $Log: get_os_db_stats.pro,v $ ; Revision 1.13 2011/06/30 20:41:39 nathan ; do not add 2% to icer size ; ; Revision 1.12 2011/06/15 22:49:10 nathan ; fix max_expt for undefined ; ; Revision 1.11 2009/09/11 20:28:12 esfand ; use 3-digit decimals to display volumes ; ; Revision 1.5 2006/04/06 15:26:23 esfand ; removed debug stuff ; ; Revision 1.4 2005/12/16 14:58:52 esfand ; Commit as of 12/16/05 ; ; Revision 1.3 2005/03/10 16:44:56 esfand ; changes since Jan24-05 to Mar10-05 ; ; Revision 1.2 2004/09/01 15:40:43 esfand ; commit new version for Nathan. ; ; Revision 2004/07/01 21:19:02 esfand ; first checkin ; ; Revision 2004/06/02 19:42:35 esfand ; first checkin ; ; ;- PRO GET_ICER_SIZE, os, ipd, icer_size, comp_ind, comp_cnt RESTORE,GETENV('PT')+'/IN/OTHER/'+'icer_size_bytes.sav' ;=>ICER_SIZE_BYTES LONG = Array[12] containing ; final size of images (bytes) using icer compressions 0-11. ; change from bytes to bits: icer_size_bits= icer_size_bytes * 8.0 ;help,icer_size_bits ;ipsteps= os.ip ipsteps= ipd iptable= os.iptable ;comp_ind = WHERE(ipsteps(iptable).steps GE 5 AND ipsteps(iptable).steps LE 17 OR $ ;comp_ind = WHERE(ipsteps(iptable).steps GE 5 AND ipsteps(iptable).steps LE 14 OR $ comp_ind = WHERE(ipsteps(iptable).steps GE 5 AND ipsteps(iptable).steps LE 15 OR $ ipsteps(iptable).steps GE 90 AND ipsteps(iptable).steps LE 101 OR $ ipsteps(iptable).steps EQ 44, comp_cnt) ;print,ipsteps(os.iptable).steps ;print,comp_ind ;help,comp_cnt icer_size= 80000000.0 ; for none icers IF (comp_cnt GT 0) THEN BEGIN icer_size= FLTARR(comp_cnt)+80000000.0 ; very large size for none icers FOR cc= 0, comp_cnt-1 DO BEGIN CASE ipsteps(iptable).steps(comp_ind(cc)) OF 90: icer_size(cc)= icer_size_bits(0) ; icer0 used 91: icer_size(cc)= icer_size_bits(1) ; icer1 used 92: icer_size(cc)= icer_size_bits(2) 93: icer_size(cc)= icer_size_bits(3) 94: icer_size(cc)= icer_size_bits(4) 95: icer_size(cc)= icer_size_bits(5) 96: icer_size(cc)= icer_size_bits(6) 97: icer_size(cc)= icer_size_bits(7) 98: icer_size(cc)= icer_size_bits(8) 99: icer_size(cc)= icer_size_bits(9) 100: icer_size(cc)= icer_size_bits(10) 101: icer_size(cc)= icer_size_bits(11) ; icer11 used ELSE: icer_size(cc)= 80000000.0 ; icer not used ENDCASE ENDFOR ENDIF ;icer_size= icer_size * 1.02 ; add 2% to ICER size byte quota ;print,'************' ;print,'steps= ',ipsteps(iptable).steps ;print,'osnum,icer_size,comp_ind,comp_cnt= ', os.os_num, icer_size, comp_ind, comp_cnt ;print,'************' RETURN END PRO GET_OS_DB_STATS, orig_os, os_size, os_duration, pre_proc_time,ro_time, proc_time, setup_time, $ cadence, DOORCLOSED=doorclosed COMMON OS_SHARE, osv COMMON OS_ALL_SHARE, ccd, ip, ipd, ex, exd, occ_blocks, roi_blocks, fpwl, fpwld COMMON OS_INIT_SHARE, op_types, tele_types, table_types, fw_types, pw_types, exit_types, proc_tab_types, $ ip_arr, plan_lp, lprow, cor1pw, cor2pw COMMON APIDS, multi_apid ;print,'*** in GET_OS_DB_STATS ****' ;** GET OBSERVING_MODE FOR EACH IMAGE IN THIS OS ;** MULTIPLE IMAGES FOR SEQ PW, .. os= orig_os os_size = 0L os_duration = 0.0D pre_proc_time= 0.0D ; AEE - 02/10/03 ro_time= 0.0D ; AEE - 02/10/03 proc_time= 0.0D setup_time= 0.0D cadence= 0.0D ipsteps= ipd lp = os.lp ;help,os GET_ICER_SIZE, os, ipd, icer_size, comp_ind, comp_cnt ; use ipd since for HI-seq, first os.ip is modified CASE (1) OF ; AEE 0/23/03 ( (lp EQ 0) OR (lp EQ 1) OR (lp EQ 2) OR (lp EQ 3) OR (lp EQ 4) ) : BEGIN ;** Double, Normal, Dark, Cal Lamp, Cont Image index = 0 obs_mode = GET_OBSERVING_MODE(os, index, DOORCLOSED=doorclosed) numpixels = OS_GET_NUM_PIXELS(os) os_size = numpixels * obs_mode.avg_bits_pixel FOR ni=0, N_ELEMENTS(os_size)-1 DO BEGIN ;IF (ABS(icer_size(ni) - os_size(ni)) LT 16000) THEN $ ; os_size(ni)= icer_size(ni) $ ;ELSE $ ; os_size(ni)= icer_size(ni) < os_size(ni) IF (icer_size(ni) LT 80000000.0) THEN os_size(ni)= icer_size(ni) ;os_size(ni)= os_size(ni)+500.0+(os_size(ni)/272)*12.0 ; add 500 bytes for hdr+trailer and 12 bytes per packet os_size(ni)= os_size(ni)+500.0*8+(os_size(ni)/272)*12.0 ; add 500 bytes for hdr+trailer and 12 bytes per packet ENDFOR ;print,'os_size, numpixels= ',os_size, numpixels ;help,numpixels,obs_mode.avg_bits_pixel numpixels = numpixels(0) ; AEE 7/7/03 ;AEE 7/7/03: ; save size for each apid using a space between them: ssize= STRTRIM(LONG(os_size(0)),2) FOR i= 1, N_ELEMENTS(os_size)-1 DO ssize= ssize+' '+STRTRIM(LONG(os_size(i)),2) iptimes= GET_IP_TIME(os,/SEPARATE) proc_times= STRTRIM(STRING(iptimes(0),'(F6.1)'),2) FOR i= 1, N_ELEMENTS(iptimes)-1 DO $ proc_times= proc_times+' '+STRTRIM(STRING(iptimes(i),'(F6.1)'),2) IF (DATATYPE(multi_apid) EQ 'UND') THEN BEGIN ;multi_apid= {multi_apid, os_num: os.os_num, sizes: ssize} multi_apid= {multi_apid, os_num: os.os_num, sizes: ssize, proc_times: proc_times} ENDIF ELSE BEGIN mind= WHERE(multi_apid.os_num EQ os.os_num, mcnt) IF (mcnt EQ 0) THEN $ ;multi_apid= [multi_apid, {multi_apid, os_num: os.os_num, sizes: ssize}] multi_apid= [multi_apid, {multi_apid, os_num: os.os_num, sizes: ssize, proc_times: proc_times}] ENDELSE os_size = os_size(0) pre_proc_time = OS_GET_PRE_PROC_TIME(os, index, ro_time, setup_time) ;proc_time = numpixels * obs_mode.avg_proc_time / 1000 ;** convert msec to sec proc_time= obs_mode.avg_proc_time os_duration = pre_proc_time + proc_time + ro_time ; AEE - Dec 19, 02 ;cadence = os_duration ; cadence is not used for non-seq images but set it correctly, anyway. END (lp EQ 6) : BEGIN ;** HI Seq first = 1 all_numpixels = OS_GET_NUM_PIXELS(os) ; AEE 7/9/03 numpixels = all_numpixels(0) ; See if seq is a summed seq: tmp= WHERE(ip(os.iptable).steps NE ipd(os.iptable).steps, summed_images) FOR index=0, os.num_images-1 DO BEGIN IF (summed_images GT 0) THEN BEGIN ;print,'img '+strtrim(index,2)+': ' ;print,os.ip(os.iptable).steps IF (index EQ 0) THEN BEGIN ; First image's table os.ip(os.iptable).steps= ipd(os.iptable).steps(2:*) comp_ind= comp_ind-2 ;print,'img '+strtrim(index,2)+': ' ;print,os.ip(os.iptable).steps ;stop ENDIF IF (index GT 0 AND index LT os.num_images-1) THEN BEGIN ; Middle image's table desc= ip_arr(ipd(os.iptable).steps(0)).ip_description table_num= FIX(STRMID(desc,STRPOS(desc,'Table ')+6,2)) os.ip(os.iptable).steps= ipd(table_num).steps ;comp_ind = WHERE(os.ip(os.iptable).steps GE 5 AND os.ip(os.iptable).steps LE 15 OR $ ; os.ip(os.iptable).steps GE 90 AND os.ip(os.iptable).steps LE 101 OR $ ; os.ip(os.iptable).steps EQ 44, comp_cnt) all_numpixels = OS_GET_NUM_PIXELS(os) ; AEE 7/9/03 ;If (n_elements(icer_size) ne comp_cnt) then $ ; icer_size= fltarr(comp_cnt)+icer_size(0) ; incase middle images have different comperssion ;IF (index EQ 1) THEN GET_ICER_SIZE, os, ipd, icer_size, comp_ind, comp_cnt IF (index EQ 1) THEN GET_ICER_SIZE, os, os.ip, icer_size, comp_ind, comp_cnt ;print,'img '+strtrim(index,2)+': ' ;print,os.ip(os.iptable).steps ENDIF IF (index EQ os.num_images-1) THEN BEGIN ; Last image's table ;print,os.ip(os.iptable).steps desc= ip_arr(ipd(os.iptable).steps(1)).ip_description table_num= FIX(STRMID(desc,STRPOS(desc,'Table ')+6,2)) os.ip(os.iptable).steps= ipd(table_num).steps ;comp_ind = WHERE(os.ip(os.iptable).steps GE 5 AND os.ip(os.iptable).steps LE 14 OR $ ;comp_ind = WHERE(os.ip(os.iptable).steps GE 5 AND os.ip(os.iptable).steps LE 15 OR $ ; os.ip(os.iptable).steps GE 90 AND os.ip(os.iptable).steps LE 101 OR $ ; os.ip(os.iptable).steps EQ 44, comp_cnt) all_numpixels = OS_GET_NUM_PIXELS(os) ; AEE 7/9/03 ;print,all_numpixels ;stop ;If (n_elements(icer_size) ne comp_cnt) then $ ; icer_size= fltarr(comp_cnt)+icer_size(0) ;GET_ICER_SIZE, os, ipd, icer_size, comp_ind, comp_cnt ; incase last image has different compr GET_ICER_SIZE, os, os.ip, icer_size, comp_ind, comp_cnt ; incase last image has different compr ;print,'img '+strtrim(index,2)+': ' ;print,os.ip(os.iptable).steps ;help,os,os.iptable ;stop ENDIF ENDIF ;obs_mode = GET_OBSERVING_MODE(os, index, DOORCLOSED=doorclosed) ;obs_mode = GET_OBSERVING_MODE(os, 0, DOORCLOSED=doorclosed) ; same PW (0) for HI_Seq ;an_os_size = all_numpixels * obs_mode.avg_bits_pixel ; IF summed image goes to two APIDs, break IP processing apart so that correct ; avg_bits_pixel is used for each: tos= os an_os_size = FLTARR(comp_cnt) IF comp_cnt GT 1 THEN BEGIN ; tos.ip(os.iptable).steps=-1 ; ;tos.ip(os.iptable).steps= ipsteps(iptable).steps(0:comp_ind(0)) ; tos.ip(os.iptable).steps= ipsteps(os.iptable).steps(0:comp_ind(0)) ; if (index eq os.num_images-1) then $ ; tos.ip(os.iptable).steps= os.ip(os.iptable).steps(0:comp_ind(0)) ;help,an_os_size,tos,comp_ind ;if index eq 0 then stop ;if (index eq os.num_images-1) THEN stop ;obs_mode = GET_OBSERVING_MODE(tos, 0, DOORCLOSED=doorclosed) ; same PW (0) for HI_Seq ;help,/st,obs_mode ;an_os_size(0)= all_numpixels(0) * obs_mode.avg_bits_pixel ;tos.ip(os.iptable).steps=-1 ;tos.ip(os.iptable).steps= ipsteps(iptable).steps(comp_ind(0)+1:comp_ind(1)) ;if (index eq os.num_images-1) then begin ;tos.ip(os.iptable).steps= os.ip(os.iptable).steps(comp_ind(0)+1:comp_ind(1)) ; middle (last if 2 comp_ind) ;tos.ip(os.iptable).steps= os.ip(os.iptable).steps(comp_ind(comp_cnt-2)+1:comp_ind(comp_cnt-1)) ;last ;endif tcomp_ind= comp_ind comp_ind= [-1,comp_ind] hilo_size= 0L for ik= 0, comp_cnt-1 do begin tos.ip(os.iptable).steps=-1 tos.ip(os.iptable).steps= os.ip(os.iptable).steps(comp_ind(ik)+1:comp_ind(ik+1)) ;print,tos.ip(os.iptable).steps obs_mode = GET_OBSERVING_MODE(tos, 0, DOORCLOSED=doorclosed) ; same PW (0) for HI_Seq ;an_os_size(1)= all_numpixels(1) * obs_mode1.avg_bits_pixel an_os_size(ik)= all_numpixels(ik) * obs_mode.avg_bits_pixel ; Note: if hi/lo is used, will have 2 imags each one-half image size? lohi= where(tos.ip(os.iptable).steps eq 120 or tos.ip(os.iptable).steps eq 121,hilo_cnt) if (hilo_cnt gt 0) then begin ;help,ik,an_os_size,an_os_size(ik) an_os_size(ik)= an_os_size(ik)/2 ; assume each hi/lo is 1/2 image size. if (hilo_cnt gt 0) then hilo_size= an_os_size(0)*2 ; does not have hdr++trailer bytes endif ;help,hilo_size,an_os_size(ik) ;stop ;hi12spw= where(tos.ip(os.iptable).steps eq 16 or tos.ip(os.iptable).steps eq 17, hi12spw_cnt) ;if (hi12spw_cnt gt 0) then an_os_size(ik)= 55340L * 8 ;print,an_os_size ;help,hilo_size ;if (index eq os.num_images-1) THEN stop endfor comp_ind= tcomp_ind ENDIF ELSE BEGIN tos.ip(os.iptable).steps=-1 ;tos.ip(os.iptable).steps= ipsteps(iptable).steps tos.ip(os.iptable).steps= ipsteps(os.iptable).steps obs_mode = GET_OBSERVING_MODE(tos, 0, DOORCLOSED=doorclosed) ; same PW (0) for HI_Seq an_os_size(0)= all_numpixels(0) * obs_mode.avg_bits_pixel ENDELSE ;print,an_os_size ;if (index eq os.num_images-1) THEN stop hisam_ind= WHERE(os.ip(os.iptable).steps EQ 15, hisam_cnt) IF (hisam_cnt GT 0) THEN begin an_os_size = 4546L * 8 ;help,hisam_cnt,an_os_size ;stop end ;an_os_size = icer_size < an_os_size FOR ni=0, N_ELEMENTS(an_os_size)-1 DO BEGIN ;IF (ABS(icer_size(ni) - an_os_size(ni)) LT 16000) THEN $ ; an_os_size(ni)= icer_size(ni) $ ;ELSE $ ; an_os_size(ni)= icer_size(ni) < an_os_size(ni) IF (icer_size(ni) LT 80000000.0) THEN an_os_size(ni)= icer_size(ni) ;an_os_size(ni)= an_os_size(ni)+500.0+(an_os_size(ni)/272)*12.0 ; add 500 bytes for hdr+trailer and 12 bytes per packet an_os_size(ni)= an_os_size(ni)+500.0*8+(an_os_size(ni)/272)*12.0 ; add 500 bytes for hdr+trailer and 12 bytes per packet ENDFOR ;print,'os_size, numpixels= ',an_os_size, all_numpixels ;print,an_os_size ;if (index eq os.num_images-1) THEN stop iptimes= GET_IP_TIME(os, /separate) ;AEE 7/7/03: IF(first EQ 1) THEN BEGIN ssize= STRTRIM(LONG(an_os_size(0)),2) proc_times= STRTRIM(STRING(iptimes(0),'(F6.1)'),2) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ssize= ssize + STRTRIM(LONG(an_os_size(0)),2) proc_times= proc_times+STRTRIM(STRING(iptimes(0),'(F6.1)'),2) ENDELSE ; save size for each apid using a space between them: FOR i= 1, N_ELEMENTS(an_os_size)-1 DO ssize= ssize+' '+STRTRIM(LONG(an_os_size(i)),2) FOR i= 1, N_ELEMENTS(iptimes)-1 DO proc_times= proc_times+' '+STRTRIM(STRING(iptimes(i),'(F6.1)'),2) ; Separate sizes for 1 to num_images in the sequence with a comma: IF (index LT os.num_images-1) THEN BEGIN ssize= ssize+',' proc_times= proc_times+',' ENDIF an_os_size = an_os_size(0) an_pre_proc_time = OS_GET_PRE_PROC_TIME(os, 0, an_ro_time, an_setup_time) ;same PW (0) for HI_Seq ;an_proc_time = numpixels * obs_mode.avg_proc_time / 1000 ;** convert msec to sec an_proc_time= obs_mode.avg_proc_time an_os_duration = an_pre_proc_time + an_proc_time + an_ro_time ; AEE - Dec 19, 02 IF (first EQ 1) THEN BEGIN os_size = an_os_size pre_proc_time = an_pre_proc_time proc_time = an_proc_time ro_time = an_ro_time setup_time = an_setup_time first = 0 ; Set HI seq cadence to calculated minimum instead of 0.0 (will be reported in uploads) IF (os.cadence EQ 0.0) THEN os.cadence= FIX(an_pre_proc_time+an_ro_time+0.999) ;If user entered 0 or invalid cadence, set it to take images as close together: cadence= os.cadence ;IF (cadence LT (an_pre_proc_time+an_ro_time)) THEN cadence= an_pre_proc_time+an_ro_time IF (cadence LT (an_pre_proc_time+an_ro_time)) THEN BEGIN oldc= cadence ;help,an_pre_proc_time,an_ro_time,cadence ;stop cadence= FIX(an_pre_proc_time+an_ro_time+0.999) os.cadence= cadence os_duration = an_os_duration PRINT,'Invalid Cadence ('+STRTRIM(oldc,2)+'). Using '+STRTRIM(cadence,2)+' Instead.' IF (DATATYPE(osv) EQ 'STC') THEN $ WIDGET_CONTROL,osv.info_text,SET_VALUE='Invalid Cadence ('+STRTRIM(oldc,2)+'). Using '+STRTRIM(cadence,2)+' Instead.' ENDIF ELSE os_duration = cadence ENDIF ELSE BEGIN os_size = os_size + an_os_size IF (cadence EQ 0.0) THEN $ os_duration = os_duration + an_pre_proc_time+an_ro_time $ ELSE $ os_duration = os_duration + cadence pre_proc_time = pre_proc_time + an_pre_proc_time proc_time = proc_time + an_proc_time ro_time = ro_time + an_ro_time setup_time = setup_time + an_setup_time ENDELSE IF (an_os_size EQ 0) THEN BEGIN index = os.num_images ;** if any stats come up zero -> quit os_size = 0 os_duration = 0 pre_proc_time = 0 proc_time = 0 ro_time = 0 setup_time = 0 cadence = 0 ENDIF ENDFOR ;AEE 7/7/03: IF (os.num_images GT 0) THEN BEGIN ; if only HI1 OR HI2 in sequence, don't try to add the other ; one that does not exist. IF (DATATYPE(multi_apid) EQ 'UND') THEN BEGIN multi_apid= {multi_apid, os_num: os.os_num, sizes: ssize, proc_times: proc_times} ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; For HI seq, This routine is called twice and os_num is still 0 after first call, ; so go ahead and add the new data and separating the HI1 and HI2 with a &. Also, ; if this os already exists, os_num is no longer zero, make sure not to add to the ; sizes, when this routine is called repeatedly, by checking for a & in the sizes: mind= WHERE(multi_apid.os_num EQ os.os_num, mcnt) IF (mcnt EQ 0) THEN BEGIN multi_apid= [multi_apid, {multi_apid, os_num: os.os_num, sizes: ssize, proc_times: proc_times}] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF (multi_apid(mind).os_num EQ 0 AND STRPOS(multi_apid(mind).sizes,'&') LT 0) THEN BEGIN ; don't add if os_num is not zero (sizes already set) or if there is already a & (both ; HI1 and HI2 in sequence and therefore an & is already present): multi_apid(mind).sizes= multi_apid(mind).sizes +'&'+ssize ;multi_apid(mind).proc_times= multi_apid(mind).proc_times +'&'+proc_times END ENDELSE ENDELSE ENDIF ;help,multi_apid ;help,/st,multi_apid ;if (index eq os.num_images-1) THEN stop ; AEE 5/14/04 - For HI summed-sequences, only the last image is downlinked (only hdr for the others ; are downlinked) so set the size to just size of a single image in the sequence: ; Should not include step 37 or 38 (output summing buffers) since these can be used for single ; images. Single images won't have steps 34 or 36 as part of the processing functions but summed ; sequences do. ;tmp= WHERE(os.ip(os.iptable).steps EQ 34 OR os.ip(os.iptable).steps EQ 36, summ_cnt) ;tmp= WHERE(os.ip(os.iptable).steps EQ 34 OR os.ip(os.iptable).steps EQ 36 OR $ ; os.ip(os.iptable).steps EQ 114 OR os.ip(os.iptable).steps EQ 115, summ_cnt) ;IF (summ_cnt GT 0) THEN os_size= an_os_size IF (summed_images GT 0) THEN BEGIN os_size= an_os_size ;proc_time= an_proc_time END lohi= where(os.ip(os.iptable).steps eq 120 or os.ip(os.iptable).steps eq 121,hilo_cnt) if (hilo_cnt gt 0) then os_size= an_os_size * 2 ; since an_os_size is 1/2 of image ;help,os_size/8 ;stop END (lp EQ 5) : BEGIN ;** SCIP Seq LP first = 1 all_numpixels = OS_GET_NUM_PIXELS(os) ; AEE 7/9/03 numpixels = all_numpixels(0) FOR index=0, os.num_images-1 DO BEGIN obs_mode = GET_OBSERVING_MODE(os, index, DOORCLOSED=doorclosed) an_os_size = all_numpixels * obs_mode.avg_bits_pixel ;an_os_size = icer_size < an_os_size FOR ni=0, N_ELEMENTS(an_os_size)-1 DO BEGIN ;IF (ABS(icer_size(ni) - an_os_size(ni)) LT 16000) THEN $ ; an_os_size(ni)= icer_size(ni) $ ;ELSE $ ; an_os_size(ni)= icer_size(ni) < an_os_size(ni) IF (icer_size(ni) LT 80000000.0) THEN an_os_size(ni)= icer_size(ni) ;an_os_size(ni)= an_os_size(ni)+500.0+(an_os_size(ni)/272)*12.0 ; add 500 bytes for hdr+trailer and 12 bytes per packet an_os_size(ni)= an_os_size(ni)+500.0*8+(an_os_size(ni)/272)*12.0 ; add 500 bytes for hdr+trailer and 12 bytes per packet ENDFOR ;print,'os_size, numpixels= ',an_os_size, all_numpixels ;stop iptimes= GET_IP_TIME(os, /separate) ;AEE 7/7/03: IF(first EQ 1) THEN BEGIN ssize= STRTRIM(LONG(an_os_size(0)),2) proc_times= STRTRIM(STRING(iptimes(0),'(F6.1)'),2) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ssize= ssize + STRTRIM(LONG(an_os_size(0)),2) proc_times= proc_times+STRTRIM(STRING(iptimes(0),'(F6.1)'),2) ENDELSE ; save size for each apid using a space between them: FOR i= 1, N_ELEMENTS(an_os_size)-1 DO ssize= ssize+' '+STRTRIM(LONG(an_os_size(i)),2) FOR i= 1, N_ELEMENTS(iptimes)-1 DO proc_times= proc_times+' '+STRTRIM(STRING(iptimes(i),'(F6.1)'),2) ; Separate sizes for 1 to num_images in the sequence with a comma: IF (index LT os.num_images-1) THEN BEGIN ssize= ssize+',' proc_times= proc_times+',' ENDIF an_os_size = an_os_size(0) an_pre_proc_time = OS_GET_PRE_PROC_TIME(os, index, an_ro_time, an_setup_time, filter_time, polar_time) IF (index GT 0) THEN BEGIN ; Remove filter time (for EUVI) for all but first image of the sequence: an_pre_proc_time= an_pre_proc_time - filter_time ; filter_time for non EUVI telescopes contains zero. an_setup_time= an_setup_time - filter_time ; filter_time for non EUVI telescopes contains zero ; IF polar/quad-sector is not changed, remove its time for this image: IF (os.pw(index) EQ os.pw(index-1)) THEN BEGIN an_pre_proc_time= an_pre_proc_time - polar_time an_setup_time= an_setup_time - polar_time ENDIF ENDIF ;an_proc_time = numpixels * obs_mode.avg_proc_time / 1000 ;** convert msec to sec an_proc_time = obs_mode.avg_proc_time an_os_duration = an_pre_proc_time + an_proc_time + an_ro_time ; AEE - Dec 19, 02. IF (first EQ 1) THEN BEGIN os_size = an_os_size pre_proc_time = an_pre_proc_time proc_time = an_proc_time ro_time = an_ro_time setup_time = an_setup_time first = 0 ;If user entered 0 or invalid cadence, set it to take images as close together: ;cadence= os.cadence ;max_expt= MAX(os.ex(os.tele,os.exptable,os.fw,os.pw(0:os.num_images-1))) / 1000.0 ; Don't include exp.time of last image to figure out cadence since it may be the longest: max_expt= MAX(os.ex(os.tele,os.exptable,os.fw,os.pw(0:os.num_images-1))) / 1000.0 max_pptime= an_setup_time + max_expt*os.num_images ;help,cadence,max_pptime ; Set SCIP seq cadence to calculated minimum instead of 0.0 (will be reported in uploads) IF (os.cadence EQ 0.0) THEN os.cadence= FIX(max_pptime+an_ro_time+0.999) cadence= os.cadence IF (cadence LT (max_pptime+an_ro_time)) THEN BEGIN oldc= cadence cadence= FIX(max_pptime+an_ro_time+0.999) os.cadence= cadence os_duration = an_os_duration PRINT,'Invalid Cadence ('+STRTRIM(oldc,2)+'). Using '+STRTRIM(cadence,2)+' Instead.' IF (DATATYPE(osv) EQ 'STC') THEN $ WIDGET_CONTROL,osv.info_text,SET_VALUE='Invalid Cadence ('+STRTRIM(oldc,2)+'). Using '+STRTRIM(cadence,2)+' Instead.' ENDIF ELSE os_duration = cadence ENDIF ELSE BEGIN os_size = os_size + an_os_size IF (cadence EQ 0.0) THEN $ os_duration = os_duration + (an_pre_proc_time+an_ro_time) $ ELSE $ os_duration = os_duration + cadence pre_proc_time = pre_proc_time + an_pre_proc_time proc_time = proc_time + an_proc_time ro_time = ro_time + an_ro_time setup_time = setup_time + an_setup_time ENDELSE IF (an_os_size EQ 0) THEN BEGIN index = os.num_images ;** if any stats come up zero -> quit os_size = 0 os_duration = 0 pre_proc_time = 0 proc_time = 0 ro_time = 0 setup_time = 0 cadence = 0 ENDIF ENDFOR ;AEE 7/7/03: IF (DATATYPE(multi_apid) EQ 'UND') THEN BEGIN multi_apid= {multi_apid, os_num: os.os_num, sizes: ssize, proc_times: proc_times} ENDIF ELSE BEGIN mind= WHERE(multi_apid.os_num EQ os.os_num, mcnt) IF (mcnt EQ 0) THEN $ multi_apid= [multi_apid, {multi_apid, os_num: os.os_num, sizes: ssize, proc_times: proc_times}] ENDELSE END ELSE : BEGIN WIDGET_CONTROL,osv.info_text,SET_VALUE='%%GET_OS_DB_STATS: Unknown LP: '+STRN(os.lp) PRINT, '%%GET_OS_DB_STATS: Unknown LP: ', os.lp RETURN END ENDCASE os_size = os_size > 1 proc_time = proc_time > 1 os_duration = os_duration > 1 ; Note: the os.os_num in this routine is not defined (zero) so the ; os_num in multi_apid will be set, later, in os_call_schedule.pro ;help,os.os_num,os.cadence,os_duration ;stop ; Note: Now only first image of a SCIP seq and all of SCIP images that are not sequences have ; polar/quad_selector and filter (EUVI) times added to the setup time. In the other words, ; We assume a filter/plor change for each non-sequence scheduled image and the first image ; of SCIP seq. Note that HI telescopes don't use filter/polar so they are ok. Also, Images ; 2-N of a SCIP seq only have polar/quad time added if there was a movement. ; Done in get_os_db_stats.pro, schedule_plot.pro, expand_seq.pro. ;help,multi_apid ;stop RETURN END