;+ ;$Id: get_observing_mode.pro,v 1.10 2011/06/30 20:40:08 nathan Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO - SECCHI ; ; Name : GET_OBSERVING_MODE ; ; Purpose : Generates an obs_mode structure containing various image parameters ; listed below. ; ; Use : mode = GET_OBSERVING_MODE(os, index, /DOORCLOSED) ; ; Inputs : os Observating sequence structure. ; index Index into the polarizer wheel/sector for the image. ; ; Opt. Inputs : None ; ; Outputs : None ; ; Opt. Outputs: None ; ; Keywords : DOORCLOSED IF set, set door in tel_state_str to 2, otherwise set to 0. ; ; Written by : Ed Esfandiari, NRL, May 2004 - First Version. ; ; Modification History: ; Ed Esfandiari 09/01/04 Used local table definintion. ; Ed Esfandiari 01/28/05 Added 32 bits/pix summing and new method to calculate ; IP time for the image. ; Ed Esfandiari 10/06/05 Added code to handle IP functions 72 and 73. ; Ed Esfandiari 11/21/05 Added code for new steps ?T (114) and ?U (115) and for ; modified step orders (?l and ?m). ; Ed Esfandiari 08/16/06 Use step numbers instead of step compr_str to pickup ; bits_per_pixel. Also use Simon's 14 and 21 bits_per_pix ; instead of 16 and 32 for non-summed and summed images. ; Ed Esfandiari 02/06/07 Used 16 and 32 bits/pixel since comp_factor is based on 16 bits/pix. ; ; ; $Log: get_observing_mode.pro,v $ ; Revision 1.10 2011/06/30 20:40:08 nathan ; fix hdr-only case ; ; Revision 1.9 2009/09/11 20:28:12 esfand ; use 3-digit decimals to display volumes ; ; Revision 1.5 2005/12/16 14:58:52 esfand ; Commit as of 12/16/05 ; ; Revision 1.4 2005/10/17 19:02:10 esfand ; Added Icer+Mission Sim call. roll Synoptic 20060724000 ; ; Revision 1.3 2005/03/10 16:44:44 esfand ; changes since Jan24-05 to Mar10-05 ; ; Revision 1.2 2004/09/01 19:10:42 esfand ; Removed init_db and get_db struct pros. ; ; Revision 2004/07/01 21:19:02 esfand ; first checkin ; ; Revision 2004/06/02 19:42:35 esfand ; first checkin ; ; ;- FUNCTION GET_OBSERVING_MODE, os, index, DOORCLOSED=doorclosed COMMON DBMODES_COMMON, dbmodes COMMON OS_SHARE ;input: index, which pw for SEQ PW ;input: OS_INSTANCE structure (ex: from defined_os_arr) ;** Structure OS_INSTANCE, 15 tags, length=12100: ; OS_NUM LONG 1695 ; LP INT 4 ; TELE INT 1 ; TABLE INT 2 ; IPTABLE INT 16 ; FW INT 3 ; PW INT Array(5) ; LAMP INT 0 ; NUM_IMAGES INT 4 ; CCD STRUCT -> CCDVARS Array(4, 3) ; IP STRUCT -> IPVARS Array(20) ; EX INT Array(4, 3, 5, 5) ; OCC_BLOCKS BYTE Array(4, 1024) ; ROI_BLOCKS BYTE Array(4, 1024) ; FPWL STRUCT -> FPWL1 Array(3, 5, 10) ; ;output: obs_mode - structure containing observing mode ;** Structure OBSERVING_MODES, 11 tags, length=68: ; DB_NAME STRING 'lasco' ; TABLE_NAME STRING 'observing_modes' ; DATE_MOD STRING '' ; TELESCOPE INT 0 ; TEL_STATE_STR STRING '' ; CAM_STATE_STR STRING '' ; COMPRESSION_STR STRING '' ; AVG_PROC_TIME FLOAT 0.00000 ; AVG_COMP_FACTOR FLOAT 0.00000 ; AVG_BITS_PIXEL FLOAT 0.00000 ; NUM_IMAGES LONG 0 ; ; obs_mode = $ {obs_modes, $ DB_NAME : 'secchi', $ TABLE_NAME : 'observing_modes',$ DATE_MOD : '',$ TELESCOPE : 0,$ TEL_STATE_STR : '',$ CAM_STATE_STR : '',$ COMPRESSION_STR : '',$ AVG_PROC_TIME : 0.0,$ AVG_COMP_FACTOR : 0.0,$ AVG_BITS_PIXEL : 0.0,$ NUM_IMAGES : 0} ;** ;** FILL IN OBSERVING_MODE STRUCTURE ;** obs_mode.telescope = os.tele ;** ;** build up telescope state string ;** shutter = OS_GET_SHUTTER(os) ; AEE 8/22/03 - commented above stuff and added these (lamp,fw,pw): lamp= os.lamp fw = os.fw pw = os.pw IF (KEYWORD_SET(DOORCLOSED)) THEN door = 2 ELSE door = 0 obs_mode.tel_state_str = STRTRIM(shutter,2) + $ STRTRIM(fw,2) + $ STRTRIM(pw(index),2) + $ STRTRIM(door,2) + $ STRTRIM(lamp,2) ;** AEE 9/23/03 - appended the second pw for double-images lp=0) - make sure it is needed and is in right ; place. The tel_state_str, among other things, is used below to find matching statistics from a database. ; It is NOT used outside of this routine. ** IF (os.lp EQ 0) THEN obs_mode.tel_state_str = obs_mode.tel_state_str +STRTRIM(pw(1),2) ;** ;** build up camera state string ;** ; 4/5/04 - AEE the cam_state_str is not used anywhere bt software and may need to be removed. ;obs_mode.cam_state_str = STRTRIM(STRING(os.ccd(os.tele,os.camtable).ysum,FORMAT='(I4.4)'),2) + $ ; STRTRIM(STRING(os.ccd(os.tele,os.camtable).xsum,FORMAT='(I4.4)'),2) + $ ; STRTRIM(STRING(os.ccd(os.tele,os.camtable).clr_id,FORMAT='(I1.1)'),2) + $ ; STRTRIM(STRING(os.ccd(os.tele,os.camtable).rdout_id,FORMAT='(I2.2)'),2) + $ ; '1' + $ ;** Dump Speed ; STRTRIM(STRING(os.ccd(os.tele,os.camtable).pform,FORMAT='(I1.1)'),2) ;** ;** build up compression string ;** comp_str = GET_COMP_STR(os) obs_mode.compression_str = comp_str ; obs_mode.avg_bits_pixel = 16 ; AEE - Dec 19, 02 - 16 bits/pixel for all SECCHI CCDs (according to D.Wang) ; obs_mode.avg_proc_time = 5.5 ;AEE - Dec 19, 02 - use 5.5 sec/Mpixel for SECCHI (it is for lossless comp ; ; resion but use it for all compressions for now. ; obs_mode.avg_proc_time = obs_mode.avg_proc_time / 1000.0 ; change to milliseconds per pixel ; For any image involving a summing buffer (add to or use as output), there are 32 bits/pix (also ; (an implicit pixel summing is assumed): ; IF (STRPOS(comp_str,'I') GE 0 OR STRPOS(comp_str,'K') GE 0 OR $ ; STRPOS(comp_str,'L') GE 0 OR STRPOS(comp_str,'M') GE 0) THEN BEGIN ; IF (STRPOS(comp_str,'I') GE 0 OR STRPOS(comp_str,'K') GE 0 OR $ ; STRPOS(comp_str,'L') GE 0 OR STRPOS(comp_str,'M') GE 0 OR $ ; STRPOS(comp_str,'?T') GE 0 OR STRPOS(comp_str,'?U') GE 0) THEN BEGIN ; obs_mode.avg_bits_pixel = 32 ; ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; obs_mode.avg_bits_pixel = 16 ; ENDELSE steps= os.ip(os.iptable).steps sumind= WHERE(steps EQ 34 OR steps EQ 36 OR steps EQ 37 OR steps EQ 38 OR $ steps EQ 114 OR steps EQ 115, sumcnt) hdrip= WHERE(steps EQ 5,hdronly) IF (hdronly) THEN obs_mode.avg_bits_pixel = 0 ELSE $ IF (sumcnt GT 0) THEN obs_mode.avg_bits_pixel = 32 ELSE $ ;obs_mode.avg_bits_pixel = 21 obs_mode.avg_bits_pixel = 16 ;obs_mode.avg_bits_pixel = 14 ; IF an HI summing buffer to 16 bit (from 32), functions 72 (?l) or 73 (?m), is used, ; it only reduces image size by 2 since 32 bits/pixel image becomes 16 bits/pix so ; reset avg_bits_pixel to 16 because it is used elsewhere to generate image size: ;IF (STRPOS(comp_str,'?d') GE 0 OR STRPOS(comp_str,'?e') GE 0) THEN obs_mode.avg_bits_pixel = 16 ; IF (STRPOS(comp_str,'?l') GE 0 OR STRPOS(comp_str,'?m') GE 0) THEN obs_mode.avg_bits_pixel = 16 to16= WHERE(steps EQ 80 OR steps EQ 81, to16_ind) IF (to16_ind GT 0) THEN obs_mode.avg_bits_pixel = 16 ;IF (to16_ind GT 0) THEN obs_mode.avg_bits_pixel = 14 obs_mode.avg_proc_time = GET_IP_TIME(os) RETURN, obs_mode END