;+ ;$Id: generate_ipt_set.pro,v 1.12 2009/09/11 20:28:10 esfand Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO - SECCHI ; ; Name : GENERATE_IPT_SET ; ; Purpose : Routine to output OSes in any newly created campaign set in form of a .IPT file. ; ; Explanation : This routine prints out the current schedule SETs in IPT format. It also ; generates a .info file for the set. ; ; Use : GENERATE_IPT_SET, set_os ; ; Inputs : set_os OSes used in the SET(s). ; ; Opt. Inputs : None. ; ; Outputs : None. ; ; Opt. Outputs: None. ; ; Keywords : None. ; ; Category : Planning, Scheduling. ; ; Written by : Ed Esfandiari, NRL, May 2004 - First Version. ; ; Modification History: ; Ed Esfandiari 06/04/04 - Made more accurate time matching when selecting OSes for a set ; and also print os_num as 4-digits. ; 06/15/04 - Added PT_OS_PROCT (processing time) parameter. ; 06/16/04 - Added PT_OS_SETUP (setup time) parameter. ; 07/01/04 - Used expanded os_start to pickup img_cntr, seq_cntr, and sfn. ; Ed Esfandiari 07/14/04 - Use 4 ROI tables instead of 1. Also added cl_time and ro_time. ; 08/31/04 - Changed format of exptime reports. ; 09/27/04 - Added PT_SC_ID. ; 09/30/04 - Removed sync. ; Ed Esfandiari 12/13/04 - Report non cal image exptimes corrected for CCD summing. ; Ed Esfandiari 01/10/05 - Added low gain exptime correction for non-cal images. ; Ed Esfandiari 05/24/05 - Use ccd orientation dependant masks. ; Ed Esfandiari 07/21/05 - Added sched_share (SCHEdv) common block. ; Ed Esfandiari 03/24/06 - Break schedule into daily periods so that img_cntr ; info which is reset to 1 at 00:00:00 hour on each day ; for subsequent days are not lost if schedule expands ; into next day(s). ; Ed Esfandiari 05/10/06 - Added proc_times for multi_apids. Also keep first size and ; unique proc_times of OS in a sequence and changes size units from ; from bits to bytes. In schedule_read*.pro since USEDEFAULTS = 1, ; size, etc. are recalculated so things are fine. ; Ed Esfandiari 05/11/06 - Added table usage information to the IPT file. ; Ed Esfandiari 05/23/06 - Added PT filename info and removed $ from table info. ; Ed Esfandiari 10/21/06 - Ignore ccd_sum and low gain exptime correction (FSW does not do it). ; ; ; $Log: generate_ipt_set.pro,v $ ; Revision 1.12 2009/09/11 20:28:10 esfand ; use 3-digit decimals to display volumes ; ; Revision 1.7 2005/12/16 14:58:52 esfand ; Commit as of 12/16/05 ; ; Revision 1.6 2005/10/17 19:02:09 esfand ; Added Icer+Mission Sim call. roll Synoptic 20060724000 ; ; Revision 1.5 2005/05/26 20:00:58 esfand ; PT version used to create SEC20050525005 TVAC schedule ; ; Revision 1.4 2005/01/24 17:56:33 esfand ; checkin changes since SCIP_A_TVAC ; ; Revision 1.2 2004/09/01 15:40:43 esfand ; commit new version for Nathan. ; ; Revision 2004/07/01 21:19:01 esfand ; first checkin ; ; Revision 2004/06/02 19:42:35 esfand ; first checkin ; ; ;- ;__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ; PRO GENERATE_IPT_SET, os_arr_info COMMON OS_DEFINED COMMON OS_SCHEDULED COMMON DIALOG, mdiag,font COMMON APIDS, multi_apid ; AEE - 07/25/03 COMMON LP_CAL_LAMP_SHARE, lpcalv ; AEE - 08/22/03 COMMON EXPANDED_OS, expanded ; AEE 1/15/04 COMMON SET_DEFINED, set_instance, defined_set_arr ; AEE 2/12/04 COMMON SETS, select_set ; AEE 2/12/04 COMMON SCHED_SHARE, schedv COMMON TABLES_IN_USE, tables_used, tbAout,tbBout IF (DATATYPE(os_arr_info) NE 'STC') THEN RETURN ; AEE 4/5/04 w= WHERE(os_arr_info.set_id GT 0, wcnt) IF (wcnt EQ 0) THEN RETURN os_tmp_set= os_arr_info(w) RESTORE,GETENV('PT')+'/IO/SETS/'+'set_last_id.sav' ; => last_id IF (MAX(os_tmp_set.set_id) LE last_id) THEN BEGIN PRINT,'' PRINT,'Schedule contains only OLD sets. Nothing was added.' PRINT,'' RETURN ENDIF ELSE BEGIN os_tmp_set= os_tmp_set(WHERE(os_tmp_set.set_id GT last_id)) ENDELSE setids= os_tmp_set.set_id usets= setids(UNIQ_NOSORT(setids)) FOR u= 0, N_ELEMENTS(usets)-1 DO BEGIN last_id= usets(u) setdir= GETENV('PT')+'/IO/SETS/' ipt_set_name = setdir+'SET_'+STRING(last_id,'(i4.4)')+'.IPT' info_set_name = setdir+'SET_'+STRING(last_id,'(i4.4)')+'.INFO' os_set= os_tmp_set(WHERE(os_tmp_set.set_id EQ usets(u))) OPENW, OUT, ipt_set_name, /GET_LUN OPENW, OUT1, info_set_name, /GET_LUN WIDGET_CONTROL,mdiag,SET_VALUE='%%%GENERATE_SET_IPT: Creating files: '+ipt_set_name+' and '+info_set_name PRINT,'%%%GENERATE_IPT: Creating files: '+ipt_set_name+' and '+info_set_name WIDGET_CONTROL, /HOUR tables= [tbAout,tbBout] tables= [';SETS/PT Schedule = '+ipt_set_name,tables] FOR tb= 0, N_ELEMENTS(tables)-1 DO PRINTF, OUT, tables(tb) os_arr2 = os_set(SORT([os_set.os_num])) ;** sort on os_num uniq_os_arr2 = os_arr2(UNIQ([os_arr2.os_num])) num_os = N_ELEMENTS(uniq_os_arr2) FOR i = num_os-1, 0, -1 DO BEGIN ;** for every unique os_num os_num = uniq_os_arr2(i).os_num PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_OS_NUM = '+STRING(os_num,'(i4.4)') PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_SET_ID = '+STRING(usets(u),'(i4.4)') index = WHERE(defined_os_arr.os_num EQ os_num AND $ defined_os_arr.num_images GT 0, oscnt) ; AEE - 01/10/03 FOR cnt= 0, oscnt-1 DO BEGIN ; AEE - Dec 05, 02 ; if os_cnt=2 => lp=6 (HI Seq) ind= index(cnt) lp = defined_os_arr(ind).lp ; Identify second OS of LP=6 (when both HI1 and 2 are used) with minus os_num: IF (cnt EQ 1) THEN PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_OS_NUM = -'+STRING(os_num,'(i4.4)') PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_LP_NUM = ' + STRTRIM(lp,2) PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_LP_EXIT = '+STRTRIM(0,2) ;** for now always use exit by iteration iter_cnt = 1 ;** for now always schedule just 1 PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_LP_ITER = '+STRTRIM(iter_cnt,2) good = WHERE(os_set.os_num EQ uniq_os_arr2(i).os_num AND os_set.os_tele EQ defined_os_arr(ind).tele) ;** sort on start time nsched = N_ELEMENTS(good) IF (nsched GT 1) THEN good = good(SORT([os_set(good).os_start])) first_os = os_set(good(0)) PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_LP_NSCHED = '+STRTRIM(nsched,2) ; pickup SpaceCraft ID(s): sc_id= '(' FOR sc_cnt=0, nsched -2 DO BEGIN sc_id= sc_id + os_set(good(sc_cnt)).sc + ',' ENDFOR IF (nsched GT 1) THEN $ sc_id= sc_id + os_set(good(sc_cnt)).sc $ ELSE $ sc_id= sc_id + os_set(good(0)).sc sc_id= sc_id + ')' PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_SC_ID = '+sc_id ; pick up img_cntr for images. For a seq of N images, all N images have the same img_cntr and ; seq_cntr of 1-N but for a summed-seq, only the Nth imags exists with seq_cntr set to N: eind= WHERE(expanded.os_num EQ os_num AND expanded.os_start EQ os_set(good(0)).os_start) FOR osind= 1, nsched-1 DO BEGIN eind= [eind,WHERE(expanded.os_num EQ os_num AND expanded.os_start EQ os_set(good(osind)).os_start)] ENDFOR expand= expanded(eind) img_cnt= expand.img_cnt ;two non-seq images may have the same img_cnt when schedule expands beyond 1 day ;img_cnt= expand(UNIQ_NOSORT(expand.img_cnt)).img_cnt ; since at start of each days, img_cnt is set to 1, breakup schedule to daily pieces (if expands ; into next day(s)) so that same cntrs (starting with 1 again) are not lost when using uniq: sdays= long(expand.start / 24.0) unq_sdays= UNIQ_NOSORT(sdays) unq_sdays= [unq_sdays,N_ELEMENTS(sdays)-1] ; now have index range for each day img_cnt= -1 FOR ud= 0, N_ELEMENTS(unq_sdays)-2 DO BEGIN ;daily_cnt= expand(unq_sdays(ud):unq_sdays(ud+1)-1).img_cnt daily_cnt= expand(unq_sdays(ud):unq_sdays(ud+1)).img_cnt img_cnt= [img_cnt,daily_cnt(UNIQ_NOSORT(daily_cnt))] ENDFOR img_cnt= img_cnt(1:*) img_cntr= '('+STRTRIM(img_cnt(0),2) FOR ucnt= 1, N_ELEMENTS(img_cnt)-1 DO $ img_cntr= img_cntr + ','+STRTRIM(img_cnt(ucnt),2) img_cntr= img_cntr + ')' PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_IMG_CNTR= '+STRTRIM(img_cntr,2) seq_cnt=expand(UNIQ_NOSORT(expand.seq_cnt)).seq_cnt seq_cntr= '('+STRTRIM(seq_cnt(0),2) FOR ucnt= 1, N_ELEMENTS(seq_cnt)-1 DO $ seq_cntr= seq_cntr + ','+STRTRIM(seq_cnt(ucnt),2) seq_cntr= seq_cntr + ')' PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_SEQ_CNTR= '+STRTRIM(seq_cntr,2) ; sfn= expand.sfn ; sfns= '('+STRTRIM(sfn(0),2) ; FOR ucnt= 1, N_ELEMENTS(sfn)-1 DO sfns= sfns+ ','+STRTRIM(sfn(ucnt),2) ; sfns= sfns + ')' ; PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_SFN= '+STRTRIM(sfns,2) ;** output start times c = 0 ;** counter, only 5 start times per line cc = 0 ;** counter, only 5 start times per line ccc = 0 ;** counter, only 5 start times per line c4 = 0 ;** counter, only 5 start times per line FOR j=0, nsched-1 DO BEGIN ;** for every occurance of this os_num IF (c EQ 0) THEN str = '(' ;** new line IF (cc EQ 0) THEN cam_str = '(' ;** new line os_start = os_set(good(j)).os_start utc = TAI2UTC(os_start, /EXTERNAL) yy = STRTRIM(utc.year,2) mm = STRTRIM(utc.month,2) & IF (STRLEN(mm) EQ 1) THEN mm = '0'+mm dd = STRTRIM(utc.day,2) & IF (STRLEN(dd) EQ 1) THEN dd = '0'+dd hh = STRTRIM(utc.hour,2) & IF (STRLEN(hh) EQ 1) THEN hh = '0'+hh mi = STRTRIM(utc.minute,2)& IF (STRLEN(mi) EQ 1) THEN mi = '0'+mi ss = STRTRIM(utc.second,2)& IF (STRLEN(ss) EQ 1) THEN ss = '0'+ss tt = yy+mm+dd+'_'+hh+mi+ss str = str + tt + ',' IF (DATATYPE(load_camtable) EQ 'STC') THEN BEGIN cind = WHERE((os_num EQ load_camtable.os_num) AND (os_start EQ load_camtable.os_start)) IF (cind(0) NE -1) THEN BEGIN cam_str = cam_str + tt + ',' cc = cc + 1 ENDIF ENDIF c = c + 1 IF ((c EQ 5) OR (j EQ (nsched-1))) THEN BEGIN ;** only 5 entries per line str = STRMID(str,0,STRLEN(str)-1) + ')' PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_LP_START = '+str c = 0 ENDIF ENDFOR ;** for every start time for this os_num cam_str = STRMID(cam_str,0,STRLEN(cam_str)-1) + ')' IF (cam_str NE ')') THEN PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_LOAD_CAM = '+cam_str tele = defined_os_arr(ind).tele fw = defined_os_arr(ind).fw pw = defined_os_arr(ind).pw sub = defined_os_arr(ind).sub start = defined_os_arr(ind).start ;table = defined_os_arr(ind).table ; AEE 1/14/04 exptable = defined_os_arr(ind).exptable ; AEE 1/14/04 camtable = defined_os_arr(ind).camtable ; AEE 1/14/04 fps = defined_os_arr(ind).fps ; AEE 1/14/04 iptable = defined_os_arr(ind).iptable lamp = defined_os_arr(ind).lamp num_images = defined_os_arr(ind).num_images ccd = defined_os_arr(ind).ccd ip = defined_os_arr(ind).ip ex = defined_os_arr(ind).ex occ_blks = REFORM(defined_os_arr(ind).occ_blocks(tele,*)) roi_blks = REFORM(defined_os_arr(ind).roi_blocks(tele,*)) PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_TELE = '+STRTRIM(tele,2) PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_EXPT = '+STRTRIM(exptable+1,2) ; AEE 1/14/04 PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_CAMT = '+STRTRIM(camtable+1,2) ; AEE 1/14/04 PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_FW = '+STRTRIM(fw,2) IF (lp EQ 200) THEN BEGIN ; AEE -8/23/03 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;** output pw/exp pairs pwstr = '(' expstr = '(' ; For non cal images, report exptime that is corrected for CCD summing: ccdsum= 1 IF (lp NE 2 AND lp NE 3) THEN BEGIN xs = ccd(tele,camtable).xsum ys = ccd(tele,camtable).ysum ccdsum= ((xs > 1) * (ys > 1)) IF (ccd(tele,camtable).gmode EQ 1) THEN ccdsum= ccdsum/4.0 ; for low gain, amplify exptime by 4 ENDIF ccdsum=1 ; Ignore ccd_sum and low gain exptime correction (FSW does not do it). FOR n=0, num_images -1 DO BEGIN ;** for each pw position in the seq (for non-seq num_images=1 always) IF (tele GE 3) THEN BEGIN ; AEE March 19, 2003 ; Note: HI telescpes do not have a shtter, polarizer, or filter wheels so pw(0) is only used. pwstr = pwstr + STRTRIM(pw(0),2) + ',' IF (lp EQ 4) THEN BEGIN expstr = expstr + STRTRIM(0,2) + ',' ; AEE 5/22/03 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN expstr = expstr + STRTRIM(STRING(ex(tele,exptable,fw,pw(0))/ccdsum,FORMAT='(I7)'),2) + ',' ENDELSE IF (lp EQ 0) THEN BEGIN ; For double sky images, add the second pw and exp.time (for these images n is always 0) ; and since it is a HI image, the second pw and, therefore, exp.time are the same as the first. pwstr = pwstr + STRTRIM(pw(0),2) + ',' expstr = expstr + STRTRIM(STRING(ex(tele,exptable,fw,pw(0))/ccdsum,FORMAT='(I7)'),2) + ',' ENDIF ENDIF ELSE BEGIN pwstr = pwstr + STRTRIM(pw(n),2) + ',' IF (lp EQ 4) THEN BEGIN expstr = expstr + STRTRIM(0,2) + ',' ; AEE 5/22/03 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN expstr = expstr + STRTRIM(STRING(ex(tele,exptable,fw,pw(n))/ccdsum,FORMAT='(I7)'),2) + ',' ENDELSE IF (lp EQ 0) THEN BEGIN ; For double sky images, add the second pw and exp.time (for these images n is always 0) ; and pw(1) indicates the second pw positions and exptime to be used. pwstr = pwstr + STRTRIM(pw(1),2) + ',' expstr = expstr + STRTRIM(STRING(ex(tele,exptable,fw,pw(1))/ccdsum,FORMAT='(I7)'),2) + ',' ENDIF ENDELSE ENDFOR pwstr = STRMID(pwstr,0,STRLEN(pwstr)-1) + ')' PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_PW = '+pwstr expstr = STRMID(expstr,0,STRLEN(expstr)-1) + ')' PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_EXPTIME = '+expstr ENDELSE IF (lamp GT 2) then BEGIN ; AEE - 8/22/03 WIDGET_CONTROL,mdiag,SET_VALUE='%%%GENERATE_IPT: STOP - PT_CAL_LAMP = '+STRING(lamp,'(I3)')+ $ ', from input, is out of range.' PRINT,'' PRINT,'STOP - PT_CAL_LAMP = '+STRING(lamp,'(I3)')+', from input, is out of range.' PRINT,' Exit the program, fix the problem, and start again.' PRINT,'' STOP ENDIF PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_CAL_LAMP = '+STRTRIM(lamp,2) str = '('+STRTRIM(ccd(tele,camtable).y1,2)+',' str = str+STRTRIM(ccd(tele,camtable).x1,2)+',' str = str+STRTRIM(ccd(tele,camtable).y2,2)+',' str = str+STRTRIM(ccd(tele,camtable).x2,2)+',' str = str+STRTRIM(ccd(tele,camtable).ysum,2)+',' str = str+STRTRIM(ccd(tele,camtable).xsum,2)+')' PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_CAM_RO = '+str str = '('+STRTRIM(ccd(tele,camtable).pform,2)+',' ; AEE 4/5/04 str = str+STRTRIM(FIX(ccd(tele,camtable).clr_id),2)+',' str = str+STRTRIM(ccd(tele,camtable).rdout_id,2)+',' str = str+STRTRIM(ccd(tele,camtable).cl_time,2)+',' str = str+STRTRIM(ccd(tele,camtable).ro_time,2)+')' PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_CAM_OTH = '+str ;** print out the image processing table number PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_IP_TAB_NUM = '+STRTRIM(iptable,2) good = WHERE(ip(iptable).steps GE 0, nip) str = '(' FOR n=0, nip-1 DO BEGIN str = str+STRTRIM(ip(iptable).steps(good(n)),2)+',' ENDFOR PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_NIP = '+STRTRIM(nip,2) str = STRMID(str,0,STRLEN(str)-1) + ')' PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_IP = '+str ; AEE 5/5/04: ind = WHERE(ip(iptable).steps EQ 28) ; 28 = don't use occ mask table. IF (ind(0) GE 0) THEN useocc = 0 ELSE useocc = 1 ; Also see os_get_num_pixels.pro ; generate_ipt.pro ; generate_ipt_set.pro ; os_summary.pro ; os_summary_1line.pro ; os_summary_set.pro ; os_summary_text.pro ;ind = WHERE(ip(iptable).steps EQ 25) ;IF (ind(0) LT 0) THEN useroi = 0 ELSE useroi = 1 roi_table= WHICH_ROI_TABLE(ip,iptable) IF (roi_table EQ -1) THEN useroi = 0 ELSE useroi = 1 RESTORE,GETENV('PT')+'/IN/OTHER/ccd_size.sav' IF (useocc EQ 1) THEN BEGIN ;** Occulter Mask blocks = occ_blks p1 = 'PT_NOCC = ' p2 = 'PT_OCC_MASK = ' good = WHERE(blocks GE 1, nb) PRINTF, OUT, p1+STRTRIM(nb,2) chng_arr= INTARR(xyblks*xyblks) IF (nb GT 0) THEN BEGIN ;change= MODIFY_MASK_ORDER(good) ; AEE 5/26/04 - change order from idl to mask_table. telid= ['EUVI','COR1','COR2','HI1','HI2'] telstr= telid(tele) scid=['A','A','B'] ; first 'A' is really 'AB' but can't have it for mask. scstr= scid(schedv.sc) change= MODIFY_MASK_ORDER(scstr,telstr,good) ; change order from idl to mask_table. chng_arr(change)= 1 ENDIF runs = FIND_DATA_RUNS(INDGEN(xyblks*xyblks),chng_arr,0,0,1) c = 0 ;** counter, only 5 entries per line pairs = (N_ELEMENTS(runs)/2) FOR p=0, pairs-1 DO BEGIN IF (c EQ 0) THEN str = '(' ;** new line IF (runs(p,0) EQ runs(p,1)) THEN $ ;** ex. use 39, instead of 39-39, str = str + STRTRIM(runs(p,0),2) + ',' $ ELSE $ str = str + STRTRIM(runs(p,0),2) + '-' + STRTRIM(runs(p,1),2) + ',' c = c + 1 IF ((c EQ 5) OR (p EQ (pairs-1))) THEN BEGIN ;** only 5 entries per line str = STRMID(str,0,STRLEN(str)-1) + ')' PRINTF, OUT, p2+str c = 0 ENDIF ENDFOR ;** for each pair ENDIF IF (useroi EQ 1) THEN BEGIN ;** ROI Mask blocks = roi_blks p1 = 'PT_NROI = ' p2 = 'PT_ROI_MASK = ' good = WHERE(blocks GE 1, nb) PRINTF, OUT, p1+STRTRIM(nb,2) chng_arr= INTARR(xyblks*xyblks) IF (nb GT 0) THEN BEGIN ;change= MODIFY_MASK_ORDER(good) ; AEE 5/26/04 - change order from idl to mask_table. telid= ['EUVI','COR1','COR2','HI1','HI2'] telstr= telid(tele) scid=['A','A','B'] ; first 'A' is really 'AB' but can't have it for mask. scstr= scid(schedv.sc) change= MODIFY_MASK_ORDER(scstr,telstr,good) ; change order from idl to mask_table. chng_arr(change)= 1 ENDIF runs = FIND_DATA_RUNS(INDGEN(xyblks*xyblks),chng_arr,0,0,1) c = 0 ;** counter, only 5 entries per line pairs = (N_ELEMENTS(runs)/2) FOR p=0, pairs-1 DO BEGIN IF (c EQ 0) THEN str = '(' ;** new line IF (runs(p,0) EQ runs(p,1)) THEN $ ;** ex. use 39, instead of 39-39, str = str + STRTRIM(runs(p,0),2) + ',' $ ELSE $ str = str + STRTRIM(runs(p,0),2) + '-' + STRTRIM(runs(p,1),2) + ',' c = c + 1 IF ((c EQ 5) OR (p EQ (pairs-1))) THEN BEGIN ;** only 5 entries per line str = STRMID(str,0,STRLEN(str)-1) + ')' PRINTF, OUT, p2+str c = 0 ENDIF ENDFOR ;** for each pair ENDIF CONT: os_size = first_os.os_size os_size = LONG(first_os.os_size / 8.0) ; change to bytes os_duration = first_os.os_duration aind= WHERE(multi_apid.os_num EQ os_num) ; AEE - 7/25/03 PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_OS_SIZE = '+STRTRIM(os_size,2) PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_OS_DUR = '+STRTRIM(STRING(os_duration,'(f20.2)'),2) PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_OS_PROCT = '+STRTRIM(STRING(first_os.os_proc_time,'(f20.2)'),2) PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_OS_ROT = '+STRTRIM(STRING(first_os.os_ro_time,'(f20.2)'),2) ; AEE - 01/28/03 PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_OS_PPT = '+STRTRIM(STRING(first_os.os_pre_proc_time,'(f20.2)'),2) ; AEE - 01/28/03 PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_OS_SETUP = '+STRTRIM(STRING(first_os.os_setup_time,'(f20.2)'),2) PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_OS_CAD = '+STRTRIM(STRING(first_os.os_cadence,'(f20.2)'),2) ; AEE - 01/28/03 ;PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_OS_SIZES= '+multi_apid(aind).sizes ; AEE 7/25/03 sizes= STRTRIM((STR_SEP(multi_apid(aind).sizes,','))(0),2) sizes= LONG(str_sep(sizes,' ')/8.0) sstr= 'PT_OS_SIZES =' FOR sz= 0, N_ELEMENTS(sizes)-1 DO sstr= sstr+' '+STRTRIM(sizes(sz),2) PRINTF, OUT, sstr ;PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_OS_PROC_TIMES = '+multi_apid(aind).proc_times ;PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_OS_PROC_TIMES = '+(STR_SEP(multi_apid(aind).proc_times,','))(0) ; Keep unique proc_times (for HI summed sequences that use 3 different ip tables): toks= STR_SEP(multi_apid(aind).proc_times,',') stoks= SHIFT(toks,1) dind= WHERE(toks NE stoks, dcnt) ptm= toks(0) FOR di= 1, dcnt-1 DO ptm= ptm+','+toks(dind(di)) PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_OS_PROC_TIMES = '+ptm PRINTF, OUT, 'PT_FPS = '+STRTRIM(fps,2) ; AEE - 1/14/04 PRINTF, OUT, ';' & PRINTF, OUT, ';' ENDFOR ; AEE - Dec 05, 02 ENDFOR ;** for every unique os_num CLOSE, OUT FREE_LUN, OUT ; Now create the corrsponding info file: sind= WHERE(defined_set_arr.set_id EQ last_id) & sind= sind(0) PRINTF, OUT1, 'SET_ID = '+STRING(defined_set_arr(sind).set_id,'(i4.4)') PRINTF, OUT1, 'FNAME = '+defined_set_arr(sind).fname PRINTF, OUT1, 'INSTR = '+defined_set_arr(sind).instr PRINTF, OUT1, 'SCI_OBJ = '+defined_set_arr(sind).sci_obj PRINTF, OUT1, 'COMMENT = '+defined_set_arr(sind).comment PRINTF, OUT1, 'REQ_BY = '+defined_set_arr(sind).req_by PRINTF, OUT1, 'CREATED = '+defined_set_arr(sind).cr_date img_info= OS_SUMMARY_SET(os_set) rows= N_ELEMENTS(img_info) IF (rows GE 2) THEN BEGIN FOR p= 0, 1 DO PRINTF, OUT1, 'LABEL = '+img_info(p) FOR p=2, rows-1 DO PRINTF, OUT1, 'IMAGE = '+img_info(p) ENDIF CLOSE, OUT1 FREE_LUN, OUT1 WIDGET_CONTROL,mdiag,SET_VALUE='%%%GENERATE_IPT_SET: ('+ipt_set_name+' and '+info_set_name+') Done.' PRINT,'%%%GENERATE_IPT: ('+ipt_set_name+' and '+info_set_name+') Done.' ENDFOR ; usets SAVE,filename= GETENV('PT')+'/IO/SETS/'+'set_last_id.sav',last_id END