;+ ;$Id: find_os_match.pro,v 1.3 2005/01/24 17:56:33 esfand Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO - SECCHI ; ; Name : FIND_OS_MATCH ; ; Purpose : This function determines which of the selected Oses to be shifted ; do not belong to a command sequence and if they do, all of the OSes ; in the command sequence are being shifted since we can't shift only ; a subset of a command sequence. ; ; Use : shft_ind= FIND_OS_MATCH(os_arr,shft_oses,tos,sched_cmdseq,cmd_seq) ; ; Inputs : os_arr All of currently scheduled OSes. ; shft_oses OSes to be shifted. ; tos String array of all schedule OS numbers including those in a ; block command sequence, if any. ; sched_cmdseq Block command sequences in the current schedule, if any. ; cmd_seq String containing '(cmd seq)' to identify command sequences. ; ; Opt. Inputs : None ; ; Outputs : shft_ind Index of all Oses that can be shifted. ; ; Opt. Outputs: None ; ; Keywords : ; ; Written by : Ed Esfandiari, NRL, May 2004 - First Version. ; ; Modification History: ; Ed Esfandiari 10/26/04 - Added S/C A & B capability. ; ; $Log: find_os_match.pro,v $ ; Revision 1.3 2005/01/24 17:56:33 esfand ; checkin changes since SCIP_A_TVAC ; ; Revision 2004/07/01 21:19:00 esfand ; first checkin ; ; Revision 2004/06/02 19:42:35 esfand ; first checkin ; ; ;- FUNCTION GET_SCHED_CMD_SEQ_INDEX,str,sched_cmdseq toks= STR_SEP(str,'@') ; => break up "xxxx,yyyy @ yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.mss (cmd seq)" os_str= STRTRIM(toks(0),2) ; => "xxxx,yyyy" os_tme= STR_SEP(toks(1),',') ; => " yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.mss (cmd seq)" cseq=os_tme(1) os_tme= STRTRIM(os_tme(0),2) ; => "yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.mss" bsid= STR_SEP(STRTRIM(cseq,2),' ') ; => "cmd","seq","A#" (or "B#") bsid= STR_SEP(bsid(2),')') bsid=bsid(0) cs_ind= WHERE(sched_cmdseq.os_num EQ os_str AND STRMID(sched_cmdseq.os_time,0,23) EQ os_tme AND $ sched_cmdseq.bsf EQ bsid, wcnt) IF (wcnt GT 0) THEN $ cs_ind= cs_ind(0) $ ELSE $ cs_ind= -1 RETURN, cs_ind END PRO CHECK_CMDSEQ,os_arr,os_ind,tres,toss,sched_cmdseq, cmd_seq toss1= toss ; if any seq_cmd lines remain, see if they contain os_id: FOR i= 0, N_ELEMENTS(toss1)-1 DO BEGIN cs_ind= GET_SCHED_CMD_SEQ_INDEX(toss1(i),sched_cmdseq) ; Now we have index into sched_cmdseq to check for input os_ind: oses= LONG(STR_SEP(sched_cmdseq(cs_ind).os_num,',')) times= UTC2TAI(STR2UTC(STR_SEP(sched_cmdseq(cs_ind).os_time,','))) f= WHERE(oses EQ os_arr(os_ind(0)).os_num, fcnt) FOR j= 0, fcnt-1 DO BEGIN ; if cmdseq contains the OS we are looking for: ok= WHERE(os_arr(os_ind).os_start NE times(f(j))) os_ind= os_ind(ok) ENDFOR ENDFOR END FUNCTION FIND_OS_MATCH,os_arr,tres,toss,sched_cmdseq,cmd_seq shift_ind= -1 csind= WHERE(STRPOS(toss,cmd_seq) GE 0, cnt) ; AEE 2/18/04 FOR i= 0, N_ELEMENTS(tres)-1 DO BEGIN IF (STRPOS(tres(i),cmd_seq) GE 0) THEN BEGIN ; a cmdseq line w= WHERE(toss EQ tres(i)) cs_ind= GET_SCHED_CMD_SEQ_INDEX(toss(w(0)),sched_cmdseq) oses= LONG(STR_SEP(sched_cmdseq(cs_ind).os_num,',')) times= UTC2TAI(STR2UTC(STR_SEP(sched_cmdseq(cs_ind).os_time,','))) ind= WHERE(os_arr.os_num EQ oses(0) AND os_arr.os_start EQ times(0) AND $ os_arr.bsf EQ sched_cmdseq(cs_ind).bsf) FOR j= 1, N_ELEMENTS(oses)-1 DO $ ind= [ind,WHERE(os_arr.os_num EQ oses(j) AND os_arr.os_start EQ times(j) AND $ os_arr.bsf EQ sched_cmdseq(cs_ind).bsf)] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; just an os_num line ; Find os_num indexes for this (single) os_num minus those that may be part of non-selected ; cmdseq lines, if any: ind= WHERE(os_arr.os_num EQ LONG(tres(i))) IF (cnt GT 0) THEN CHECK_CMDSEQ,os_arr,ind,tres,toss(csind),sched_cmdseq,cmd_seq ; AEE 2/18/04 help,ind ENDELSE shift_ind= [shift_ind,ind] ENDFOR shift_ind= shift_ind(1:*) RETURN, shift_ind END