;+ ;$Id: find_cal_conflicts.pro,v 1.3 2005/01/24 17:56:33 esfand Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO - SECCHI ; ; Name : FIND_CAL_CONFLICTS ; ; Purpose : Check to see if one or more LED OS [instances] to be scheduled (added) or shifted ; causes any conflicts with other OS times already scheduled. ; ; Use : result = FIND_CAL_CONFLICT(os_arr,os,defined_os,sched_type,conflicts_info) ; ; Inputs : os_arr - An array of all of already scheduled OSs (assumed to be conflict free). ; If not defined (i.e. nothing is currently scheduled), does not do anything. ; os - An array of one or more LED OS to be added to os_arr or shifted is checked ; for conflicts. OS instances of the same os_num should be adjacent to each ; other (i.e. can't have os_num=[4500,4501,4500]). ; defined_os - An array of all defined OS(s) that also include the os_num and telescope ; associated with it. The os_num and telescope pair will be used to separate ; the SCIP and HI packages since they have separate time-lines (can overlap). ; sched_type - "os_shift" to shift the OS(s) or "os_add" to add OS(s). ; ; ; Opt. Inputs : None. ; ; Outputs : conflicts_info - A string array of found conflicts. For each conflict, the os_num ; causing the conflict plus its start and end dates is added to the array. ; return - This function returns 0 (for no conflicts) or 1 (for one or more conflicts). ; ; Opt. Outputs: None. ; ; Keywords : None. ; ; Calls : None. ; ; Common : None. ; ; Restrictions: This routine assumes all of the existing OSs in os_arr are conflict free. It ; only checks for possible conflicts of the new os and those in the os_arr. ; ; Side effects: None. ; ; Category : Planning, Scheduling. ; ; Written by : Ed Esfandiari, NRL, May 2004 - First Version. ; ; Modification History: ; Ed Esfandiari 06/07/04 - Print os_num using 4-digits. ; Ed Esfandiari 10/20/04 - Added S/C A B dependency. ; ; $Log: find_cal_conflicts.pro,v $ ; Revision 1.3 2005/01/24 17:56:33 esfand ; checkin changes since SCIP_A_TVAC ; ; Revision 2004/07/01 21:19:00 esfand ; first checkin ; ; Revision 2004/06/02 19:42:35 esfand ; first checkin ; ; ;- ;__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ; FUNCTION FIND_CAL_CONFLICTS,os_arr,os,defined_os,sched_type,conflicts_info ; Each element of os_arr and os is a struture of this form: ; OS_NUM LONG ; OS_START DOUBLE ; OS_STOP DOUBLE ; OS_SIZE LONG ; OS_DURATION DOUBLE os_conflict= 0 ; => no os_conflict conflicts_info='' exp_os_arr= EXPAND_SEQ(os_arr) ;expand SCIP & HI seq images, if any, before checking for conflicts. exp_os= EXPAND_SEQ(os) ; also exand the OS that is being checked for conflicts if it is a Sequence ;*** Must use the exp_os_arr,exp_os in the following code instead of os_arr and os. Also, all of ; (or most) of the info needed now exists in the os structure so I don't think there is a need ; for defined_os, etc.. os_num= exp_os.os_num ; index= 0 1 2 3 4 uos= UNIQ(os_num) ; uos contains last index of unique OS numbers (ie. [4500,4500,4500,4501,4501] ; => uos=[2,4]). This means that OS instances of the same os_num should be ; adjacent to each other (i.e. can't have os_num=[4500,4501,4500]). IF(STRLOWCASE(sched_type) EQ 'shift_os') THEN $ os_msg= 'shifted to' $ ELSE $ os_msg= 'scheduled between' os_arr_cameras= exp_os_arr.os_tele k= 0 FOR i=0, N_ELEMENTS(uos) - 1 DO BEGIN cnt= 1 FOR j=k, uos(i) DO BEGIN c_info='' os_camera= defined_os(WHERE(defined_os.os_num EQ exp_os(j).os_num)).tele IF (CAL_CONFLICT(exp_os_arr,os_arr_cameras,exp_os(j),os_camera,c_info)) THEN BEGIN os_conflict= 1 ;conflicts_info= [conflicts_info,"CalLamps ",$ ; AEE 8/13/03 conflicts_info= [conflicts_info,"*** LED Constraint Conflict ***",$ ; AEE 8/13/03 exp_os(j).sc+" "+ $ "OS_"+STRING(os_num(j),'(I4.4)')+" (#"+STRTRIM(cnt,2)+" of "+ $ STRTRIM(uos(i)-k+1,2)+") to be "+os_msg,$ TAI2UTC(exp_os(j).os_start,/ECS)+" and "+TAI2UTC(exp_os(j).os_stop,/ECS), $ "conflicts with the following OS(s) already in the schedule:", $ c_info,$ ""] ENDIF cnt=cnt+1 ENDFOR k= uos(i)+1 ENDFOR RETURN,os_conflict ; 1 = os_conflict is true. 0 = os_conflict is false. END