;+ ;$Id: expand_oses.pro,v 1.6 2009/09/11 20:28:08 esfand Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO - SECCHI ; ; Name : EXPAND_OSES ; ; Purpose : This pro is used to expand the scheduled OSes by addind a new ; entry for those going to multiple APIDs in order to correctly ; maintain the dowlink loads for all channels. ; ; Explanation: Images scheduled for multiple APIDs destinations are selected ; and for each APID a new entry is added. The image counters, ; sequence counters, and S/C ID are used to generate a science ; file name for each image. For the HI summed-sequence images ; where only one image (at the time of last image) is downloaded, ; only the last image of the sequence is used. ; ; Use : EXPAND_OSES, expanded, os_dest, sc ; ; Inputs : expanded contains all instances of all images scheduled. ; os_dest contain APIDs for all scheduled OSes. ; sc 'A' or 'B' SpaceCraft used for generating image ; header science file names. ; ; Opt. Inputs : None ; ; Outputs : expanded Images with multiple APIDs now have an entry for ; each of the APID with the correct image counter. ; Opt. Outputs: None ; ; Keywords : None ; ; Written by : Ed Esfandiari, NRL, May 2004 - First Version. ; ; Modification History: ; Ed Esfandiari 06/30/04 - used same_seq_start_time to isolate sequences. ; start with img_cntr=1 with 1st image in a new day. ; Also use orig_start to set img_cnt since start for ; images before start of display, if any, are set to ; start of display time. ; 07/02/04 - used os_start to set img_cnt. ; Ed Esfandiari 05/08/06 - Added separate proc_time for each apid. ; Ed Esfandiari 08/26/09 - Added new HI sample, HI1SPW, HI2PW, HI word, and ; LO word (hilo checks) IP function effects on resources. ; Ed Esfandiari 09/04/09 - Changed code so that HI summed SW images also go to SSR1. ; ; ; $Log: expand_oses.pro,v $ ; Revision 1.6 2009/09/11 20:28:08 esfand ; use 3-digit decimals to display volumes ; ; Revision 1.2 2004/07/02 15:40:26 esfand ; use os_start to set img_cnt ; ; Revision 2004/07/01 21:18:59 esfand ; first checkin ; ; Revision 2004/06/02 19:42:35 esfand ; first checkin ; ; ;- PRO EXPAND_OSES, expanded, os_dest, sc COMMON APIDS, multi_apid ;On output, expanded may be modified. ; In this routine: ; 1 - If an image has more than one APID (selected from PT), let's say SSR1 and SW, then expand ; the input to have an entry for each of the SSR1 and SW APIDs. ; ; 2 - If a SW or RT image goes to SSR1 by default, then add 'SSR1' to the APID string for ; that image. ; ; 3 - If a summed HI seq, only keep and use the last image of the sequence. ; ; 4 - Create the science filenames for the files that will be downlinked. ; ; First, if summing is used (in a HI1 or HI2 sequence), only keep the last image and remove the ; rest from the expanded list since only one image at the time of the last image is downlinked ; and that is all we need for displaying all of the APID buffers in the rest of the schedule_plot: ;RESTORE,'./launched_date.sav' ;=> launch_date (2004) ; AEE 2/13/04 filename= GETENV('PT')+'/IN/OTHER/'+'launched_date.sav' RESTORE,filename ;=> launch_date (2004 for now) y10up= ['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J', 'K','L','M','N','O'] mts=['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C'] summed= WHERE(os_dest.summed EQ 1, scnt) ;help,summed,scnt ;help,os_dest IF (scnt GT 0) THEN BEGIN FOR i=0, scnt-1 DO BEGIN ind= WHERE(expanded.os_num EQ os_dest(summed(i)).os_num AND $ expanded.tele EQ os_dest(summed(i)).tele) ;last= WHERE(expanded(ind).seq_cnt EQ os_dest(summed(i)).num_images, lcnt) ;keep_os= expanded(ind(last)) ;keep_os= expanded(ind) ; keep all (first,middle,last) HI summed images ;keep_os= expanded(ind(1:*)) ; keep middle + last HI summed images ; Only keep middle + last HI summed images: no_fst= WHERE(expanded(ind).seq_cnt NE 1, no_fst_cnt) keep_os= expanded(ind(no_fst)) ; keep middle + last HI summed images IF (STRPOS(keep_os(0).apid,'Drop') GE 0) THEN BEGIN ; no HISUM for middle, keep only last image last= WHERE(expanded(ind).seq_cnt EQ os_dest(summed(i)).num_images, lcnt) keep_os= expanded(ind(last)) ENDIF ;help,keep_os ;stop ind= WHERE(expanded.os_num NE os_dest(summed(i)).os_num OR $ expanded.tele NE os_dest(summed(i)).tele, icnt) IF (icnt EQ 0) THEN BEGIN expanded= keep_os ENDIF ELSE BEGIN expanded= [expanded(ind),keep_os] expanded= expanded(SORT(expanded.orig_ccd_stop)) ;since expanded.ccd_stop is changed if display ;is moved; OSes not in display get the same time ENDELSE ENDFOR ENDIF ;help,expanded ;stop ; AEE 1/21/04 - For each SCIP sequence and non-summed HI sequence, image counter should be incremented ; only once for the time of 1st image taken. The combination of this + seq. counter will ; still produce unique filenames for each image in the sequence since seq. counter is ; incremented for each image: ; need to keep all non-summed seq images around to correctly track the secchi-buffer and ; SSR, etc. so only keep the img_cnt for all images in the seq to the first counter instead ; of removing images 1 to last. new_expanded= expanded nosum_seq= WHERE(os_dest.lp GE 5 AND os_dest.lp LE 6 AND os_dest.summed EQ 0, ns_cnt) ;help,ns_cnt IF (ns_cnt GT 0) THEN BEGIN FOR i=0, ns_cnt-1 DO BEGIN ; keep only the first image in the seq (non-summed for HI seq) where seq_cnt=1: fst= WHERE(new_expanded.os_num EQ os_dest(nosum_seq(i)).os_num AND new_expanded.seq_cnt EQ 1 AND $ new_expanded.tele EQ os_dest(nosum_seq(i)).tele, fst_cnt) IF (fst_cnt GT 0) THEN BEGIN keep_os= new_expanded(fst) ind= WHERE(new_expanded.os_num NE os_dest(nosum_seq(i)).os_num OR $ new_expanded.tele NE os_dest(nosum_seq(i)).tele, icnt) IF (icnt EQ 0) THEN BEGIN new_expanded= keep_os ENDIF ELSE BEGIN new_expanded= [new_expanded(ind),keep_os] new_expanded= new_expanded(SORT(new_expanded.orig_ccd_stop)) ;since expanded.ccd_stop is changed if ;display is moved; OSes not in display get the same time ENDELSE ENDIF ENDFOR ENDIF ;help,expanded,new_expanded ; Now assign image_counter (for science filenames) to each unique OS: ; Note: All of the scheduled oses (not only the ones that are displyed) will go to .IPT, etc. ; outputfile even if a smaller portion of the schedule is displayed. So, will need to ; start the image_counter from 1 for the first image at or after the 00:00:00 hour on ; each day. ; AEE 1/22/04: ; Assign img_cnt to the fst image of each OS_NUM (for non-summed sequences, use the 1st image in each ; seq) and for seqeunces give rest of the images in the seq. the same img_cnt. Start each day with ; img_cnt=1: ;prev_start= 0.0 days = TAI2UTC(new_expanded.os_start) days= days.mjd ndays= UNIQ(days) bind= 0L FOR dcnt= 0L, N_ELEMENTS(ndays)-1 DO BEGIN cntr= 0L FOR i= bind, ndays(dcnt) DO BEGIN cntr= cntr+1L w= WHERE(expanded.os_num EQ new_expanded(i).os_num AND $ expanded.orig_ccd_stop EQ new_expanded(i).orig_ccd_stop) expanded(w).img_cnt= cntr ; Find all images within the same seq and assign the same img_cnt to them: rest= WHERE(expanded.os_num EQ expanded(w).os_num AND $ expanded.same_seq_start_time EQ expanded(w).same_seq_start_time, rcnt) IF (rcnt GT 0) THEN expanded(rest).img_cnt= cntr ENDFOR bind= ndays(dcnT)+1L ENDFOR ;for p=0,N_ELEMENTS(expanded)-1 do $ ; print,expanded(p).os_num,expanded(p).orig_start,expanded(p).same_seq_start_time,expanded(p).seq_cnt,expanded(p).img_cnt ;stop ; Now figure out the size of each image per APIDs used. Need to further expand the "expanded" ; so that there is en entry for each APID used (using correct order/time and size for going ; into the telemetry buffer (ccd_rot will be the same but add processing time for each. texpand= expanded new_expanded= expanded(0) ; remove this, 1st element, at the end FOR i=0L, N_ELEMENTS(expanded)-1 DO BEGIN w= WHERE(os_dest.os_num EQ expanded(i).os_num AND os_dest.tele EQ expanded(i).tele) dest= os_dest(w).dest ssr1= dest(0) ssr1_rt= 0 ssr1_sw= 0 ;help, dest ;stop IF (ssr1 GE 7 AND ssr1 LE 13) THEN BEGIN ; SSR1 + RT dest(0)= ssr1 - 7 ssr1_rt= 1 ENDIF IF (ssr1 GE 14 AND ssr1 LE 20) THEN BEGIN ; SSR1 + SW dest(0)= ssr1 - 14 ssr1_sw= 1 ENDIF IF (ssr1 GE 21 AND ssr1 LE 26) THEN BEGIN ; SSR1 + RT + SW dest(0)= ssr1 - 21 ssr1_rt= 1 ssr1_sw= 1 ENDIF ids= WHERE(dest GT 0, cnt) dest= dest(ids) srt= SORT(dest) ids= ids(srt) sizes= DOUBLE(STR_SEP(expanded(i).sizes,' ')) ; sizes correspond to the order of selected APIDs proc_times= DOUBLE(STR_SEP(expanded(i).proc_times,' ')) expand= expanded(i) hilo_apids= STR_SEP(expanded(i).apid,',') ; hilo apids assigned in schedule_plot.pro ; To avoid ids(j) out-of-range. note that ids not used in this case: while (n_elements(ids) lt n_elements(hilo_apids)) do ids= [ids,ids[0]] ; To avoid ids(j) out-of-range. if ids > hilo_apids: while (n_elements(ids) gt n_elements(hilo_apids)) do hilo_apids= [hilo_apids,''] FOR j= 0, N_ELEMENTS(sizes)-1 DO BEGIN ; AEE 1/19/04 For images that go to SSR1 by default, there is no size ; (sizes is less than cnt). size= sizes(j) proc_time= proc_times(j) expand.apid= hilo_apids(j) ;help,ids(j) ;stop CASE ids(j) OF 0: apid= 'SSR1' 1: apid= 'SSR2' 2: BEGIN apid= 'RT' IF (ssr1_rt) THEN apid= apid + ',SSR1' END 3: BEGIN apid= 'SW' IF (ssr1_sw) THEN apid= apid + ',SSR1' END 4: BEGIN ; GroundTest apid= 'GT' END 5: BEGIN ; SSR1RT (new - Added 3/3/04) apid= 'S1RT' END ENDCASE ; For each PT scheduled APID, add a new element to the expanded. If a RT or SW APID ; also go to SSR1, the 'SSR1' is added to the RT or SW element's APID (from case 2 or 3 above). ; An image that goes to more than one APID by default, is only processed and placed on the telem. ; buffer once; In that case, the APID string should be used later for populating various display ; channels: expand.size= sizes(j) ;expand.apid= apid ;if (expand.lp ne 6) then begin if (expand.apid eq '') then begin expand.apid= apid endif else begin case expand.apid of ; apid 40-44 are assigned to HI summed seq in schedule_plot.pro ;'40': expand.apid= 'SW' '40': expand.apid= 'SW,SSR1' ; SW images also go to SSR1 '41': expand.apid= 'SSR1' '42': expand.apid= 'SSR2' '43': expand.apid= 'GND' '44': expand.apid= 'RAW' endcase endelse ;expand.proc_time= expanded(i).proc_time*(j+1) ;expand.proc_time= expanded(i).proc_time ; later move all images apart so that ccd_rot of next ; ; image is GE stop time of the image before. expand.proc_time= proc_times(j) ;help,/st,expand,j ;stop ; Add science filename for the image: sdt= UTC2STR(TAI2UTC(expand.orig_ccd_stop)) yr= STRMID(sdt,0,4) mo= STRMID(sdt,5,2) dy= STRMID(sdt,8,2) IF (FIX(yr) - launch_date LT 10) THEN $ yr= STRMID(yr,3,1) $ ; '0' to '9' ELSE $ yr= y10up(FIX(yr) - launch_date - 10) ; 'A' to 'O' mo= mts(FIX(mo)-1) expand.sfn= yr+mo+dy+BASE10TO36(expand.img_cnt*100+expand.seq_cnt) channels= STR_SEP(expand.apid,',') ;FOR k= 0, n_ELEMENTS(channels)-1 DO BEGIN ; expand.sfn= expand.sfn + '.'+GET_FILE_EXT(sc, channels(k), expand.tele) ; IF (k LT n_ELEMENTS(channels)-1) THEN expand.sfn= expand.sfn + ', ' ;ENDFOR ; Note: The RT and SW images that go to SSR1 by default don't get assigned a ; filename based on the SSR1 APID. They go to SSR1 on the spacecraft ; side (and have the same science filename with the RT or SW extension) ; and we don't even need to know about it except for the fact that the ; planning tool needs to account for them for managing the SSR1 buffer: expand.sfn= expand.sfn + '.'+GET_FILE_EXT(sc, channels(0), expand.tele) new_expanded= [new_expanded,expand] ENDFOR ENDFOR new_expanded= new_expanded(1:*) ; March 02, 04: ;Images from all telescopes go into a single "image processing buffer" and only ;one at a time. They are put there according to the ccd readout time order (the ;image with an earlier ccd readout goes to the "image processing buffer" first). ;If an SCIP and HI image have the same ccd readout times, assume SCIP goes in ;first: expanded= new_expanded ; 3/3/04 - AEE: ; Note: removed the above SORTs since it can messup order of APIDs for the same images with ; multiple destinations. These images should be already in right ccd stop time order ; and if anything, they should be sorted using the img_cnt. ; Finally, separate images that may be overlapping going to the "image processing buffer" ; by changing the ccd stop and image stop times. Make sure that the ccd_stop time of an ; image is not less than the end of the image processing time of the previous image. If it ; is, then move the ccd_stop time of the current image to the stop time of the previous image ; and also adjust the stop time of the current image: ; ; Note: this does not impact the actual time of image taking, start of ccd readout, or ; or ccd duration time. These are temporary changes for the ; purpose of displaying the telemetry buffer and downlink channels. scnt= N_ELEMENTS(expanded) FOR i= 1, scnt-1 DO BEGIN IF (expanded(i).ccd_stop LT expanded(i-1).stop) THEN BEGIN ;print,'Image overlap in "image processing buffer" detected. Seprating the 2 images.' ;print,'i, (i-1).stop, (i).ccd_stop= ',i, expanded(i-1).stop, expanded(i).ccd_stop expanded(i).ccd_stop= expanded(i-1).stop expanded(i).stop= expanded(i).ccd_stop + expanded(i).proc_time/3600.0 ;print,' (i).ccd_stop= ', expanded(i).ccd_stop ENDIF ENDFOR RETURN END