;+ ;$Id: define_os.pro,v 1.7 2011/06/30 20:45:13 nathan Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO - SECCHI ; ; Name : DEFINE_OS ; ; Purpose : Widget tool to define a SECCHI Observing Sequence. ; ; Explanation : This tool allows the user to specify a specific SECCHI ; Observing Sequence (OS) consisting of a LEB Program (LP), ; telescope setup, camera setup, image processing steps, etc. ; The tool then calculates the estimated time to process the ; image(s) and the processed image size. The SECCHI ; Scheduling tool can then be called from this tool. ; ; Use : Generally this tool will be called from the SECCHI ; Scheduling tool. But it can be called from the command ; line without any params: IDL> define_os ; ; Inputs : None. ; ; Opt. Inputs : None. ; ; Outputs : None. ; ; Opt. Outputs: None. ; ; Keywords : None. ; ; Restrictions: None. ; ; Side effects: None. ; ; Category : Planning, Scheduling. ; ; Prev. Hist. : Widget layout adapted from SOHO/LASCO. ; ; Written By : Ed Esfandiari, NRL, May 2004 - First Version. ; ; Modification History: ; Ed Esfandiari 06/04/04 - Cleaned-Up. ; Ed Esfandiari 11/30/04 - Added device, decomposed=0 statement. ; Ed Esfandiari 12/12/06 - Added Compression Factors popup help. ; Ed Esfandiari 02/08/07 - Read new comp_factors file. ; ; $Log: define_os.pro,v $ ; Revision 1.7 2011/06/30 20:45:13 nathan ; num_text no longer has OS_NUM in it ; ; Revision 1.6 2009/09/11 20:28:08 esfand ; use 3-digit decimals to display volumes ; ; Revision 1.3 2005/01/24 17:56:32 esfand ; checkin changes since SCIP_A_TVAC ; ; Revision 2004/07/01 21:18:59 esfand ; first checkin ; ; Revision 2004/06/02 19:42:35 esfand ; first checkin ; ; ;- ;__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ; PRO DEFINE_OS_EVENT, event COMMON OS_SHARE, osv COMMON OS_DEFINED, defined_os_arr, os_instance COMMON SCHED_SHARE, schedv CASE (event.id) OF osv.quit : BEGIN ;** exit program WIDGET_CONTROL, /DESTROY, osv.base osv='' ; AEE 10/03/03 - added END osv.shcomp : BEGIN filename= GETENV('PT')+'/IN/OTHER/comp_factors.dat' OPENR, lu, filename, /GET_LUN str = '' cfac= [''] WHILE NOT(EOF(lu)) DO BEGIN READF, lu, str ; throw away comment (;) and blank lines. IF (STRPOS(str,'IP Binned') GE 0) THEN BEGIN cfac= [cfac,STRTRIM(str,2)] READF, lu, str cfac= [cfac,STRTRIM(str,2)] READF, lu, str cfac= [cfac,STRTRIM(str,2)] ENDIF IF (STRMID(STRTRIM(str,2),0,1) NE ';' AND STRLEN(STRTRIM(str,2)) NE 0) THEN $ cfac= [cfac,STRTRIM(str,2)] ENDWHILE CLOSE, lu FREE_LUN, lu cfac= cfac(1:*) RESTORE, GETENV('PT')+'/IN/OTHER/icer_size_bytes.sav' ic= WHERE(STRPOS(cfac,'IC') GE 0, icnt) ;FOR i=0, icnt-1 DO cfac(ic(i))= cfac(ic(i))+' or '+STRING(icer_size_bytes(i),'(I8)')+' Bytes' cfac(ic)= cfac(ic)+' (or '+STRTRIM(icer_size_bytes,2)+' Bytes)' OPENR, lu, GETENV('PT')+'/IN/OTHER/cheat_sheet.txt' WHILE NOT(EOF(lu)) DO BEGIN READF, lu, str cfac= [cfac,str] ENDWHILE CLOSE, lu FREE_LUN, lu POPUP_HELP,cfac, TITLE='Current IP Compression Factors + Image Setups',align='left', xsize=750 END osv.statsb : BEGIN ;** calculate statistics ; AEE 10/14/03 - added: IF (DATATYPE(schedv) NE 'UND') THEN BEGIN WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.num_text, GET_VALUE=os_num osval= LONG(strmid(os_num(0),strpos(os_num,':')+1,10)) ;IF (STRPOS(os_num,'OS_NUM') GE 0 AND osval GT 0) THEN BEGIN ; ignore OP(es) and "OS_NUM: 0" IF (osval GT 0) THEN BEGIN ; ignore OP(es) and "OS_NUM: 0" WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.os_size_text, GET_VALUE=os_size WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.os_dur_text, GET_VALUE=os_duration WIDGET_CONTROL, osv.os_text , SET_VALUE=os_num(0) WIDGET_CONTROL, schedv.bits_bytes, GET_VALUE= from os_size = SCHEDULE_CONVERT_UNITS(os_size, from, osv.size_units) IF (schedv.time_fmt1 EQ '') THEN os_duration= os_duration * 60.D ; change from min to secs. WIDGET_CONTROL, osv.time_text , SET_VALUE=STRING(os_duration(0),FORMAT='(d7.1)')+' Secs ' WIDGET_CONTROL, osv.size_text , SET_VALUE=STRING(DOUBLE(os_size(0)),FORMAT='(d16.1)')+' ' comp_type= '' ind= WHERE(defined_os_arr.os_num eq osval,cnt) IF (cnt GT 0) THEN comp_type= GET_COMP_TYPES(defined_os_arr(ind(0))) WIDGET_CONTROL, osv.comp_text , SET_VALUE= comp_type ENDIF ELSE BEGIN WIDGET_CONTROL, osv.info_text, SET_VALUE= 'Invalid '+os_num ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE WIDGET_CONTROL, osv.info_text, SET_VALUE= 'No OS is planned or scheduled. ' END osv.bits_bytes : BEGIN ;** convert size units WIDGET_CONTROL, osv.size_text, GET_VALUE=os_size from = osv.size_units to = event.index ;** 0:bits, 1:bytes, 2:% buffer osv.size_units = to new_value = SCHEDULE_CONVERT_UNITS(DOUBLE(os_size), from, to) IF (to EQ 0) THEN $ WIDGET_CONTROL, osv.size_text, SET_VALUE=STRTRIM(STRING(new_value,FORMAT='(d16.1)'),2)+' ' $ ELSE $ WIDGET_CONTROL, osv.size_text, SET_VALUE=STRTRIM(STRING(new_value,FORMAT=''),2)+' ' END ELSE : BEGIN END ENDCASE END ;__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ; PRO DEFINE_OS,sched_start_time,keep_common=keep_common ; AEE - 02/11/03 COMMON OS_SHARE COMMON OS_INIT_SHARE, op_types, tele_types, table_types, fw_types, pw_types, exit_types, proc_tab_types, $ ip_arr, plan_lp, lprow, cor1pw, cor2pw ; AEE 12/29/03 device, decomposed=0 ; to use 8 bits for color (for 24 bit systems) - IDL limitation. ssr_rt_mode= READ_SSR_RT_MODE('SSR_realtime.dat') ; AEE - 6/13/03 IF(ssr_rt_mode EQ '') THEN BEGIN PRINT PRINT,'===========================================================' PRINT,'ERROR: SSR_realtime.dat file does not indicate which one of' PRINT,' BOTH, SPACEWEATHER, REALTIME, or NONE' PRINT,' modes to be used. Correct the file and try again.' PRINT,'===========================================================' PRINT RETURN END IF(NOT KEYWORD_SET(keep_common)) THEN BEGIN IF ((SIZE(op_types))(1) NE 0) THEN BEGIN ; defined, remove common blocks before runing this routine. PRINT,'' PRINT,'*********************************' PRINT,'Old Common Block Data Is Detected. PRINT,'Must issue a' PRINT,' @remove_common_blocks' PRINT,'command, first.' PRINT,'*********************************' PRINT,'' RETURN END END IF XRegistered("DEFINE_OS") THEN RETURN OS_INIT ;** initialize some variables OS_UTIL ;** compile utilities ahead of time OS_TABLES ;** compile table upload procedures ahead of time OS_LP ;** compile observation procedures ahead of time IF ((SIZE(sched_list))(1) EQ 0) THEN sched_list = '' ;** not defined yet use default utable_types =[" Image Processing Table ", $ " Camera Parameters Table ", $ " Exposure Durations Table ", $ " Occulter Mask Table ", $ " ROI Mask Table "] table_pro = ["TABLE_PROCESSING", $ "TABLE_CAMERA", $ "TABLE_EXPOSURE", $ "MASK", $ "MASK", $ "TABLE_BADCOL", $ "TABLE_TRANSIENT"] ; Note: order of op_pro should match those of op_types in init_os.pro ; AEE 9/23/03 - use lp=0 for double-images: op_pro = ["LP_DOUBLE_IMAGE", $ ; lp = 0 "LP_NORMAL_IMAGE", $ ; lp = 1 "LP_DARK_IMAGE", $ ; lp = 2 "LP_CAL_LAMP", $ ; lp = 3 "LP_CONT_IMAGE", $ ; lp = 4 "LP_SCIP_SEQ", $ ; lp = 5 "LP_HI_SEQ", $ ; lp = 6 "LP_BLOCK_SEQ"] ; lp = 7 nop = N_ELEMENTS(op_types) op_buttons = LONARR(nop) op_sens = BYTARR(N_ELEMENTS(op_pro)) good = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7] ; AEE 5/20/03 - make everything sensitive op_sens(good) = 1 door = 0 ;** closed door = 1 ; open - AEE 10/14/03 - may (or not) use this but don't set it by the user in this ; routine (set it using the separately scheduled door close/opens. ;******************************************************************** ;** SET UP WIDGETS ************************************************** font='-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--14-140-75-75-p-77-iso8859-1' ; AEE May 06, 03 sched_base = WIDGET_BASE(/COLUMN, TITLE='SECCHI Observation Planning Tool', /FRAME) col0 = WIDGET_BASE(sched_base, /COLUMN, /FRAME) arow = WIDGET_BASE(col0, /ROW) bk= ' ' statsb = WIDGET_BUTTON(arow, VALUE=bk+'CALCULATE STATISTICS'+bk) ; 10/14/03 - AEE, Note: the door close/open ; for an scheduled images should be set using the "Schedule SCIP Door Commands" ; data before an .IPT file is generated (by setting the door bit of obs_mode_tel_state_str ; accordingly): toprow = WIDGET_BASE(col0, /ROW) os_text = WIDGET_LABEL(toprow, VALUE=' OS_NUM: ') ; AEE 10/14/03 added ;temp = WIDGET_LABEL(toprow, VALUE=' Time to Process:') temp = WIDGET_LABEL(toprow, VALUE=' Image Duration:') new_value = 0D time_text = WIDGET_LABEL(toprow, VALUE=STRING(new_value,FORMAT='(d7.1)')+' Secs ',/FRAME) temp = WIDGET_LABEL(toprow, VALUE=' Processed Size:') size_text = WIDGET_LABEL(toprow, VALUE=STRING(new_value,'(d16.1)')+' ' ,/FRAME) bits_bytes = CW_BSELECTOR2(toprow, ["bits ","bytes","% SBUF Capacity","% SSR1 Capacity","% SSR2 Capacity", $ "% RT Capacity","% SW Capacity"], SET_VALUE=0) midrow= WIDGET_BASE(col0, /ROW) temp = WIDGET_LABEL(midrow, VALUE=' Compression: ') comp_text = WIDGET_LABEL(midrow, VALUE=bk+bk) info_text = WIDGET_LABEL(col0, VALUE=' ',FONT=font) nextrow = WIDGET_BASE(sched_base, /COL, /FRAME) temp = WIDGET_LABEL(nextrow, FONT=font, VALUE=' TABLE DEFINITIONS') nextrow = WIDGET_BASE(nextrow, /ROW, /FRAME) nc = 3 colm = LONARR(nc) FOR i=0, nc-1 DO begin colm(i) = WIDGET_BASE(nextrow, /COLUMN) temp= WIDGET_LABEL(nextrow,VALUE=' ') end nt = N_ELEMENTS(utable_types) FOR i=0, nt-1 DO BEGIN temp = WIDGET_BUTTON(colm(i / CEIL(FLOAT(nt)/nc)), VALUE=utable_types(i), EVENT_PRO=table_pro(i)) IF (STRTRIM(utable_types(i),2) EQ "Occulter Mask Table") THEN occ_id = temp IF (STRTRIM(utable_types(i),2) EQ "ROI Mask Table") THEN roi_id = temp ENDFOR ;shcomp = WIDGET_BUTTON(nextrow, VALUE='Compression Info') ;shcomp = WIDGET_BUTTON(nextrow, VALUE='Compression Factors') shcomp = WIDGET_BUTTON(nextrow, VALUE='The Cheat Sheet') lprow = WIDGET_BASE(sched_base, /COL, /FRAME) temp = WIDGET_LABEL(lprow, FONT=font, VALUE='COMPLEX IMAGE COMMANDS') ; AEE - Mar 19, 03 lprow = WIDGET_BASE(lprow, /ROW, /FRAME) nc = 6 colm = LONARR(N_ELEMENTS(op_pro) -1) ; AEE - 9/23/03 - use Null (lp=0) for double-images nt = N_ELEMENTS(op_types) - 1 ; AEE - 9/23/03 - use lp=0 for double-images mid= 5 ; AEE - 9/23/03 - use lp=0 for double-images FOR i=0, mid-1 DO colm(i) = WIDGET_BASE(lprow, /ROW) FOR i=0, mid-1 DO BEGIN tmp= WIDGET_LABEL(colm(i), VALUE=' ') ; AEE 9/23/03 op_buttons(i) = WIDGET_BUTTON(colm(i), VALUE=op_types(i), EVENT_FUNC=op_pro(i)) ; AEE - 9/23/03 tmp= WIDGET_LABEL(colm(i), VALUE=' ') ENDFOR lprow1 = WIDGET_BASE(sched_base, /COL, /FRAME) temp = WIDGET_LABEL(lprow1, FONT=font, VALUE='SEQUENCE IMAGE COMMANDS') lprow1 = WIDGET_BASE(lprow1, /ROW, /FRAME) nc = 2 FOR i=0, nc-1 DO colm(mid+i) = WIDGET_BASE(lprow1, /ROW) FOR i=mid, nt-1 DO BEGIN tmp= WIDGET_LABEL(colm(i), VALUE=' ') op_buttons(i) = WIDGET_BUTTON(colm(i), VALUE=op_types(i), EVENT_FUNC=op_pro(i)) ; AEE - 9/23/03 tmp= WIDGET_LABEL(colm(i), VALUE=' ') ENDFOR quit = WIDGET_BUTTON(sched_base, VALUE=" Quit ") ;******************************************************************** ;** REALIZE THE WIDGETS ********************************************* WIDGET_CONTROL, sched_base, /REALIZE WIDGET_CONTROL, occ_id, SET_UVALUE='OCCULTER' WIDGET_CONTROL, roi_id, SET_UVALUE='ROI' FOR i=0, nt-1 DO $ WIDGET_CONTROL, op_buttons(i), SENSITIVE=op_sens(i) ; AEE 9/23/03 - use lp=0 for double-images osv = CREATE_STRUCT( 'base', sched_base, $ 'op_buttons', op_buttons, $ 'op_pro', op_pro, $ 'quit', quit, $ 'shcomp', shcomp, $ 'door', door, $ 'os_text', os_text, $ ; AEE 10/14/03 added 'statsb', statsb, $ 'time_text', time_text, $ 'size_text', size_text, $ 'size_units', 0, $ 'bits_bytes', bits_bytes, $ 'comp_text', comp_text, $ 'info_text', info_text ) XMANAGER, 'DEFINE_OS', sched_base END