;+ ;$Id: conflict.pro,v 1.4 2013/01/09 13:33:23 mcnutt Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO - SECCHI ; ; Name : CONFLICT ; ; Purpose : Check to see if the OS instance to be scheduled causes any conflicts with ; other OS times already scheduled. ; ; Use : result = CONFLICT(os_arr,os,camera,conf_info) ; ; Inputs : os_arr An array of all of already scheduled OSs (assumed to be conflict free). ; If not defined (i.e. nothing is currently scheduled), does not do anything. ; os The new OS to be added to os_arr is checked for conflicts. ; camera camera number of new OS. ; ; Opt. Inputs : None ; ; Outputs : conf_info A string array of found conflicts. For each conflict, the os_num ; causing the conflict plus its start and end dates is added to the array. ; result This function returns 0 (for no conflicts) or 1 (for one or more conflicts). ; ; Opt. Outputs: None ; ; Keywords : None ; ; Calls : None ; ; Common : None ; ; Restrictions: This routine assumes all of the existing OSs in os_arr are conflict free. It ; only checks for possible conflicts of the new os and those in the os_arr. ; ; Category : Planning, Scheduling. ; ; Written by : Ed Esfandiari, NRL, May 2004 - First Version. ; ; Modification History: ; Ed Esfandiari 06/24/04 - distinguish setup and ccd conflicts for the same telescope. ; Ed Esfandiari 10/20/04 - Added S/C A B dependency. ; Ed Esfandiari 11/30/04 - IDL's STRING function can only handle data array of up ; to 1024 elements when using explicit formatting. Replaced ; some STRING calls with my INT2STR function, instead. ; ; ; $Log: conflict.pro,v $ ; Revision 1.4 2013/01/09 13:33:23 mcnutt ; changed made when generating new block sched 20130108 ; ; Revision 1.3 2005/01/24 17:56:32 esfand ; checkin changes since SCIP_A_TVAC ; ; Revision 2004/07/01 21:18:58 esfand ; first checkin ; ; Revision 2004/06/02 19:42:35 esfand ; first checkin ; ; ;- ;__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ; FUNCTION CONFLICT,tos_arr,tos_arr_cameras,os,os_camera,conf_info ; Each element of os_arr is a struture of this form: ; OS_NUM LONG ; OS_START DOUBLE ; OS_STOP DOUBLE ; OS_SIZE LONG ; OS_DURATION DOUBLE conf= 0 ; => no conflict conf_info='' os_arr= -1 os_arr_cameras= -1 IF (DATATYPE(tos_arr) EQ 'STC') THEN BEGIN IF (os.sc EQ 'AB') THEN BEGIN os_arr= tos_arr os_arr_cameras= tos_arr_cameras ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ind= WHERE(tos_arr.sc EQ os.sc OR tos_arr.sc EQ 'AB', icnt) IF (icnt GT 0) THEN BEGIN os_arr= tos_arr(ind) os_arr_cameras= tos_arr_cameras(ind) ENDIF ENDELSE ENDIF IF (DATATYPE(os_arr) NE 'STC') THEN RETURN,conf starts=os_arr.os_start stops=os_arr.os_stop ccd_readouts= os_arr.os_ro_time ; AEE 8/11/03 pre_procs= os_arr.os_pre_proc_time ; AEE 8/11/03 os_nums=os_arr.os_num sc= os_arr.sc os_cnt= n_elements(starts) srt_ind=SORT(starts) os_nums= os_nums(srt_ind) sc= sc(srt_ind) starts= starts(srt_ind) stops= stops(srt_ind) ccd_readouts= ccd_readouts(srt_ind) ; AEE 8/11/03 pre_procs= pre_procs(srt_ind) ; AEE 8/11/03 os_arr_cameras= os_arr_cameras(srt_ind) ; For all cameras (within the same package), use he ccd_readout times for CCD conflict ; checking. Also for the same camera (within the same package) use the pre_processing times ; (setup+exptime) to check for setup conflicts. snum_conf= 0 same= WHERE(os_arr_cameras EQ os_camera,scnt) IF(scnt GT 0) THEN BEGIN sstops= starts(same)+pre_procs(same) sstarts= starts(same) rstops= stops(same) ; use the real starts and stops for error display - AEE 8/12/03 sos_nums= "OS_"+STRING(os_nums(same),'(I4.4)') ;sos_nums= "OS_"+INT2STR(os_nums(same),4) sos_nums= sc(same)+" "+sos_nums loc= WHERE(sstops GE os.os_start AND $ ; AEE 8/11/03 ; don't include processing time sstarts LE (os.os_start+os.os_pre_proc_time+os.os_ro_time), snum_conf) IF (snum_conf GT 0) THEN BEGIN conf= 1 FOR i= 0, snum_conf - 1 DO conf_info=[conf_info,sos_nums(loc(i))+" scheduled between "+ $ TAI2UTC(sstarts(loc(i)),/ECS)+" and "+TAI2UTC(rstops(loc(i)),/ECS)+ $ ' (Setup)'] END END onum_conf= 0 bstarts= starts ; keep starts ans stops of each entire image for error display. AEE 8/12/03 bstops= stops ;RESTORE,'ccd_readout_time.dat' ;=> ccd_readout_time ccd_readout_time= ccd_readouts ostops= starts+pre_procs+ccd_readout_time ; AEE - 8/11/03 - only use ccd readout times ostarts= starts+pre_procs ; AEE - 8/11/03 - only use ccd readout times oos_nums= "OS_"+STRING(os_nums,'(I4.4)') ;oos_nums= "OS_"+INT2STR(os_nums,4) oos_nums= sc+" "+oos_nums loc= WHERE(ostops GE (os.os_start+os.os_pre_proc_time) AND $ ; AEE - 8/11/03 - only use ccd times ostarts LE (os.os_start+os.os_pre_proc_time+os.os_ro_time), onum_conf) IF (onum_conf GT 0) THEN BEGIN conf= 1 FOR i= 0, onum_conf - 1 DO conf_info=[conf_info,oos_nums(loc(i))+" scheduled between "+ $ TAI2UTC(bstarts(loc(i)),/ECS)+" and "+TAI2UTC(bstops(loc(i)),/ECS)+ $ ' (CCD)'] END num_conf= snum_conf + onum_conf IF (num_conf GT 0) THEN conf_info= conf_info(1:*) RETURN,conf ; 1 = conflict is true. 0 = conflict is false. END