;+ ;$Id: add_blk_seq_ipt.pro,v 1.9 2009/09/11 20:28:06 esfand Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO - SECCHI ; ; Name : ADD_BLK_SEQ_IPT ; ; Purpose : Reads a block sequence file and add its entries to a expanded .IPT file. ; ; Use : ADD_BLK_SEQ_IPT, lun, bsfile, start_time, sc ; ; Inputs : lun Logical unit number of the .IPT file to be expanded with bsfile. ; bsfile Block sequence file to use. ; start_time Start time of first entry in bsf file. ; sc SpaceCraft ID for which this .BSF file applies. ; ; Opt. Inputs : None ; ; Outputs : None ; ; Opt. Outputs: None ; ; Keywords : ; ; Written by : Ed Esfandiari, NRL, May 2004 - First Version. ; ; Modification History: ; Ed Esfandiari 10/06/04 - Added SC dependency. ; Ed Esfandiari 02/03/05 - Added code to handle Init Timeline commands read ; from bsf file. ; Ed Esfandiari 05/03/05 - Added code to handle Run Script commands read from ; bsf file. ; Ed Esfandiari 05/10/05 - Allow multiple Init timeline entries. ; Ed Esfandiari 05/11/05 - Allow multiple Run Script entries. ; Ed Esfandiari 04/21/06 - Read-off comment lines (start with #) at top of the file. ; Ed Esfandiari 05/09/06 - Allow 8.* filenames for Run Scripts. ; Ed Esfandiari 12/29/06 - Add GT-dumps (G command) code to match schedule_event. ; Ed Esfandiari 06/20/07 - Changes to handle bsf files thtat don't have any images. ; ; $Log: add_blk_seq_ipt.pro,v $ ; Revision 1.9 2009/09/11 20:28:06 esfand ; use 3-digit decimals to display volumes ; ; Revision 1.5 2005/05/26 20:00:57 esfand ; PT version used to create SEC20050525005 TVAC schedule ; ; Revision 1.4 2005/03/10 16:36:45 esfand ; changes since Jan24-05 to Mar10-05 ; ; Revision 1.3 2005/01/24 17:56:32 esfand ; checkin changes since SCIP_A_TVAC ; ; Revision 2004/07/01 21:18:57 esfand ; first checkin ; ; Revision 2004/06/02 19:42:35 esfand ; first checkin ; ; ;- ; PRO ADD_BLK_SEQ_IPT, in_lun, bsfile, start_time, sc COMMON CMD_SEQ_SCHEDULED ; AEE - 5/22/03 COMMON BSF_CNT, a_bsf_cnt, b_bsf_cnt COMMON SCHED_SHARE, schedv COMMON GT_DUMPS_SHARE, stime_gt, etime_gt, apid_gt, beg_sched, end_sched, sc_gt, rate_gt,bsf_gt COMMON OS_ALL_AB, remain_os_arr, all_defined_os_arr, all_defined_set_arr, all_sched_cmdseq ; This pro added os_num sections for each lp=7 index. ; Note: the code in this routine should be the same as those in schedule_event.pro delay= 0.0D tai_stime= UTC2TAI(STR2UTC(start_time)) ; change to seconds ; Keep track of the block seq commands as they are expanded from the input IPT file cmdseq= {cmdseq,bsfile:'',start_time:'',os_num:'',os_time:'', sc:'', bsf:''} cmdseq.bsfile= bsfile cmdseq.start_time= start_time cmdseq.sc= sc ; sc is from PT_LP_SC line of block seq section (lp=7) of .IPT file. IF (sc EQ 'A') THEN cmdseq.bsf= 'A'+STRTRIM(a_bsf_cnt,2) ; bsf_cnt incremented in expand_ipt IF (sc EQ 'B') THEN cmdseq.bsf= 'B'+STRTRIM(b_bsf_cnt,2) ;OPENR, bsf_lun, GETENV('PT')+'/IN/BSF/'+bsfile, /GET_LUN OPENR, bsf_lun, bsfile, /GET_LUN entry='' ; read-off comment lines, if any, and begin line: READF,bsf_lun, entry WHILE (STRMID(entry,0,1) EQ '#') DO READF,bsf_lun, entry ;READF,bsf_lun, entry ; read off the "Start" line (start of file must be an entry with a B function code) . IF (STRMID(entry,11,1) NE 'B') THEN BEGIN PRINT,'' PRINT,'ERROR: '+bsfile+' Does NOT start with a "Start Timeline" entry.' PRINT,'' STOP ENDIF ; Grab BSF offset time from 'B' command line, if any, to add to schedule offset: GET_BSF_ENTRY_INFO,entry,osnum,delay,fname bsf_offset= delay READF,bsf_lun, entry ; bsfile must end with a End (function code T) line. WHILE (NOT(EOF(bsf_lun)) AND STRMID(entry,11,1) NE 'T') DO BEGIN ; bsfile should end with a "End" line. GET_BSF_ENTRY_INFO,entry,osnum,delay,fname delay= bsf_offset+delay IF (STRMID(entry,11,1) EQ 'G') THEN BEGIN ; A GT-dump (G) command (handle differetly than an OS command): ; Note: For each S/C, check input .bsf file for Run Script (lp=10) ; commands. We keep all G commands. If an G command belongs to a bsf file, ; mark it as such so that it is not written separetly in the output files. gtfn= GETENV('PT')+'/IO/OSID/'+STRMID(entry,3,20)+'.gt' str_arr= '' OPENR, gtlun, gtfn, /GET_LUN str= '' WHILE ( NOT(EOF(gtlun))) DO BEGIN READF, gtlun, str str = STRTRIM(str, 2) ;** throw out comments and blank lines now IF ( (STRMID(str,0,1) NE ';') AND (str NE '') ) THEN str_arr = [str_arr, str] ENDWHILE CLOSE, gtlun FREE_LUN, gtlun str_arr= str_arr(1:*) key_val_arr = STR_ARR2KEY_VAL(str_arr) IF (DATATYPE(stime_gt) EQ 'UND') THEN $ gt_ind= 0 $ ELSE $ gt_ind= N_ELEMENTS(stime_gt) ADD_IPT_GT,key_val_arr ; Adjust GT-dump times: gt_dur= etime_gt(gt_ind) - stime_gt(gt_ind) stime_gt(gt_ind)= tai_stime+delay etime_gt(gt_ind)= tai_stime+delay+gt_dur IF (schedv.sc EQ 1) THEN BEGIN bsf_gt(gt_ind)= 'A'+STRTRIM(a_bsf_cnt,2) ENDIF IF (schedv.sc EQ 2) THEN BEGIN bsf_gt(gt_ind)= 'B'+STRTRIM(b_bsf_cnt,2) ENDIF IF (schedv.sc EQ 0) THEN BEGIN IF (sc_gt(gt_ind) EQ 'A') THEN $ bsf_gt(gt_ind)= 'A'+STRTRIM(a_bsf_cnt,2) $ ELSE $ bsf_gt(gt_ind)= 'B'+STRTRIM(b_bsf_cnt,2) ENDIF ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF (STRMID(entry,11,1) EQ 'A') THEN BEGIN ; A Run Script command (handle differetly than an OS command): ; Must add the A command (from .bsf file) to the expanded ipt file so that if shift is ; applied, the A command is shifted, too: new_tl= tai_stime + delay stm= UTC2STR(TAI2UTC(new_tl),/ECS) PRINTF, in_lun, 'PT_OS_NUM = 0004' PRINTF, in_lun, 'PT_LP_NUM = 12' PRINTF, in_lun, 'PT_LP_NSCHED = 1' gstart= 'PT_LP_START = ('+STRMID(stm,0,4)+STRMID(stm,5,2)+STRMID(stm,8,2)+'_'+ $ STRMID(stm,11,2)+STRMID(stm,14,2)+STRMID(stm,17,2)+')' gsc = 'PT_LP_SC = '+sc PRINTF, in_lun, gstart PRINTF, in_lun, gsc ;PRINTF, in_lun, 'PT_RSF = '+STRMID(entry,STRLEN(entry)-12,12) PRINTF, in_lun, 'PT_RSF = '+STRMID(entry,RSTRPOS(entry,'.')-8,20) IF (sc EQ 'A') THEN $ PRINTF, in_lun, 'PT_BSF_CNT = '+STRTRIM(a_bsf_cnt,2) $ ELSE $ PRINTF, in_lun, 'PT_BSF_CNT = '+STRTRIM(b_bsf_cnt,2) PRINTF, in_lun, ';' PRINTF, in_lun, ';' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF (STRMID(entry,11,1) EQ 'I') THEN BEGIN ; An Init Timeline command (handle differetly than an OS command): ; Must add the I command (from .bsf file) to the expanded ipt file so that if shift is applied, the ; I command is shifted, too: new_tl= tai_stime + delay stm= UTC2STR(TAI2UTC(new_tl),/ECS) PRINTF, in_lun, 'PT_OS_NUM = 0003' PRINTF, in_lun, 'PT_LP_NUM = 11' PRINTF, in_lun, 'PT_LP_NSCHED = 1' gstart= 'PT_LP_START = ('+STRMID(stm,0,4)+STRMID(stm,5,2)+STRMID(stm,8,2)+'_'+ $ STRMID(stm,11,2)+STRMID(stm,14,2)+STRMID(stm,17,2)+')' gsc = 'PT_LP_SC = '+sc PRINTF, in_lun, gstart PRINTF, in_lun, gsc IF (sc EQ 'A') THEN $ PRINTF, in_lun, 'PT_BSF_CNT = '+STRTRIM(a_bsf_cnt,2) $ ELSE $ PRINTF, in_lun, 'PT_BSF_CNT = '+STRTRIM(b_bsf_cnt,2) PRINTF, in_lun, ';' PRINTF, in_lun, ';' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF (cmdseq.os_num EQ '') THEN BEGIN cmdseq.os_num= osnum cmdseq.os_time= UTC2STR(TAI2UTC(tai_stime + delay),/ECS) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN cmdseq.os_num= cmdseq.os_num+','+osnum cmdseq.os_time= cmdseq.os_time+','+UTC2STR(TAI2UTC(tai_stime + delay),/ECS) ENDELSE str= '' OPENR, os_ipt, GETENV('PT')+'/IO/OSID/'+fname, /GET_LUN WHILE (NOT(EOF(os_ipt))) DO BEGIN READF, os_ipt, str IF (STRPOS(str,'PT_LP_START') GE 0) THEN BEGIN dt= UTC2STR(TAI2UTC(tai_stime + delay),/ECS) ;=> dt="yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.mmm" dt= STR_SEP(dt,' ') ; => dt=["yyyy/mm/dd","hh:mm:ss.mmm"] dd= STR_SEP(dt(0),'/') ; => dd= [yyyy,mm,dd] dd= dd(0)+dd(1)+dd(2) ; => dd= "yyyymmdd" tt= STR_SEP(dt(1),'.') ; => tt= [hh:mm:ss,mmm] tt= STR_SEP(tt(0),':') ; => tt= [hh,mm,ss] tt= tt(0)+tt(1)+tt(2) ; => tt= "hhmmss" PRINTF, in_lun, 'PT_LP_START = (' + dd + '_'+ tt + ')' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; Pickup number of scheduled Oses from PT_LP_NSCHED line: IF (STRPOS(str,'PT_LP_NSCHED') GE 0) THEN ns= FIX((STR_SEP(str,'='))(1)) ; Set the SpaceCraft for this OS (ignore PT_SC_ID of ../IO/OSID/OS_xxxx.IPT file): IF (STRPOS(str,'PT_SC_ID') GE 0) THEN $ str= 'PT_SC_ID = ('+ARR2STR(REPLICATE(sc,ns))+')' PRINTF, in_lun, str ENDELSE ENDWHILE PRINTF, in_lun,'PT_BSF_ID= '+cmdseq.bsf ; so that schedule_read_ipt[_fst].pro pick them up. CLOSE, os_ipt FREE_LUN, os_ipt ENDELSE ENDELSE ENDELSE READF,bsf_lun, entry ENDWHILE ; bsfile IF (EOF(bsf_lun) AND STRMID(entry,11,1) NE 'T') THEN BEGIN CLOSE, bsf_lun FREE_LUN, bsf_lun WIDGET_CONTROL,mdiag,SET_VALUE= $ 'Error: '+bsfile+' file does NOT end with a "End Timeline" entry - Block Sequence Canceled.' PRINT,'' PRINT,'Error: '+bsfile+' file does NOT end with a "End Timeline" entry - Block Sequence Canceled.' PRINT,'' STOP ENDIF CLOSE, bsf_lun FREE_LUN, bsf_lun ; AEE - 6/17/2008 commented out to handle bsf files that don't have any images: ; IF (STRLEN(cmdseq.os_num) EQ 0) THEN BEGIN ; WIDGET_CONTROL,mdiag,SET_VALUE= 'Error: '+bsfile+' file is EMPTY - Block Sequence Canceled.' ; PRINT,'' ; PRINT,'Error: '+bsfile+' file is EMPTY - Block Sequence Canceled.' ; PRINT,'' ; STOP ; ENDIF IF (DATATYPE(sched_cmdseq) NE 'STC') THEN $ sched_cmdseq= cmdseq $ ELSE $ sched_cmdseq= [sched_cmdseq,cmdseq] IF (DATATYPE(all_sched_cmdseq) NE 'STC') THEN $ all_sched_cmdseq= cmdseq $ ELSE $ all_sched_cmdseq= [all_sched_cmdseq,cmdseq] RETURN END