"Define Observation Set" allows a set of one or more images (i.e. a campaign) to be uniquely tagged and identified as a set or to read in an existing set. After all images are taken, the software assigned unique set_id can be used to easily separate set images from the rest. This unique set_id may also be used to add an existing set to a new schedule at a later time. It is possible to include more than one set in a schedule; However, to preserve uniqueness, the same image can not belog to more than one set in the same schedule. Creating a New Set: Lets user choose from images already in the schedule to form a new set. The new set will be assigned a unique set_id, filename, and creation date. User must provide science objectives, comments, and requester information. Schedule, however, is not updated until the "Insert into Plan" is pressed. Importing an Existing Set: Lets user choose from a list of existing sets via assigned filenames (SET_setid.IPT). The images in the chosen set are read in and the related information is displayed. Schedule, however, is not updated until the "Insert into Plan" is pressed. Note: Extreme caution must be used not to overwrite images currently in the schedule or to cause scheduling conflicts. It is best to either read the images into an empty schedule or shift them into a section not currently occupied.