NOTE: It is wise to cancel any software-detected operation that causes scheduling conflicts among currently scheduled OS(es). If the software-issued conflict warnings are ignored, then it is up to the user to hand-edit the results and remove the conflicts once the schedule is made. Following are field/button descriptions used in the scheduling tool and the ways they are used. SpaceCrafts A and B schedule: Adds one or more instances of an image to both S/C A and B and sets the sync bit. This mode is the only way to sync images on both spacecrafts. Displays all images from both S/C in the plot window. For short plot displays (1 hour or less), marks S/C A images with A, S/C B images with B and synced images with AB. Images from either or both (if synced) spacecrafts may be moved or deleted. Provides limited functionality. Does not display SECCHI buffer, downlinks, and telemetry loads. Checks for conflicts using all A and B images. Does not allow creation of upload and conflict files. SpaceCraft A schedule: Adds one or more instances of an image to S/C A. S/C A only images may be moved or deleted. S/C AB (synced) images can not be moved. Deletion of images marked with AB (synced) is done by removing only S/C A images, keeping S/C B images, and changing the synced bit to B. Provides full functionality including buffer, downlink, and telemetry load updates as well as conflict checking and generation of upload and conflict files for S/C A. SpaceCraft B schedule: Adds one or more instances of an image to S/C B. S/C B only images may be moved or deleted. S/C AB (synced) images can not be moved. Deletion of images marked with AB (synced) is done by removing only S/C B images, keeping S/C A images, and changing the synced bit to A. Provides full functionality including buffer, downlink, and telemetry load updates as well as conflict checking and generation of upload and conflict files for S/C B. START - Start-time of a study or plan display. In Edit Mode: If a return-key is detected while in edit mode, the displayed start-time in the start window is saved for use later as a study start time. In Dispaly Mode: If a return-key is detected while in display mode, the plan is redisplayed starting with the new start-time for the current time-span. The current time-span is duration of plot window and also the stop minus start time displayed in the "Tlm Loads For:" section. These plus the stop-time in the stop window, will be changed to reflect the change in the start-time. COUNT - An integer value representing instances of an OS. The detected COUNT, if any, is used by "ADD" command to schedule COUNT instances of an OS. DELTA - A time slice in form of hh:mm:ss for either shifting one or more scheduled Os around by delta time or for scheduling instances of a new OS delta time apart. In Edit Mode: The entered delta (with or without a return-key) will be used by a subsequent "ADD" command. In Display Mode: The entered delta time without a return-key will be used by a subsequent "ADD" command. The entered delta time followed by a return-key signals desire to shift one or more scheduled OS around. A hh:mm:ss or +hh:mm:ss means shifting forward in time and a -hh:mm:ss means shifting backwards in time. User is presented with the list of currently scheduled OS(es) to choose those that need to be shifted. All instances of the selected OS(es) that are scheduled (may extend beyond the display plot), will be shifted by delta time. NOTE: Shifts are performed only if software does not find any conflicts with other scheduled OS(es) in the time-line that are not shifted. If a conflict is detected, user is warned and is given an option to either make the shifts, ignore the conflict(s), or to cancel the operation. STOP - Stop-time of a study or plan display. In Edit Mode: If a return-key is detected while in edit mode, the displayed stop-time in the stop window is saved for use later as a study stop time. In Dispaly Mode: If a return-key is detected while in display mode, the plan is redisplayed ending with the new stop-time for the current time-span. The current time-span is duration of plot window and also the stop minus start time displayed in the "Tlm Loads For:" section. These plus the start-time in the start window, will be changed to reflect the change in the stop-time. SIZE - Changes size of every scheduled instance of the selected OS. Select the desired OS and enter a new size (in bits, bytes, or % buffer) followed by the return-key to apply the new size. No changes will be made if the current and new sizes for the selected OS are the same. DURATION - Changes duration of every scheduled instance of the selected OS. It sets the start-time, stop-time, and duration of every scheduled instance of the selected OS. Select the desired OS and enter a new duration (in seconds or minutes) followed by the return-key to apply the new duration. No changes will be made if the current and new durations for the selected OS are the same. Software only accepts a duration greater that the setup + exposure + ccd_readout + processing times. The new duration is used, as delta, separate scheduled instances of the OS. No checks are made and time-line is not checked for possible conflicts. It should be used very carefully as a last resort. PROC_TIME- Changes processing time used for every scheduled instance of the selected OS. No checks are made and time-line is not checked for possible conflicts. It should be used very carefully as a last resort. CCD_TIME - Changes CCD readout time used for every scheduled instance of the selected OS. No checks are made and time-line is not checked for possible conflicts. It should be used very carefully as a last resort. SETUP_TM - Changes Setup time used for every scheduled instance of the selected OS. No checks are made and time-line is not checked for possible conflicts. It should be used very carefully as a last resort. Exp.Time - Exposure time used for every scheduled instance of the selected OS. It can't be modified. ADD - Adds a new OS or OP to the schedule (only in Edit Mode). Scheduling a new OS: Selecting an OS to be scheduled (i.e. using "Define an Observing Sequence (OS)") and clicking on the "ADD" button will use the information from the editable fields (START, COUNT, DELTA, STOP, SIZE, and DURATION) to schedule one or more instances of the newly generated/selected OS. The software warns user of all problems such not having enough space to schedule COUNT instance of the OS between start/stop time, delta less than duration, etc. offering solutions and seeking advise as how to proceed. It also checks the scheduling conflicts with OS(es) already in the schedule. If a conflict is detected, user is warned and is given an option to either schedule, ignore the conflict(s), or to cancel the add operation. MOVE - Shifts instances of currently displayed OS_NUM within the displayed START and STOP times. IF one or more instances of the OS_NUM are shifted, the conflicts are checked and updated accordingly. DELETE - Removes instances of currently displayed OS_NUM within the displayed START and STOP times. IF one or more instances of the OS_NUM are removed from the schedule, the conflicts are checked and updated accordingly. DEL MULT OS's - Removes instances of one or more user selected OS_NUMs within the displyed START and STOP times. IF one or more instances of the OS_NUM(s) are removed from the schedule, the conflicts are checked and updated accordingly. QUICK SUMMARY - A quick summary of the currently displayed OS_NUM. DETAILS - A detailed summary of the currently displayed OS_NUM. CONFLICTS - A complete listing of the current schedule conflicts, if any.