about STEREO-A close approach to Earth, August 2023
Data Quality
The following resources give information about data quality for the various
instruments. One period which affected the operations of all the instruments
occurred between August 2014 and January 2016 when telemetry rates were
severely curtailed close to
solar conjunction. More information about data status can be found
MAG Level 1 data contains internally a quality flag. Most IMPACT science is
done with Level 2 data, and invalid data are removed from the Level 2
products. IMPACT data caveats can be found at
PLASTIC Level 1 data files include data error flags. PLASTIC science Level
2 and Level 3 data are derived from Level 1 data. Invalid data and
non-operational data (e.g., intervals with the entrance system off, such as
thruster operation) are marked and removed from Level 2 and removed from Level
3 products. Data quality flags are included in most Level 2 products that
indicate when caution should be exercised when using the data. Data quality
flags are explained in the ReadMe files.
PLASTIC-A: Data were not available from just before solar conjunction
activities (December 2014) until post-conjunction re-commissioning (July
2015). Data were not available from Dec 5 2019 to March 1 2020 due to a high
background incident affecting high voltages.
information about PLASTIC data status
Events which affect SECCHI data are listed at,
and mirrored
Databases of individual bad images are maintained at
S/WAVES data has been of consistent quality throughout the mission.
Last Revised: Tuesday, 13-Apr-2021 18:56:09 UTC
Responsible NASA Official: ![[email address: Therese.A.Kucera<at>nasa<dot>gov]](/img/kucera_email1.jpg)
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