about STEREO-A close approach to Earth, August 2023
Viewing Comet ISON's encounter with the Sun
When Comet ISON flies by the Sun on November 28, here are some of the ways to
see the event as it happens, or soon after.
STEREO: There is a delay in the availability of the full resolution
data from STEREO. However, the lower-resolution "beacon" data should be
available in real-time, depending on the availability of the volunteer ground
stations that bring us these data. Comet ISON should be easily visible in the
COR1 and COR2 coronagraph data on our
latest images
page, as well as through the
image search tool.
In addition, the
team is processing special playback data to make Comet ISON images available
more quickly than usual. These images will be available through their
Javascript movie tool
and their
browse image
SOHO:Images of the comet in the
Solar and Heliospheric
LASCO C2 and C3 coronagraphs will appear on the regular SOHO
real-time images
page, and in the
SOHO Movie Theater
SDO: One of the very exciting possibilities of Comet ISON's encounter
with the Sun is that we might see extreme-ultraviolet emission from it when
it's closest to the Sun. To support this possibility, the
Solar Dynamics
is making available
real-time images
during the time of closest approach.
Here's more information about the
STEREO plans for
observing Comet ISON.
Last Revised: Tuesday, 01-Oct-2019 21:08:15 UTC
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