Science Center - Where is STEREO?
Positions of STEREO A and B for 2025-03-10T21:57 UT

Heliocentric distance (AU) 1.000563 0.993299 0.960600
Semidiameter (arcsec) 959.088 966.102 998.988
HCI longitude 55.803 94.501 125.372
HCI latitude -5.903 -7.230 -5.949
Carrington longitude 210.356 249.053 279.925
Carrington rotation number 2295.416 2295.308 2295.222
Heliographic (HEEQ) longitude -38.698 0.000 30.872
Heliographic (HEEQ) latitude -5.903 -7.230 -5.949
HAE longitude 131.775 170.231 200.919
Earth Ecliptic (HEE) longitude -38.456 0.000 30.689
Earth Ecliptic (HEE) latitude 0.107 0.000 -0.027
Roll from ecliptic north 0.133 0.042
Roll from solar north 4.201 -4.148
Light travel time to Earth (min) 5.462 4.308
Separation angle with Earth 38.456 30.689
Separation angle A with B 69.145
Carrington rotation 2295 runs from 2025-03-02 11:51 (DOY 61.49) to
2025-03-29 19:19 (DOY 88.80), as seen from Earth.